The Nittany cub. (Erie, Pa.) 1948-1971, March 13, 1970, Image 2

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    rage Two
BU nein Bored
A speech, "The Pollution and Destruction of Lake Erie," will be
presented by G. A. Fedio in the R.U.B. Seminar Room tonight from
9 -to 9:30.
Peace Corps applications and information are now available in
the Office of Student Affairs.
Housing contracts for Behrend Campus Residence Halls for the
Fall of 1970 are available from Mr. Finley, Director of Food and
Housing. These contracts and the $45.00 fee must be returned to
the Bursar no later than the end of this month.
The Residence Halls will officially close at 4 pm_ on Wednes
day, March 18. The last meal will be breakfast on the lath. The
Residence Halls will open at 8 am. on Sunday, March 29. The first
meal will be dinner on that. day.
Of the 61 students named- to. the Dean's List for the Fall_Term,
3.969,- at---Behrend Campus,- 21 or- 34.42 percent are -residence stu
dents. The remaining are either living at home or- in off-campus
housing. There were ;approximately - 400 residence resident students,
or 37.10 percent_ out of approximately 1,075 : students enrolled here
during the Fall Term.
Two Behrend students were honored during Engineer's Week
with presentations of scholarships at the !banquet on Thursday, Feb
ruary 26. Kenneth Daub received a $2OO scholarship from Plastic
Engineers and. Howard Runser a $5OO scholarship from the Erie En
gineers' Societies Council. The formal presentation of the scholar
ships was held at the annual Engineers' Week. banquet at the Zem
Zem. Mosque.
Group 111, Upperclass State Scholarship Applications are now
available from the Office of Student Affairs. These scholarships
are, for the 1970 7 71 academic year and are available to students who
are not now receiving state .scholarship assistance. The completed
applications must be mailed to April 30, .1970.
During the spring there will be Volleyball and Softball Intra
•mairals for girls. Teams should be selected during, the first week of
the term.
- 2..
—Dr. James W, Dunlop, -professor
of music education at The:Penn
syly.ania State University and
conductor of the Penn State Blue
Band, has been elected vice-pres
ident of the American Bandmas
ters Association.
He was first elected to mem
bership in the,. Association. in,
School..,of Forest., Resources
Scholarship : haL _been. established
at The,,Fennsylyania. State . Unir
versity through -a, s2s,o6,..beguest
to the University, established
the will ,of the ,late 7 .10.*,e,Ph
Jarvis, of Philad.elphi.
ews,- 0,-.
an • expressed interest in conser
vation , work.
Income from investment •of the
principal• will support the: scholar
ships to_ _be •:awarded. students
in the School of Forest Resources
who ; are in .need„of - .financial as
—The, .Navy, - Teams
of , The
_Pennsylvania State:.Unl!-
versity • April • 10
in the . annual .Cherry- , - 810- 4 ,5,0 m
Festival „ Washington, D.C. - '
In. the
the Tenn State
teams ,won, first place- in--the. hasic_
and -, -see*Kt_ • dr4 l (
the overalls . title:
To The Students:
Students of Behrend Campus, open your eyes! Take a look around. at the way your
school is being run and ask. yourselves: Are you satisfied? Are you satisfied with how
you got your Spring Term classes, having to stand for hours, pressed by a mass forced
to become animalistic in the desire for its rights ? Are you satisfied that your 'spring
break will be eaten into because of the dis
organization and the stupidity of that same
registration system ? Are you satisfied that
for no stated or apparent reason you are
losing _ a few of the best teachers . Behrend
has perhaps. because they have enough
guts to speak their minds ?
Dormies: Are you satisfied with hav
ing no real say in the government of your
dorms? (Just :what does JRC. stand for—
Jerry Richeson Controlled ?) Are you satis
fied that coming soon will be a round-the
clock extension of Big Brother's arm, sup
posedly to protect the women's hall from
the big bad world, but.. in reality to be an
other administrative eye spying on the stu
dents.? (k new job has been created involv
ing a student patroling the area of the
women's dorm from 2:00 until 7:00 a.m.s.)
_Women Residents.: - Are you satisfied
with your present "-hours"? you you appre
ciate.the accusations that you are sex man-
(Anyone having a question on
anything, please send your ques
tion to the Publications Office,
care of Charly Lee, Reed Union
Building, Behrend Campus. All
letters will be eligible for print
ing and will
. become the property
of the CUB.)
Dear Charly,
What is it with Behrend stu
dents? Are they made of stone
or something? I'm referring to
their impartial acceptance of all
Penn State and, in particular,
Behrend Campus' mandates tell
ing them to do, all sorts of unreas
onable things. All the kids, here,
seem -machines or robots,
willing, to do, anything this 1--
institution tells them. Will you
please tell me what causes the
Behrend, kiddies to act in, this
J.C. And The Revolutionaries
Dear J.C.,
The basic - Behrend student is
spiritless, indifferent, impassive,
shows a : definite, lack of feeling
or emotion and has little -or - no
concern or interest in anything
outside• - that which fulfils his
daily . basic living requirements.
In short, Behrend students are
.apathetic. They are apathetic
let's say, when compared to stu
dents at Berkeley or , Colombia, as
Miss Kimmel stated. in her, letter
to the editor.
The_ things that prove student
apathy at Behrend are the. poor
_representation at, dances,
concerts, sports events, and at
debates. "Another Vivid example is
the .. lack. of questions- that. I re
ceive...for my...column! I wonder
how rnbuy: students sent, letters
to their - , Congrestmen wheri.;the
state;,bUdget, was _at:a standstill?'
I wonder how many know about:
the present that's. ,going-on-about
the: question of:university law. vs.
civil law? I . didn't see
.anY, student
-protests, when, certain__„Black....Pan r
thei-s were on ,Campus . selling
their magazines. These . magazine
sales were strickly forbidden by_
the_ W-20 section of the Senate
rules and regulations, until the
CUB- took it upon itself . to, serve
as their • sponsor.
Lack. of interest indicates' a lack
of - awareness,-- yet :students: `are
- deman-ding ; "- some- schools at
least; that -they be giiren-the right*
to .vote , national election at
eighteen; years of-:age:-Bonne •••• of
the - 4 :eighteen4ear:-olds wee have' ,
here ~,: atz,Behrenct think .that; leftL:
Letters To The Editor
wingers are those who ride on
on the left side of an aircraft.
Again looking at IVriss Kimmel's
letter, Behrend will lose three of
its teachers •but this is for varying
reascms. , Many rumors have been
circulating as to -what these ex
act reasons...are...lf a .student is
really concerned about the, loss of
three .individuals from the faculty,
why .doesn't that individual go to
the teachers involved and- ask
them why. Facts are so much
more reassuring -than fiction.
Girls, you say that you want
better, hours, then why don't you
mass together and approach the
-administration in a -forceful man
ner? This is one case in which
civil . disobedience won't work.
Did you ever think about a pro -1
test march, sit-in, or rally? These
things are very effective when
trying to get a point across, just
ask the girls at Edinboro.
!YecTio4c4v-Nbi:l--GoT - - Tt-C -- 14tate4i ---- 6caze - ArrH 4 -
cars : 6a7 Ycx_i
iacs and that you are unable to assume res
ponsibility for your behavier after 12:00 and
2:00? Just how would you be treated if you
were on main campus?
Behrend Students, there is-still time to
arise. Shake _off the stupor into which you
have slipped! Don't let Behrend become a
passive and dead part of Penn State! Make
it your business to find out the reasons be
hind these atrocities and if you are not
satisfied, DO SOMETHING! Look to Berk
ley, look to Columbia, and if you are unable
to look that far, look to Edinboro, not thirty
miles away.
Behrend is a campus on the move, but
it cannot move with a student body which
allows the administration free reign and
total dominance in government. The time to
act is ow. Don't drown in .your apathy: work
for liberation ! -
The- Anti-Draft Week
Wants You!
MARCH /6-23
0 I•
A concerned .D'ormie Broad
Student protests on a college
campus • don't mean that the
school is too- radical, it just indi- -
cates that there are a few indi
viduals at that university who
strongly oppose the conservative -
view. This would presuppose that. , "
the school administration would -
also be radical. If a campus is -
calm then. this indicates that
there are no opposing views •
to anything that goes on within
the campus. In an atmosphere of
this sort education is stifled for
criticism preceeds the perfect
system, it doesn't follow it. Wake
up you dead beats. Listen to Chris
and others like her, then disagree.
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March 13, 1970