The Nittany cub. (Erie, Pa.) 1948-1971, November 07, 1969, Image 2

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    Page Two
Attention Faculty
To: AU students
From: Superintendent (Dean)
Subject: Standard procedure instruction on death of a student
It has recently been brought to our attention that many students
have been dying (while) studying for apparently no good reason—
furthermore said students are refusing to fall over even after they
are dead.
This practice must stop at once! On and after November 1. 1969
any student found sitting - up after he or she has died will be dropped
at the end of the term without any investigation ... under Regulation
29, section 8.
'The following procedure will be strictly adhered to:
If, aftr seven hours it is noticed that a student has not moved
Dr changed position, the instructor will investigate.
Because of the highly sensitive nature of our students and the
Dlose resemblance between death and their natural studying attitude,
the investigation should move quietly so as not to wake the student--
he or she should be asleep.
• If some doubt exists as to the true condition, extending the list
)f answers to the student is the final lest. If the student does not
reach for it, it may be reasonably assured that death has occured.
Note: In some cases the instinct is so strongly developed that a
spasmodic clutching reflex may occur. Don't let this fool you.
In all cases a signed statement by the dead person -must be filled
n on a special form provided for this purpoSe. Fifteen copies will be
required. Three for the. Main Campus—two to the deceased. The others
will be promptly lost in our file department_
The RUB Is-Not A Waste-Basket,
A-Waste-Basket- Is-A-Waste-&asket-
Peace Corps k,ins With
College Degree Program
. -
The officials of the Peace Corps and the State University of New York _College at - Brockport:
announced completion of arrangements for continuing and extending the uniquee Peace Corps/Coll
ege Degree Program to ' admit a fourth group of candidatees in June; 1970. The members of the•
first contingent completing the fifteen-month program • which combines the upper division under
graduate education with Peace Corps preparation are now serving on binational educational devel
opment teams in the Dominican Republic; the second group is now serving in similar assign
ments in Peru and Honoduras; - the third group is now in the academic- year phase of- this joint
project and is slated for overseas assginment in Latin American in August, 1970.
The candidates will be selected
from the ranks of good
standing at an accredited college
who are completing their sopho
more or junior year by_ime, 1970.
Those selected will be able to earn
an A.B. or B.S. degree and be eli
gible for a Peace Corps assignment
in one 'acadenaic year flanked by
two summers of fully , subsidized
and integrated acadamic courses
and Peace Corps training. They
are eexpected to major in math
ematics or the sciences; those who
have completed their junior year
prior to entrance into the program
have the opportunity for a double
.At the end of the second sum
mer armed with the degree, a
teaching license, -indept - cross cul
tural preparation and. fluency in
Spanish the graduates as Peace
Corps volunteers will be cut off on
The editorials appearing in this
newspaper will be opinionated and
therefore subject to critism. All
letters that are typewrittep and
submitted to the newspaper staff
will be printed with the exception
of those that are repetitious or in
poor taste. The staff reserves the
'right to correct or delete portions
of the letters for publication pur
All letters must be signed, but
names will be withheld upon re
Signed` columns represent the
view of the author only and - do
not reflect -the" Editorial - policy of
the Nittany CUB.
Northfield, Minn.—(l.P.) • —St.
Olaf s . Board• of Regents, by a
vote of ten to one approved a
new intervisitation,policy for the
current academic year. The new
policy in:chides the provision that
the college will provide dormitory
facilities 'for those students whose
parents indicate that they pre
fer their sons and daughters live
in residences where there will be
no intervisitation.
• "In order to Protect the privacy
of those who may•not wish mem
lcter. of the opL:oosite:. .sex in tlxe"
living unit, no living unit may
Pe open. for intervisitation : more
than- four. days week, -for,..more
than foal' lipurs,.7or later than. 11
p.m. except • on Saturday, when
intervisitation may extend • for 12
hours and as late as one - a.m.
•It is understood that when
members of the opposite' sex are
present in -a room, the- doors shall
remain • open. - Since the•- person
nel deans are charged with - the
administration of the dormitor
ies, they are - - responsible- to- - work
with the students in developing
procedures and • regulations • that
will. protect the rights and priv
•-ileges of- all the residents- - and
that - will , encourage responsible
sharing. of .the conimunity life• in
the -dormitories.
their Latin American assignment.
As member of the staffs of teach
er training institutions andyor
consultants to secondary teachers
of mathematics or science, they
are important participants in the
educational development efforts
of their host countries. During
their two year sojourn they have
the opportunity: to earn up - to
twelve semester hours :graduate
Peace-Corps and college officials
'-points--out the several leatureS
which make - this joint - program
unique •including: academic credit
fcir Peace Corps training, two - fully
subsidized summer sessions total
ling thirty semester credit hours,
in-depth Peace Crops training
synchronized with the - liberal arts
and specialized professional pre
paration, individualized program
ming, opportunity for double ma
jors and supervvised oversets grad
uate work. ' •
BULLetirt -Bored
by Dom Lamberti and Randy S. Kinkead
Mid-term below grades are posted in the glass-enclosed bulletin
board in the Otto Behrend Science Building.
Re: Article on nurses by Charly Lee. The Security police (af
fectionately called Rent-a-cops) have informed us that case of
an emergency or if someone must go to the hospital, they are the
ones to contact for the fastest transportation.
Dorn Lamberti reports that word has it _that there has been
a definite improvement at Doan College in Nebraska since June of
this year.
The Behrend Players are sponsoring their second coffeehouse of
the year tonight in the RUB- Quiet Lounge, from '9:004:00. - Due to
public demand (no kidding) the Muffetts, Behrend's impromptU
theater group will _perform a variety of _side-splitting skits. There
will be an admission (I&FTI.',NTIOI;TAP. , Y ADMISSION) charge of- I.oe .
at the door, with the coffee, hot chocolate, and doughtnuts remain.
ing the same—CHEAP. "A pleasant time is- guaranteed to all." J.
There was a rumor going around campus last week that Mar•
tin Sergeant was dead. I confess to the origination of this rumor
and now I realize that this little joke was in very poor taste. I wish
to apologize to all, especially Marty .. . It was . pretty 'funny though.
Union Director, Mr. Zimmerman held a similar post . at Doan
College, as he does here, until June of this year. DOM
Don't forget to come and see the Lemon Pipers and Mr. Qvvig
ley this Saturday (tomorrow) at 8:00 p.m. in Erie Hall. The- affair
..costs a measley $1.50 and. Bobby. Ocean, _WWGO-PM disc jockey
is M.C . : iing the., coppert..l. , . your
. blaukets
_and- sit on' the :flOtir,,
•because there will be ,
a. complete light ;show •designated to "blow
. .
The RUB is not a - wastebasket, a: Wastebasket,:is -a:iikitebAsket;
BITS OF BEHREND, the yearbook, is still on sale from any
staff members. The cost is $5.50, and this year it will be expanded
to college size and will contain an eight-page- color section.
If you haven't seen your advisor to make out- your number 2
cards fol. winter term, you better get on the ball, or- you'll not get
the classes -that YOU want.
Concetta Rizzo, last year's editor of The Nittany CUB has been
appointed as the new managing editor of Association Press Serv
ices,_ the news gathering diidsion of The Press. Association of Com
monwealth Campuses. All together now—WooPee! Congrats Chet!
Did you know that all traffic fines •go into the Student Govt.
Activity-Fund?- Did you know that this fund doesn't exist this-year?,
Where• does the money go?
"This integrated program is bas-
ed on our two fold conviction that
(1) to combine the college and
Peace Corps experiences is to make
both more relevant and meaning-
ful and the personal product more
valuable (2) to provide much-
needed skilled •specialists—mathe
matiCs and science teachers—as
Peace - Corps - Volunteers •in Latin
America is to make a significant
contribution to all concerned,"
said- President Albert Warren
Brawn, of - the State University
College at Brockport in - announc
ing the extension of this unique
For more information Write:
Dr. John C. Crandall, Director
Peace Corps/College Degree Pro•
State University College at
Brockport, New York 14420
November 7, 1.969