The Nittany cub. (Erie, Pa.) 1948-1971, October 24, 1969, Image 1

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Volume XXI—No. 4
Legalize Marijuana?
Consensus Says Yes
The highly controversial subject of marijuana on Amer
ica's campuses has been brought into the light at Behrend.
A survey on pot has been conducted by the CUB. The per
tentages shown are calculated from all the surveys submit
ted. •
1. Have you ever smoked/eaten
Yes No
26% 74%
2. D 9 you believe marijuana
should be legalized'?
Yes No
51% 49%
3. If you had the chance would
you smoke marijuana?
Yes No
37.3% 62.7%
4. If you knew a person smoked
pot, would you turn him in? How
about if he was drinking?
Yes No
Pot 4.2% -95.8%
Drinking 1.4% 98.6%
•-/ Those who haven't smoked and
have never wanted to were gener
ally afraid of drug addicition and
of blowing their mnin ds. They also
stated that those who smoked
grass were: "pathetic", "deplor
able", "unstable", "stupid", etc.
Those who had smoked grass sim-
U.B.Applications Out
—Announces Concert
At the Student Union Board
meeting of October 14, officers
were elected and. chairmen of the
committees were appointed.
The newly-elected officers are:
President, Frank ,Soclo:nan; Vice
President, Dave Will; Secretary,
Louise Bailey. The office of trea
surer is still open.
The appointed. chairmen are
Special Events, Ernie Baume; So
cial, Roberta Franke; Dance, Peg
gy Dougan; Cultural, Kathy
Jones; Recreation, Thomas Dwor
zanski; Special Services, Rich
Schmeidecke; Publicity, David
On November 8,
_the Student
Behrend To Participate
In A.C.U.I. Conference
Frank Sockman, Dave Will, Kathy Jones, and Peg Dougan will
represent the Behrend Campus Student Union Board at the regional
conference of the Association of College Union&—lnternational. The
conference will be held at Duquesne University from October 26,
through October 28, 1969.
Representatives from member
colleges and universities from
Pennsylvania, Maryland, West
Virginia, and the -Washington,
D.C. area will attend workshops
and seminars to discuss the cul
tural, social, recreational, and
educational programs - provided
by College Unions.
With a new confern.ce , comes
a new. format, different and -ex-
ply stated: "Don't knock it until
you've tried it;" "People who have
never used pot should not pass
judgement on those who do;"
"Getting high on pot is like drink
ing a few beers only you can
drive safely."
Of those who participated in
the survey, 51% feel pot should be
legalized, and many of those who
didn't, wanted softer penalties. Of
course, there were those who call
ed for a crackdown on those
"stupid pot-heads", and a reign
of terror.
In closing, we'd like to add that
there were also a few who had
tried pot but ouit because they
couldn't get anything out of it.
(I wonder if they're getting more
out of booze.) Also for those who
stated "that most of the heroine
addicts started on grass" we'll bet
You most of the alcoholics started
on milk.
'Union Bard is bringing the Lemon
Pipers to Behrend. Along with the
Wonderful World of Mr. Quigley,
an underground hard rock group
with a complete light show. The
concert is from 8 p. m. to 11 p. m.
in the 'zie Hall. The cost is $1.50
per person.
The Student Union Board is ac
cepting applications for the office
of treasurer and any person inter
ested in working on a committee.
The deadline for applications is
October 31. If interested contact
Frank Sockman or Mr. Zimmer
man. You can pick up applications
at the Union desk.
citing. In an effort to make the
Conference more relevant to the
constantly changing tenor of
campus life, the Steering Coin,
mittee has chosen as the theme
for the Conference, "The Union
Looks at Campus Activism." By
Probing the changing attitudes of
today's - college youth and
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_Page '4)
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Illegible speed signs at Station
Road bridge and Station Road
at Nagle Road (below). Story
on page two.
Behrend Boosters
Meet Wednesday
There will be a meeting of the
Booster Club members on Wednes
day, October 29, in Erie Hall at
8 p. m.
The purpose of this meeting is
the election of officers and the
viewing of the Behrend-Dußois
Throughout its existence the
Behrend Booster Club has been
Pertinent to the athletic program
here. It is the vital link in provid
ing Behrend Campus with the fin
est athletic program of all the
commonwealth campuses of Penn
State. Its chief purpose is to pro
mote athletics not only on camp
us, but also throughout Erie as
well. In the past the Booster Club
has accomplished this by helping
in small financial ways. It has
paid the cost of wrestling and
basketball shoes and has filmed
some athletic events.
The Booster - Club has promoted
interest in the athletic program
by generating the spirit of the stu
dentS and faculty. Also, the club
has arranged the Sports Banquet
held. every year at Behrend.
The - Booster Club is necessary
if we are to continue to have good
teams. It helps -the• coaching staff
tremendously_ by making the run
ning of the athletic program, less
difficult• and- -More interesting to
Support :ourrSopster, Club , by
attending ixieetlng!:
Students Elect
20 S.G.A. Reps
Twenty new representatives to the Student Government As
sociation were elected last Thursday and Friday. Eleven new mem
bers are off-campus representatives and nine are dorm representa
tives. Also elected was the student-at-large representative to the
Student Affairs Committee.
There were six-hundred and
forty-three votes cast in the two
day election, or roughly 55%v of
th student body. A -figure which
corresponds to the general pub
lic's response to elections. The
number of votes cast by dorm
students neared 75% while the
commuting figure was a disap
pointing 21%.
Those off-campus members
elected to the SGA are Janet At
kin, Bruce Behringer, Gary Boro
way, Jim Cornish, Sue Gilmore,
Linda Grzelak, John MacSinlay,
John Meyers, Chris Roseberry,
Tom Tillman, and Don Williams.
Those on-campus representatives
are Barb Davies, Bruce Freeman,
Hamot Nursing School
A Behrend Affiliate
This year the Hamot School of
Nursing has affiliated itself with
the Behrend Campus. The nursing
students spend the first nine
months of their 28-month curri
culum at Behrend, where they are
offered 11 courses in the physical,
social, and biological sciences,
speech, and English.
Some Hamot Nursing students at Behrend are (1-r) Janet Rupp,
Kathy Corso, Sue Cannon, Jenifar Joslyn, Carrie .owes, Bat Bar
ton, and Kathy Peterson.
The yearbook is on sale now in
front of the cafeteria. The cost is
$4.00 and this year the yearbook
will have an eight-page color sec
tion. It is also hoped that the
yearbook will be expanded to reg
ulation college size instead of the
high school size it came in last
4i (s)t(c y
The Behrend players will hold
a coffeehouse tonight in the Quiet
.Lounge of the Reed Union Build
ing. The `house will - be held from
Maxine Gates, Johnnie Greer,
Linda Juliano, Dominic tam..
berti, Steve Lewis, Nancy Mark
ley, and Eric Walker, Paul Tabolt
was elected to the post of Stu
dent-at-large member of the Stu
dent Affairs Committee.
There is an SGA meeting Sun
day evening in the Seminar
Room of the Reed Building where
they must act on the appoint
ment of nine Student Judiciary
Members (Justices). Doug Brow
er is acting chairman, but they
must also open nominations for
the post of Chairman of the
SG-A. Also to be elected are the
recording secretary and the cor
responding secretary.
At present, there are 21 stu
dents, 20 women and one man,
enrolled in the program. Five of
the women reside in Niagara Hall
while the remaining 1& commute.
Instructors involved with the
nursing program include Dr. Cun
ningham, Mr. Schultz, Dr. Eck
roat, Mr. Fryer, and Mr. Sansone.
8:00 til 12:00. There is no admis
sion charge, and the coffee and
doughnuts will be minimally prie-t
ed. There is entertainment plan•
ned by the Players themselves, in ,
eluding some excellent burlesque
skits, parodys, and general cha•
otic comedy. The success of this
coffeehouse will pave the way
to other coffeehouses. All are wel
The Odd Couple being presented
by the Erie Civic Theater at the
Playhouse in Wesleyville will give
its final performance Sunday
night. You still have three nights
to see this hilarious comedy. Cur.
tain time is 8:15.
October 24, 1969