This interview - was conducted by myself on Saturday, May 24, 2.969. I met Mr. Stein on the lawn in front of Old Main at U niversity Park. The following was transcribed from a tape re cording of the interview. My name is Barry Stein, I'm a member of SDS, White Liberation Front, and a University Senate Committee. What happened out here on Tuesday night, through our un der ground newspaper, the WATER TUNNEL, we got in touch with the brothers out in Berkley to find out what was going on out there because we couldn't get anything from the newsmedia. We found out that they shot and killed one kid and wounded 35 others with no pro vocation whatsoever just op ened fire.on them. We have pictu res of the-first shooting in whic* this kid was shot in the back as 1 he ran down the street. WAS IT BUCKSHOT? This was the sheriff of Los Alamos County on Wednesday night on local radio out there, he apo logized because the ammunition truck was supposed to issue bird shot, which is like paperwads and accidentally issued OD buckshot, which is like BB's the size of ballbearings., The first kid who was shot probably from 50 feet, was _split:from his cheat dawn to his groin, and after they removed his liver, his pancreas and his kidney before he died they tried to save him. That wasinTlME mag azine. THAT WAS RECTOR WASN'T IT? Right s James Rector, They were supposedly only using the shotguns, but the manager of the BERKLEY BARB Has a wound in:which he could stick his index, finger, which is kind of hard to get from 70 feet with birdshot or buckshot This whole thing at Berkley star ted after the Hippie community there built a park, and it was like vacant mud puddles and they 'opt slides down, and were slee - ping out there. And the Radi cal Action group, who has worked very' closely with the; Black Panth 4ecided to extend this . to the Bl ack community, They built swings and sandboxes and sort of wnrked in conjunction tth the Breakfast I Program the Panthers - are running, I And the University suddenly deci ded that after all these years they wanted the land to ,a parking lot: or a baseball field on it, The kids decided to defend . 'it, but there was still no confn ontratian ;until one afternoon at one of the daily rallies held at Berkley each day at 1, one of the kids came out, ihe said that the president of the USG 0.. anneuac- ennei - Thrirbt- Vaxieff:ri 71./C4 1441.2ei r iit 1 0A 5 v',49.5A1 ed that the "pigs" tare had built a fence at Berkley around to peo ples park, and they went down to reclaim the park. They. went tow ard the police and the police dis persed them, and a; they dispersed them; they opened fire on the, t with tear gas and shot guns and that's *ere to wounding took lace Now the last couple of days the helicopters were flying over the campus with CS which is sort of like a misture of teargas and tl cum powder, it sacks to your skin so you can't, get it off like reg ular gas* They arrested_4so kids Thursday and another 500 since then. They've all been sent to Santa Rita Detention Center, a camp which was used to deign Jap anese during the second World War. But it wasn't only the - students , but the downtown shoppers, they made no discrimination whatsoever, between the right/ the left, mid dle, center, and shot s anybody tha', was around. One -oi' the otter tac coni. on .-:e * -.2v0 Bah-ea)? z( Y.- n. of the Behrend Campus Tennis Team will travel to 0041 av Florida with CoaaVtianffer cajunell for the National Ju, nior College Athletic Association Tennis Tournament - which will last until June 14. Craig Hill and Dave Grezelak have high hopes for the tourna— vent and we are indeed fortunate to have them represent Behrend at this spectacular event. The staf of the Nitta* . CUB extends our congratulations and wishes Craig and Dave the best of luck in the tournament. PINOCHLE CHAMPIONSHIP ? The Behrend Pinochle teams wound up their season with the UZ team winning O ver the DEMZ by a score of SOO to 401. Those members of the champion team were Carl Diluzio and Richard Holmes defeating Frank Di.- Raimo and Art Anderson. Re feree for the play-off was Jerry Bolinger. MAFIA MAN MIMI Marcus Aaronio o f c , 0 a 000 a c• 0 c;, 0.....:, •t. --- I. ,A. 13 i ! ' I i l° r. ~....--- 19 0 , • Open Stetervent Reeently, the CUB in -Ineenri-ng President -of the Student Body, Roy --Irkiey. -We -posed-only two questions, the- first was; - - -d-i-d- you -run--for -off-icei - . . -Kirkl-ey-s aid -that-- -he-- -the poteuti-s-t-- for Am -rend-a-ftd- that - -he---ht*--seert -the-suceesses -0-f-the-paste -• .atiztLtstolPat4en. ludedn- - 11 1-Atr----Setirare--6-k 441W:-Timover-changeis -to-get things donet , ./ think that Inve learned my lessons weal from the previous _adminis trations." When asked what he hoped to , accomplish during his reign, Kirkley stated that he wanted to work for a strong and united SGA."My definition of-the. EGA is that it is a strong, opin ionated student body with elected representatives as their mouthpiece. Only if we're a united 'SGA can we push for the needed changes. "In the beginning I spoke of an academic atMos,- phere. Ap atmosphere in which students use all of the facilities t 9 their ful lest extent. This can only be accomplished by letting them know. what and where these facilities _are._ . I speak not only of physical facilities,at_hand, such. as the library; clisroots, and laboratories, bdt . . 4 nhe new things I hope to_develop.on campus. The first of these things is the development of the Free University. Sys, tem---an increased exchange of ideas between students and faculty ranging. from discussions. to projects." He also. intends to in stitute a program. of contro versial speakers on subjects like Viet Nam, sex, drugs, racism, etc. Secondly, he mentioned amt. on .aLe 4 us' Aurelius 115) ...6 I ...„