cditePPiS4 eiy rpir". l . , / 01704.- r et The forth-coming S.G.A. elections have evidently created quite a stir on our - fair campus. The as tonishing deluge of petit ions for hopeful candidates which has swamped the S.G.A. office forecasts that a hi ghly competitive battle is in store. Petitions for the office of president number an unprecedented two. Those running for the five open representa tive posts total three, which immediately indica tes overwhelming intrest in who represents whom. We have a single person run ning for the treasurers post- who, no doubt, can expect a difficult strug gle. As you can see, Wed nesday, May 7 should be an exciting day for all in volved-especially those who will be required (poor things) to wait out the formality of an election. It seems the only undecidel factor is which of the two candidates will be elected president. With this sin gle exception s the Nittany CUB wishes to ignore the elections and extend im mediate congratulations to the winners, It was a real struggle, wasngt it. . .?? it still isng,t. too late . . .petitions a vailable tm the S.G.A. of fi e. CRUM G-SfiSS T 4 larY 1 CD USG iL:ol University Park, Pa., Theodore 2. Thompson, of Yeadon, a junior in poli tical science, has been named president of the Undergraduate Student Gov ernment at The Pennsylvania State University. He will succeed James L. Womer, of Havertown, senior in political sciena% During the past year, Thomp. son served as vice-presi dent of Undergraduate Stu dent. Government. Other officers named ,to the Undergraduate Stu dent Government posts are Aron Arbittier, of Phila delphia, junior in politi cal science, as vice-pres ident; and Theodore Itzko witz, of Scranton, senior in accounting, treasurer. The Nittan Published biweekly VolumeXX Number 13, Price sao per cow Subscription rate: $.40 term Behrend Campus Penn. State University Station Road Erie, Pennsylvania 16510 Tele•hone 899-3101 ext. 238 Editor-in-chief. Randy S.Kinkead Assoc. Editor.oooConcetta Rizzo Asst. Editors..... Bill Lockhart Terry L. Robinson EditorialsooooooooooMark Moffet Reporters: Charlene Crotty,Mike Gangemr, Gary Griffis. Dom Lam berti„ Charlie Lee, Kris Mattis Denise Muia, Dave Shuttle, Card Silverman, Mike Wellejus. Advisors... Miss Sharon A. Kelts Mr, Robert Baughman C9e STAFF