need from page 7 cont You are cordia lly invited to attend a session in honor of His Highness the Prince of the Village. Informal attire Nine to one th irty A.M. "So thatgs where she went!" thought W.S. "With out even telling me where she . was going!" Hopping on her broomstick (dongt worry, it was only a hobby) she made her way to the castle. "Damn," she thought, as she rubbed her head (she never could get e nough altitude to clear that pine tree in the mid dle- of the village; for tunately it was in front of the castle). Picking herself up , she ran straight into the main ballroom. "Where is she?" she screamed (it was kind of hard to see through all that smoke). "Cinderella, you know you have to be home pretty soon! Yould better come with me now! You know how I hate to give - you- those late lashes'" Later, at the funeral, (as luck would have it, W.S. I poor woman, was overcome by the intoxicat ing fumes at the Prince2s). Cindy-baby and her friends sat around discussing the its of the- past week. someone -noted "At least she didn&t die alone, now-, did she?" Moral: Never attend a Prince session uninvited. Note: The "Fairie Tale" will be a regular feature of. the CUB. No inference to any person living or dead is intended, unless speci fically stated. BA LET =.ViZvl or:lntin' ued from p. ical Dance - Compauy and fop:mg -stow:a S J ,-mwhony Ballet. om: are going to perform tonight? tatla: Yeap wegrz going - to 1, cut talldng about bal-- let 9 Ittr LLaLullig 9 how-we were trained, iL' relation -ship to - uontempo= dry isiabie - 9 the historical the alemeul of - the theatre dance, choreugra 4 -hmusic9 le-ballet. Were-81at ta tA* about this - and - do - some tlemoabLra tions. A lot of it is in terrelated involving the audience 9 too so itgs a real seminar. NEXT ISSUE POT TWO 40 £902 BUFFA LO Absometo "eizzeria 3372 1341.1Fak, toad PIIOWE 5 -7q-3q23 weskyo;fie,,t,. ct 4a ed