Cyril( I\4_hts Rehrend .society, running true to aim., has cleverly ucceeded in terminating, after an extc:nsive six weeks run, he cafeteria policy of opening the grill two nights a eek. mmEMMEEMMEMMEMMEMMEMMEMMEMMEM Considered initially .s-cntial to the well-being :If all concerned, this prat -.Lice- has evidently lost knost of its novelty (that novelty' being the ability 1 o buy.FOOD after sundown) rid, consequently, its im ortance. ' Hereafter you re again doomed to a life if machine-kicking efforts. o quiet the ominous rumb - :Lags below. All is not ' ost However! Our fearless 4.eader (known in some cir- ales as The Big F) has an iowiced that next year the will again be attempt d in the hopes that an ap ,'woximate increase of 200 students will find enough lustomers to justify it. Some added attractions will 4be a new soft ice-cream ma .hine (for all of you soft :ice-cream lovers!) which -vial also be made available ;during - the day, and an in ..',.irease in - the number of avening,s one 'will be able to spend money. With these marvelous improvements in .hind, all you Behrend-lover lArho will be here next year, let's get out there and - SPEND YOUR MONEY! Students i\TAT,DO On Saturday, March 29, eight students from Behrend Campus acted as chaperones to a bus load. of children from the NATO organization on Buffalo Road. The purpose of Nato is to provide recreation for children who don't have any thing to do. (to keep them out of trouble) Saturday morning the children with the chaperones went to the Erie Zoo. Later that night they took a trip to the Westlake _ Roller Skating Rink. The trip turned out to be. enjoyable to all as the children taught some of the chaperones how to skate The chaperones were Dom Lam berti, Ted Sachs, Roy Kirk ley, Bonnie Proctor, Cathy Caine, Pam Remely, Bob Mc- Carvill and Judy Torrey. Anyone .who has the time and the patience to be a chaperone on the next ex pedition, contact Bonnie Proctor.