Skiers CopTizophy In spite of icy conditions at Peak n' Peek, Behrend went on to defeat Gannon in the Inter= Collegiate Slalom ahazap - trwishib. The three foot high trophy won will be presented at a later date, Competing for Behrend were Wes Balmer (42.0 sec.), Rai Smith (46.0 sec.), Perry Foster= Pegg (47.8), and Dennis Walsh (53.0) for a total riming time of 188.8 seconds. Opposing team were Gannon students Mark Bolter (43.6), Jim Peaks (45.9), Paul ROss (49.7) and Ratty Mahoney (52.1,) for a total time of 191.6. Those rho were disqualinee or diri lot fin— ish were Ken Fernstrom and Barb Berry from Behrend 7 and Patty Sutto and Frank Taummler from Gannon. Lens Egysto Car-wash , 74.L o a tioco w 2 _, 4, • /. ' l* . • 4 - ftak-Sert4ce. of Vie COB b • Cant • Caldwell, - President of the 5.G.A.,. Terry Davis,. ap polars-bed . by-- the S. G . .A. 3 , and Dave_ Taltxrlt, - elected by student vote are also on the committee. Recent dealings of the Student Affairs Com mittee have dealt with disciplinary hearings, which due to discretionary policy must be kept confi dential. The CUB would like to apologize to Terry Davis for using his notes from the S.G.A. Regional in the Feb. 28 issue without first securing his per— mission. r - - ------- --1 CO uPO N SPECIAL .0 I Price Carwash 2 with this coupon & $2.00 gas purchase at LEN'S KEYSTONE CARWASH SORRY