INlbTr4AWlM:76ll[4slll7.rdfiraiii , lWA - SeeGiai "I 14) nVOIVeMent Is Ike Key Ascitare, 'Sen.. Fred Hobbs, a Republican front Pottsville told the Southeast Region al Convention of the In tercollegiate Conference on Government at Immaculata College, "We should never sotp our .efforts to bet ter and reform the system, be it the Legilature of Pennsylvania or your Col lege." nut," he sald "we must do it within the fra mework." Sen. Hobbs was feat ured speaker at a day-long seminar on State Government Admitting to some grave doubts about the system, the 35-year-old senator from Schuylkill and Carbon counties told the students "It is obvious why you, who are under 35, and many others distrust the Estab lishment." Accenting what he cal ls the "new spirit of tot al involvement, Hobbs warned, "If you and I don't get involved, then America is left with the belief that today's youth symbol izes extremism." Calling on.his fellow legislators to enact a bill lowering the voting age, "I urge the House not to play politics with the vital legislation in nit picking between 18 and 19P "This should not be labled a Republican or Democratic bill," he said, "It should symbolize gov ernmentgs recognition of the New Spirit." "Involvement is the key," he said, "whether in reforming the legislature, the college, or the very fabric of society itself. "But," he counseled, "let us never confuse re form and freedes . , 1./ith vi olence. Do not oversimF3- lift' the problems sc that extremisni replaces rntion— ality." • SIGNED COLUMNS REITaiSENT THE OF THE AUTHOR ONLY AND DO NOT IfECESSkRILY tuaiTZCT ME ED— ITORIAL POLICY OF THE NITTANY CUB. Co-Editors: Randy Kinkead Concetta Rizzo Assoc. Ed.: Denise Bufalari Managing Eds.: Char Crotty Terry Robinson Feature Ed.t tebi Cole Prod. Ed.: Bill Lockhart Sports Ed.: Dave Karotko Business Mgrs. Gary Griffis Carol Silverman Cirulation Mgr. Sue Dahl Reporters: Carol Silverman, Mike Gangemi, Sue Christoph, Gary Griffis, Mike Wellejus, Kathy Valentine, Bill Sachs6i it OBOIST FEATURED IN CONCERT John Maier, principal Oboist,' of the Erie Philharmonic, will be featured in the two concerts to be presented, respective34r B on Monday, March 17, and on Wednes-' day, March 19.