Tow -ROPE What I s the answer? Better .yet, what's the question? We went to the debate Tuesday prepared to largue censorship, control, and pConstitutional rights. Instead, Arnie Caldwell led a one hour attack cr , : the 3IJE' 3 financial status, Terry Davis accused us of rnstealintz" t3C0.00 from athel campus organizations. In an appeal to these same clubs for support, Arnie said, "Three hundred doll— *ars of your money went to some— one you never : ga::e it to. "Who Grid give it to as? They then proposed - a Board of Trustees to govern our finan— cial transactions (and the appoi ntment of our next editor and..?) But where was the guiding hand of SGA when we first walked. into tilts economic swamp? Liow they've thrown us a towropc-with a nose at the end . 3 '••• ' e * . tied w r....d.'" 4, Dear Editor, The other day as I was walk— ing through the woods of beauti— ful Behrend t I was accosted by a small, funny looking man who related to me the following tale. After score thorough brain--racking I have finally given up trying to figure out some hidden meaning and felt that you might be able to find some purpose. "Once von a time there was a beautiful maiden named Snow White who lived in a many roomed branch castle on the shores of a lake in a far-away land, on the top floor of this castle lived a semi beautiful wicked queen who occupied her leisure time by watching Snow White through one of the many 2ong . -r ting etelesc Stationed at her 1 i ow ..(contn EiDiTCRIAL OP - 00 44 SE 2 We exaggerate? Perhaps* but unlike SGA, we are only too err— ingly human. Too often, as -we race from class * to lima, to CUB office, to aass * we arq . accosted 1, on. the sidewalks, in Classrooms, and in the cafeteria by interested.i BeLrendites. Armed with their Funk and Wagnalls * red pencil=, and an English I Case Book Rhetoric * they proceed to expounef: on the Shoddy appearance, typo— graphical errors, and infrequent publicatiesT of the CUB. VW are- grateful for this masked Pr and freely given advice. Curablinsi.:..though„ that as deadlines draw near, the popula— tion of the CUB office drops frc.m. 30 to four or five. We've begged, pleaded, invi ted. Mow DARE you to step off your soapboxes and smudge your little fingers , with inultilith ink. Maybe . we Can't solve all our prob lems, but you can solve some. If you try. Char Crotty SIG - -ED COLU/OLSREPPMEIn .THE v OF THE AUTHOR ONLY, AND DO NOT ALWAYS RNFLECT THE EDITORIAL POL ICY OF THE CUB. Editor—ittaef: Concetta Rizzo Associate Editor: Denise - Bufalari Managing Editors: Char Crotty, Randy Kinkead Feature Editor: . Debi Cole Production Editor: Bill Lockhart Sports Editor: Dave Karotko Business Manager: Mike Maloney Circulation Manager: Sue Dahl Reporters: Cava Silverman, Mike Gangemi, SueChristoph,,Crary Grit - fis t . Mike Wellejus, Kathy Vilentine 13n1 Sachse • Tyke& Art:. Dave Skrattae Pa 62-2.