tN Ji 1 '. .7, '?IDr,:I!P LE:- of the , ; S RESENTED MARCH - - _ .. .. r 1 : ,BEHREND RE RS'. • -_ ,;4 - -With... -- i - 2thelittie46';' -722 00 — 0d .:--- ~;; American . ; -- th - e - . l3eh•;- . ~.. i • Readers will - open - their 7 . ..ogrinu, --. nkeople --• of ..-- the - .: 1 , .ii.n• - - The production:yd. - if:. : •- "done" in the R eece' : - .. Lep= - on - March, 6; - . at . ' 3•1710 - 'fre - e". Stories; poems., and - readings centering people and events In by 3 stud i:nSpeeCh_.'2B(Y: The echo s " inclu e " works . . . 3arOy - an'i - - Wolfe; Jack.:s - on o inbeck Masters , " Brad Frast'and - other an --atithoi - s: . - Miribers - of - 'ifie'Sliii•end:: ader s : 3n : of - Mrs . i~Tyia = dalkeai gen, -are=Paula gnasatr Claudia - , ave Cohen, -Tont .Declicet-k , ed -:gyabcizi ns.- se~t`el3f d 5 `aiiTnil i ' liti b:rs-' Lon.l.*: cui:ate' AseakiiiiiiligA NI . AI Ibibeeca -cbiteoster: ..=Mr. -White 0- =II itoii = = ='s~ei►y • - _, - ‘... , tit - 3 7- 00 February 27 , -and - .28 and March 2t; the- - 13ehrend -. . PlayerS under - the direr- , tion of :Thomas •V. DeCker ' will predefit the-play - Dana*. ' This plaY - . was - writ.! ten by the - well-;.known_ play: Wright . "William -- Sairoiran. .: Jisit pandy is fasci n ating 3.y beautiful - play' of rare' quality. ailis • ;characters are again .symboliC -- • Ifieg- - . ures, fc says - -1 AG.P . ' ; ;:::. Eaton ' - 'Of the New -York' Herald . :Mei:- aperforming, i n 'a -, vac: IllYilt from *hich the - oxygen of r e a a t has 'been-- drained: As- usual, many of th6se characters , '-haire a quaint, . -- eha.rm and - speak sometimes' with the tongues of poets - • A's - usuali mess age'' -. that - all People: are - beautiful • and it 1 - .5 :* . love • shoitld - make the world: go round, -- i.s obvious, - - 'auid - " , stated .1w :eloquent speech es . ' was rea]ly the matter with the peop!le' in- the - first place and just -119 w ,l - gve' is to solve' their- problem re mains a mystryVt*: -.- ~•• -z. curtain time' -to: I , at Fei gitio ant;-, lrhAlisday , 3 Friday and 84tiardiAyt - - - -:,13:1 the': Reed 5 : L'Oelt:Trialtis 0 Ell it : . • 44 ;_ " ' __l --.)-t• -c : ,-1. 1 4-_- t-,,::. 0: . c,. ::-. d a L_ . r 0 - :. 'IM L S t d, H,Cfi it v " r l. : .-.• t-- t 7 i - ~ ~.. ~~- i -~;