i 1 i ! 1 I 3EHR.L- 1 :17;) IS iiEAD v BEHREI,ID IS " / REND IS TENS -P the. Why? 4c,=ii, it seems thre were many problems aired Sunday night that have been ,heard be fore. Oh yes, and they have al so he listened to before. But never before have the students, faculty and administrators in such an interested multitude met face to face on any one of the problems. NEVERTHELESS, .THEY ARE FAM ILIAR PROBLEMS. TEEM SITTING IN FOLDE7r-* ThESKS AND IN WASTEPAPER BASKETS, WITH GOOD INTENTION, OF COURSE. c - vt,_JDENT Al.;-T-POR Orr 1 e• r I C_ PJE F-OR ';" 7 . - ' S . - TOO LATE T_l v'.^.o 0 Now o Y WE HAVE SEEN FOR "\T ry • LET'S sit' rx:33"tri AND - TALK Adel D - TRUST E.SCH &THEP:. Behrend is a small tin . school. We are not Berkley. We are not Columbia. Our problems 'are not related, The fact remains, however, that we also have problems no matter how menial they may seem compared to theirs Most authorities have agreed the reason that stu, dent disruption occured was due to the putting off of their problems. IT IS NOT TOO LATE. I IS PERHAPS UNIQUE 0 PERHAPS FORTUNATE THAT STU DENTS, FACULTY, AND ADMINI STRATORS ARE WILLING TO WORK THINGS OUT BEFORE IT ~' ~~' _. -~ i ~- ~_