Ken said that Mr. Wallace feels that : America should strive for a win in Viet Nam and be a "big brother" to communist oppressed nations. Furthermore Wallace was not a bigot contrary to the general opinion held by most Yor+ l, erners. Ken claimed that Wallace is a conserirati7e candidate and is often wronfT,ly er'ticized since his views are so clear. The views of Democratic candidate, ^e for Po'ert Kennedy were given last m 4 'e Andrews. lie said that Senator Kennedy feels America's youth are beinp; burdened too 7reativ '77 the pro l 'lems of another generation. T'e.. said Kennedy is concerned with the youths' direction and the nr'-an crisis and would remedy 'oth 1 - y 'Thetter job and educational onrortnnities. Mike stated that Senator Kennedy's views on Vietnam were often misquoted and gave Kennedy's plan for a temporary cease-fire with a limited time to prove America's willingness to ne-mtiate peace. We quoted Mr. Kennedy as stntin-r, that in Providing peace and security, every American is responsible for what is done. The responsive question-answer period which followed illustrated the stfldentt' interest in what the speakers had said , resultin7 in several small delates after the pro-ram closed. If this trend of interest contin - es into this week's election, Choice tg, '-ecome an excellent showin' of student feelinr; . s and responsi''ility. BOOSTER CLUB NOTICE There will he a Pooster Club meeti.nET, Wednesday, April in the r . ,ym at P:nn p.m. All 'nterested memers are l'r-"ed to attend. Pir , rq for tlle snorts 1- ano , ,ct disclissed at time. Any returns for affili_ate Pooster mee , erships showed he returned Ed Messmer, 1 , 1; 1 • - e Velmer, or one of t7 - le conches. IrrOP. DI : HISTORY IN THE MAKING The events of the last three weeks -hich have taven rlace in the United (tatts , and will undonhtedly -o down in the history loolrs o-r' the nation, lend themselves to some reflection on the rer of all. Americans. The surprising; announcement of President Johnson's from the coming presidential election emlsos a reevalflation of one's Toy, , lltv to colintr7. No matter what 'is Personal motives -ere, removin 1-,i 7 , leif from t7,e presidential race, :Tolsnsr,n clewred the , ray ror the deesions he has to ma' - e which arc of the -,:most importance to the secnrity r , ;(1 the imity of the Unites States. now 1 - e al'le to male his decisions Prt the President of the United States aecordine: to the standards and guidelines vhich he feels are sritalle N?.canse he i s no 10n7er dictated to 'may the wishes of the ',arty or the success of his own political career. Tlhether or not the individ ,, nl citizen ! , Irees or diswirens tHn decisions made. Jn'lnqnn has CANDIDATES (from p.l) Pndoubtedly made one positive step toward unifying the country. Almost immedietly following the President's announcement, another monnmental event took place which could bring the United States towards a greater unity. Hanoi's proposal may be only a half sq-7. , in the direction of peace in Viet Nam, but it is a half step farther than we have been in the last years. Perhaps this also will be another effort towards an end to the discord whichhas become so prevalent in the United States today. Last but certainly not least in a chain of three history making events was the death of Negro leader, Dr. Martin T”+ l- Ig!r King, Jr. An advocate of non violent means for attaining equality for the Negro race,his death triggered a series of riots in major cities throughout the United States which may serve as a preview of the coming long, hot summer. Perhaps the violent death of the man who has tried to do so much for the Negro by non-violent means will serve as a remineer to all men of the advantages and ends of non-violence and bring about a greater movement towards domestic peace in the United States. In conclusion, the trilogy of incidents of the past three weeks have brought about a crisis in the U.S. It is a time for all Americans to reevaluate their positions and come to the support of their nation, for just as a house divided cannot stand , neither can a nation divided survive in these perilous times. fii(6 EDITOR'S NOTE: This article is by no means the only view of these events , hut are intended to provide some food for thought for every interested American. NITTANY CUB STAFF Business Manager Rich Clement Pete Eichenlap'h Carla Bloom Nadine Erich Managing Editors Eileen Bowden John Jackson Distril -, ution Reporters Sports Al Dorchester DouM rrower Art Anne Tonzak Advisor Mr. Christopher LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Any student who wishes to express a resnonsilllr opinion or of sv=eqtiorr; on matters pc,:tinent %o !!oller-e stlidentrl / may do so Ty , Jri.tinri a letter to the editor. Letters must be signed, but names will be withheld by request. Nancy Glover Denise Bufalari Concette Rizzo Shirt Vashinder Gary Lockovic