The Nittany cub. (Erie, Pa.) 1948-1971, October 20, 1967, Image 2

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    Althol:gh meny of you ?lc) not know it,. the
3 . 87 Z Gsrn vol and Uomecominf - ; was held last
'eekend. Itwas not. ho74ever Fs 1 - feel-end of
=•h l eh Behrend students can he proud. Behrend
students again held true to their old stereo
type of being apathetic, disinterested, and
T2nenth , siatic. To an outside observer, the
average BC st! l dent would probably be labeled
a dead-head and a do-nothing. The only thing
for -'hick this campus is noted is 8.5...A1l
talk and no action.
Last wee - ene* the SGA tried to pf - t over
something raw and entirely different (that's
, feat for this campus). As a result of dis
organization which -eas not entirely the fault
of the S('-'l, the vent-re bombed out. This fail
ure is due to the fact that the students do not
baCk their Student Gov't Association. The earn
iv:el - vas an idea that needed the help and coop
eration of every student' yet not more than a
handful of students felt it necessary to show
their faces here over the weekend. If the
carnival had been a success, Behrend would
have received a little Triblic acclaim, but
our campus is forced to sink tack into oblivion.
In the past, it has been the favorite
Past-time of students to Ilse the SGA as a scape
goat for the failures that take place here. It
is time that the blame for these failures he
placed where it beloncl . s--on each and every stu
dent who does not lift a finger to support
campus pro.lects.
Friday night, there was a jazz concert by
a fine group in Erie Hall. There were barely
50 students out of 600 present. This situation
Vas shameful and emberessing. The t :rnout for
the soccer lame on Saturday -Ras a repeat of
Friday night. Most of the onleoers --ere adults
and not students. The Homerfomnr , ; Dance was
the only s7ccessful event of the weekend. Over
a hundred couples showed 12e, the malority of
which were freshman. There are almost 200 sophs
attending this school. Where were they Saturday
night? There is no reason ;hy there can't be
a bigger turnout for events on this camp - ;s.
If yo - are not to tel7e on active inter
est and become n part of thin campus. t7lan--
why are you here??"?
In the past sevenil lar; c , l: Vsttany
Cub there have been n'lmerous editorTalg, and
these editorials have been strongly opinionated.
There are approximately 600 students on Campus.
The staff of the Nittany Cub finds it hard to
believe that everybody on campus agrees with
these editorials. The Cub is again encouraging
you, the student body, to state your opinion in
the form of Letters to the Editor.
Printed in last week's issue of the Cub
was an article "S.G.A. Elections". In this
article the Cub called for action by the Student
Affairs Committee on a new constitution for the
SGA. The responsibility of writing a consti
tution rests on tho rrosrlrt "SRA" not the Stu
dent Affairs Cofffln'ttto , :z e:!; w7x rr!1;.to0. 01. r
i r m . 'r?.T .J"?I'T
3 Ur:VP:T. Al, Tr) LI:CY
The Erie PlArrnrmonic brznied 7.68
Concert Season last Monda:y, October - h
a reportedly first-rate perfurwance under
excellent direction of Mr. John Gosling. Tie
ets for the rE..maining seven scheduled concerts
are event - foie to Behrend students, 14 5 . in the
Student Affairs Office. There are only ten
tickets to each concert, therefore, they are on
a first come first servo basis. Don''t let
these tickets go to waste:::
TAU:r,,irf'~~ dt7i4
Mr Finley, the Director of Food and Housing,
has announced to the. Nittany Cub that the cafe
teria is open for dinner to all students. Prices
this year are all a la carte for every meal,
and the hours are as follows:
8:15-10:00 Juice, coffee
10:00- 1:00 Grill open
11:15- 1:00 Lunch served
1:00- 1:30 Closed
1:30- 4:30 Grill open
4:30- 5:15 Closed
5:15- 6:00 Dinner served
IneoplikowhoiNedtk Apo
Fontecchio • Editor
R. Paul Clement Sports Editor
Al Dorchester.... ...... Ass t t. Sports Editor
Pete Eichenleub Sports Reporter
Anne Tomczak Artist-photographer
Karen Manuelle Reporter
Eileen Bowden Reporter
John Jackson Reporter
Mr... Christopher Advisor
Plans being mde or All University Day
nre at a standstill. The Behrend Campus is
'having difficulty in securing tickets for both
the football game and the concert.
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