As demonstrated by the letter to theeditor on page three, there is some antagonism, confusion, and even apathy toward S.G.A. on campus. Mr. while he has contributed nothing to help the situation, can at least be praised for taking the time to write about it. His letter appears on page three. We feel S.G.A. is representative of the student body. Bob NaChaels represents two-year students, Jeff Disend is from business, Jan Puzar from education, Carol De Arnent from liberal Arts, Denny Hoover represents his special sports interest, and . Gary Baran bills tive of average students. Freshmen ere represented by Luke Bolzen, Karen Naughten, :Greg Abbey, Fay Roller, Jamie Newel, Bill Benko, Ronnie Bachelor. And if S.G.A. were not repre sentative In members, it wouldn't be their fault. There was an open election last fall ftom which the bulk of the members come. Then at the beginning of this term it was opened up again to new applications ftom any interested student. Some vacancies occured.on because of grades. You have to main tain a 2.0. Other vacancies occured because S.G.A. is really a lot of hard work, and because full time students often don't have the time to spare. The S.G.A. has worked hard this year, and they're very conscien tious. Those who accuse them of apathy are usually students who are too lazy to read the minutes posted every week by S.G.A.'s ener getic secretary, Jan Puzar. But if you have failed tl the ndmutes, you will now details of S.G.A. sppon-fed Please read the S.G.A. page five. NITTANY RUMOR: RUM BROWN .ASSISTART: CAROL DE "." 1.4 t A di h. .1 • 'STAFF: 'Jan Puzar Paul Wilson Judy Fong Jim Niel:mai Lorie Balog Mike Mellesb. Jane Gates Bracalexrto Carol Enge3sicirg Fay Roller Mitzi Hansen Sally Clayton John Jackson Tan lackovic BE KNOWEIKIXIKABLE. QUOTE =ANY MM....A leader In journalism.