INN SECURE Even if you never support activities here at Behrend, (we're appealing to the masses) You'll LOVE the new coffee house in downtown Erie. The Inn Secure is temporarily in the basement of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, on West Seventh Street, next to the old Gannon Playhouse. Soon it will move into a permanent spot on Seventh and Peach Sts. The Inn Secure is the perfect spot for informal get-togethers in informal dress. The music is folk and the atmosphere is fun. Try it this Friday. THE CUB EDITOR: RUTH BROWN ASSISTANT: CAROL DE ARMENT ....n. - Q 4 0 \ 4. " - ..... , .. . ) . ,-"... ut '-• z _ z A .4 . .... ' --4 , ,_ . .-...' '`‘' .. a " .-4 ' ... D \ y d r - ...... PR °DUCT' 0:`7" : Lorie Balog Jan F.'-uzar STAFF: M. Barraducci, I. Bowden, S. Clayton, B. 7:ov ichak, J. Fong, R. Fontecchio, J. Furguson, J. Crates, M. Einey, J. Jackson, S. Lancas ter, Y. Mellesh, B. 'Michaels, J. Michali, D. Pasquale, J. Prettyman, K. Schutte, C. Veschecco