Miss Da ligherty announced that an honorary fraternity for. two-year. students has . been established for the Commonwealth Campuses. Behrend will have one charter member for this fraternity. The traffic regulations were reviewed and recommendations for changes were discussed. These recommendations will be sent to Mr. Campbell. Frank Polimene reported on four brands of electric typewriters. It was suggested that Frank check prices on an IBM electric typewriter; he will report on this at the next meeting. SGA will accept pledges. for the development fund beginning next Monday. Each year a model United Nations, sponsored by the OSGA, is held at University Park. On February 25, 27, and 28, representatives from each of the Commonwealth campuses will be sent to University Park through the SGA. Representing Behrend this year are• Virginia Klavon and Bob Dean. KEYSTONE SOCIETY The Keystone Society of the Behrend Campus will again be sponsoring a tutoring service for students who are having difficulty. We would like to emphasize that the tutors mill not necessarily be members of the organ ization; other qualified students may be willing to render this service. Referrals to the Keystone Society.for help would be appreciated, as would any suggestions for handling this • project. SGA WOULD LIKE TO STRESS THAT THE FINAL PAM= FOR YEARBOOKS IS SPRING REGISTRATION. IF THE FINAL PAY MEmT js. yormADR L.T THIS TlVa', STUDENTS WILL FORFEIT THEIR ORIGINAL PAYMENT. SGA NEWS MODEL 11. N . The. ITITTANY- CUB congratulates the Circlel-on-the success of the ski weekend.. The weather was excellent, the skiing was fun if not professional, and the dinner was delicious. Many Behrcnd students tried skiiAg who would never have otherwise. The skiiparty showed imagination on the part of Circle K members--and met with wide student support. Thanks Circle K for sponsoring this event. PHILHARMONIC FEATURES "POPS" The Philharmonic "Pops" concert takes place Tuesday and Wednesday, February 15. and 16, at Tech Memorial. Flamenco Guitarist Roland Valdes -- Blain, outstanding performer of the year at Radio City Music Hall is the guest artist. This Philharmonic pro duction includes a ballet, "El Amore Brujo," to be performed for the first time in Erie by Statia Subletterand the Erie Ballet Company. The story, from Spanish folklore, is an old love legend involving Andulusian gypsies, a passionate woman, and a-hypnotic spell, climaxed by the femous "Ritual Fire Dance." The dance was choreographed by Paul Hangauer of Buffalo, who frequently appears with the Erie Ballet. The cast includes Statia Sublette, John Daly King, Paul Hangauer, Bobbi Jo Baurnsmr, Dorothy Jacobsen, James Bogan, Kathleen Bricker, Nary Jane Eisenberg„, John Crespo, and Sandra The "Pops" concert was a sell-out last year. If interested in attending, make a reservation with Carol DeArment or call the Erie Philharinon3s Soolety office. Student tickets are $l.OO. SKI WEEKEND