The Nittany cub. (Erie, Pa.) 1948-1971, October 29, 1965, Image 3

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    - 7yrP 9 e` — cr
pet=it your organizction to be st=rong;
now and' in future yezlrs. You must -
')re - your or::izz.tion Lo l'e
,inc :Ac t for in fus'.; c, few yef. - s it
- : , i1.1. be biz.
The key to the (7.00 r of the future
is in your hands, the :_erasers of the
orga.nizations on liehrenC :3zra?us. 7nt
forth:Y - our stronasest effort to 1:25 , 11e
this key fit the door of your or,:zni—
3ehrene. Cam7)us is one of the most
fortunate of zli Commonuealth campuses
in reEard to quantity ane r'uality of
facilities for stueeat use. Stu_ent
use of these fccilities enhances bet::
the stueentsi enx;oyment ane tho re?u—
tation of the Dehrencl Ca :;us, r:hich
is :):..sec! in )art on success in the
Intercampus Tournaments. 2ehrcue
stu::ents cone in contact rith stueents
from other cam :uses throuzh.3SGL
meeti.lgs, :eystone mectinGs, newspaper
r.:eotin2;:::, nnC Lll—University flay, and
have an op7)ortunity to e_:-cunt on the
virtues ef our ca::::ns, 'out I 'nave
fcunc in talking to stue.ents fro:a 4
otaer cam2uses tazt success cr -Zailure
in the Interca:lpzs Tourna eats is a
very porerfuLfactor in sha ,- )inr . ; their
opinion of a campus.
Lt one time rule Ile Con—
:now:lealth campuses in t .ble tennis,
but the past three
blanks. 1 :lava often - ::alkee into
7.1 11 anf. see:l all ;tae t::_:.bles un—
useu. t© sa7, the shill
necessary to uin in the Intorcam?us
Tourilalzent cc,nnot he gal:zed Tyithout
--7" •
Even thouf , h 30hren'f, h . ,-,s n3ver been
first in bothnr:, the tem - 2 clic: veil
last :rear an - s'aoulc: . - ,:o roll again.
this year. 1e:.: -; a little
Lice en en th? L'ehrell.:. lanes is al l that
t:lcre is coilleticn is choss.
Zi7st—lace trs)h7, lrlt last year,
even 7:ith the bost 13layer in the Cc:::—
c - zir.?uses
win tile tournzzent
Ark 1, —1..t.a..L:11. J.
1 . . 1 art a In
73c::-.._e:;:.. c0u1.:7.13. T t Oi
:lave '..-ratm
The 2rob1e::: is, we can no la=ger as—
sociate learnils . with school.
School has secol2e a scrt of 7mr:atory
--terrible sufferinc sir27ly to -ass
the tests and cbt: - .in the al_:_i:Jhty
degree. The er.l)hasis is not on know—
le;:ge, but on :tonsense that I.7.ust be
memorizec'. because it will show Qo on
which a test.
their chessmen has always been a
-;ri_e of ie'llren stur_lents
sotz.rce of
an::: could be again wit:l - ,:erk anc: con—
celltrr...tion on )arts.
Stuclens shoulc"; use
t7, 7 31e5, L . :..aes, an the
chess tables to gain the satisfaction
which one naturally gains by t:oing
anything well, an:: to enhance the
renutation of 2ehrend.
The editor o 2 the i:ITT.i;TY CUB wel—
comes letters to the edi - ,;or. 1,11
lettrs ccnsi_icreu to
the st-oZent bo,y will be priate:fi.
These letters e.s.n be - llacec] it the
fol:;er next to the telephone
in the office of the Otto 2. Dehrend
Science Duilding.
Tote: The following article is re
fro-:1 CCLIEGI-IT of
October 15, 136-5.
n in -7--
by Julie Loshinsky
, 1 - "
stuC.cnts on college
- -
.o r e C.
causes acrc , ss t::e ec=try c - ,re re—
alizing the valiZ:ity of the exires—
Sion: Cheat anC 1.;:7e uorle cheats
rith you; learn scr.:ethi:lg, an you
Bank -.lone.
eeucators soci: - ..loL;ists :lave in
die "tied t:lat the r:uality o our eeu
cational systez: is ineeed strained.
In tllis of s:ecializatio7
:znowle• - _l_,-3 for t:ie
is not enouch. For I was
once aslzec: to list Clo twelve cha—
racteristics of a pumice iocl:.
wc,s unable to; insteae" I liste6 the
(Con - Omued, on Page k)
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