THE NITTANY CUB VOLUME Xiii, No. 4 Wonderland By Night Is Friday Keystone Society Is Planned for Behrend A chapter of the Keystone Society will be organized on Behrend Campus sometime in the immediate future. The Keystone Society is an organization of students interested and participating in student activities at the commonwealth campuses. The Sociey encourages academic pursuits and provides for the recognition of the student who is intelligent and finds time for some, or an, extracurricular ac- tivities, as the all-around student compared to the antisocial egg head at these campuses. Any under-graduate attending a commonwealth campus who has had one full term of study and has attained a 2.5 average or better and who has no published disci plinary record and who has been active in campus service through participation in at least one chartered student activity, shall be eligible for pledgeship to the local chapter. A member of the local chapter will be formally ac cepted into the chapter at an all campus ceremony. At the ceremony the pledgee will receive the Keystone certifi cate, insignia and the Keystone keys. Letters, sweaters and hats will also be made available to members of the society. The Keystone Society is a "dream come true" for people in student affairs at the common wealth campuses. The organization is a step in statewide recognition for members of the corn- monwealth campuses Ha mot News On December 22, our annual Christmas Da nc e, "Snowflake Ball", was held at the Beach comber Hotel. One of the special events was the crowning of the queen, Miss Judy Dodd, the senior class representative. There was a good attendance and everyone had a very enjoyable evening. In the near future we are planning a joint bowling party for Hamot and Behrend Campus as well as a special Valentine's Record Hop to be held on Febru ary 9. OFFICIAL STUDENT PUBLICATION BEHREND CAMPUS—The Pennsylvania State University FOUR STUDENTS ATTAIN 4.00 The primary objective of every college student is to obtain the compulsory number of credit's needed to graduate by passing the required courses. There are some students who through con scientious effort and hard work have acheived a high scholastic standing. They certainly deserve some recognition for this accom plishment; they receive it through the facilities of the Dean's List (Continued on Page 4) The above students are the players who will present Valian, a one act play on Feb. 22. Seated from left to right are William Storer, Juyne Kaupp, and Dave Craley. Standing same order are John Thompson and Richard Wohlgenrnuth. DISCONTENTED? MOTIVATED? Are you discontented over gen eral or particular phases of Behrend Campus life? Are you motivated—concerned enough to try to do something about your discontent? You can. In the forthcoming Winter Term issue of La Critique magazine, the Penn State literary and critical journal, a special supplement will be de voted to discussing and enumerat ing some of the problems of the outlying campuses. An adminis tration study of commonwealth campus problem areas has long been in the offing; and through this special supplement, La Cri tique would like to put the plight of the extension campuses before the student body and the administration as a whole in an attempt to hasten that "study." By submitting first hand data, complaints, observations, or any other type of information—all (Continued on Page 4) Tuesday, January 23, 1962 Wonderland by Night will be the theme of the annual winter dance to be held at Erie Hall this Friday night. Music for the event, which will last from 9 to 12, will be supplied by Don Prescott and orchestra. This year's dance is being sponsored by the two year engineering students. It is semi formal, and admission will be $2.00 per couple or $1.25 for single tickets. Refreshments will be served during intermission in the basement of Erie Hall. Chairman of the annual affair is Merle Slack, with John Tinsley acting as Co-chairman. Commit tee member handling arrange ments for the dance are: Music— Terry Copeland and Ed Kelly; Program and tickets—J. Sosta rich, D. Etzel, J. Barrickman, and C. Schaff; Decorating--R. Shel lito, chairman, F. Zeigler, R. Vin cen, G. Agnew, F. Keller, C. Sey boldt. J. Chriest, W. May, J. Flan agan, J. Slater, J. Luschwitz, and F. Antelek; Refreshments—J. Mc- Mahon, S. Heller, F. Keller, and R. Greer; Publicity—B. Clark, D. Black, E. Yeager, and A. Ander son; Service—H. Sproat, A. Kunkel, E. Calvin, D. Bleakley, and J. Richard. Coming Up January 26—Winter Dance Erie Hall Friday 27—Basketball Johnstown Uni versity of Pittsburgh—Away Saturday at 8 p.m. February 2—Basketball McKeesport Home—Friday at 8 p.m. 3—Basketball Altoona Home—Saturday, 2 p.m. 7—Basketball—Bryant Stratton —Away—Wednesday, 8 p.m. 9—Basketball Altoona—Away Friday at 8 p.m. 10—Basketball Dußois Away Saturday at 8 p.m. 16—Basketball McKeesport Away—Friday at 8 p.m. 22—Winter Carnival 22—Valiant (1 act play)