11, No. 6 VOLUME BEHREND PLANS EXPANSION FOR 60'S Cultural Events Calendar i MARCH 15 Sir Laurence -Olivier's award-winning Hamlet will be shown in Erie Hall at 8 p.m. No one should miss this excellent performance, which is regarded by many as one of the greatest films ever produced. Dean Lane will speak on "Affirmation in 20th Cen tury Poetry" in room 204 of Turnbull Hall. This will be the first of a series of three lectures under the general sponsorship of the Literary Club. Easter play, "Christ in the Concrete City." I MARCH 22 MARCH 26 APRIL 12 The film Oedipus Rex will be shown at 8 p.m. in Erie Hall. The film is directed by Tyrone Guthrie and is performed by the players of Stratford, On tario's •Shakespeare Festival. i APRIL 19 I Mr. R. Thomas will lecture on "James M. Cain" in Turnbull Hall. a APRIL 26 1 MAY 10 Spring Play Tryouts will be announced shortly. Mrs. R. Thomas will speak on "John O'Hara." Fifty Students Receive Honors Last semester fourteen students ner, Charles Riney, Edward Car attained the Dean's List, while 36 ney, Jeri Mitchelhill, Robert were placed on the Honor Roll. Schjerven, Gaylord Sheldon, Ches- Those students receiving semester Grzebielski, Mary Lloyd, Diane ter grade averages of 3.50 or Janowski, David Prizinsky, Gail better are Earl Yeager (4.00), Gillespie, and Issac Slack. Donald Detisch (4.00), Roger Tan- (Continued on Page 2) OFFICIAL STUDENT PUBLICATION •......, ~,,,.. V:, • ~., f..M.M. , ::Yr:: ,,, .? . , ::' , ..:' ,,, %:= 2 7..:7•1'3:77:1 r. ;r:r:/...7r: . . , ....:...,..:*,.:r : ::.:,,,.Vii, ..... . .. , ,r.M...a • . 4'..:° ' : ' ••••• ''''' ' '''''''''''''''''''''....' ..::7. " : 4.: : . f • :•.:,.., .; • •• 2 ' •" . 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' " Wit f • i:< : ?.. . : X•in 7,l ....Vei : ::raci . .!?;:i,"..*:;Y:W....*::!.r.f.•<:-W , :T;94.o:t.Vt!' e- . . ,:.0.:: 0.•:':'8:':**:4:W; Aii4'W;Po•M?•Y.:ci.*.t.:.:..ivWY:OAeXY***.:' ... ••$: , :y•A.f...:7 ; •,.2.a..?..i:tv••• w4. t u A VIEW OF THE PROPOSED CLASSROOM-LABORATORY BUILDING TO BE CONSTRUCTED BEHREND CAMPUS—Pennsylvania State University University Board Of Trustees Approves Classroom Construction Preliminary plans for a classroom-laboratory building to be con structed on the Behrend Campus have been approved by the Board of Trustees of the University. The Trustees have authorized the architectural firm of Brennan and Brennan, of Erie, to proceed with final plans and specifications for the building after which bids will be requested, contracts let, and con struction started Thespians Present Annual Easter Play On Palm Sunday, members of the Speech 20 class, under the direction of Mrs. N. Falkenhagen, will pre sent the play, "Christ in the Con crete City" by Phillip W. Turner. The March 26 production, begin ning at 3:00 p.m., will feature Bill Flick, Jerry Zettle, Tom Forsyth, Ed Mandel, joAnn Hagen, and Rose Marie Bork. Phillip W. Turner, an Anglican priest in England, dramatically presents the meaning of the Pas sion in the words and images of our modern society. The actors (Continued on Page 3.) Tuesday, March 6, 1961 e 4Fca Mf •)". A : op, : • aftatatat The one-story building, which is expected to cost an estimated $675,000, will consist of a main unit and an adjoining wing. In the main unit are the entrance lobby, a classroom for 120 students, a con ference room, and a series of eight faculty offices as well as two small interviewing rooms. In the classroom-laboratory area are nine classrooms with eight of them having movable partitions so that in each case two can be com bined into one large classroom.' There are two drafting rooms and a language laboratory as well as four laboratories, each with an adjoining preparation room, for work in physics, chemistry, biology - , and electrical engineering. There is also a room for visual aids storage.
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