The Nittany cub. (Erie, Pa.) 1948-1971, January 17, 1961, Image 2

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    Tuesday, January 17, 1961
Letters To The Editor
Student Faults Faculty
There have been numerous com- and Drug Act. If my daddy only Mr. Gallagher's equally attrac
ments made throughout the Cam- knew how we lived up here—dirty, tive counterpart is Mrs. Irene Ed
pus on the subject of school spirit, sheet-less, hungry, isolated. Some- wards, the girls' Physical Educa
or rather the lack of school spirit times I get so mad that I could
tion and Health Instructor, who
at Behrend. What are the reasons walk to the settlement for release!
comes to Behrend to succeed Mrs.
for this deficiency ? Well, anyway, I think the showers
To analyze this problem, we should be put back in. I know
Having obtained her Bachelor's
must determine where our school they're hard to clean, but after all, Degree from Slippery Rock State
spirit should originate. It is fairly a job's a job. Summer is coming, Teachers College, Mrs. Edwards
obvious that school spirit should and this place is going to get taught for the past ten years in
be generated by the senior group pretty grubby. Please, Mr. Editor, the Harborcreek School system
in a school. This group at Behrend how do other people feel about this and, during that time, received her
should naturally be the Sophomore dirty subject? Master's Degree from Western Re
class. However, the Sophomore A Dorm Girl
serve University in Cleveland, Mrs. Edwards
class cannot instill spirit in people Dear Editor of the Nittany Cub:
who are only one year their ju- .I do a good job at this school. I Ohio. Mrs. Edwards is not a "middle
niors. As a result this responsi- clean good. I don't think you should Mrs. Edwards' education and ex- of the roacler." Her convictions
bility then falls upon our most poke fun at honest working people.
perience has provided a good back- have been well tempered by prac
ground for her present position tical application. She vehemently
senior group, our faculty. After all, you might be in the same
At Behrend there is a hard core position someday, Mr. High and and, also, has given her definite opposes organized women's sports
of senior faculty members who, Mighty! You have to start some-
views and goals. As an instructor, due to inevitable masculinity
with a few notable exceptions, where. After all, some of these stu-
she hopes to put to profitable use which results. From her students
frankly do not give a hoot about dents need a mother away from
all of the resources at her disposal she expects punctuality and neat
stimulating any student participa- home and I just try to do my best. and "to keep her students physi- ness. - In, return, she provides the
tion in any activity. There are I may like some people more than tally fit and to instill in them a influence, respect, and leadership
many stories of how these faculty others, but that's just natural, desire to participate in recreation necessary in the training of young
------- --
members have originated and co- after all. I think that if your news-
and sports."
ordinated events and activities paper was on softer paper it might
which gave our Campus a true serve a more useful purpose. Cam
esprit de corps in the past. What
has happened to these formerly in- Dear Dorm Girls: By MARY LLOYD
spired faculty members ? Are they Boy, are you stupid! You all The Hazleton Campus has orga- minded as we.
discouraged by a disinterested stu- think that you're sophisticated- nized an honor society called Par- The Wyomissing Campus is
dent body? Or have they merely drinkers, lovers, and women. But nassus. Eligibility for membership organizing a glee club. University
lost interest in Behrend, other you can't see past the ends of your requires that the student be of Park has made available the facili
than as an 8 to 4 job? collective noses. You're all of the good character, maintain a mini- ties of its Department of Music
An instructor can, by brief men- same age. Granted, there are mum cumulative average of 2.80, Education to help further the
tion of a planned event in school cliques in the dorm, but all in all and participate in at least two club's enthusiastic endeavors. Beh
activities to his class, stimulate you're a pretty close group. Nov organized activities. Other than the rend hopes to have a choir by
more minds in five minutes than suppose someone tells you that Student Council and newspaper, the Easter.
fifty posters tacked to every tree Mary in the back of the dorm campus offers clubs such as Biol- Professor Gordon A. Wilcox of
on the Behrend road. I offer this doesn't like you. Instantly . you be- ogy, Math and Science, Psychology, the Hazleton Campus English de
letter as a challenge to our faculty, lieve this merely because you've Photography, Fencing, Chess, and partrnent, has recently acquired
in the hope that they may restore been befriended. You don't stop to Instrumental Music. If such an honor and acclaim through his mu
the often-talked-of grandeur of think that you're being led into a honor society were begun at Beh- sical composition "And Death Shall
their former years. cold, calculated plot to create dis- rend, the requirement for partici- Have No Dominion." This composi-
Michael J. Mulligan sention in the dorm, do you, you pation in organized activities could tion, an a cappella work written
To the Nittany Cub: sillies! not be included. Pinochle seems to expressly for a four-voice mixed
lam writing to you because - 1 Do you really believe that a fel- be the trend here, so why not form chorus, was one of a select group
do not know the particular names low student of the same age and a pinochle club? Or better yet, one chosen from an international entry
of the girl and group of boys who social class would be so selfish and to learn bridge! field which was performed at the
donated about $62 to the Salvation narrow as to deny you a measly
Finding the campus studying fa- Composers' Conference in ' Dallas,
Army before Christmas and I want cookie? Shape up. Instead, ask
cilities inadequate, McKeesport Texas recently.
to make sure that they are sin- yourselves, "Why don't we all get
students conducted a panel discus- The Keestater, of the McKees
cerely thanked for their thought- cookies at the same time?"
sion to analyze and possibly solve port Campus, is threatening the
ful, unselfish and generous contri- A Thoughtful Observer of the
the problem. A "Room Availability inadequate cafeteria vending ma
bution. It is rare that college stu- Contemporary Scene
'Chart" was devised and recreation- chines with a visit from Elliot Ness
dents anywhere, having so many
al activities were confined to cer- if they do not begin to function
expenses and so little spending JOURNEYS
tarn areas. How about- Behrend properly.
money, would be able and willing His philosophy on people was simi
to contribute to a collection for the lay to that of "Prometheus" for conducting a panel discussion on A list of the top tunes in the
needy and destitute receiving relief they both feel that people are
the problem of Nittany Cub fa- country entitled "The Potent
through us. Please extend my "havers instead of doers." "Prome-
Students at the Wilkes-Barre Kensington Campus students by teen" is made available to the New
gratitude to these fine young theus," who is a college graduate
adults. in chemiStry, feels that "people
Campus are reminded to close the the staff of the By-Line.
will draft
that a
doors so
Mr. Joseph DuGood - skin you and hang the pelt on the outside Student s, of the Ogontz Campus
Director, Erie Chapter - wall and say 'Look what a lovely not reach the classrooms.
may forth a bowling team to corn-
The Salvation Army pelt but what an ugly, scaly tail'." 'Current odds on the milk ma- Pete in the Intercollegiate Bowling
Dear Editor: Their philosophy is, however, not chine at the Hazleton Campus are Conference of Eastern Pennsyl
- I think it's terrible that I have as pessimistic as it sounds. In fact, set on three to one that the stu-
vania and Southern New Jersey.
to stand in line to ,take a shower they abhor fatalistic attitudes. As dent using it will lose his dime. The student lounge of the
in the dormitory. One shower for Moses says, "It's time for the good Rumors are that the machine will -Wilkei-Barre Campus has been re
twenty girls is certainly not up to people to act. The evil factions are be replaced by a cow. Too bad the modeled. Ours could stand a few
the standards set by the Pure Food much too prevalent." students are , not .as mechanically- windows.
An Employee
A-Cross Court
us Scenes Down South