HE NITTANY CUBfefcft OFFICIAL STUDENT PUBLICATION VOLUME ~s/l, No. 6 STUDENT BODY TO TRIPLE Literary Club To Prove Culture's Fun The first meeting of the Literary- Club was held February 11 at the common hour. The purpose of the club is not only cultural stimula tion but also to be helpful and en joyable to the members. Ed Mandel -was elected presi dent, Rita Panameroff vice presi dent, and Mrs. Grace Davies secre tary-treasurer. Dean Lane will act as advisor for the club. Meetings will be held every two weeks, alternating between the common hour and evening meetings at the homes of the members. As yet, no definite program has been adopted, but there are many suggestions. The club would like to (Continued on Page 4) rom. seated: Nancy . _be, James L. Alt man, President, lossiter, Pa.; Katherine V. Johnson, Secretary, Bradford, Pa.; standing: Richard T. Sosnow ski, North East, Pa.; 'Alan L. Wmik, Pittsburgh, Pa.; BEHREND CAMPUS—Pennsylvania State University COUNCIL ELECTS Recently elected Student Council members include Jim Altman, president; Jim Hig gins, vice-president; Katie Johnson, secretary; Mike Mul ligan, treasurer; Bonnie Camp bell, activities chairman; A 1 Wnuk, Ike Sosnowski, Edward Mandel, Nancy McCabe, Rich ard Scott, and Linda Steiner. Sixteen Students Attain Dean’s List The fall semester of 1959 has been very good for Behrend as far as grades are concerned. Sixteen students made the Dean’s List with averages of 3.50 to 4.00 for the semester. Thirty-five students are on the Honor Roll with averages of 3.00 to 3.49. (Continued on Page 4) $4 Million Facilities Plans for a multi-million-dollar expansion program for Behrend Campus were announced recently by Irvin H. Kochel, director. Mr. Kochel disclosed that the project will be started in the near future and will provide facilities for an eventual enrollment of 1,500 students. He pointed out that a student body of 1,000 is forecast by 1970. Mordi Gras Opens Spring Festivities The annual Mardi Gras was re cently held in Erie Hall. The Mardi Gras is a combination dance and carnival which is based on the Mardi Gras of New Orleans. The gymnasium was decorated in ac cordance with this idea. Prizes of stuffed animals were awarded for the funniest and most original costumes worn. Don Freedman and his band (Continued on Page 4) Linda Steiner, Edward Mandel. Absent when the picture was taken were; Michael J. Mulligan, Treasurer; James M. Higgins, Vice President; Richard G. Scott and Bonnie Jean Campbell. Friday, March 4, 1960 Expansion Outlined The fact that the Penn State University plans to close some of its centers because of lack of funds from the state appropriations would seem to make this whole idea virtually impossible, but thanks to the generosity of the Behrend family, the fii*st steps have already been taken. The board of trustees has approved the plans for a new science and engi neering building, a new ' sewage, system, and plans to increase the water supply. The construction work should begin this summer, probably by July, and is expected to be completed by the fall of 1961. (Continued on Page 2)