il THE NITTANY CUB ' CIA L STUDENT PUBLICATION VOLUME Xyi, No. 4 SNO-BALL HIGHLIGHTS FESTIVITIES COMMITTEE PREPARES FOR DANCE Jo-Anne Kisiel, Judy Mazzagotti, John Bice and Paul Zock talk over possible decorations for the Sno-Ball, December 12th. traditional Ceremony Opens College Christmas Season The tenth annual Hanging of the Greens will officially open the Cd?rend Campus Christmas season on Friday, December 11. This | raditionaLholiday affair will begin at 7:30 pjn. in the authentic, L-arly-American Behrend Chapel at Wintergreen Gorge Cemetery. During the brief candelight ervice, the Behrend Choir will ng “Little Mortal Flesh Keep -ilent,” “Now the Holy Child Is :om,” a French carol, and “Sleep ■fy Savior, Sleep,”.a Czech carol; nd Dean Lane will present an address entitled) Tmstmas: A Threefold Ap : each.” There will also be group . -cling. The conclusion of the . emony will be the placing of : Christmas wreath on the door | the Behrend crypt. | I’ollowing the service the facul !„• women and faculty wives will i Serve refreshments in the student lounge of Erie Hall. So don your •warmest winter |gs and attend! Q FFI CAMPUS—Pennsylvania State University Yearbook Staff Plans Hour Variety Show On December 10, a variety tsi show will be held during common hour in Erie Hall. The affair is sponsored by the yearbook staff to encourage the sale of the year book. Katie Johnson is general chair man and in charge of directing the various acts. The show will include an escape artist, a girls’ chorus line, a boys’ chorus line, a comedy act, several singing groups, and a band. Bob Edwards will emcee the show. Gene Parlette Orchestra to Play at Winter Prom The annual winter prom, the Sno-Ball, will be held December 12, in Erie Hall. Gene Parlette and his orchestra will provide the music. Mr. Werner and Mr. Burns are faculty advisors, and the advisees of Mr. Gordon, Mr. McDonald, and Mr. Burns are sponsoring the dance. "By-Line for Saint Luke" Coming December 17 The annual Christmas play, “By-line for Saint Luke”, will be presented during common hour Thursday, December 17, under the direction of Dean Benjamin Lane. An editorial room of a large city newspaper is the setting for the play. It is Christmas Eve and the various reporters are hurry ing frantically to meet their deadlines. The story unfolds as the characters learn the true meaning of Christinas. The cast includes Ike Sosnow ski as Luke Cameron, Jay Krim mel as Clive Duncan, Anne Tay lor as Carol Prescott; Katy Cra gun as ' Myrtle Shanks, Bonnie Campbell as Louisa Hargrave, and Irene Kelly as Hettie. Behrend Briefs All the staff was glad to see Mrs. James Ward who stopped in the office to say “hello” over Thanksgiving vacation. Mrs. Ward, formerly Miss Delores Davies, was secretary to Mr. Mos so last year before she left to be married. Larry Johnson, the office re ports, has earned a 4.0 average for the midsemester. Several' other students attained a 3.5 average or better. Mr. Vigorito, who travels ex- Westlake PTA on December 10, tensively each summer, has spok- on “Three Men Who Knew Where en to the following groups re- They Were Going.” cently; the Y.M.C.A. Friday Noon Mr. Allen Bums spoke .before Discussion Group, the Adult the.. Nature Study Group of the Group of the Church of the Women’s Club on December 1. Covenant, the Business andi Pro- His topic, “Christmas Comes to fessional Men’s Club, and the Ex- the United States,” dealt with change Club of Erie. His topic (Continued on Page 4) Wednesday, December 9, 1959 The following have been chos en to head- the various commit tees: Richard Culver, general chairman; Casimir Rutkowski, publicity; Don Cameron, decor ations; and Bill McCalla, re freshments. Those serving on the commit tees are Katie Johnson, Paul Zoc k, Sharon Haise, Henry Sproat, Janice Logan, David Smith, Nancy McCabe, Kenneth Skalka, Michael Simmons, Robert Rausch, Thomas Raleigh, Rita Panameroff, and Judith Mazza gotti. Others serving axe Ted Chase. Dick Dewey, Hal Newcomer, Jack Anderson, Jack Bechtel, Doug Cook, Don Shelley, Ralph Strong, Ray Angelo, Bob McKinley, Bill Wiegand, Fredrick Benson, Don Krista, Francis Marchal, Don Schruers, Dick Stuczynski, John Haupt, Carl J. Lucas, David Mc- Crumb, Frank Bebko, Bill Ran som, Dick Stenta, Chet Grzebiel ski, Bob Tataxa, Mike Zurkan, Martin Hubert, and Ed Sabol. The dress will be semi-formal and the admission free to Behrend Campus students and their dates. A revolving Christmas tree ar ranged .in the center of the dance floor will portray the central theme of the occasion. was “The City of Berlin.” Mr. Fryer recently conducted a discussion before Edison PTA on the subject “From Sociable Six to Noisy Nine.” Dean Lane will speak to the