THE NITTANY CUB VOLUME XVI, No. 1 Pumpkin Prance "Engineered” Again Head Dance Committees All Students and Faculty Goblins Urged fo Haunt Erie Hail on October 31 Now is the time to get those Halloween masks and costumes out, because the Pumpkin Prance, sponsored by the Engineers’ Club, isn’t far away. The exact date is October 31, and the fun takes place in Erie Hall, which will be done in a Halloween decor. Jim Swarm is the general chair -IRL! man of the dance and is also in AipilS rill Umega charge of decorations. Frafornifv FAftnlnn T * ie price ti ckets is per riaieiniiy ronnilly person. They may Ibe purchased Alpha Phi Omega is a national from Mr. Patterson, Gordon service fraternity being organized Schmidt, who is head of the on the Behrend Campus toy Mr. ticket committee, or at the door. Louis Balmer and Bill Dylawski A week prior to the dance, a with the help of the lota XI booth will be placed in the lobby chapter o f Edinboro State of Tumball Hall where _ tickets - Teachers College. may be purchased. The purpose as set forth in the The entertainment and refresh fraternity’s National Constitution, ments for the evening are under is “To assemble college men in the direction of Anthony Ander the fellowship of the Scouts Oath son amt'd) Paul Levis. There will be and Law, to develop friendship cider and doughnuts, appie-dunk and) promote service to human- mg, and other traditional Hallo ity.” . ween games. Phil King and hi: Each candidate for membership combo wUI furnish the music ' fol must have had previous training eve ning., in scouting, no matter what rank Use your imagination on you: or for how long. He also should costumes ,because Prizes will b>. have a desire to render service to &ivsn for the funniest, the wierd others and have a satisfactory est ’ and tile most uni que. scholastic standing. Siune your ' aancto * shoes and _ , , come and trip the light fantasti Every boy on the Behrend at the for ai - Campus who has been mScoutmg ey of fun and enjoymeil t. is invited to join the Chapter of Alpha Phi Omega being formed - _ iii'il, ii jjL - I A I - “S“ All - aod serve as much or as little as COIH6 DcHICG Vv Ills Sehrend Alumna To Address™™ il cT i * “ lessons are being taught every students, Faculty In Assembly^ t h £ p d f m ttot you i J ~ Goodwin, physical education in- lese are the committee members for the dance. Seated from t to right are Paul Levis and John Deßello. Standing are v er Britton and Tony Anderson. g| At the common-hour assembly of October 29, Miss Karole Pan- fi j i f *i structor. =meroff will address the student body. The subject of her talk will jlUOdll lOlUlCil All students are invited to at ie] “My Impressions of the U.S.SJR.” Miss Panameroff toured Russia » <■ B tend. Membership or fees are not t forty days and visited Czechoslovakia, Prance, and Germany. wOvS 11110 mCIIOO required. She was one of twelve students whose trips were sponsored by The Student Council of the biggest task, the budget They are \ Lisle Fellowship of Ann Arbor, Michigan. The fellowships are Behrend -Campus held its elec- attempting to closely follow the 3( 5n to students who are interested in improving the relations tions on October 1. Members budget so as to give additional i mg people of the world, 'between the United States and Russia elected to the council were Ike funds to the coach to repair the Sosnowski, President; Jim Altman, poo i table isne of the high points of Miss Behrend Campus three yearsago Vice “ t; Katie Jotoson ’ At present it has not been de mameroff’s trip was her meet- gJe served SS- Secretary: Wnuk ’ -Treasurer; cided where to hold the meetings, il with Nikita Khrushchev, who d * participated in Gay Vierya ’ Activities Chairman; , b ut the Memorial Room is being * with the president of Czech- B ° b JohnSC>n ’ Traffic C °-° rdinat - considered. An invitation has jSer impression of the Russians off- Jack Raeder, Linda Sterner, attend all meetings. [H European people in general In 1959 she was graduated from and Henry Sproat. The council has already begun jg that they were quiet and the main campus with high dis- The first meeting consisted its works. One of its first tasks is JBservative in comparison to tinction. She was a member of mainly of the election of officers, that of acquiring a juke box for tt&ricans, and quite patient. three honorary sororities, includ- and it wasn’t until the second Erie Hall so that dances may be miss Panameroff attended (Continued on Page 2) meeting that they faced their held often. OFPieiAL STUDENT PUBLICATION CAMPUS —Pennsylvania State University Wednesday, October 21, 1959