The Nittany cub. (Erie, Pa.) 1948-1971, October 10, 1957, Image 1

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    i Ml lANV i n
■ | VOLUME, IX—No. 1
Punkin Ball Planned For Oct. 18
Sacuify Elects
Officers, For
Coming Year
f I
1A special meeting of the Faculty
Organization -of Behrend Center
}■ . was held in the .Memorial Room
' for the purpose of elect-
J ing new officers for the 1957-58
.;/ year. •
Mr. Richards, assistant pro-
* fessor of engineering, presided
/ J£~Over'the meeting and entertained
nominations for the various of
Elected as chairman of the fac
ulty group/was Ernest E. Fryer,
assistant, professor of psychology
and guidance counselor at the
Center.. Serving with him will .be
Allen W. Bums, instructor in his
tory, “vice” chairman; and Will
iam A. Hover, assistant professor
of languages, secretary. .
1 Selected to head standing com
mittees were Benjamin A. Lane,
'assistant professor of languages,
student welfare; W. L. Richards,
community relations; and Gor
don L. Baker,-assistant professor
of physics, faculty welfare.
Margarita M.- Filer, librarian,
was chosen to he in charge of the
. regular faculty bulletin.
Behrend Represented At
ißfercollegiafe Council
Recently at the Junior Red
Cross building in Erie, Behrend
Center, represented by Lea Moses.
Suzanne Russell, and Sandy
. David, met with the representa
—. tives of Villa Maria College,
Edinboro State Teachers College,
and Gannon College for -the -first
fall meeting of the Red Cross In
. tercollegiate Council.
The council outlined the im
portant meetings and projects io;
the coming academic year. Four
dates were selected to present en
tertainment and variety acts at
the local hospitals and children's
homes. The entertainment will be
selected from the student bodies of
five colleges.
* i
, The Red Cross Intercollegiate
Council is made up of -representa
tives .and faculty "advisors from
the five colleges for the purpose
of interesting the college student
in .community service and organ
izational volunteer work.
The council provides a number
of .community services and pro-
vides an opportunity for the col
lege students to take an active
Part in volunteer work. In ad
dition to providing .entertainment
for the local -hospitals, safety ser-
vices in first aid. water safety N -ana
- small craft, and home nursing
are pi-ovided. Also, letter's from
Junior Red Cross members in ror
eign lands are translated; discus
sions and; talks on Ground Ob-
server.. Corps;. Civil Defense, and
Disaster' Relief are "held; courses
for teacher sponsors of Junior Red
Cross-, activities' - conducted.
These are-but a few, of "the ac
tivities that; the'- ;
Mr.- Patterson, advisor' of Pu'akin Ball, explains decorating: scheme to his advisees. L. to R.:
Mr. Patterson, Joe Kaliszewsld Ray Stancliff, Jim Stewart, Dick Sprankle. general chairman,
Dick Stenta, and Dave Felde.
Council Members Elected
After two weeks of vigorous
campaigning with such clever
slogans as, “Yes indeedy. vote for
Eddie,” “Bemie and Laz, the best
Behrend has,” “Don’t get stuck,
vote for George and Chuck,” “Be
merry with Terry, vote Dawdy,*
voting for Student Council finally
took place on Friday, September
The eleven students elected to
Student Council are Ruth Ange
lotti, - Evelyn Bernhard. John
Cipriani, Herm Hannah, Dick
Januleski. Carole- Lazarus, Janice
Maclver, Bill Murray, Frank Rote,
Chuck Simons, and Norm Thom
as. Mr. Burns and Mr. Lane are
advisors for Student Council.
The newly elected officers for
Student Council are John Cipri
ani. president; Norm Thomas,
vice president; Janice Maclver,
secretary: -and Carole Lazarus,
- They have set up ' a tentative
social calendar and a tentative
budget for the year and are plan
ning the first dance of the semes
ter. the Punkin Ball,-, which will
be" held- on October 18. The home
coming festivities are being plan
ned for the weekend of November
9. - . .
Student, Council has. set. Wed
nesday's at 7:00 P. M, as their
meeting date.
Mafric Pictures Taken
! On Thursday afternoon,. Oc
! tober .3, an. assembly, for the pur
pose of . taking pictures for matri
culation cards of the bacculaure
ate and associate degree students,
took place in" Erie; Hall. The two
cameras used were operated by
two officers from the Main Camp--
us. Dr. Stanford and Mr. looser.
.It was. decided ..last semester
that matriculation pictures would
be. taken , during" the fall semester
nni : y. and;. then -.0n1y.; phce.- a y%aiv
Behrend Legacy
Of $750,000
After fulfillment of specific be
quests, the estate of Dr. otto F.
Behrend, co-founder of the Ham
mennill Paper Company, has
turned over some $750,000 to
r Dr. Behrend, who died in May,
named many persons and organ
izations as beneficiaries in his
will, but-Behrend. was to receive
what ever remained after these
specific bequests.
Dr. Eric A. Walker, President of
PSU. said that this bequest is the
largest in the university’s 102-
year history. •
Yearbook Sales Zooming
Who will win the race to buy
yearbooks? -The freshmen or the
sophomores? At present, the
sophomores are in the lead, per
centage-wise, but the freshmen
are breathing down our necks. We
•must get out and support our
yearbook. Mr. Patterson, assistant
professor of mathematics and
chemistry, with Carole Lazarus
head the committee. ?.
- Soliciting - advertisements for
this year’s‘-book are Carole Laz
arus, Evelyn Bernhard. Ruth
Angelotti, Janice Maclver. Sara
Lewis, Anthony. Krainski. and Bop
.Metzgar. Working on the layout
are "Sandy David, Carole Lazarus,
Eveljm Bernhard, Lea Moses, Ray
Stancliff, Dick Stenta. Edie Tins
man,. Sara' Lewis, Terry Herrick,
and Fred Monaco.
- The students enjoyed the year
book, last year, and, as Mr. Pat
terson says, “With the staff we
have this semester,: I’m - sure '-we’ll
turxr out' a: better .student i year
book; this, ybar.”.: ;
BEHREND CENTER—Pennsylvania State University
Chorus And
Glee Club
Despite the lack of female stu
dents on campus, the girls have
! successfully organized a Girls’
■ Chorus. They held their first
meeting i-ecently. In this meeting
they decided to continue to meet
every other Monday of each
Returning members from last
year include Carole Lazarus and
Evelyn Bernhard, who will direct
the group. The new members are
Barbara Wagner, Ruth Angelot
ti. Janet Warren, Edith Tinsman,
and Sara Lewis.
The girls are looking forward to
performing at various teas
throughout the year, the Christ
mas - program in the Behrend
Chapel at Wintergreen Gorge, the
Christmas program on campus, a
concert, and several other events.
The Boys' Glee Club is-also off
to a good start this year with a
total of twenty members. They
met recently, and are under the
{direction of William A. Hover, as
! sistant professor of romance
languages and music.
The members include: Bill Cur
tis; Kari Boyer, Paul r McQueeney,-.
Bob Sokoloff, Oliver Sexton, Tea
Larson, Clark Johnson, Gary-Ru
pert. Jim McDonald, Jim Turner,
Bob Nelson, John Beatty, Richard
Stenta, Ron Raymond, Fred Mon
aco. Roger Lansberry, Chuck
Vandervort, Lee Cleveland, Robert
O'Conner, Dick Walkow. Wesley
Carter, Bert Hackenberg, .'Allah.
Westbrook, and Lavem Ting ley!
Several of the events they ; are
planning to sing "at are" tne
Christmas programs, a concert,
and at intermissions of- some ;of
the dances.
Both groups are looking' for
ward to a successful singing sea
son.' _ ; '_• -
Pumpkins, Haystacks,
Create Aulunsn Scene
At Erie Hail
Large, orange pumpkins, rust
ling corn stalks, ■ white picket
fencing, and a harvest moon will
add to the festive Halloween spirit
for the coming dance to be held
on Friday, October 18, in Erie
As in previous years, the dance
will be semi-formal .and will last
from'B P. M. until midnight. The
program committee has not of
ficially named the band for the
j Mr. Patterson, assistant pro
j fessor of mathematics and chem
i istry, and his group of advisees
are in charge of the various com
mittees including program, en
tertainment, and decorations.
The committee members con
sist of Clark Johnson, Robert
Jones. Joseph Kaliszewski, Dave
Felde. Ray Griffen, Donald Sar
gent, Paul Scholl. Karl Seiffert,
Richard Sprankle, Richard Stenta.
James Stewart, and Rav stan
The dance will be either stag
or couples.
The traditional Halloween re
freshments, apple cider and do
nuts, will be on sale.
Preview of Homecoming
Plans for the annual Behrend
Homecoming are underway under
the direction of Gordon L. Baker,
assistant professor of physics and
math, and the sophomore class.
Homecoming, scheduled for No
vember 9th, invites the alumni to
revisit the campus, former friends,
and faculty. A basketball gamp,
between the alumni and the cur
rent Behrend students, and a buf
fet dinner followed by a- dance
highlight the affair.
Suzanne Russell and Sandy
David are general chairmen for
the Homecoming committee. Dec
orations will be under the direc
tion of Lea Moses and Rita And
erson, while Carole "Lazarus and
Evelyn Bernhard will take charge
of the invitations.
Irwin Kochel, head of Beh
rend, - will address the Erie
-Rotary Club on Oct. 16.