The Nittany cub. (Erie, Pa.) 1948-1971, October 13, 1955, Image 2

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Established October 26, 1948. as the official publication for the
student body of Pennsylvania State College, Behrend Center,
Erie, Pennsylvania.
Published bi-weekly by the Breeze Publishing Co., North East,
Assistant Editor
Photo Consultant
Feathre Writers
Anne Marie Pagel
Staff Writers Sylvia Kunkle, Fred Loell, Nancy New
man, Elaine Peplinski, Ross Caruana, Warren Rose, Mari
lyn Pringle, Beverly Smith, Phyllis Stadler, William Weed,
Gretchen Muth, Marilyn Buchanich, Pat Peck.
Business Staff Nancy Hendershot, Elaine Peplinski,
Dick Webster, Bob Gornall, Harriet Szatkowski, John
Mallory, Gary Stultz, Dot Blazer, Bob Pierce.
So This Is Behrend
So this is Behrend Centex', our college for'two years!
We’re freshmen, beginning another step in the quest for
knowledge. We’re all a little scared at first, and admire the
older, more sophisticated sophomores.
The first week we walk ai-ound wide-eyed, busily taking
tests and exploring the campus. The traditional picnic , and
dance is lots of fun, and everyone meets someone new.
Freshmen Week begins with reciting the Penn State
isongs in our sleep. The Dorm girls still haven’t figured out
a way to go swimming with “dinks,” cardboard sign, and
ankle socks on. After three weeks of feeling definitely in
ferior and ridiculous, the weatherbeaten signs come off, and
the dinks are put away in a scrapbook.
Of course we came to college to advance our knowledge,
but there’s still time for reci'eation and fun. Bowling and
ping-pong are good sports, and The Snowball and Duffy 1 s
Tavern rate high with all the students.
We find an intimate quality about Behrend Center that
will probably not be found on a large campus. The warmth,
the friendly atmosphere, and the feeling a student has of
being a part of something wonderful will never be forgotten.
Homecoming is here and the students who have attend
ed Behrend in previous years will be coming back to their
campus. Let’s all come back ten or twenty yeai'S frpm now,
greatly enriched by the knowledge acquired here!
It's Our Student Council
The student body has elected eleven representatives to
the student council. We know what we expect of these re
presentatives; we expect good government. The members
of the council, in turn, have the right to expect something
of us. Our sincere congratulations to the winners of the
election are not enough. We must also give them our con
tinued interest, and support, for only then will they be able
to function effectively.
Every Behrend student should be aware of the powers
invested in the Student Council. Most of us know that Coun
cil distributes the money collected through the Student Ac
tivities Fund and plans social activities for the school. But
these are not its only functions. The Council can summon
before it any student or group of students, conduct such
investigations as it deems necessary, and recommend penal
ies up to and including the expulsion of any student. It is
also the power and the duty of Council to consider any com
plaint or suggestion made to it by any student.
It is evident that if we do not offer our opinions and
suggestions to its members, the council will be crippled in
its effort to represent us. Students are invited to attend the
weekly Council meetings; every Council member is eager to
hear your suggestions. There is no need for poor student
government at Behrend, and indeed, there is no. excuse for
it. We have given Council our votes—now let’s give it our
support. Let’s make it truly “our” Student Council.
Niff any Note ...
The Nittany Cub begins a new
year once again with a new staff,
endeavoring to bring to all you
Behrend Centerites the best Nit
tany Cub ever. The staff is at
tempting to bring you all the news
of interest around campus about
the students and faculty, along
Laurie Brutout, Janie McGeary
Eileen Kowalczyk
Norman Patterson
Jeanette Flory, Honey Greenlee,
with a few laughs. If you think,
at any time, that the staff is fail
ing to put something of import
ance or interest in the “Cub” feel
free to let them know. All sug
gestions for improvement will be
By Chenne
(Canine’s Gift to Mankind)
Editor’s Note: To all new read
ers of the Nittany Cub, a brief
explanation of this column is due.
Chenne used to be a dog owned
by one of the Behrend Center pro
fessors. All in fun, the editors of
the Nittany Cub down through
the years have carried on the tra
dition of having some student,
whose identity is not revealed un
til the end of the year, write a
gossipy column poking fun at all
Behrend personnel, from Dean and
professors, down through the stu
dents, caretakers, housemother,
cooks and so on—under the guise
of being a dog named Chenne.
Some people usually claim it takes
a real dog to write such mischief,
too, but far be it from the editors
to pass judgment at this time. You
readers can decide that for your
selves. At least one fact is known.
Only the Nittany Cub advisor
knows who Chenne is. Even the
editors do not see the delivery of
the Chenne until they proof the
paper at the printer’s, for the
Chenne column goes to the press
es by secret delivery (some say
by dogsled). Anyhow, fellow read
ers, behave yourselves, for Chenne
may have a bone to pick with
you. (Good luck!)
Hi gang,
Well, that time of the year has
rolled around once again, and
during the short time that school
has been in session, I have gotten
the low down on most of the
students at Behrend. Things had
been changing around quite rapid
ly at first (what with the soph
boys looking over the freshmen
gals), but the students are setting
into routine, except for our pretty
Marilyn Buehanich. It seems
“Gullible Marilyn” can never
make up her mind about what she
wants and how to go about getting
it. Rumor has it that what she
wants most right now is “Big”
Jack Mallory. She’s hoping, but
what does Jack have to say about
I Our “Romeo” from last year
jhas had a fairly good beginning
i again this year. Don’t forget, Jay,
Patty will be here for Homecoming
and the girls at the dorm would
sure like to meet your girl.
A word to the wise ... It is my
personal opinion (which doesn’t
count much, I know) that Eileen
Kowalczyk had better learn that
she cannot always take so much
for granted. This includes Clark
Jamison, too.
There is never a dull moment
when Gretchen Muth and her
other half, Janie McGeary, are
around. (And when aren’t they
around?) When these two <are in
shape their maniacal screams can
be heard all over campus and
there is no peace or quiet to be
had. We have been bothered,
though, not only by those screams,
but also by the fact that Gretch.
has been having a few attacks of
bitterness, which is obvious to all.
What’s the matter, Gretch?
Remember the day of Student
Council elections? One candidate
was so surprised and embarrassed
when he heard his name
out for a speech that he turned
and walked right out the- gym
door. If it hadn’t been for his
buddy. Chuck, he might still be
running. The' poor guy says he
didn’t even know he was running
By Nancy Newman
Mr. I. H. Kochel began his life
in Boyertown, Pa., and later moved
to Pottstown, Pa. There he at
tended North County High School,
where he was vice president of
the senior class and captain of
the debate team. He was very ac
tive in sports and was a member
of the football, basketball, and
track teams.
To continue his career along
the lines of one of his major in
terests, he enrolled- as a physical
education major in Pennsylvania
State College in 1941. When World
War H came along, he interrupted
his college career to enlist in the
armed forces. While in the service,
he was stationed at Port Eustis,
Virginia, Camp Steward, Georgia,
and Camp Gorden, Georgia. His
duties while in the service con
sisted mainly in the training of
new recruits. During that time he
married his hometown sweetheart
on August 10, 1943.
On the completion of his army
career, he once again returned to
the Penn State campus. During
his stay on campus, he took part
in many activities. He was a mem-
ber of the track team and an of
ficer of the Penn State Club. He
also was a member of the Phi
Epsilon Kappa, which is the na
tional physical education honor
society. He graduated from Penn
State in 1947.
In the fall of that year he took
a position in Juniata Valley High
School, located in Huntington
County, where he taught American
History, Problems of Democracy,
and- physical education. Also, he
coached the football, basketball, j This is but a brief sketch to
and baseball teams, doing such; better acquaint you with the per
a wonderful job with the football sonality and background of our
team that it was undefeated that wonderful Administrative Head of
year. For this Mr. Kochel was Behrend Center.
By Honey Greenlee
Among Behrend Center’s out
standing personalities, perhaps
the most predominate one of the
time, and by all means the busiest,
is our newly elected Student Coun
cil president, Robert Goroall.
Bob graduated from East High
School in 1948 and was cordially
invited by TJncle Sam to join the
ranks of the chosen few in the
Army Security Agency. Having
spent three years in the “Haven
for Healthy Young Men,” which
included an eight month stay in
Okinawa and -nine months in Kor
ea, he returned to civilian life and
enrolled in Behrend’s Business Ad
ministration Curriculum. Since
then he has contributed to many
of our school activities, including
the Cub, Behrend Singers, and
Engineer’s Bowling League. One
of Bob’s special interests is bowl
ing. Not only does he bowl with
the Engineers this year, but also
with the Millcreek Industrial
League. Rumor has it that Bob
for office. Boloney! Frankly,
yours truly thinks it was just a
publicity stunt to get attention
and votes. Ask Mark Bevevino
about it.
The girls in the dorm have
finally figured out why Bonnie
Hugus and Donna Tokar have so
many dates. How much do you
pay them, girls? If you ask me
(which no one did), I think that’s
a pretty sneaky way of beating all
the other gals out.
Another alumna, coming back
. Continued Page 3—Col. -5
chosen the outstanding coach of
the year in that county.
The following year he once
again became associated with
Penn State, taking the position
1 of physical education teacher and
basketball coach. He remained in
that position until 1950, when he
switched careers and became an
Assistant Administrative Head.
The following year he moved to
Harrisburg and was given the
position of Administrative
for the Harrisburg area. While
there he was president of the Jun
ior Chamber of Commerce, for
which he was awarded a plaque
commemorating his outstanding
In April, 1954, he assumed the
responsibility as the Administra
tive Head of Behrend Center. He
now resides on the campus with
his wife and three children, Jef
frey 5, Patty 3, and Irvin lVz-
Mr. Kochel is a member of Erie
County Junior Chamber of Com
merce, the Rotary Club, Erie
Comity Health Council, National
Adult Education Association,
Board of Directors of Erie County
Library, and Board of Directors
of the Erie County Tuberculosis
Mr. Kochel enjoys his work at
Behrend Center very much. He
believes that we have an out
standing faculty for the size of
the college. He also is of the
opinion that youth is the greatest
natural resource of our nation and
that there are not as many juve
nile delinquents as the papers say
there are.
Included in Mr. Kochel’s hobbies
are collecting jazz records and
enjoying our swimming pool.
Robert Gomall
rolls a pretty mean game.
Studying and working with peo
ple is Bob’s most revered pastime.
He seems to be right there when
his co-workers need a helping
hand. Lately, he has .spent most
of his time, which seems to be
extremely limited, working with
the Community Chest Drive in
In spite of having the honor
of governing Freshmen Customs,
a duty which might be better
classified as “How to Lose Friends
and Innoculate Freshmen,” he not
only won the hearts of both fresh
men and sophomores, but also
their votes, proving that “good
triumphs over evil, even in this
day and age.” He sincerely be
lieves that customs would be fun
if everyone would co-operate.
(Continued on Page 4)