The Nittany cub. (Erie, Pa.) 1948-1971, May 19, 1955, Image 2

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    Established October 26, 1948, as the official publication for the
student body of Pennsylvania State College, Behrend Center,
Erie, Pennsylvania.
Published ibi-weekly by the Breeze Publishing Co., North Bast,
Associate Editor
Assistant Editors
Sports Editor
Photo Consultants Jack Tupitza and Norman Patterson
Business Manager Bob Heater
Staff Writers - Joan Throop, Jody Borkowski,
Bob Gomall, Jane Bastow, Fred Loell, Pat Ingersoll,
Diane Pagan, Sonya Weidner, Jane Eisenberg, Rodney
Beals, John Churchill, Nancy Hendershot, Dot Maxwell,
Pat Stocker, Jane Kennedy, Charlotte Flack, Pat Lentz,
and Joe Schmitt.
A Fond Farewell
As the end of this semester approaches, and each student
either, looks forward to the finish of studies and books for
a few months or the possibility of fin dine.' a job. we shouldn’t
allow ourselves to forsret the valuable knowledge that we
have garnered from both the classrooms and the extra-curi
cular activities of Behrend Center.
For a great number of us, who intend to transfer to the
main campus next fall, looms the task of entering a new en
vironment and finding new friends. State, with its thousands
of students, will never be able to. give us the warmness and
friendliness of the intricate group of which we are now a
Here, at Behrend, we have been privileged to receive a
great amount of individual attention and have been gradual
ly introduced to the problems and hardships of a college
education. In a larger school, we may have been deprived of
that privilege.
Of course, there will alwavs be a group of students who
will grumble about a small place like this not really being
a college, because Behrend lacks some activities such as foot
ball games, fraternity and sorority parties, and others that
a large campus offers.
But, in a great sense, college isn’t meant to be all fun: it’s
a place where we are supposed to broaden our minds both
spiritually and intellectually. By belonging to a small group
and getting to know the likes and dislikes of each, we can
learn to get along better in the complexity of modem life.
By a little effort and work on our part we can make
ourselves capable of choasing the straight and narrow path
for the future.,- At Behrend, especially for those who have
had the opportunity of being part of the Center for two
years, we have had the greatest chance to accomnlish both
of'these aims. Let’s not forget how much Behrend has done
for us.
An integral part of any college education is the partici
pation in extra-curricular activities. We must agree, that
here at Behrend Center, there are many things to interest
the whole student body. At the beginning of the school year,
the hustle and bustle of getting settled, more or less dampen
ed the interest in dances and club meetings among the stu
dents, but as the year went on, and everyone got acquainted,
the activities were filled with eager members.
At the end of this month, in Erie HalL a number of the
students will receive awards for their outstanding partici
pation and leadership in both the scholastic and extra-curri
cular fields. This day is called Honors Day, because Behrend
Center honors the contributions of these students to its
growing future. However, some students will not receive
awards due to their participation being supportive rather than
outstanding. But without these students the could
rrot have accomplished their aims. It is to them, the unap
plauded members of various clubs and the workers in vari
ous activities, that we extend an appreciative vote of grati
tude . -
. 'We also salute in deep respect and admiration, the ex-
and counseling of our advisors, our; faculty,
and our administration. We sincerely hope? that-the future
classesof Behrend Center will look to them Tor aid in’ achiev
ing a well balanced college life.
Thus, our college education at Behrend Center includes
the. influences of everyone around us, and will reflect -our
df having once beeri inembers of a wonderful;group of
Dorothy Kaliazewski
Jack Rimp
._ Nat Kobasa and Bob Detiseh
Jack Abel©
Hats Off!
By Chenne
“Parting is such, sweet sorrow,
that I should say goodnight till
it be morrow.”
Yes, kiddies, this is the last
time that Uncle Chenne will be
tearing you apart. Doesn’t that
just kinda’ give you a shivering
feeling inside? I knew it would.
This being the last issue and
everything, I think a more ap
propriate title for this column
might be, “In the Pool with
Chenne.” Well, Tm not worried.
I've been taking swimming les
sons for the past few weeks from
Mrs. L. and I’ve really learned a
lot. Enough of this rot, however.
I’ve got a few juicy comments to
make before departing, and it’s
about time I got started.
I really had a couple of good
laughs on work day. I still don’t
believe that Jack Rimp and Jane
Eisenfberg were assigned to clean
ing up the gorge, but that’s what'
they told me when I saw them
down there.
Pete (Gussie Moran) DeDad
and John Mallory did a good job
on the tennis court. The bumps
are still there, but now they’re
smooth- Bob Gomall certainly
must have done a lot of hard
work on the pool or at least to
hear him talk, you’d think he did.
It looks as though Pat McClaran
can at least breathe easily. How
ard Tinsman is making a big play
for Jean Ciccozzi, and so, at last,
“little Willy” is all hers.
I see that Mr. ISimon has court
age. He stuck by his losing bas
ketball team, and now he has a
losing golf team. You can’t ex
pect much more though with
clowns like ‘“Dutober” Bainibridge,
“Whiff” Liebau, “Divot” Bernella,
“Hacker” Grisier, and others
playing on the team.
Jay (Romeo) Holing has cast
his line again and this time he’s
snagged Patty Lentz. I am now
fully convinced that those girls
are really dumb.
The other night I was sniffing
my way down Cooper's Road, hot
on the trail of a wild elephant,
when I noticed some of the kids
were (having a hot-dog roast. I
guess they’re okay as long as the
faculty doesn’t investigate.
At this time, I’d like to bestow
on Donna Cramer an "Ottie” for
her wonderful dramatic perform
ance in “Jumping Into The Pool.”
I’ve seen some good hams, but
she takes the blue ribbon.
It seems that in phys. ed. class
the other day, Frank Porto got a
little mixed up with his birds and
bees. And Don Smith must have
really led a dull life in the army,
but Hugh (Mr. Girard) Mcdin
ton wasn’t phased a bit.
At the dance a couple of weeks
ago Mr. and Mrs. Kaplan really
went wild with the jitterbug. That
Mrs. Kaplan is real cool!
Nancy Johnston claims that her
favorite opera is “The Nose of
Figaro; Rodney (Tristan) Beals,
however, -says that “La .Nozze de !
Figaro” is a much .-better :opera,
and '.after all,' 'he', knows-
■.You. know, '.iboys nowadays -are
becoming ■.more and -11101® .femi
nine. 'Wearingshort
pants.soihey 'can .show "off "their
knees. -Sizcih .-darling .fellows as
Ray (Egbert) .Metz, A 1 (Heath.-'
cliff) Benton arid Tom' Swarth
morton) -Hagen-.look • soooo nice.
Come, ; 'boys, .time' for year pablum.
Willy'.(iVihat a 'build) Sfeorer -i»-
Hhis -last issue of the (Nittany
Cub has (been dedicated to Mr.
David 1 G. Thurbon toy the news
paper staff. “Thiele Dave” as he
is affectionately called by Behr
endites, has always (been, willing
to help any member of the staff
with his problems and certainly
deserves this honor.
A native of Erie, Uncle 'Dave
attended (high school at Lawrence
Park until his graduation in
1939. Coming from an athletic
family, he played quarterback cn
his high school football team and
sparked the L. P. Tigers to a
first .place triumph in the county
football league in tooth 1938 and
1939- However, athletics was not
the only field where he endeavor
ed to do his best. He combined
his athletic pursuits with hard
work in the classroom and attain
ed the honor of salutatorian of his
class. ,
After .graduation, Uncle Dave
began his undergraduate studies
in English composition and liter
ature at Pitt. He received his
Bachelor of Arts degree in 1943.
(Before he could begin graduate
work, World War H made it
necessary to request his services
■with the U. S. Navy. Aside from
his duties as a gunnery officer,
Unde Dave found time to build
a regulation bowling alley for the
men aboard ship.
After the war, he returned to Pitt
to teach for three years. However,
he who was destined for Behrend
received the call in 1948. He be
came an instructor in English,
first year that Behrend was es
tablished and has been here ever
since. In 1959 he completed 'his
graduate courses at Pitt and re
ceived' his Master of Literature
with an A average. A year later
Penn State advanced him from
the position of instructor to as
sistant professor of English.
He also won another acclaim
in 1951 when he won honors in
the gold medal handicap free
tourney on the Lawrence Park
golf links. Always a golf enthusi
ast, he "was coach for Behrend
Center team, and in the same
year, was named physical educa
tion director at the Center.
■During his career at Behrend,
Uncle Dave has served in many
capacities. He has always been
that bathing suit of his, looks lik<*
a castoff from Karamoja.
What is this between Marily
DeMarsh and Bill Schweitzer?
Rumor has it that he’s asked her
to wear his Captain Video pin,
but she’s holding out for his Sky
King ring with the secret com
Personality of the issue:
This week we salute probably
one of the most industrious stu
dents at (Behrend. A man who is
not afraid of work; in fact, he’ll
sit by and watch somebody else
work anytime. He can be seen at
any hour of the day . sitting in
the cafeteria doing nothing. It’s
said that toe is so lazy, that he
gets up .at four to the morning
so- that he' has more time to loaf.
A -staunch-, supporter of iMendel
hefferisanovitdh’s theory and
president- far the past-three years
ofJD.'X.B:, this- week-we take .off
our .•hats'.' fend those who 'don’t
harra Itostis, ’-just vpretebd). to Joe
(A3i) -Benacci:
lls-. it - true; that': Nat l-Kobasa has
switched her -curriculum to writ
ing .five thousand word -book re
ports? *,
..Wally (D. J.) O’Neal, . Sky
Chief Thomas, and Hasten Jason'
the faculty advisor for the popu
lar Mardi Gras, and his presence
is a must at the bowling alleys
to give advice and instructions to
the freshmen bowlers each year.
Ping pong and basketball are two
more of his favorite fields, and
when he has spare time, he’ll
gladly take on any challenger.
Swimming, too, rates high on his
list of sports, and he and his
lovely wife, “Beans” can be found
almost any summer evening cool
ing off in Behrend’s outdoor pool.
Saved until last, .because what
is read last is remembered the
most, is the mention of Uncle
Dave’s guidance of the Nitbany
Cub staff. He has served in the
position of faculty advisor since
the paper’s birth and has always
remained willing to help when
ever space must be filled or -a
suitable headline written. Be
sides teaching ... the staff the
techniques of journalism, he
willingly aids any puzzeled! re
porter with a difficult article.
As publicity director for Beh
rend Center, Uncle Dave has help
ed many young journalists by
contributing their writings to the
Erie papers. In this capacity, he
has acquainted the people of the
Erie and Erie County area with
the facilities, and personalities of
Behrend Center.
Through 'his work, Behrend
■Center has been aided in its
growth, and we hope that Uncle
Dave will remain to carry "on his
fine work with the future fresh
men of Behrend Center.
Eades were very upset lately about
toeing kicked out of ’Dick Bussell’s
Howdy Doody Pan Club for mak
ing too much noice in the peanut
gallery. Tough luck, boys!
My final predictions:
1. that Don Catlin will never
get anywhere with Joyce
Gouger .
2. that Jack Abele isn’t after
Dot Maxwell, but that Earl
iSehriver is
3. that I will be swimming to
the pool within a half hour
after the paper is read
Well, kiddies, that wraps up
another year, but before I go, I
guess it’s only fair that I give you
a few clues to my identity. Now
pay close attention-
I’m divided into two parts.
“They seek me here;
They seek me there; . -
Those Crazy students' seek' me
Some' .call me Whitey,
But only a few..
Number 3 to .me
Is. never new.
Pm the- other half,
I live ,to the dorm,
Pm to. cell block 11
And & pretty good fornn
.To The'Pool!! .