The Nittany cub. (Erie, Pa.) 1948-1971, February 17, 1955, Image 1

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    Si IT lA.NY CUB
■Volume VH—No. 5
Annual EWardi Gras Invades Center Campus
Behrend Plays Host to Secondary
s School Science Teachers Workshop
By Joan Throop
On. Thursday. March. 31, 1955,
the fourth annual "workshop for
secondary school science teachers
■will be held at Behrend Center.
The idea was first presented to
Mr. Louis Balmer, professor of
chemistry,' by Dr- Major Powers
four years ago; since that .time
. Mr. Balmer 'has had complete
charge of the entire program.
The program is expected to
start at 3:30 P. M. Although the
Opening speaker has not yet been
decided upon, several other noted
men have consented to speak- Dr-
John M. Hickey, Superintendent
of Erie Schools, will be the master
of ceremonies. Dr. A. Witt Hut
chinson Ph. D-, of the Pennsylva
nia State University Department
of Chemistry, will talk pn the
role of the education system in
■fulfilling the needs of the young
people who are interested in
After a brief intermission, the
teachers will break up into sev
eral discussion groups: Biology,
Chemistry, Physics and General
Science. Upon completion of their
discussion, the groups will present
their findings to the entire general
session before they leave for din
•At 7:30 OP. M-, Dr- George Reetz,
from the General Electric Schen
ectady Plant, will speak on the
‘lndustries View Point of the Need
and Opportunities of Scientists”.
Dr. Reetz has conducted summer
workshops for science teachers at
Carnegie Tech, Case Institute of
Technology and Union College.
The program will conclude with
the showing of the General Elec
tric “House of Magic.” It prom
ises to "be a gala scientific demon
s An attendance of 100 high
school teachers is expected, with
the teachers of Erie Co., Crawford
Co., and other counties in the vi
cinity of Behrend cordially invit
ed. The evening program is open
to all students representing neigh
boring high schools, and to the
Behrend Center students-
The entire program is still in
complete, ‘but Mr. Balmer hopes
that it will be completed'Shortly.
Ugly Men Compete
For Beautv Prizes
In co-ordination wth the Beh
rend Center Mardi Gras, an Ugly
Man contest is being held with
the final judging for the ugliest
male on the campus scheduled
for the intermission period of the
big event. Any male student of
the Center is eligible for this high
The only requirement for en
trants of the contest consist of
petition signed by ten students
stating that they think their
nominee has a chance of being
the Ugly Man, and of a costume
that will best suit the nominee.
The candidate may use any
amount of make-up or other de
vices to add a weird effect to his
appearance, but the use of a
mask is prohibited.
A prize will be awarded to the
Ugly Man, but all entrants will
share in the fun of the evening.
Members of the Mardi Gras
committee want everyone to un
derstand that this contest is all
in fun. As everyone knows, Beh
rend Center has no ugly men!
Dr. Milton S. Eisenhower, presi
dent of Penn State University,
will speak to area alumni for an
hour iby means of a direct tele
phone hook-up to Erie Hall on
Peib. 22 in honor of the school’s
Thursday, February 17, 1955 BEHREND CENTER —Pennsylvania State University
La senorita burra is making
last minute arrangements for the
Mardi Gras. Out of the animal
world, La burra is really Joan
Throop, general chairman of the
annual event.
Belle Lettre Club
Plans Formulated
A new club will come into 'being
at Behrend in the very near fu
ture. Formed under the advisor
ship of Mr. Benjamin A. Lane,
instructor of English and langu
ages, its prime purpose will be an
investigation of the Fine Arts. In
keeping with the purpose of the
dub, the chosen name is extreme
ly a-propos, it 'being Belle Lettre,
meaning Beautiful Letters.
A tentative format will include
monthly meetings, at which either
a faculty member or a student
will read a paper on one of .the
arts, including drama, music, or
art, followed by a general dis
cussion .period. The club will be
strictly informal, keeping a small,
intimate group in attendance at
the meetings.
As the fitting climax for the
year’s activities, the club hopes
to 'he able to charter a bus and
take a trip to Cleveland where
they will tour one of the art mu
seums and enjoy a performance
of the Metropolitan Opera Com
pany in the evening.
Anyone interested in any as
pect of the arts, is encouraged to
join, but a willingness to join
implies a willingness to partake
in all discussions and projects- un
dertaken by the group. This point
was strongly emphasized by Mr.
A notice will be posted soon
informing all those . interested in.
membership in.the club, of the
time -and place of the organiza
tional meeting..
The introduction of this new
club will be a welcome addition to
all those who want and enjoy a
bit of culture.
By Jack Rimp
Various Types of Masquerade
Costumes Appear Friday Night
By Bob Gornall
The fourth annual Mardi Gras
will be held at Behrend Center
on Friday, February 18. This
event is sponsored by the students
enrolled in the schools of Liberal
Arts, Romance Languages, and
Business Administration. The
Mardi Gras will get underway at
8:00 p. m. in Erie Hall, and will
come to a climax at midnight.
Music will be amply provided by
Booths Lend
Atmosphere To
Yearly Carnival
By Jane Bastow
The booths for this year’s Mar
di Gras will be one of the main
attractions of the colorful event.
Ten booths, donated by the Brook
side Eire Department, will be set
up for dart games, information
and tickets, penny pitch, and
most important, a kissing 'booth.
Just who will be in charge of the
latter is .still a mystery, but the
speech clinic and engineer maj
ors wiil each run one of the con
cessions. Delicious and decorative
cakes 'baked by the student and
faculty women will also be feat
ured as prizes for winners at the
cake booth.
The always popular “ring toss”
will be a repeat attraction from
preceding Mardii Gras’ with, the
usual gorgeous girls presiding.
Two chance wheels will be set up
and prizes given for the lucky
The Behrend Center basketball
team has consented to construct
and tear down the stands as their
contribution to the success of the
big occassion.
Come with your bag of pennies
and Lady Luck on your shoulder
to the Mardi Gras. Laughs, jokes,
and friendly, festive atmosphere
are yours for the taking.
Recently, a group of students
at Behrend Center, comprised
mainly of liberal arts and educa
tion majors endeavored to gain
a passing grade on the English
Usage test .that is compulsory for
all .students before the fifth se
mester at Penn State. The report
finally came through from Mr.
Stanley Cook, supervisor of Eng
list at the Pennsylvania State
University. ' and- much to the re
lief' -of all concerned, a passing
grade was- achieved- by everyone-
The relieved persons, included:
-Bob DetisCh, Frannies Nielsen, Jim
Lay. Jack Rimp. Jody BorkowSki,
-pot Ealdszewsld, Jan Jackson, Ed
Grossman, jam Seyboldt. Norma
Michael. Howard Unstnaa, Bob
Yeager, and BUTMaeder,
Chuck Fern and his orchestra,
along with the vocals by A 1
Dress for the Mardi Gras will
center around various types of
masquerade costumes for which
prizes will 'be awarded for the
prettiest, funniest, and most ori
ginal costumes. Any person not
wishing to wear a costume may
come dressed in informal or party
clothes. Anyone attending will find
a varied selection of carnival
booths, at which they may test
their skill and luck. Persons de
siring to try their luck at any of
the carnival booths need not be
in the five figures a year income
bracket. Admission to those at
tending will be only a quarter of
a dollar excluding high school sen
iors and their dates, who will be
admitted free of charge. During
intermission, the winner of the
Ugly Man contest will be an
nounced, contrasting the contest
held for a Mardi Gras queen last
The Mardi Gras is an annual
event held at New Orleans on the
last few days preceding Lent. It
starts on Friday, February 18,
this year and ends on Shrove
Tuesday. During the period, the
people do all the things that Lent
restricts. The Mardi Gras is visu
ally a state of merriment and con
fusion. This atmosphere will pre
vail at the Behrend Center Mardi
Heading the production of the
Mardi Gras are the advisees of
Mr. Hover, instructor of .music
and language; Mr. Simon, instruc
tor of phys. ed.; and Mr. Thuibon,
assistant professor of English. Mr-
Simon and -Mr. Hover are the
consultants for the Mardi Gras
this year. The -committee headß
consist of the following students:
Joan Throop, general chairman;
Jody Borkowski. chairman of
booths; Dot Kaliszewski, chair
man of publicity; Jack Romp,
chairman of refreshments; Den
nis Polatas. Chairman of decora
tions; and Bob Gomall, chairman
of tickets.
A record crowd is expected at
the Mardi Gras due to the fact'
that nearly (1400 invitations and
letters have been sent to all high :
school seniors in and around the
Erie area. The evening promises
to be one of the grandest social
events held at Behrend Center
this year. Come one, come all, but
come to the Mardi Gras. The
Mardi Gras committee has tried
very hard to make this evening
one of the most memorable af
fairs a person could possibly
experience at (Behrend Center.
Calling All Vets!
Mrs. Adam would like to re
mind all vets that the certificates
of each
month, so that checks can be re
ceived promptly.