Established October 26, 1948, as tne official publication for the student body of Pennsylvania State College, Behrend Center, Erie, Pennsylvania. Published by the Breeze Publishing Co., North East. Pa. Editor in Chief Associate Editors Assistant Editor Feature Editor Business Manager Assistant Business Manager Mary Jane Brown Photo Consultants Jack Tupitza, Mr. Norman Patterson Staff Writers Diane Fagan, Sonya Weidner, Bob Detisch, Charlotte Flack, Nancy Hendershot, Bob Gomall, Pat Ingersoll, Rodney Beals, Bill Loell, Jane Eisenberg. Put Your Guns Away 'Cause ... “Nobody shoots at Santa Claus . . No, nobody shoots at Santa Claus. He’s famous: the finest and most unselfish individual the world over. Everybody works for him: the United Nations (when they utilize his natural friendliness for “Peace on earth, Good will to men”) ; the Salvation Army; the police force in our home town; the fire department, G.I. Joe, the soldier, sailor, or marine; Mother and Dad; little Susie and Johnny; Mr. Schultz, the butcher; Mr. Johnson, the baker; Mr| Smith, the insurance salesman; Colonel Brown, the army chaplain, and many others. Yes_, we all work for him. Sometimes, though, we believe he is mythical and non existent, but sooner or later we discover that he lives in the hearts of all who have love and faith; for love and faith are the most precious things on earth. Without love and faith most of everything- we know is mythical and non-exSstent. It. is then that we live in a world of our own imagery where we receive all the benefits of our own generous ego; and since our values have become self-centered, gifts and giver become mythical and non-existent, too. Yes, the lack of love and faith is a tragedy, and battlefields are painted with it; so are broken homes, orphanages, and mental hospitals. But when we believe, we convert the bitter side of life into a happy, well-balanced way of living. We create Santa Claus not for Christmas only, but for other times of the year. He may be the careful driver; the person who sits be side us in church every Sunday; the friend we haven’t seen for a long time; the teacher who understands our problems; the guy who gives us a job when we need one; the neighbor who lends us a hand -when we want help; the younger sister who does the after-dinner dishes so we can get ready for a date; the older brother who lets us borrow his ties and shirts; the father who gives good advice when we ask him for it; the mother who loves us when no one else cares; so you see, really Santa Claus is around us all the time, and with us everywhere we go. He is impartial and just, cheerful and generous, and has love and faith in all of us. No, nobody shoots at Santa Claus. He has one of the hardest jobs in the “world—believing in us, the people who need him all the time. Unsung Heroes It is seldom that the people behind the scenes get much credit for things that are done. This particular situation is true everywhere, and Behrend Center is no exception. Our school is fortunate in having a very excellent Dra matics Club. Some of the students, in plays produced, have proved to be very apt and capable actors, but it Is not these people with whom we are concerned. We are concerned with the students who worked long and tiresome hours to ready the props and sets, and making arrangements for the pro duction of such fine plays. These are the people who deserve a word of praise, however small it may be. There are others on our campus equally deserving of praise. To our outstanding custodian staff, Hugh Gallagher, Joe Wardell, and Ed Petruseh, should go praise for keeping our buildings and grounds in condition and making Behrend Center one of the most beautiful campuses in this section of the country. No article of this type could be complete without men tioning the clerical staff, whieh puts up with all manner of requests. No matter how busy they may be, each one is smiling and cooperative. It would be impossible, in such a limited space to name each “unsung hero” on our campus, but what can be said, and appropriately enough at this time, “Thank you, one and all;-for helping to make Behrend Center the wonderful place -that 'it is.” • NITTANY CUB Jack Rimp, Jody Borkowski Dorothy Kaliszewski Natalie Kobasa Jan Jackson Robert Heater THE NITTANY CUB AROUND THE FIREPLUG .... By Chenne This is your life! Yes, Behrend C ententes, this is your life'as seen through the eyes of a dog. And what a dog, eh? I was sitting in -my ranch-style coop the other night when the call came in by way of Dragnet Jack Murray thait some of the students (Yipe!) had l stolen the school’s skis and toboggans. My jjob — find them. I guess they figure I can sniff out most things. I started 1 by asking Fran Vidil if she knew anything of the rob bery, but she was too busy ad miring her new haircut in the mirror to answer. Next I asked •Joyce Gouger if she knew any j thing —just anything. But she I merely kept mumbling some thing about Frank, Frank, Frank. |She was frank about it anyhow. Disgusted with these two in competent females, I decided to do a little scrutinizing of my own. In the cafeteria I found Jody (Bohemian) Borkowski with that dreadful hat on industriously read ying a book entitled “How To Be I Happy After 15.” Leaving the cafeteria as I saw chow hounds (not Chenne’s breed) Carlton Bates, Jason Eades, Dave Hawkins, Bom Cipriani, and Tom Hagen approaching, I journeyed to Erie Hall in search of the miss ing winter sports equipment. But I only found Bob Brandt, Marge Elliot, Joe Schmitt and Nancy (You too can be on the Dean’s List) Johnston in “evening” mu sic class. Such scholars, Mr. Hov er! Feeling the need of fresh air, I had just stepped out of Erie Hall when I heard shrieks coming from behind the dorm. Sure enough, there were the missing items plus the culprits, Val Meals, Bob Heater, and Peggy Duff. This was their first job since “Murder, Incorporated,” if you know what I mean. I finally dragged them before Chief Justice B. E. Agle, who sentenced them to six months of hard work in Mr. Balmer’s lab period. “I’ve got a secret!” So say some of the gang at B. C. How ever, everyone knows that: Don Krista has one eye out for his mother-in-law. The only reason Pat Metzger would consider transfer to State is because Herb Hanson must go as a fourth-semester engineer. Denny Polatas is chasing Nat Kobasa around, or is it vice versa? ■Diane Fagan hasn’t gotten over those tender embraces Jack Ramp gave her during the play and er.. uh . . . during the play. Poor Lil iboomde-a-da! Question of the issue: What ■will Ellie say -when she finds out that her doll, Ron (Receding) Cionco has a secret crush on Jet 'Turner? Wiith New Year’s right around' the corner, I predict the follow ing resolutions. Esther Olgin is going to start studying psychology- Wally' O’Neal is going to join /the Alcanon Club. Ron Thom as and Dick Russell are still/ go ing to smile at the girls. Bonnie Ghampney and Diane Harris are still not going to smile at the boys., Ray Metz will at least give one ■dorm girl a break, eh, Roberta? And I resolve to stop being so dog-gone soft on you children. It’s time you ate.your Ken-l-ration ahd grew un, you know. Continued on page <5 . MEET YOUR FACULTY As the faculty personality of the Christmas issue, the Nittany Cub chose Mrs. Nyla Falkenhagen of 3914 East Lake Road, Lawrence Park, Pa. Mrs. Falkenhagen, who is a part-time instructor at Beh rend Center, teaches public speak ing and English Composition O. Besides this, she has time to fulfill her duties as a housewife. This year marks the first se mester since she came to the Cen ter in 1951 that she is holding classes during the fall term. Pre viously, she only taught spring semester courses. She enjoys the type of work that she is doing very much, which is the first step toward success in any undertak ing. Mrs. Falkenhagen obtained tooth her bachelor’s and her master’s degree in speech and dramatics at the Pennsylvania (State Unii veraity. A native of Westford, Pa., she came to Lawrence Park in 19- 43. "While teaching at the North East High School, she was intro duced to her husband, Arthur, by one of her students. The student had been going with Mr. Falken hagen’s younger brother when the introductions were made. Her hus band is working at the Erie Me ter Systems, and has built the home that they now live in. Just a few finishing touches have to be made before their dwelling is completed. . A pleasant and' friendly woman, Mrs. Falkenhagen could* think of nothing that she considers a pet •peeve. She is fond of steaks and loves to cook. Sewing is another pastime that pleases her, al though she has little time to de- BEHREND CENTER PRESENTS... Curly black hair, a cute dimple in bis chin, and big brown eyes with the longest eyelashes you ever saw; that’s our own Sam Wallwork of Palls. Creek, Pa., Sam, a two-year drafting tech, manages to keep up with his studies, and still have time for sports, his hob by, by the way. His record in high school shows his sportsman’s abil ity; football for three years, and basketball for four years, for which he managed to gain a berth on ithe All State Team. Since he was contacted by two major league ball clubs, it comes as no surprise that baseball is his favorite sport. After graduating from Falls Creek High School, Sam entered the U. S. Army, serving in the Second Armored Division. His overseas duty consisted off eighteen months in Germany. The fall of ‘53 saw ISam entering .Behrend Center. Asked for an opinion of B. C. recently, he smiled and in a deep voice said, “I like it, good (school!” A pleasing personality himself, his pet peeve is the ■grownups who act like adoles cents! In (his free moments, he can be seen dn the cafeteria with other ex-service personnel, enjoying his usual cup of coffee, and. shooting the' breeze. His activities include technical work for the dramatics club, and serv ing on the committee for the forthcoming Sno-BalL Hunting, one of the main topics , ' , ' ' ' ' \ ' „ v .• • • .v / ■ : '■y-'-• ■ ■ ■ •••:•• i •_ , Mrs. Nyla Falkenhagen vote to it because of her busy schedule. She likes to read and gives book reviews to many organ izations around Erie. Presently, she is reviewing “Love Is Eternal,” a 'book written by Irving Stone, which centers about the lives of Mary and Abraham Lincoln'. ■Mrs. Falkenhagen has had charge of the program for the Easter service each year since she has been at Behrend Center. This year she arranged for some of the students from her speech classes to handle the Christmas program for the tea given by the faculty wives for the women stu dents of the Center. I She rarely misses saying “hello" to anyone that she passes on the campus, and this friendliness on the part of Mrs. Falkenhagen, faculty personality of the issue, has made her well liked by every one. Sam Wallwork of conversation at this time, holds its thrills for Sam. He managed to be one of the select few to bag a deer this season.- A happily married man for one and one half, years, he manages to drive home each weekend to see his pretty wife, Joyce. He has a varied preference in the food line, but his favorite seems to be shrimp, which his wife cooks to perfection. Sam came up with a husband’s typical remark when he said, “Joyce is the best cook ever!” A much heard .statement around the campus, “Sam says - -” brings to. mind that it isn’t Unde Sam we’re speaking of, but our own Sam. Wallwork, the guy with the dreamy voice.