.** MERRY CHRISTMAS * - 7&s NITTANy CUB Volume VII—No. 4 Holiday Spirit Highlights Christmas Dance “GOD BLESS US You’re never too young, or too old, to enjoy Christmas. Some say Christmas belongs to children, but we know this is not true, for Christmas is something that lives in the hearts of -men. There are many .pressures that we feel with the approaching holidays— part ies—dances the traffic is terri ble— you can’t find a parking space— the stores are crowded — mob scenes make shopping a nightmare. Let’s not let the crowds crowd Christmas out of our hearts. It’s the season to renew old’ friendships, to be with the fam ily, to exchange greetings, and above all, to remember the holi est of -days. There is no need to Formal Service Held In Chapel The Hanging of the Greens has come to be an annual affair for the Behrend Center students. Each year the service has taken place at the Wintergreen Gorge Ceme tery. This year the program was held on Tuesday, December 14. Mr. Benjamin Lane, instructor of English and language, had charge of the program planning, and prepared a candlelight ser vice. Everyone in attendance at the event was given a candle and an arrangement of candles was placed in the windows of the chap el Mr. William Hover, instructor of language, who assisted Mr. Lane with the musical aspect of the program, chose several Christ mas selections which were sung by the Behrend chorus. The musical group also offered some tradition al Christmas carols. The program was rounded out with a. suitable Scripture portion that was read responsively, and at ithe end of the service, there was the hanging of the greens. The wreath which was hung on Mr. Behrend’s tomb was made from greenery of the Behrend campus by the dorm girls. It was placed on the front of the vault where Mr. Behrend and his son are Interred. The service was very simple, but entirely fitting to the occasion of Christmas, and was an expression in commemoration of the benefac tor of Behrend Center. ,L-E VERYONE!” look for 'new and interesting stor ies; to give things a modem “twist”, for the age old story is "timeless. “And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night- And, 10, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto ■them, “Fear not: for, ‘behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all the people. For unto you is bom this day hi the city of David, a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.” May you all have a joyous Christmas'. Irvin H. Kochel Council Approves Achievement Pins At a recent November meeting of the Behrend Center Student Council, decision was made on the question pertaining to club and organization award pins. At a previous committee meet ing, Mr. Thimbu]!, assistant pro fessor of history and political science, Mr. Patterson, instructor of math, Norma Michael, Herb Hanson, and Jim Culbertson, coun cil members, proposed rules to govern the pin question. The final results of this con ference saw the following rules established: 1. Any club may sponsor an ac tivity as long as the council has authorized the project. The bas ketball team - took advantage of this and netted a profit of $43.90 on the turkey raffle. 2. Clubs and organizations are authorized to purchase pins. The price and amount of pins to be bought must be approved by coun cil. 3. Money must come from a club sponsored activity, which is cred ited to the Club’s account. These rules make it .possible for any Behrend organization to spon sor an approved activity, and thus, award proficient members for jobs well done. CHRISTMAS VACATION Starts: Saturday, Dec. 18 Ends: Monday, Jan. 3 At 8:00 A. M. Merry Christmas To All The. Cub Staff OFFICIAL STUDENT PUBLICATION THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1954 BEHREND CENTER—Pennsylvania State University Faculty Women Sponsor Tea A Christmas tea, sponsored by the faculty wives and women, and under -the chairmanship of Mis. Helen Longnecker and Mrs. Da vid Thurbon, was held Sunday, December 12, from three to five in the Memorial room. An invita tion to attend the tea was extend ed to all of the women students and members of the administra tive staff. The Memorial room, decorated with traditional candles and ever greens and the dorm girls’ Christ mas tree, gave forth just the right festive air for the occasion. As part of the program, which was under the direction of Mrs- Nyla Falkenhagen, instructor of speech and English, some of the members of the public speaking class talked about Christmas cus toms in various lands. Jeanette Turner, handled the welcome and introductions; Sally jMulcahy talked on England; May Schoch gave a first hand account of Dutch customs; Jane Kennedy told about the Mexican celebra tions; Diane Harris spotlighted German traditions; Charlotte Flack reviewed Scandanavian cus toms; the Orthodox Christmas Sno-BaES Plans Snow BaBI Corny, but effective as a publicity stunt, the above students are getting “In the Mood” for the Christmas frolic. They are: left to right —Mel Waxham. Barbara Kovacs, Jane Eisenberg, Hugh Me Clinton, Janet Evans, and A 1 Maxson. Scholars Honored The termination of the first eight weeks noted the following students on the Dean's list: Ro bert J. Detisch, 2.75; Nancy C. Johnston, 2.62; Thomas L. Vieira. 2.56; and Harold E. Schoch, 2.52. Also to be congratulated for making the honor roll are: James H. Hendershot, 2.47; Ardelle E. Johnson, 2.43; Philip M. Orlosky, 2.41; Roberta D. Johnson, 2.37; Albert L. Maxson, 2.37; Charles V., Agnew, 2.37; John C. Jamison. 2.33; Donna J. Cramer, 2.31; Nor man A. Lewis, 2.29; Donald E. Cat liin, 2.25; Lloyd J. Brooks, 2.22; Jack A. Tupitza, 2.22; Geraldine A. Guzik. 2.20; Rodney M- Beals, 2.18; James P. Lay, 2.18; Ronald A- Schrimper, 2.18; Victor A. Da vid, 2.17; John H. Gott; 2.16; Barbara A. Kovacs, 2.16; John C. Rimp, 2.12,-Robert C. Lemmler, 2.11; Melvin E. O’Neil, 2.11; Marjorie L. Elliott, 2.06; Norma E. Michael,. 2.06; Sylvia M. Haise, 2.05; James C. Culbertson, 2.05; Carlton J'. Bates, 2.00; David M. Bemella, 2:00; David N. Haw kins, 2.00; Philip I. Hazen, 2.00. was explained by Nat Kobasa; Geraldine Guzik told of French festivities; and Frannie Nielsen related facts about celebrations in Continued on Page 6 m m Neil Charles’ Band Will Play Far Annual Occasion The animal Sno Ball, the most outstanding event on Behrend’s social calendar during the winter season, will be held in Erie Fall on Thursday evening, December 16. The gala affair will last from 8 until 1, with appropriate music being supplied by Neil Charles and his orchestra. Dress for the dance is semi-formal and corsages are optional. There will ibe no admission charge for Behrend students and their dates, but a ticket will cost $2.50 per couple if neither person attends the Center. During intermission the Beh rend chorus under the direction of Mr. Hover, instructor of music and language, will sing the moving “Gloria” by Mozart, as well as the beautiful and fitting Christmas carols which are so familiar. Also, a .prize will be awarded ito the lucky ticket holder during inter mission, but as yet it is not an nounced what it will be. Each year the Sno Ball provides a dazzling, glittering spectacle as the couples dance in a veritable wonderland of enchantment. The dance is always awaited with an ticipation by all who have ed a previous one, and the holiday decor is always heralded as the most beautiful of any dance held 1 during the entire year. Decorations for this dance of dances are in keeping with the festive holiday air which is present during the Christmas season. Sparkling stars, tinkling- bells, green holly, provocative mistletoe, and, of course, the dazzling Christ mas tree will provide an atmos phere in tune with the joyous Yuletide season. The refreshments which are so necessary to the success of any dance, will consist of sherbet punch and Christmas cookies. There will he no charge of any kind for anything which is served. This year the Sno Ball is under the direction of the advisory groups-of Mr. Werner, instructor of engineering, and Mr. Richards, instructor of drafting. These two groups are under the general chairmanship of Jim Culbertson, council president. Other committees are: music, A 1 Kaufman; financial, Pam Wall work; publicity, Jack Tupitza; de corations, Bob Kamey and Harold Adams; refreshments, Mary Cloyd; service, Dora Cipriani; and cleanup, Bill Simmons.