The Nittany cub. (Erie, Pa.) 1948-1971, November 11, 1954, Image 1

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    MTTANV cue
Volume VII—NO. 3
Record Crowd Is Expected for Homecoming
Dramatics Club
Completes Plans
For Fall Drama
By Bob Detisch
The Behrend Center Players
under the direction of Mr. Lane,
instructor of English and German,
will present “Night Must Fall,” a
physchological murder mystery, on
the nights of November 17, 18, and
19 at 8:15 p. m., in Erie Hall. The
prices of the tickets will be 75c
for students and $1.20 for adults.
Story of the play:
“Dan is a ibellboy in a resort
hotel remotely located in Essex,
England. Having seduced Dora
Parkoe, a maid at Mrs. Bramson’s
home, Dan is summoned to the
Bramson cottage.
“Such is his charm that Mrs.
Bramson is immediately taken
with him, adding him to her
household servants. The minder
of a guest at the hotel is traced
to Dan by Olivia, an unhappy
niece of MTs. Bramson’s who elects
to shield the boy.
“Dan, grateful but powerless in
the grip of his homicidal instincts,
plots the murder of Mrs. Bramson
for her money: The police take
him away to be hanged, leaving
Olivia relieved but desolate.”
The play was written- by the
English playwright, Emlyn Wil
liams, who first played the role
of Danny on the New York stage.
“Night Must •Fall” also was pre
sented as a movie several years
ago with Robert Montgomery and
Rosiland Russell playing the lead
ing roles. This movie was the first
in a long series of Hollywood
psychological thrillers.
The Behrend Thespians have
spent many hours in preparation
for this production. This play,
the only one which will ibe offered
this semester, is certain to provide
a memorable evening of enjoy
ment, pleasure, and entertainment
to all who attend.
Council Chooses
Lounge Furniture
By Jack Rimp
The student lounge will soon
be greatly improved by the addi
tion of much needed furniture,
through the facilities provided by
Penn State. Recently, Norma
Michael, Jim / Culbertson, Sam
Wallwork and Mr. Kochel, admin
istrative head, went to Trask. Af
ter much consideration, they final
ly chose a suite that was both ser
viceable and stylish.
The furniture is constructed of
ash wood and artfully twisted and
.marked to resemble bamboo. The
covering is. of a pastic material,
and now the committee is decid
ing on an appropriate harmon-
izing color.
A couch, two chairs, a- settee,
and end tables are the articles
that were picked as most needed.
The furniture should be placed in
the lounge within the next, month
and should provide a greatly wel
come change.
Students Prepare Banquet Setting
Sophomore boys aren’t slouches! In the picture above, they
are learning the fine art of setting a banquet table with silver
and china. Paying close attention to Jan Jackson are (left to
right)—Joe Schmitt, Bon Cionco, John Churchill, Bob Yeager,
and Bob Detisch.
* * *
Mr. Kochel Gives
Speech At Banquet
One of the special activities of
homecoming weekend at Behrend
Center will be the homecoming
banquet. The banquet will ibe held .
downstairs in Erie Hall, at 6:30,.}
on Saturday, November 13. Mr..; I
Kochel, administrative head of. ;
Behrend Center, who will sit at>
the head table, will welcome the i
old alumni with an opening'
speech. j
' The menu for the banquet will!
include: Roast turkey. Cranberry
sauce, mashed potatoes, tossed
garden salad, tomato juice, car- !
rots and peas, apple pie, and cof- -
fee or milk. The food will be pro
vided by the Behrendt Restaurant
of Erie.
Herb Hanson, chairman of
the banquet committee, and Mr.
Gordon L. Baker, faculty advisor
for the homecoming weekend, ex
pect the assembled group of alum
ni. faculty, and students to num
ber at least a hundred people.
During the banquet, favors will
be giVen to all who attend for
remembrances of the 1954 tradi
tional reunion of Behrend Center.
' A fitting conclusion to the
homecoming banquet will be the
songs “A Prayer for Thanksgiv
ing” and “Falling in Love with
Love” sung by the Behrend Cen
ter choral group under the direc-*
tion of Mr. Hover, instructor of
languages and music.
8:00 P. M.—Reception of
alumni in the Memorial
1:00 P. M. Basketball
game (Alumni vs. Students)
in Erie Hall.
6:30 P. M.—Banquet sup
per in basement of Erie Hall.
8:00 P. M.—Homecoming
dance (Coronation of Queen)
1:00 P. M.—Farewell to
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1954 BEHREND CENTER—Pennsylvania State University
Studying one of the pictures submitted in the homecoming
queen contest are the committee chairmen, left to right—Jan
Jackson, publicity; Jack Rimp, queen contest; Bob Brandt, and
Tom Vieira, co-chairmen of homecoming; and Ron Cionco, band.
Co-Eds Submit
Contest Photos
On Wednesday, November 10,
the homecoming queen of Behrend
Center was chosen by popular
vote of the student body, at an
assembly held for that purpose.
The ballots were written and were
submitted to the queen contest
committee, Jack Rimp, Joe Schmitt
and Bob Brandt. The committee
counted the ballots, and the names
of three girls selected as princess
es were announced.
The three girls will reign over
all the homecoming festivities. At
the coronation ball on Saturday,
November 13, one of the girls will
be chosen queen and the other
two will ibe her attendants.
This is the first time in the
history of the Center that a queen
has been chosen. Any girl, dormi
tory', speech clinic, or commuter,
could compete for this honor. Each
girl submitted a petition signed
by ten students and a picture of
herself. Mr. Patterson, instructor
of math, was the official photo
grapher for the girls.
The pictures of the entrants
were on display for two days pre
vious to the balloting.
Committee Approves Petitions
By Diane Fagan
Alumni Arrive At Behrend
For Sixth Annual Reunion
Behrend Center’s traditional homecoming will be held
this year on Nov. 12, 13, and 14, Friday, Saturday, and Sun
day respectively. The sophomores, who will handle the de
tails for the weekend, and Mr. Baker, faculty advisor for the
.event, have announced the schedule of activities for the an
nual occasion.
The beginning 1 , of the sixth annual homecoming festivi
ties will be ushered in on Friday evening at 8:00. At this
time, a reception in the Memorial Room will be held to wel
come the early arrivals and to give the alumni and the pre
sent students a chance to get acquainted. Presiding over this
reception will 'be Jim Culbertson, president of the student
The round of events, planned by the various commit
tees, will officially start the following afternoon, Saturday.
At 1:00, in Erie Hall, the annual basketball games between
the alumni and the students will commence. As always, the
girls will begin the athletic trials, followed by the Behrend’s
Heads Reveal
Future Changes
■Mr. Kochel, administrative head,
and Mr. Campbell, assistant ad
ministrative head, have revealed
that the students of Behrend Cen
ter will witness many changes
around the campus in the very
near future.
At the present moment, the ad
ministration has submitted plans
to the Pennsylvania State Univer
sity for an additional classroom.
Although the plans are still pend
ing approval from Penn State,
dimensions for the new classroom
have ibeen drawn. The estimated
area, which will take up approx
imately one-third of the storage
space on the second floor of the
classroom building, is roughly 16
ft. by 30 ft. When the design for
the classroom meets with approv
al, the possibility of relieving
crowded conditions caused by in
creased enrollment will be real
As a result of a gift from Doro
thea Conrad, Erie Hall will be
acoustically treated. A company
has been contacted to do the work.
An encouraging prospect of the
installation is that the acoustical
tiles have already been purchased.
men’s varsity team, opposing for
mer stars of the Center court.
These contests should arouse
great interest among the fans of
either side, who will be lustily
cheering their respective teams on
to victory.
Saturday evening, in the recrea
tion room, the visitors and the
students will seat themselves at
the banquet table for a tasty sup
per. After the banquet, they will
spend the remainder of the eve
ning dancing to the melodious
strains of Gayle Brown’s Orches
The decor for the dance will
be relatively simple. It will be
based primarily on a coronation
tljeme, honoring Behrend’s home
coming queen, whose coronation
will take place at the dance. Mid
night will mark the conclusion
of Saturday’s activities.
The alumni will depart to their
various destinations on Sunday to
look forward to next year’s home
coming, while Behrend’s students
will return to their studies and
books until Thanksgiving vaca
The sophomore committees who
have worked very hard toward a
successful and remembered home
coming are: Bob Brandt and Tom
Vieira, who acted as co-chairmen
of the affair; Dennis Polatas, de
corations chairman; Jan Jackson,
publicity chairman; Carl Ander
son, program chairman; Ron
Cionco, who secured the band for
the dance; Jack Rimp, queen con
test chairman; and John Gott,
cleanup chairman.
The introduction of these tiles
will ibe of great aid to the drama
tic and speech activities that take
place in Erie HalL
A welcome addition to the fam
ily of automotive equipment is
a new 1955 Chevrolet ton and a
half pick-up truck purchased from
Anderson Motor Sales, Inc., in
Fairview. This truck is green and
is equipped with a hydraulic lift
snowplow which will be used for
clearing the snow off the roads.
Behrend Center has also purchased
a snowplow attachment for the
power lawn mower which will be
used for clearing off the walks.