The Nittany cub. (Erie, Pa.) 1948-1971, March 17, 1949, Image 3

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By Brownlie
By. Brownlie
In the fifth -week of Behrend’s
Bowling- league, A 1 Liebau was
high for the day with a 572 series.
His high was a smashing 202. Dick
Collman had the high single, an
excellent 210 game. Jean Keinath
and Jeanne Kimble were voted the
'ones most likely to throw the ball
in the gutter.
Lunk Head Pearce was high in
that department with a 465 three
game total. Rightrhanded, left-sid
ed Tom changed to right handed,
right sided Tom. -
The Ravens took three games
from the now lowly Eagles. Dick
Collman and Hon Beal were the
powers for the Ravens. Liebau and
Harry Schiemer' were again high
for the Eagles while Shirley Lind
er had not too much tremble find
ing the gutters.
In three very tight games, the
• Owls finally managed to take the
hard-plugging- Robins, two games
to one. Jim Mullard had a 175-451
series for the" ■ Owls,- John Korn
had- a steady 422 series for the
Robins. Dunk Zimmerman, trying
to help Marvin (change of pace)
Marcus, shouted out, “Come on
Marve, strike out.” Marvin came
back with “What do you think I
am, an exhibitionist?”
The Hawks, with not too much
trouble, -took the Loons three for
three. ‘Captain Uncle Dave of the
winners had a “fair” 191-542 series.
If I couldn't do better than that
I’d quit By the way, would anyone
care to play ping-pong with me
next Thursday afternoon from
four til "six? Mr. Gottlund also had
a very nice 406 series. The two
“R’s” were again high for the
Loons. Sturge toid me the only rea
son Rky -Reed didn’t have a “600”
series -was because he had “cold
conked” a pinrboy the day before
arid had to slow down his delivery.
The. .Penguins with Mr. Demp
and Mr, Henzi bringing them in,
took over - the Flamingos, two
gairies to one. Mr. Henzi just made
it with a 510 three game total. Ken
McDannel was top man for the
Flamingos with 399, while Ed Kitt
ka -was “on' his back” with a 392
series. Chuck Eckert and Judy
Thomas were still “close together”
with 321 and 322 respectively.
The Ducks took the Pelicans
over two games to one. Ray Metz
was high man for the Ducks with
481, while Bob Betts and Bill Hill
had 378 and 363 respectively for
the Pelicans. Betty Lou DaHlinger
told ine that she had a 243. She
neglected to tell me that it was'
for three games.
The Larks had little trouble tak
ing over the Cardinals in three
Nationally Known
George Harvey
Teaches Fly-Tying
-•> < '.V-. ■> ■■ ■ •••••“«?-' : %y > ■ ,
An announcement that 'should
interest all trout fishermen 'and'
Isaac Waltons in the Erie city and 1
county area, came from Erie Beh-:
rend Center of the Pennsylvania
State College recently.-
T. Reed Ferguson, administrative
head of the Center, released the
news that George Harvey, in-,
structor in Penn State’s school of
physical ■ education and athletics,
and nationally known trout-fisher
man, will teach a special course in
fly tying and fly casting t the
school beginning tomorrow, March
The course which was formally
approved by the College only a few
/ears ago, will be offered for the
first time in this .part of the state.
Similar .courses have been held by
Harvey in recent years in exten
sions at -Latrobe, Pa., and Greens
'ourg, Pa., as well as on the main
State College campus.
In- mentioning that registra
tions for the courses are -now:
being accepted, Mr. Ferguson em
phasized the .point that the course
.s limited to 30 persons.
' “George feels that he can best;
meet the needs of the class by
giving each member personal in
struction. only when the group is
limited to thirty in number,” the
Behrend head added.
The class will meet on consecu
tive Thursdays for six weeks be
ginning on March 17 and con
tinuing through April 2-1. It is an
evening section, meeting from 7 to
10 p. m. and is scheduled to sat
isfy the needs of those who are in
terested in fly tying and fishing.
The complete course—six con
secutive weeks, one night per
week—will cost each student only
nine dollars, and for those who
have no kit or who want to pur
chase a complete fly tying kit,
there will be new outfits available
at six dollars.
Instructor 'George Harvey is
widely known as a fisherman. He
has been fishing for 30 years, and
tying flies for 25 years.
His course oh the State College 1
campus has even attracted nation
al attention and was pictured an a
recent edition of LIFE magazine. 1
All ■ interested persons who are
not able to get out to Behrend
Center on Station- Road above
Wesleyville soon in order to reg- :
ister should call Mr. Ferguson at
83-101 or Arthur Shields, Center
botany instructor, at 83-450.
straight games. Faulkner had a high
449 for the Larks while Monahan
was close behind with 435. Adeie
Cabin continued on her high scor
ing ways with a 437 series. Dick
Taylor is to be congratulated for
his steady improvement.
.With the addition of the new
bowlers' the league seems to be
much closer.. Much fun is had by
all despite Mr. Demp’s and Mr.
Thurbon’s new hats.
•k m. ■iw 1
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m. 4k *k Vm’ * mr** ik*4k'%,
By Bob Gallagher
The Behrend floor team really
started off with a bang with their
£9-26 win over Bradford. A 1 Liebau,
the newly elected captain, along
with lanky Ray Reed played very
well under both baskets while Jim.
Milliard was the "Big gun" in the
scoring column. Benny Beniard
also worked well on the offense
with his comer push-shots. The
shot of the night however was Tom
Pearce's “set” from the center of
•the floor. "I don’t think it even’
touched the net. Willy Shortt and
Gibb -Brownlie worked smoothly
together at .the officials’ bench.
Honesty pays, you know!
Erie Cathedral Prep, .the north
western PCTAA representative,
was defeated .by Central Catholic
of Pittsburgh, 45-39 in the first
round of the state championship:
play-offs. Central then defeated
Johnstown 46-30 which qualifies
them tc compete in the finals .to be
held in Philadelphia sometime
next week.
Did you notice the -baggy eyes
and crestfallen -looks on John
Pagcmis, Prank Thompson, and
Ben Mallick last week? It’s a rare
disease called “lack of ping .pong-,
itis” or “open the Rec Hall, Mr.
Ferguson, or we’ll die of inactivity.”
Rumor has it that Miss Painter
coaches a hot girls’ basketball
team. A few frorri the fair and’
•fragile 'fell ihe that they would
relish a contest with the “brutes”
'with Women’s rules prevailing. Is
that you moaning, Mr. Demp?
Stiirge Entertains
While Baby Sleeps
The evening of Saturday, Match
5, some of the non-roUer-skatefs
of Behrend Center gathered at
the home of Ray Sturguleskie’s
brother, where Ray was baby sit
The party was very informal,
some of the guests removed their
shoes. Among those expressing
“hillbilly’' tendencies were Ray
Reed and Georgiahhe Fisher.
Ray Reed found the floor more
to his fancy than the chairs, but
he also found that lying flat on
his back oh the floor made it
impossible to reach the pretzels.
From the other side of .the room,
Allen Liebau came to Ray’s rescue
by tossing pretzels over Ray’s
fingers. With A 1 ringing and Ray
eating, this merry game continued
until the pretzels were gone.
“Sturg” and 'his' harmonica
furnished the mimical events of
the evening by playing several
songs requested by the guests.
“Parlor games” were also played.
•Bill Klajban caused Joan Baudi
no a deal of embarrassment
when he forgot -One small detail.
Ask either one of them about that
little detail!
tJpstafrs,- Istiirg’s T baby nephew
slept undisturbed by the merry
Those present WereAllefi Liebau
and Betty Lou Volk, Bill Ktaban
and Mary Hough, Ray Reed and
Georganne Pisher, Bill Richards
and- Mafffyn 'Garden, ISehfiy Behl-
Korny Korner
Phillip: I wonder if fishes grow
Ray: They must. My pop caught
one last -year that grows an inch
.every time'he talks about it.
Brain: Why can't you hang a
man with a wooden leg?
Wave: Because you have to use
a rope.
Spring is sprung
Autumn's fell.
Winter's here
Cold as—usual.
Teacher: Conjugate the verb “to
(Ambitious Student: swim, swam,
’Teacher: Now conjugate the
verb “to diin.”
-Student: You aren’t trying to
kid me, are you?
Wanted: Absent-minded pro
fessor to lecture to 'bis steaks and
cut all his classes.
Diner: Waiter, there’s a twig in
my soup.
Waite: I wouldn’t be surprised.
We have branches all over the
Barber shave
Man sneeze
Man died
Next please.
Last night I held a lovely hand;
A hand so soft and neat;
I thought my heart would burst
with joy,
So Wildly did it heat.
No other band trnto my heart
Such utter bliss could bring;
Than the hand I held last night—
Pour Aces and a King.
ard and Nona Ofctaway, William
Shortt and Sal Dickson, John
Speirling and-Cynthia Loesel, Jim
Milliard and Mary Devine, Don
Blair and--Joan Baudino, Janet
Brown, and of course, Bay the
Sports Dept.
913-915 State Street
Bowliiig Lanes |
1026 French St.
130 West 10th St.
Cubs Down
Dravosburg, 56-36
Behrend Center’s basketball
wise Cubs rolled to their second
victory in two starts last Satur
day night in the Lawrence Park
High gymnasium when they de
feated a scrappy Dravosburg Cen
ter team by 56-36.
Coach Marv Demp’s charges, led
by A 1 “Laughing Boy” Liebau, who
hit the nets for 20 points, display
ed a well-rounded club.
Supporting Liebau were Tom
Pearce and Bay Reed with clean
cut floor work and passing ability,
and rounding out -the five were
“Big Jim” Milliard and “Rapid
Robert” Gallagher, who kept the
boards well under control during
most of the evening’s play.
“Moon” Black, specializing in
one hand push, shot from half way
out, led the Dravosburg baske
teers with 15 markers, dropping in
7 field goals and one foul. Hank
Rakowski gave added spport for
the Behrend opponents with an
eight point total.
Although the scoreboard show
ed only 8 to 4 at the end of the
first quarter, Behrend height and
general floor work gave it the
winning margin as the locals
slowly, but gradually forged their
second triumph. “Tiny” Rakowski
was the only Dravosburg man to
tower over all -the Cubs individ
ually, and that literally, as he
boasts a -height of 6 ft. 5 in.
Following are the game’s sta
1 1
McDannell 0
Chesley 0
Schorr - 0
Stephan 1
Brennen 0 0 0
Rakowski 2 4 8
Brinker 0 0 0
Black 0 0 0
Referees: Obt Wuenschel, A 1 Wag
c 3450 Glenwood Park f
S Avenue . ?
The Harbor
Ice Cream
Soda Bar
C. E. Reichart
__ 0
__ 4