The Nittany cub. (Erie, Pa.) 1948-1971, March 17, 1949, Image 1

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    Volume I—No. 8 * Price Five Cents
Larsen Chosen ‘Miss Penn State Frosh’
School Band to Play for
St Patrick’s Day Dance
Behrend Center’s First Annual
St. Pa brick’s Day Dance will take
•the spotlight on the local Glen
' hills Farm campus, Friday even
ing from 8 to 12 p. m., on March
Music for the informal affair
will be provided by the school’s
own band which will be making
its debut that night under the
leadership of Jack Longnecker,
well-known local musician and
present student ait the college.
Having the Center Recreation
Hall for its setting, the St. Pat
rick’s Day Dance will have an ap
propriate decorative theme with
large green swinging lanterns and
paper shamrocks lining the hall.
The dance Is sponsored by the
student activities board of the
local college "and will be open to
all Behrend freshmen and their
Dance committee chairmen in
clude Nan Weston, publicity; Joan
Baudino, tickets; Judy Thomas,
refreshments; and Tom Pearce,
Dr. Grose Speaks
To ‘Nitt’Assembly
On Thursday, March 3rd, Dr. C.
Herman Grose, Superintendent of
Public Schools in Erie, spoke brief
.ly to our assembly about the pos
sibilities of young people going in
to the teaching profession. Dr.
Grose stressed the need for special
education. -Following his speech
was a period of questioning and
discussion, led by Dr. Grose.
This 'discussion brought- out
many facts which would be helpr
ful in aiding education students in
picking the various fields for
which they would be best suited.
It also included a. sketch of. the
areas where most teachers are
needed .and exposed some of the
misleading facts about recent
statistics concerning the lack of
B. C. Represented
At Edinboro
Open House
Behrend Center sent a re
presentative freshman coed team
to the basketball and swimming
competition which 'began at 1:30
Open House at Edinboro State
Teachers College on Saturday,
March 12, by Janice Painter,
women’s physical education in
structor at the Glenhill campus.
Participating in the basketball
were; Lore Vogel, Lee DelleDonne
and Carol McKrell at the forward
positions, with Lois Braden, Judith
Norton, and Penny O’Neil at the
guard jobs. Nan Biennan and
Anna Mae Titmus were substitutes.
The coeds followed the basket
ball jamboree with some friendly
swimming matches. Dinner -in the
college dining room completed the
day’s activities.
Student Council
News and Views
Due to the recent closing of the
student lounge, an emergency
meeting of the Behrend Center
Student Council was called by
President Tom Pearce. The council
and visitors were presented with
a background of the events lead
ing to the closing of the lounge,
and suggestions were requested on
measures to remedy the existing
situation. Recommendations were
presented to reopen the lounge on
Thursday afternoon at 2:00 with
sufficient ash trays and other
waste receptacles to better main
tain cleanliness.
. A previous regular meeting had
.also been held, on March 3, at
which a revised amendment to the
- Continued on page Four
The WSnnah ! !
D. A. Speaks On
Communist Trials
JVfr. Damian J. McLaughlin, Dis
trict Attorney of Erie county, spoke
at an assembly Thursday, March
10, which opened the student
lounge after it had been closed
for three days.
Mr; McLaughlin, intro
duced by Marilyn Garden, spoke
on the recent communist .trials in
the state of New York. He began
the talk by outlining the judicial
department of the United States
government as far back as ’‘the
English common law, up to and in
cluding the present day jury.
Mr. McLaughlin told how the
jury is to be picked for the com
munist trials and the various com
plaints of the defense attorneys.
He said the men are not being
charged for being communists, but
for advocating the overthrow of
the United States by force and
The various questions asked by
the students at the assembly, and
answered by Mr. McLaughlin end
ed the discussion.
Following the speaker, Miss
Garden turned the assembly over
to Jim Mullard, vice president of
the student council. Mr. Mullard
made announcements concerning
the Student Lounge, which has
been turned over by Mr. T. Reed
Ferguson, administrative head, to
the Student Council, which has the
power to close it if necessary. The
Student Council put Ray Metz,
president of the class at Behrend
Center, in charge of future assem
“Gibb” Brownlie brought up the
amendment, which had been re
jected by the student body in’ a
past assembly, for vote as to
whether it should be passed with
or without the first part, which
states that Student- Council mem
bers could hold another office. The
students voted for the amendment
to be passed, excluding the first
The assembly ended with a tech
nicolor movie on ski scenes in New
Student Judges Select Blonde,
Curvacious Erieite As State
Entry in National Contest
Lawther Resigns
As Basketball
Mentor Of Lions
John G. Lawther, head basket
ball coach at Penn State since
1936, announced his resignation
Tuesday, March Bth.
Assistant Coach Elmer A. Gross
will take over Lawtheris place as
head coach. Gross, a native of
Munhall, Pa., was an outstanding
player under Lawther, driving the
1940-41-42 seasons. He returned
to Penn State in 1945 as a graduate
student and assistant coach. In
1947 he was named a full time in
structor and assistant. '
. >' v ''
The Pennsylvania State College,
the_ University of Chicago, and the
University of California have been
selected by the Carnegie Founda
tion to make a survey study of the
activities of college extension
During the -week-end of March
5, Mir. Blake from the University
of Chicago, and Mr. Stanley Cam
bell from the Pennsylvania State
College, visited Behrend Center
to observe its activities and facili
The purpose of this survey is to
make reports that will be made
available in. the future for better
management of extension centers,
and’ for the use of other colleges
who will establish extension cen
ters in the future.
Behrend Center—Pennsylvania State College
Our own Rose Larsen, who won
the local beauty contest by a
unanimous decision, duplicated the
feat on the Penn State campus
last Thursday, March 10.
The gala affair started at 7 p. m.
with a led by the 27 piece
State R. 0. T. C. band, which
wound through the Campus streets
and ended at the Cathaum theater.
There the five freshmen finalists
were introduced to the audience
and presented to the five student
judges who elected Rose for the
title of “Miss Penn State Fresh
man.” She was then presented with
$lOO from the Twentieth Century
Fox Studios, sponsors of the con
test and producers of the film
“Mother is a Freshman," which
had its premiere in the Cathaum
theater at 8 p. m. Other awards in
cluded a Penn State stuffed animal
given by Metzger’s and additional
awards from the sponsors of the
Miss Larsen’s photograph will
now be entered in a nationwide
competition against photos of fif
teen other college winners, with
a one week, expense paid summer
trip to Hollywood as the top prize.
Fifteen similar premiers were
held last Thursday in other college
towns throughout the nation. The
campuses considered to have the
best selection of freshman women
were named in a poll of 257 univer
sity newspaper editors.
Behrendites eagerly awaited
the outcome of the contest and as
soon as the results were in much
informal celebrating took place.
Rose’s five competitors were
among her most ardent rooters
here at the Center.