Volume I—No. 5 BEHREND CENTER MAY HAVE NEW GYMNASIUM Ida W. Ficker Named Advisor of Activities Com. Miss Ida W. Ficker, instructor in German and English, is to head the new Activities Committee set up last week by T. Reed Fergu son, head of the Center. Many and varied will be the - duties of the committee composed of Miss Ficker, faculty advisor; Tom Pearce, president of Stud ent Council; Ray Metz, freshman class president; and the respec tive presidents of all of the oth er campus clubs. The new committee, scheduled to go into effect the second sem ester, will have as its main duties the setting of dates for the year’s activities calendar. All clubs axe to use this committee for a clear ing house so that at least one ac tivity per week can be worked out. Probably the first function un der the new set-up will come on the first Saturday of registration, Feb. 5. THURBON TEACHES JOURNALISM CLASS David G. Thurbon, acting head of the English department of Behrend Center, was appointed today to teach Journalism 10, newspaper reporting workshop course, in the coming semester. The new section, approved by Professor Franklin C. Banner, head of the department of Journ alism of The Pennsylvania State College, was first offered this past semester at the Hazelton and Pottsville centers. Carrying one credit and meeting once a week, the course will offer the simpler fundamentals of news, editorial, and feature -writing. Serving mainly as a workshop course for those interested in contributing" to the student news paper, the section is open also to engineers and students in all cur riculums. Mr. Thurbon is well-qualified to teach the course, having taken journalism as a related field sub ject during undergraduate work at the University of Pittsburgh, and having served under W. Don Harrison, well-known and accred ited free lance writer and present head of the English department at Pitt’s Johnstown Center. Mr. Thurbon, himself, has writ ten for- several newspapers, and during his closing days of service in World War 11 served as a part time public relations officer for the Navy. EDUCATION STUDENTS PLEASE READ THIS All education students should report to R. C. Henzi, assistant administrative head, their major and minor subjects as soon as pos sible so that second semester schedules can be made out prompt ly and correctly. ..SIMAS'* CUB * Price Five Cents Record Player, Sound System Added to Lounge Clean those ears out and listen! A new Bell Sound System record player has recently arrived in the lounge. In addition -to the turn table speaker, there is another located in the rafters for the better dis semination of sound. A good fea ture of the new player ,is that it is a small portable and can easily be transported to the rink- below the barn for ice skating this win ter. Ski Enthusiasts Plan Excursions Of great interest to our Behrend Center skiers is the super colos sal plan -of Robert L. Rathfon, Ski Cl-ub President. He has made considerable in vestigation down at State Park as •to skiing conditions, and it is his desire to make up a group of about twenty-five students and journey down there for the week end. Sounds like a lot of fun, Bob, so come, on all you B C’s and don’t forget to bring lots of warm clothes, ‘cause we want 'to see you back next semester! . Two movies that will be of in terest to the Ski Clubbers are being sent to Behrend Center. The first one 'will he here late in February, and the second one in early March. Attention, Vets! According to the veterans Administration -Technical Bul letin 7-109, dated August 17. 1948, entitled —“Offical Report of . Compensation”—a veteran may submit a report of compen sation for additional funds if the' amount he has already re ceived does not equal the max imum allotted. Any veteran who wishes further information on this can see Mr. Henzi at his office. OFFICIAL STUDENT PUBLICATION To Grace Campus So Future? > C;..' p. , - . • ‘ , '£££' - " Artist’s plan for possible Behrsncl gymnasium will be similar to Hazelton’s TUESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1949 “Escape” Marks Dramatic ' Club’s Initial Presentation The Dramatics Club'presented dts first production, “Escape,” by John Galsworthy., Friday evening in the Student Lounge. The production, which was un der the direction of William Hor ena, instructor in speech, was an episodic play with a prologue and was presented as one in a group of fine arts series under the Col lege Service. Members of the cast were Ray Reed as Capt. Matt Dennent; Gene Chesley, plain clothesman; Ray Sturgulewski, convict; John Pagonis, prison warden; Georganne Fisher, “lady in the bedroom,” Pen ny O’Neil, maid; Judith Thomas, shopkeeper’s wife; Mr. Horean, preacher; Dorothy Holmstrom, ■narrator; Nan Bierman, wife of the effeminate man; Judy Norton as Miss Dora; and Marilyn Garden as Miss Grace. Others taking part Advisory Board Discusses Student Aid, Scholarships The Erie Advisory Board ■ of Behrend Center held -its regular meeting recently. A majority of the members were present and ; certain problems were discussed that had arisen. Scholarships and student ai'd were discussed in great detail. If any of the stu dents of the Center at the present time are in need of financial aid the Board is available and willing to help. Mr. Meyer of Erie is hoping to inaugurate fellowship in retailing and advertising for a deserving student. The Board is also hoping to sponsor a new instructor in the nfear future. It is hoped that in the coming years there will be at Behrand a two year secretarial course with college credit for any students who might be interested. BOOK STORE HOURS Friday 3:30-4:30 Monday and Wed 2:30-4:30 Tuesday and Thurs 1:00-2:00 included Gibb Brownlie, Sally Dickson, and John Falcone. Moving -and speaking well in typical fashion in this “book in hand” production, the cast took several parts each during the play. No props were used, and the actors performed before the fire place, with the audience separa ted from the stage by table device. Mr. Ferguson Gets New Squawk Box Calling Mrs. Adam! Calling Miss (hold your breath until June) Mc- Beath! Calling all secretaries! T. Reed Ferguson, head- of the Center, now has a direct intercom munications system, to his office force, rigged up shortly after ar rival by Dr. E. A. Quade, new mathematics and physics instruct or. New Instructor Dr. Edward A. Quade, most re cently acquired Center instructor, will teach physics and mathmatics classes here. Behrend Center—Pennsylvania State College $75,000 Building To House Armory And Class Rooms Dig out your basketball trunks, polish, your ROTC rifles, and prac tice up on your acting! Word has just become official that tentative ideas for a $75,000 gymnasium for our school are now being discussed by members of the Advisory Board of the Penn sylvania State College, Behrend Center. " V | h W x At a recent meeting of the Board, initial discussion of the project was started when S. H. Campbell, State College official in charge of community service at Central Extension, presented an idea of what was being done at the Hazelton center. He brought also the plan of the Hazelton gym nasium (a line drawing of which is found elsewhere on this page), money for which is being raised by the Hazelton Chamber of Commerce. The gymnasium there will probably be completed by next September. The plan for the Beh rend Center gymnasium might be simi lar, although probably the archi tecture will be worked in keeping with the other buildings on the grounds. cjg** i There 'is no denying the need of a suitable building to house the facilities for a well-rounded physi cal education program for both men and women students. Specif ically, the new recreation build ing would probably serve as a gym, armory, and assembly hall. It is hoped that a permanent stage can be added to one end to facilitate play productions and a variety of assembly programs. R. 0. T. C.' would also have its place on campus as a result of the gym, because adequate space for winter drilling would then be available. Offices, locker rooms, health classrooms and ROTC storage rooms would be prent in addition to the main gym. In order for the school to handle any adequate sports pro grams, especially basketball com petition, the Advisory Board re cognizes the need of the Center to have its own gymnasium. The Hazelton plan has been submitted to the Board, and a committee is Continued on page Four CENTER ENROLLS FROSH FOR FEBRUARY TERM A limited number of new fresh men students will be admitted to The Pennsylvania State College, Behrend Center in Erie for the Spring term, beginning February 7, according to an announcement made today by T. Reed Ferguson, administrative head of the Center. •New students may enroll in all of the regular curricula of The Pennsylvania State College with the exception of architecture, architectural engineering, and forestry.