Volume I—No. 3 * Price Five Cents CENTER PLANS REGULAR WINTER SKI RUN Meet Your Council Meenbers doing its best to organize functions for the student-body in clude left to right(front row): Judy Norton, Tom Pearce, Bill Nelson, Ed. Kittka; (standing) Wes Pfirman, Dunk Zimmerman, Janet Brown, Gibb Brownlie, and Jim Mall ard. Sadie Hawkin’s Day Dance to Be Held Dec. 3 On the evening of December 3, there .will be a Sadie Hawbin’s Day; dance, sponsored by the dormitory girls. The'-girls are supposed to ask the boys to the dance but they are not allowed to do this until ■eight thirty in the morning of the dance. All day Friday, the girls are supposed to extend to the boys, all the courtesies which nor mally should be shown the girls. These include: helping them with their coats, opening doors for them, asking them for dances and picking up things they drop. Once a boy accepts a bid to the dance, he must wear a sign saying “I’m caught.” The official dress of the whole day will be blue jeans and shirts.. At noon on Friday there will be a tug-of—war between the girls and boys. On the game committee are Mary Hough, Frances Finesod, Dorothy Holmstrum, Margie Flem ing, and Lois Braden is the chair man. Included in the refreshment committee are Penny O’Niel, Nan Weston, Lena DelleDonne and Judy Thomas is the chairman. Betty Lou Volk is the chairman of the decoration committee and working with her are Sally Dick son, Ruth Gross, Marilyn Garden,’ Nan Beirman, and Joan Baudino. Start thinking girls! Who. is going to be the lucky fellow on December 3? Who is going- to wear your “I’m caught” sign. “Turkey Hop” to - Be Here Tonight Come one, come all, ‘to our Thanksgiving Ball! The Student Council is sponsoring a super duper dance tonight, November 23rd, from 8:30 to 11:30 in the Student Lounge. The dance com mittee includes Bill Nelson, Judy Norton, and Wes Pfirman. The “Turkey Hop” promises to be a gala affair! Music will be furnish ed by Matty Palmer and his or chestra. SIII AN> CUB Council Members Set Committees Members of the student council have been divided into various committees. A committee to study traffic functions concerning speed, parking lot and the circle in irons of the house consists of Jim Mull ard and Tom Pearce. On the committee for weekend activities to be planned by each club, are Wes Pfirman, Bill Nelson and Judy Norton. Ed. Kittka and Janet Brown are the committee members for improvements for the student lounge. Gibb Brownlie is a one-man committee to inquire about colored light bulbs to be pur chased for dances held in the stud ent lounge. The new representative on the student council from the field of Mineral Industries and Physical Education is Bill Klaban. Time Set for Amateur Night Lend an ear, all you, Staters! Bring out and polish up all your hidden talents and tricks for Behr end Center’s first Amateur Night. Cover yourselves with glory and be a possible Horace Heidt winner. This project will be under the able direction of Mr. Belferman, lan guage instructor, and the clubs that he has organized. The date for the Amateur Night is Satur day, December 11th. The place: The Student Lounge. Center Theater Behfend Center has high hopes of having a small theater on the second floor of the bam. At the present time it is still talk, but we hope that quite soon plans will be under way. A theater such as this will make an excellent lecture hall, and will also make it possible for the Dramatics Club to put on vari ous plays. The Dramatics Club will be under the direction of Mr. Korean, and is in the process of being formed now. OFFICIAL STUDENT PUBLICATION Expected Soon TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1948 Tobogganing Chute May Also Be Included for the Coming Season Last week T. Reed Ferguson, administrative head of Erie’s Behr end Center of the Pennsylvania State College, revealed that defi nite plans are underway here to construct one of few standard full size open slope ski courses to be found in this part of the state. The announcement holds wide spread interest for people of this district because the long 300 yard ski run is to be open not only to the students of the school but al so to their invited guests of the Erie city and county area. “Such a layout has been in the minds and discussion of various faculty members and campus au thorities for several weeks now,” Ferguson stated. Vlisiting the local campus last week in order to get width and length estimates and to take the first actual organizational steps in the construction of the open slope ski area were Charles W. Stod dart, Jr., director of physical ed ucation for extensions and Sherm P. Fogg, ski and tennis coach and professor of physical education both from State’s main campus. Interested spectators from Erie uieiuSisci Lowiii w. auu ward Abramoskfi. respective sup ervisors of physical education and athletics for Erie’s secondary and elementary schools, as well as Othmar Wuensehel, president of Introducing Shmoosephine Shmoosephine, the ideal B.C. Coed, bids a typii night to her beau in the typical B. C. manner. the local Penn State alumni group. Fogg, who will be in charge of formation plans, last week inspect ed the actual cutting of the main course run as it weaved its way down a 100 yard wide slope for ap proximately the length of three football fields with a gradual rol ling vertical drop of 95 feet. “We hope this winter.” Fogg stated, “to bring down Penn State’s Switzerland born Bill Graf, a great jumper only in his sophomore year, to help our local coaches in a ski clinic which will be open to the public.” Coach Fogg, vtho has turned out such Pennsylvania stars as Max Peters and George Quimby, last year’s State College varsity ski captain, intimated that Behrend Center’s potential ski spread is ideally situated as to ground plan. “For one thing,” he pointed out. “the hilly area where we are stak ing out the course, is on the campus and faces north.” He stressed the fact that this is very important for this part of the country so that the available snow present at the time will mainly be struck only by slanting rays from the sun, thus permitting the snow to stay lunger ouce biic'iun been firmly packed down. Authorities agree, too, that be cause of the protection given the grounds by the-surrounding wood ed regions, a full two months of Behrend Center—Pennsylvania State College skiing may be possible at times during a good winter. The skiing layout is to be of the open run type rather than a brok en trail or jump course. The open run .usually gets more use than any other type, and it is also the safest. By providing a full-sized ski run, Behrend Center will probably save student skiers from having to travel many miles to find a suit able spot for their sport. The plans, as outlined now, will provide many other features in ad dition to the already cut main run. Two walk-up trails, as well as an Continued on Page Four CALLING ALL BOOKS! Hear ye’! hear ye! all stu dents and faculty members, The student body is now put ting on a drive for more books for the school library which is woefully understocked at the moment. Please scour your at tics, write your families, see your friends and relatives; ask them for books they no longer are using or want. If each rea der of this appeal v . brings at least one book to the library we will be well on our way to having plenty of suitable mat erial available! ? ? ? ? ? Newest Behrend * “Sweetheart” The Nittany Cub takes pleasure in introducing to its readers Behr end Center’s own SMOOSEPHINE who will be a regular feature car toon in the Cub hereafter. “Gracing” the-pagq? of this and coming issues. SMOOSEPHINE is the brain child creation of Cub artist, Bill Klaban, popular comic character himself who is often spotted at Behrend functions doing his famous “shuffle dance.” “Frankly.” stuttered Kla ban modestly today, “I think the Behr end students are getting a real break in having SMOOSEPHINE in each issue of the CUB. After all, ‘Sturge’ Sturgelewski, Dunk Zim merman, and I can’t always be around to provide the kids with basic down -to - earth humor. SMOOSEPHINE is always avail able! SEE YOU AT TH E TURKEY HOP TONIGHT! BOOK STORE HOURS Monday and Wed 2:30-4:30 Tuesday and Thurs 1:00-2:00 Friday 3:30-4:30