The Nittany cub. (Erie, Pa.) 1948-1971, October 26, 1948, Image 4

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    Aft Work in fthe Library n We Think**
Continued from Page 1
students who have paid their act
ivity fees shall he elegible for
a. providing such student does
not hold other office.
b. providing such student main
tains a grade average of I.
Section H. There shall be nine
students composing the Student
a. representation shall be aport
ioned according to the popula
tion of the college and the curri
b. when any one curriculum has
insufficient membership to be
granted representation, said
curriculum may combine an
other school of low enrollment.
c. insufficient membership may
■be defined as ten or less stud
Section m. In,the event that no
wohreh “be"elected to the council,
one woman elected at large, shall
sit in at the Council in a non
voting advisory council.
Section IV. Vacanies occuring in
the council for any reason will be
filled by a vote of the council
within two weeks after such vac
ancy occurs. The person selected
shall be from the school in which
the vacancy of representation has
Section V. A member of the stud
ent council may be expelled from
the council by a two-third vote of
the council’s members for miscon
duct or neglect of duties.
Section VI. Two consecutive ab
sences at any time, or absence
from three meetings of the student
council in one semester shall for
feit the seat of the delinquent
provided such absences are not ex
cused by the president of the
council at the first meeting follow
ing the violation,
a. Each delinquent member shall
be notified by the secretary and
given one week in which to pre
sent a suitable excuse to the
Article V. Officers
Section I. Officers of the Council
shall be president, a vice-president,
a -secretary, and a treasurer.
Officers shall be elected by a vote
of the Council at the first regular
meeting of each year,
a. Vacancies occuring among
officers shall be filled at the
next regular or special meeting.
Article VI. Meetings
Section I. The Student Council
shall meet once a week. Day and
hour to be decided at the discretion
of the Student Council.
Section H. The president of the
Council shall be empowered to
call special meetings when he or
she deems necessary.
Section HI: First meetings of each
year shall occur immediately after
election results have been de
Article VH. Method of Election:
of Council Members and Class Off
Section I. Elections of representa
tives shall occur within one week
after the ten day matriculation
a. providing the council from the
preceding year is not intact, the
dean of women shall make ready
all matters necessary for a
successful election.
Section 11. Representative shall
be elected in special election
meetings of respective curricu
Section 2H. Class officers, shall
be elected from among the nine
members of Council. Elections
shall be held immediately after
the nine members are determined,
a. Officers shall be a President,
a Vice-President, and a Secre
Article • VEH. Powers
Section I. The Student Council
shall have the power to consider
and act upon such matters as may
be brought before it by the ad
ministrative head, or by any stud
ent, or by any faculty member.
Section 11. The Student Council
shall have the power to summon
before it any student or group of
students and to conduct such
investigation as it deems nec
Section m. Upon any invest
igation held before the student
council any member of the faculty
may be requested to appear as a
witness or to attend as an aid to
Section IV. The student Council
should have power to recommend
penalties up to and including ex
pulsion of any student.
Section V. The student council
should have sole charge of all
money collected through student
activity fees and activities where
an additional charge has been
made by Student Council,
a. Requests for money from any
group must be in writing and
signed. Such requests will be
considered at next meeting of
Article IX. Amendments
Section I. This constitution may
be amended by the student council.
Section It. The procedure for
amending, the constitution shall
a. The proposed amendment
shall be submitted to the student
council in writing at least six
days before the next scheduled
b. • The proposed amendment
may be passed by a vote of two
thirds of the number present.
c. All amendments passed by the
student council must be ratified
by the student body. Two-thirds
of the votes cast will be required
to- ratify such amendments.
d. If two-thirds of votes cast are
asseinting, such amendment
shall be incorporated in the con
Botanists Visit
Clymer, N. Y., Bog
Mr. Arthur Shields’ Botany 1
class took its first field trip of the
school year last week when it paid
a visit to the well known Clymer
Bog, situated near Clymer, New
Two cars of students accomp
anied their instructor as the class
got its first look at the ancient
little lake that is almost entirely
covered with a. great variety of
vegetation and other sundry grow
Probably one of the most out
standing growths in the bog was
the fairly rare pitcher plant which
grows in abundance around and
in the swampy area itself. Along
with it the students found a good
amount of sundew, another .of the
insectivorous plants. Cranberries
also were discovered in profusion,
but Mr. Shields is not too sure
.these were enjoyed by all.
. .“One of the outstanding features
of the bog,” stated Mr. Shields,
“is the fact that small pine trees
are growing right on top of the
water’s surface along with other
growth varieties.” Everytime the
group jumped up and down, the
pines and. vegetation seemed to
weave and ripple with the surface
of the lake.
While getting. practical illust
rated instructions from their lec
ture the students were kept busy
at times dodging or side stepping
mushy spots and occasionally
muskrat holes in the bog.
The class brought back one pitc
her plant and several other re
presentative species which are now
on display in the botany lab in
Room 107. Mr. Shields warns,
however, that the pitcher plant
is showing marked signs of be
coming, extinct in local areas and
that in most instances the layman
should refrain from taking it from
its natural habitat.
Other fields trips, which are a
part of the scheduled agenda for
botany classes, are to be taken in
the future with one possibly taking
place on Erie’s Presque Isle;
Continued from Page 1
The public. will have a chance to
see how. this building has been con
verted to fit the College’s needs,
the pine-paneled living room be
coming a, library, the other first
floor rooms serving as offices, .dis
pensary, cafeteria and' dining
space, with thie upstairs contain
ing mainly the women’s dormitories
and several faculty apartments.
With the collegiate changes, the
entire property now includes the
main house, a stone and frame
structure containing sixteen rooms
and six baths, a large combination
★ ~ TV
Stater’s Strut Halloween Dance
OCTOBER 30, 1948
8:00 to 11:30 P. M. STUDENT LOUNGE ~
Gome One .. . Come All! 35c Per Person ;
50c Per Couple
Main Building on Behrend Compu:
laboratory and faculty apartment
building, the. spacious classroom
buildings, swimming pool and re
creation hall, and several smaller
buildings, along, with a. basketball
court and other facilities.
Before and after the dedication,
the beautiful sprawling wooded es
tate, which is ideally suited to a
college campus, will be open to
those who wish to stroll around the
Sports Dept.
. 913-915 State Street
Compliments of
Erie YMCA |
§ 10th and Peach Sts.
The staff of the Nittany Ouib
■would appreciate any comments
or criticism' on this first edition.
32 E. 9th St. Phone 2-3681
Business Opportunities
• Apartment Buildings