Volume I—No. I DEDICATION WILL BE HELD ON SATURDAY Council Drafts Constitution for Student Body Under the direction of Mr. Tho mas Turnbull, history instructor, the • temporary student' council headed by president, William Nel son, completed the first draft'of Behrend Center’s -constitution. The constitution was mimeographed and distributed to the student body, Friday October 22. Today the entire student body, was eligible to vote on- the constitution, which must be ratified by two thirds of the stud ents' voting. In the event that the student body does not accept the constitution, it ■will be 'rewritten entirely, as it must be accepted as a whole. The writing of the const itution was held off while student council members asked suggestions of the students at large. These sug gestions were put before the coun cil and either rejected or accepted. The constitution in its original form is as follows: Article L Name Section I. The name of this organ ization shall be the Student Government Association of Be hrend Center of the Pennsylvania State College. Article H. Organization Section I. There shall -be a Student Council composed of representa- tives from each curriculum. Section H. There shall be a facu lty advisory board, composed of two, one faculty advisor repre sentative of administrative head, and. one faculty advisor elect ed by. council. Article-UL Purpose Section I. The. Student Govern ment Association shall:, a. initiate all legislation con cerning the welfare of the .Stud ent body and college; all such legislation shall be submitted to the faculty advisory board for approval. b. create, maintain and regulate all customs and traditions of the college. c. initiate and coordinate social, functions and activities of the student body for the mutual wel fare. of the student body and college. d. investigate any complaint or suggestion made to it by any student or group of students. Such complaint or suggestion shall be in writing and signed by person or persons instigating or suggesting such, appeal. Said complaint or suggestion shall be taken at next regularly schedul ed meeting, providing that such a meeting does\not fall within a week following receipt of said, complaint or suggestion. Special meetings may be called as the case may warrant. Section n. The faculty advisory board shall: a. , act in advisory capacity in the.enactment of all legislation, to., have the power to veto such legislation as .one or both deems detrimental to student body and college'. Legislation may be pass . ed.over said veto by a two-thirds .vote-of.the entire student body and a simple majority vote of faculty members. Article. IV. Membership Section I. All regular and special Continued oh Page Four 7«NITTANy CUB * Price Five Cents Night Classes Not only is the Behrend Center of the Pennsylvania State College going at full speed during the day but it is also working overtime at night. Yes, classes are being held in the classroom building on Mon day and Wednesday evenings.. The courses are being primarily held for those interested in furthering their former education along ind ustrial lines. There are seventy seven students and 120 course en rollments. Many of these courses do not carry college credit but in stead industrial units. The courses being taught and the teachers tea ching them are as follows: Engineering Economics and Cost - Mr. Ferrell Strength of Materials Mr. Steinberg Process Industries Mr. Steinford Managerial Accounting Mr. Kinney Tool and Die Design Mr. Foyle Applications Mr. Schlosser Applied Mechanics and Strength of Material Mr: Sternberg Kinematics Mr. Prendergast The Shop Foreman Mr. Ferrell Labor Relations OFFICIAL STUDENT PUBLICATION In Grateful Appreciation Mrs. Mary B. Behrend Get Under Way Miss Lucy^Jorton TUESDAY, OCTOBER, 26, 1948 Alumni Holds First Meeting One of the first official alumni gatherings on the Behrend Center campus brought together a good percentage of the State College Alumni of Erie to view pictures of the State Southern Methodist Cotton Bowl pictures. Ridge Riley, coordinator for many of the extension activities of the college, was present to accompany the pictures with an interesting line of dialogue and chatter. Other business at the alumni meeting found Othmar Wuen schel, President of the group, suggesting that the alumni take a firmer interest in the activities of their school now that a new branch has been established in the area. Mr. Wuenschel also suggest ed that at the next meeting the Alumni put forth efforts to elect new officers for the coming year. Edwin W. Nick, President of the Northern Equipment Company and one of the strong boosters of the Erie Behrend Center, also in timated that the alumni meetings would be opportune times for the Erie alumni to get together to re view old times and support ed ucational activities in relation to Penn State and its new extension. Electrical Networks Mr. Schlosser Heat Power 111 Mr. Schneider We Thank You Mrs. Behrend We, the student body of Behrend Center’s first class, want to take this opportunity to thank you in dividually and collectively, Mrs. Mary B. Behrend, for your grand gift of this lovely estate, now our beautiful Campus. Far more important than all the appropriate surrounding physical properties, however, is the loving, considerate thought behind your donation which has made possible greater, and more adequate educa tional facilities for not only the Erie area students but for young people all over western Pennsyl vania who are looking forward to college days in the future. So once again, thank you, Mrs. Behrend, for this splendid move, so typical of your, husband, Erie philanthropist, Ernst R. Behrend. Dress Will Be Informal for \ First Dance Saturday, October 30th will be the opening event of the social season at Behrend Center. The new ly formed student council has planned for this dance with the added help of Mr. Demp, and Mr. Bliley. The “Staters Strut” will take place on Halloween Eve in the Student Lounge, and is expected to attract many students. The Cub Staff has been advised that dress should be very informal as there will be square and round dancing, with Howie Disk giving the calls. After an hour or more of this fast twisting and turning there will be refreshments served, consisting of cider and doughnuts. The daiice committee consists of Bill Nelson, chairman, Judy Tho mas, refreshments, Wes Pfirman, publicity, Dunk Zimmerman, dec orations, Janet Brown, chaperone committee. Grapplers Gather For Grunts, Groans Intramural Wrestling Practice is being held every Saturday morn ing from nine thirty to eleven for ty five at the Lawrence Park High School. Participants will re ceive .instruction and training for several months afterwards, and in tramural tournament will be held and a champion crowned for each of the following weight classes: 121 lbs.;. 128 lbs., 135 lbs., 145 lbs., 155 lbs., 165 lbs., 175 lbs., heavy weight. About 20 grippers have signed up already. BACK THE NITTANY CUB! BOOK STORE HOURS Monday and Wed 2:30-4:30 Tuesday and Thurs—l:oo-2:00 Friday 3:30-4:30 Behrend Center —'Pennsylvania State College Judge Hirt Is Main Speaker Erie’s most recently established institution of higher learning, The Behrend Center of the Pennsyl vania State College, will hold its formal dedication on Saturday, October 30 on the west terrace of the campus, which is located ap proximately seven miles east of Erie proper, and about two miles south of Wesleyville on Station Road. Open to the public, the.dedica tion ceremonies will commence at 3 P. M., and are to be presided over by Edwin W. Nick, President of the ‘ Erie Advisory Board of Penn State’s Behrend Center. The invocation and benediction during the official ceremonies will be handled by Reverend E. Maclay Gearhart, pastor of the Lu theran Memorial Church and long time friend of Ernst R. Behrend, the late husband of the donor of the Behrend Estate, Mrs. Mary B. Behrend. Main speaker for the formal ded ication will be Judge William E. Hirt, Superior Court Judge of Phil adelphia. . James M'ilholland of Pittsburgh and acting President of The Penn- St.£tO G ~ g Mrs. Mary B. Behrend, will be speakers on the program. Among Penn State officials to be present will be J. Orvis Keller, as sistant to the President in Charge of the Extension. Accompanying Mrs. Behrend, is to be her daughter, Mrs. Sayer of Glenhead, Long Island. Mrs. Sayer, then Miss Harriet Behrend, lived on the family estate for nearly ten years until, about 1931, when she moved from this area. If cloudy or rainy weather ap pears on the dedication day, the ceremonies are scheduled for the College library and dining room, or the student assembly building. “We of the Behrend Center’s ad ministrative staff, faculty personn el and advisory and student body would like to tcke this opportun ity to extend to the many citizens of Erie and Erie County and sur rounding areas, who have so en thusiastically expressed their de sire to visit our beautiful new school grounds, a most friendly and hearty -welcome,” T. Reed Fergu son administrative head, stated to day. “Only city and county school of icials”, continued Mr. Ferguson, “along with presidents of neighbor ing colleges and universities, have been sent formaP invitations, but everyone is welcome.” Mr. Ferguson also stressed the fact that partically all of the cam pus’ 400 acres on the huge palatial estate will he open to public in spection. Probably the outstanding build ing on the grounds, is the for mer summer home of the Behrends, a pleasant, friendly home of early Dutch. Colonial architecture. The mansion was built in 1933 and con tains the most modern fixtures and equipment, including two gas fur naces and a complete air-cooling system for the summer months. The magnificent flooring of 12-incb lumber was constructed from huge poplar trees grown in Canada. Continued on Page Four