412 aintrivan IlrEsllllttriait. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1869. REV. JOHN W. HEARS, D. D., Editor. TIME EDITORIAL COMMITTEE. Rev. Z. WI Humphrey, D.D., Pastor of Calvary Church. Rev. Herrick Johnson, D. D., Pastor of the First Church. Rev. Danl. March. D.D., Pastor of Clinton St. Church. Rev. Peter Stryker, D.D., Pastor of N. Broad St. Choral'. Rev. George F. Wlswell, D.D., Pastor of Green Hill Church. Rev. E. E. Adams, D: D., Prof. in Lincoln Lid- Mr. Robert E. Thompson will continue to act as Editor of tl‘e News Department. Correspondents in every Presbytery and Synod will promptly furnish us with fresh items of news from their respective fields. OUR POSITION-A CARD. Earnest efforts have recently been made by dis interested parties, including ministers and laymen of the highest standing in both of the former branches of the church, to procure the-consolida tion of the.two papers in this field, upon an hono rable basis These efforts have failed. Without iptending'in the slightest degree to criticise or complain of others, we need only say that the failure is due, to no reluctance on our part. All who were engaged in the transaction know that we ofkred every facility for its accomplishment. It was only when the proposal took the form of mere absorption or extinction that we drew back. The sale of our subscription list, and the disap pearance of our paper, without any guarantees for the future maintenance of the principles it has upheld, seemed inconsistent with prudence and honor. Reunion is not absorption. It grows out of the abandonment of the policy of absorption, and proceeds upon the honorable and frank re cognition of entire equality between the parties . Not as contrary to the spirit, but rather in the very name of Reunion, we have declined to be absorbed, and we once more give our banner of American Presbyterianism to the breeze. We shall continue to devote ourseh es as journalists to the interests of Evangelic,ll religion as held by the Presbyterian Church, but shall especially aim to foster and develop the noblest elements and the best tendencies which are stirring in the united clittrch; its wide awake, enterprising, Catholic spirit; its sympathy with the suffering and the oppressed ; its broad and generous concern for the public good; its open loyalty to the right in all relations of life; its Evangelical liberty of opinion within the limitations of the essentials of In this spirit we hare recommitted and reconseerated ourselves to our editor's' work. Not so much the 'servile following and echOing 4 what the church is, as the inculcating of what.* church ought to be and do, shall be our ambition and our aim. • We have not the slightest idea that these prin ciples are to be unwelcome, or the advocacy of them to be counted unsuitable for the public prints of the church. Nay, in these halcyon days, this time of honeymoon, it. will be quite un necessary to make them prominent matters of dis• cussion. But precious as they are, we have felt that they should not be left without the special guardianship of at least one newspaper in the united church. We shall therefore present ourselves in the opening number of the New Year in an entire new dress,—a wedding dress, from the foundry of L. Johnson & Co., of this city. We shall gather a wider range of correspondence, from writers in both the former schools. Our foreign correspondence, embracing letters from our gifted associate, Dr. March, will be at least as valuable as heretofore. The activity and wonderful growth of the church es of this city will be carefully and prominently presented in our columns. All branches of church work will of course :be advocated ; the interests of the Sabbath school will be better represented than formerly; the operations of earnest workers everywhere : Evangelists and Young Men's Asso ciations will be recorded; and eepeoial prominence will be given to . city evangelization, the Work among the Freedmen, and Temperance. Above all, we hope both to enjoy and to com municate to our readers, no small measure of that spirit of renewed consecration and deepened spi rituality which alone can bring increase of strength and efficiency , to the reunited church Give us your hearty sympathies; give us your earnest prayers; labor with us, in promoting the great ends of our work. WEEK OF PRAYEL' The Presbyterian. Ministerial Association of thiff- city, appointed :a committee last Week 'to consider and report arrangements for the Week of Prayer among onr churehes. Oh last Mon day the . Committee's Report was presented and adopted as follows : The Committee appointed to arrange for meet ings-by oar churches during the Week of Prayer would respectfully report : I. That they find - it impracticable to hold other Mbetings than those usolilly held at such time, and known as "Union Meetings of all Ofi t ristian denominations." 2. That ,a . Presbyterian Union Meeting be held in the Arch Street Presbyterian Church, Arch street above Tenth, on Thursday, January s m . , a t 4 E. it., in accordance with the views expressed in the letter of the Moderators of the last General Assemblies. —Pastors will please read the second Resolu tion to their congregations. A REPRESENTATIVE PAPER WANTED. THE PLACE NOT YET OCCUPIED. We fear that we spoke prematurely of the newspaper revival a week or two ago. The omens, after all, are not so favorable as we at first inter preted them. The Chicago enterprise, although making encouraging progress, will not be in shape so early as the first of the year. The Presbyte rian, of this city, as yet, makes no announcement of a material change such as the circumstances demand. The Evangelist's Old School co-editor, Dr. Imbrie, it turns out, is not to leave his pastoral charge; and everybody knows how far he can represent the former Old School branch under such circumstances. The Church, we should think, required a bolder and more generous policy in the papers which aspire adequately to represent it, in the new circumstances of reunion. And . more in sorrow than in anger, it must be said, that just at this juncture the. Evangelist has come before the public in a light not favorable to popularity where a strict code of morals prei'ails, as among Presbytetians. Without meaning here to judge the right or wrong of the conduct of the editor-in-chief in the marriage whichhe witnessed and defended, it is certain that his card in the Evangelist will not contribute to the success of the paper in its new career. There is work for our men of means to do in establishing a truly representative paper, one em bodying and cultivating the progressive, enter -Prising and liberal spirit of the reunited Church, soundly Calvinistic, yet popular, vigorous, able, readable; a great, educator of the people, concen trating and developing the talent of her writers, and commanding the regard of the public. To this end we trust the newspapqr revival will yet reach. Who is willing td consecrate his service' this day unto the Lord ? Why may not Phila delphia, central as it is to the densest and oldest Presbyterian population in the land, be the home of such a paper ? We pause for a reply, which should lie in the shape of greenbacks, to be effective. THE ERA OF FRAUDS Fraud, swindling, counterfeiting and corrup don crowd upon us. The columns of the news papers are bUrdened with the details ; behind the old cases, new ones, like Alps on Alps arise Wall Street itself is not sharp enough to escape the operators. The reporters bring out their expletives, which have long ago lost their force from familiarity, and tell us of " one of the most bold and successful swindling devices that have startled the - street in years." Half a million dollars have been triumphantly carried away from the money-lenders of that famous locality, by parties who left altered securities, worth but one tenth that amount, in the hands of the unsus pecting lenders. Enormous frauds in the New York custom house, in the very department espe-. cially established to detect and punish fraud, have been discovered; and one of the parties has been arrested in Prescott, Canada, where he had purchased a house and saw-mill, and was running a brewery. These frauds have only recently been brought to light, having extended over several years. The hand of justice is on the perpetrators, although every device is being employed by Canada lawyers to prevent the de-. livery of the chief criminal to our courts. In New York city, on Dec. 14th, extensive estab lishment for counterfeiting the printed or litho graphed.check stamps, was seized and the opera tors arrested. .On the same day, a penitent counterfeiter of Philadelphia, sends to the Chief of the United States Secret Service in New York, a counterfeit ten dollar bank-note plate. pronounced by experts the best plate they have ever seen. On the same day, the late cashier of a bank in West Chester county, New York, was arrested on a c6rge of embezzling $30,000 of the funds of the batik. On the same day, a counterfeiter in,Roboken, with two accomplices, aged nineteen and twenty ,years, were arrested and committed in default of heavy bail. All these items we gather from a single page of a New York paper Of the 15th inst. Turning over to the next page,, we find a report of the judicial examination of a late' New . York State Senator, also= on the same day, who used his position as a member of a Legislative Committee on Railroadk, last winter, .to aid an accomplice in gambling in railroad securities. The failure of the speculation, and the refusal of Ex-Senator Mattoon to pay his half of the loss, of one thou sand• dollars, have brought the corrupt transac tions to light. Let us pray for a contented mind, and not to be led into temptation. Let us be willing to make .our, living in the steady methods of 'legiti mate business Let apprenticeships and handi crafts of the simplest, kind be held in honor. The Saviour 'of the world was a carpenter and the son of a carpenter. It is not certainly from the influence of . His religion that the mania for sudden riches which leads to such monstrous frauds has sprung. —The hereditary priesthood recently abolished in Russia, embraces seven hundred and fifty thousand families, to which the right of offi ciating as priest is restricted, and the male child ren of which could not engage in scculiar, pur ,.uits. The effect of this great change will be very considerable on the social; and industrial life of the empire. PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1869. A NATIONAL WORK FOR THE CHURCH. The re united Church comes before the public in a favorable attitude. Having taken the pre cedence of others in healing the • divisions of Zion, it will be regarded as appropriate that it should take the precedence of all in some na tional work. Is there then some such work which it may undertake with a right minded am bition to be in advance of all other denominations; some work to which it is fitted ; some work which will develope its energies and draw together its sympathies; and which, by its own nature, will tend to keep the whole Church in the line of the best public sentiment, and cultivate in it a like ness to the Christ who preached the gospel to the poor ? We firmly believe there is. And while we are sensible of the demands of institu tions of learning, of the wants of our great cities, • and of our 'home and foreign field, we think the re-united Church might find its special mission for a national and a jnbilee work AMONG THE FREEDMEN. . To educate and evangelize the four million Freedmen of our land ; to fit the lately trampled and degraded slaves for freedom and Christian citizenship; to raise them up to intelligence and virtue and character, not only for their own sakes, but for ours; to shape them into a moral and po litical force which may soon be needed to turn the scale in the conflict between Atheism and' Godliness in the government and the public opinion of our country; to train their glowing and impassioned natures under the influence of the gospel, so that they may renew in our own and in other continents, the glory of the African Church of the days of Origen, of Tertuliian, of Lactantius, of Cyprian, and of Augustine—this is a work fit to commemorate our year of, jubilee. Or, if this be called extravagant, none.who have heard the efforts of recent graduates of institu tions for their training, will doubt that they have capacities of intellect and peculiarities of tem perament, which fit them to go like flaming torches to the enlightenment and salvation of a dying world. Here is a work that must be done now. These freedmen are already raised, by the most sacred and inviolable compacts, to citizenship; they are framing laws and governing States Such rights and privileges can be made safe only by education and religion. Other influences are at work to pervert them. Rome is putting forth her energies. The eager thirst for instruction which now opens every door of access to the freedmen, may be closed. Base political leaders may get them uncial. control. Vice and supersti tion may usurp the,place - belonging to religion. Our Church is p,op'ular among the Freedmen. Their own tropitkpatures demand the balance wheel of our liberal Calvinism. Our systematic training in theology has made us a teaching Church' And our consecration in an especial manner to this work, will - link us, as a Church, to the grand world movement in behalf of the rights of man. If there is any old-fogyism lurk ing about, it, will feel that it has received imme diate notice to quit a Church which has under taken, as its jubilee work, the elevation of the freed people of America. We could do it. A thousand teachers rent to the South in six months would give us the field. And we don't believe other denominations would be jealous Of us for such a truly Christian and "undenolninational work. The world would recog nize in such a movement the genuine , Christian impulses actuating our Re-union. The Christian people of Great Britain would be drawn to us more closely than in any other Work which we might undertake. Let every other department of Libor he pushed forward. But let us make the Evangelization and Education of the Freedmen our Jubilee enterprise. It is limited and definite. It is at our doors. It is pressingly needed. It accords with the best aspirations of the two branches, each of which, in the dark times of civil conflict, sacredly pledged, itself to liberty and hu wan rights. It is .a most faithful following of Christ, who sought out and ministered to the despised and the afflicted. —The hostilityr of Romanists to our entire pubic school system is exhibited in a communi cation flout one of them, published in the N. Y. Tribune of December 15th. Mr. O'Brien pleads for a division of the school fund. He says : "This is what we are striving, to obtain, and from our past success in getting what we want, we know we shill get our proportion of the school money and have.our. own schools." He frankly declares that As Irish Catholics, we want to bring .up our children in our own way, and teach them to be good Catholics. This we cannot do in mixed schools, and we -want to educate them in the true faith, with our own -books, and by good Catholic teachers. We don't want to mix up with Protestants, and Jews, and Infidels in school matters, because we want our children to grow up in the Holy Roman Faith, like their fathers, and not imbibe the loose and irreligous iudepen deuce of the age. • The public, he says: Can, judge that we are right in not desiring our children to, be p "Americanized,":as The Tab let, forcibly puts, it, which means .'• demoralized" from the Holy Roman Catholic,.and Apostolic Church, the Mother and Mistress of all churches. Now, since Roman Catholics alone are dissatis fied with the present public school system, and wish to go by .themselves, we propose that all tax payers of that persuasion, shall have the privilege of filitig a declaration, upon payment of their school-taxes, setting forth their wishes as to the disposition of said moneys; and that the whole amount of the school-tax paid by these parties—no less and no more—be appropriated according to their wishes, the extra expense for such an apportionment to be defrayed from these taxes alone. If it is unfair for Romanists to pay to a general fund not appropriated according to their wishes, it is still more unfair for us to be compelled to aid in supporting a scheme of the narrowest and most anti-American bigotry. Or, let the Romanist tax-payers b y e entirely ex empt from school-tax, and let their own extensive and powerful church-machinery be used in collect-. ing funds, and establishing schools, while the general school system stands open, as before, for the admission of every American child, of every creed, or color. WHITHER ARE WE DRIFTING ? A friend connected with the Reformed (Dutch) Church, a week or two 'ago encloped us an extract from the New York Times of Oct. 21, stating that the RIGHT Rev. J. T. Duryea, D .D., of Brook lyn preached the sermon before the Synod lately convened in Poughkeepsie. Oar friend expres ses the hope that . the New School Presbyterians, having thus-prefixed a title to the names of their presiding officers are always right. Since receiving the above communication we have been favored with one from another guar ter, which fairly puts the joke back upon our Reformed friends. There was a wonderful wedding in that old Dutch town, New Bruns wick, N. J., some two weeks ago in which a General Wilson was married to a Miss Cor , aswell. One of the papers of that city, in noticing the affair, states that Rev. Dr. President Campbell, of Rutgers College, performed the ceremony in a SCARLET GOWN. New School Presbyterians are all right, but how about our Reformed breth ren ? We can go the black gown, and the Heidel berg Catechism has lately been endoried by the Old School Assembly, but we are afraid the Pres byterian Church,-New or Old, is too blue to bear the scarlet gown, even when worn by as good and great a man as Dr. Campbell —We have no idea that the reunion is such a namby pamby affair, that it can be disturbed or jeopardized by any frank and honorable reference to the times of division, or by a recognition of the great guiding inapalses and tendencies which are now animating and shiping the body, in con trast with those of the past. This is no school- Girl's reconciliation which an unfortunate word may .unsettle. It is the work of earnest minded men, with hearts touched by divine grace, whose very nnion is the result of frankness and candor in the statement of difflrencea, with the recogni tion of a comprehensive, underlying, essential unity. Union is not unison, but harmony. No wan may sing, epeak or teach out of time or tune, but if he• is in the fundamental key of Evangelical Calvinistic truth, the reunited Church will welcome his utteranees, no matter in what clef they belong, or what denomination of notes he chooses to fill up his time. There is a great and promising stir made about work in the Church, but meanwhile, our good feeling is not to be such - a sickish sentimentality as to allow thought to stagnate for fear of disturbance: Mr. Stanton once told a PresVterian visitor that he had read over the late Dr. Alexander M'Leod's Sermons on the "lawfulness of De fensive War," once a year, during the term of the rebellion. These sermons were preached in the First R. P. church of New York - , at a time or great excitement and dissension. at the open ing of, our sec ind war with Great Britain. The interest felt in them was so great that the side walks in the vicinity of the church were often blocked up by the throngs who sought admission to the church'. They have been frequently re published. FIRST FRUITS OF THE UNION. MR. EDITOR, :—You will be happy, I know, to spread good news, and encourage the . united Church to love and good works. Kansas,. I be lieve, presents the first fruitq of the RE-UNION of the two great Presbyterian bodies in North America. In what way ? A movement has been on foot for some time, both in the New and Old School branch, to es tablish a first class literary institution in this State. It was felt to be a -necessity for the far West. The Old School had the Highland Uni versity, twelve miles north of this place, but it ranked only as a good Academy. The UNION has given.that movement anew turn; and now it is proposed to' establish a" Memorial &liver sity" to commemorate the Union. A hopeful commencement has been made at Highland. The subject has been agitated and discussed at public meetings. At a recent meet ing, $16,000 was pledged, and a purpose avowed s to run it up to some $35,000. Add to this $15,000, tbe value.of the present property of the Highland University, and we have some $50,000, in the beginning of the movement. I send you these facts, because every eye, as we are aware, is turned to see what are to be the results of the Union—one Of the great events of the century. It is right and proper that they bhould be recorded for the glory of God, and the encouragement of the whole Church. JOHN S. CHAPMIN. Troy, Kansas, Dec. 23d,'1867. \ WALNUT STREET CIILRCII, The S. S. Anniversary of the Walnut street Church took place last Wednesday evening (December 22d). The church was bcautifully decorated with flowers and evergreens, and at an early hour was filled with the school and its friends. The singing w. ,s spirited and excellent. Addresses were made by Messrs. Rene Guillou and R. S. Walton, and by the pastor, Rev, S. W. Dana. The reports for the year showed that it had been one of prosperity ; and one of the most encouraging features was the fact, that nine of the scholars had united with the church during the year. The only thing to mar the pleasure of the oc casion was the retiring of the superintendent., Rev. J. W. Dulles. For thirteen years he lias held this position and has endeared himself to all, both old and young. He felt that a pressure of other duties compelled him to resign. As a slight testimonial of their affection, the school presented him with a handsome secretary as a parting gift. As Christmas was so near, each of the scholars was given a box of sugar plums to carry to their homes. LESSONS ON THE LIFE OF PAUL N 0.15. NOTE.—In the preparation of these questions, which are mere outlines, originality is not sought, but free use is made of all materials within reach, especially of Conybeare and Howson's great work, " The Life and Epistles of St. Paul." ilHaz any age of Christianity been without controversies or corruptions? How early did these difficulties commence? W here did we leave Paul in our last lesson ? Was his return to Antioch followed by a con troversy ? Did this involve serious consequences to the church ? Were the Jews now scattered everywhere? Acts xv. 21. Though their synagogues were in every city where were their sacrifices offered? In their dispersion were they surrounded by idolatry ? And by the false philosophy of Greece and Rome? Would this make a line of separation between the Jews and Gentiles throughout the Roman Empire? Was this separation both religious and social ? Bow lona. E' did Paul and Barnabas remain in Antioch ? Chap. xiv. 28. Who came from Judea to Antioch ? What does Paul call them in Galatians ii. 4? .Did they come as open antagonists or clandes tinely ? What did they teach ? Was this all they taught? Chap. xv 5. Would Paul be likely to oppose such a doc trine ? What was Peter's experience under similar circumstances? Acts xi. 2. Was this a question of expediency or of fun damental truth and duty to Putil and Marimbas? How did they receive it ? What was the result of - the dissension and dis putation ? Who determined that Paul and Barnahas should go to Jerusalem r Why cro to Jerusalem? Had r 'Paul any other authority fur going? Gal. ii. 2. Had not Peter equal authority for going to _Cesarea Who were Paul's companions in this journey to Jerusalem ? Acts xv. 2; Gal. ii. 2. Why these two? Whit do we know about Titus? THE MISTAKE OF CLERGYMEN. [From "The Day."] Sid :—We take up the newspaper on any Sat urday and notice many sermons are to be preach ed on the following day. We go to hear some of them and find the announcement an error. They are not preached—they are read. Wh'y is it that a body of men so intelligent and so full of know ledge as the clergymen of our city should make this great mistake? Are they not aware that the vital influence of a sermon is marred, if not al together lost, by so doing ? The power of the gospel is from and upon the heart. and the hear er must so feel it,' else it has no effect upon him. Many hard working earnest ministers, whose hearts are now sad and troubled at the apparent want of success in their labors, would find them cheered and made happy -did they correct this mistake. Said a minister to one of his elders some time since, (both having come from another city and the same church,) " Why does my work here progress so coldly and unfavorably i .as com pared with my former charge? I labor harder than ever in the cause of my Master." " Sir," said this venerable elder, "you preached to your people then : they felt your heart was in the work. You thus touched their hearts, and did not fetter up your power, by reading elaborately writ ten manuscripts. Try the old plan here; preach as you used to." He did so, and God has bless ed the change. Many a vacant pew in his church has been filled; and, far better, many a new con vert has been added to it, filling his heart with joy and g'adness. The writer has in mind a min ister, full of piety, of' brilliant intellect and im agination, thoreughly cultivated, whose forensic power on the platform and in the pulpit can thrill every hearer, and with one accord they say, what great heart that man has, and how full ha is of the religion he professes and preaches. Put that same man in' the pulpit, over his manuscript, his eyes scarcely ever leaving it, the beauty a his sermon marred by hesitating and defective tone and reading, and how changed the feeling of his hearers. They say the sermon is well written, but the man's heart does not appear to be in it; he has read it as would a school-boy his lesson, and thus the good effect is all lost.. Would that our ministers would take this important mat ter into consideration. They could make their power for good more felt all over this community. What Would be thought of a lawyer pleadino• to a jury for the lite of his client did he read his plea from ,a manuscript., when the well known power of his eloquence could enforce it so much better? Are not our ministers pleading with sinners for the life of theirit;amortal souls? and , should they not enforce it also with ad the powers God has eitdowed them with, and there fore preach the Gospel? A LAYMAN.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers