The American Presbyterian. (Philadelphia) 1856-1869, August 26, 1869, Image 8

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    1,16 Ls trf ttE Yank,
August 17—August 24
The President after visiting the in
terior of New York and our Coal Re
gions has gone to Newport, R. I. He is
to visit New Hampshire and return to
Washington this week.
The Departments.—The bankers,
after exchuuging their 5-20's for 10-
40's, want them back again. The ex
pense of collecting our revenue is not
three per cent. The San Francisco sub
treasury is charged with affording im
proper facilities to private firms. Its
surplus gold is wanted badly at New
York, and Colfax and others urge a
transfer. The estimated revenue from
distilled spirits this year is $44,500,000;
last year it was $14,280,731. The tntal
is $250,000,000 against $191,180,564
last year. The Commissioner of Customs
writes to the. New York Collector ,that
fees and harbor dues imposed under
State laws are unconstitutional, and can
not be legally collected.
--The treaty with France to prevent
the counterfeiting of trade marks has
been promulgated. Justice R. C. Grier
of the U. S. Supreme Court, will resign
this Fall. He is 75 years old. The
steainer sent out to seize• the pirate Su
peron and his ship, the Telegrafo, in the
Gulf of Mexico, reports that the Eng
lish have captured him. Admiral Hoff
has reached New. York.
General—The . railroads from our
seaboard to the West have abandoned
thqir ruinous tarrif for competition, and
adopted a tarrif for revenue. The French
cable ,eharges the same ,as the English.
The cotton crop will reach 3,000,000
bales, an increase of one-fifil. At 25
cents per pound ,it will•sell fOr more than
any previous crop. The New England
mills are either stopped or running on
half time until this crop is Marketed.
New England.—Massachusetts, like
her neighbor Mates, suffers from-drought.
At Lawrence Miny flictories have stop
ped.- Bostonians own $55,937,000 more
property than last year. The Temper
ance men are decided upholding, the
new Prohibitory Law. A Bokon'Jury
finding a citizen guilty of violating it,
he was fined $l5 and costs. The Na
tional Association for .the promotion of
Social Science, is, in session at Salem.
—Citizens of East Hartford have com
bined to enforee the Sunday Laws.
New Yorki—Broadway has been re•
paved at a cost of nearly half a million
dollars. The material is Quincy granite.
Commodore Vanderbilt has been mar
ried in Canada to a young lady of Mo
bile. John Mitchell sues Geo. Dix for
false imprisonment during the war' lay
ing his damages _at 825,090. •." Reads,
the Blacksmith,'? _notorici,us burglar,
who forfeited.bail, has, been, brpught
back fr,om San Francisco. The! Irish
Republic, a Fenian paper to whose sup
port our Republican party contributed
nearly $500,000, has failed, with $70,-
000 assets.
—Scoundrels have made
. repeated at
tempts to set the Catskill' woods on fire.
Erie officials are doing their best to clog
business on the - Susquehanna . railroad.
The farmers on the Northern border
have been swindled out of asme $2O,-
0(10„by a patent right. fraud. A dis
charged employe of the Erie railroad
confesses that he wilfully caused the
terrible accident at Carr's Rock. The
speculators have a coal fleet lying at Ho
boken, waiting for arise in prices.
City,-Satut•day was the hottest day
of. the year, the thermometer rising to
97 0 . The death rat& fell 10: Capt.
Shaw, of the London Fire Brigade, in
spected our Fire Department. on Satur
day. A false alarm Was struck to test
their promptness, but as the purpose had
leaked out many of the companies made
" false starts." Two drivers haVe been
fined for ill treating horses'.. The paving
of Delaware Avenue, from Vine to ,Coates
with Belgian pavement has begun. At
a special meeting of the Councils $25,-
000 was voted to the Schuylkill Naviga
tion Company'as compensation for clesing
their locks, and a Committee appointed
to devise means for a full supply , of - water.
The fire engines have been tried with
some success.
The South.—Geo. Canby decides
that Members of the Va. Legislature
must' have resided for one year in the
State. Two colored men have been
lynched for rape at Fort Royal. Trees
are dying of drought near Richmond.
The ground has not been wet for ever 80
—The Annapolis Cadets have raised
$14,000 for a monument to officers and
seamen' who fell during the war. It is
to be wrought at Rome of Italian marble,
and will cost,:s2o,ooo :gold._ The ther
mometer stood 101° at Washington on
—The remnant of the Seminoles of
Florida complain of white outrages. Chi
nese-have been regiatered is citizens in
Louisiana. A New Orleans girl has
gone to prison .rather. than prosecute her
lover fbr trying to kill her. Texas farm
ers offer•clorn for 25 cents a bushel. Gen.
Ames forbids officers to regard the writs
orthe 'State Courts in regard to persons
The Interior,—The small grains of
Wisconsin promise a magnificent yield,
but the corn is backward. The wheat
crop of Minnesota will be ' up to the
largest expectations.
—The corn crop .of Ohio and Indiana
promises better since the recent .rains,
but the yield' will not equal last - year.:
The Germans of. Cincinnati •and St,
delehrete the centennial 'birthday
of Humboldt, Sept. 14th. The latter
will found a " Humboldt Physical Ob
servatory." The colored people of In
dianapolis protest against white teachers
in their schools. Mr. Pendleton re
accepts the Democratic nomination for
Governor of Ohio in a letter of lamen
tation over the finances.
—St. Louis has stopped her Artesian
well at a depth of 3,843 i, feet. The
County Court orders it to be plugged at
a depth of 1,200 feet, and a pump in
serted. The manufacture of shoes on a
large scale has been commenced in the
city. An invoice of Coolies is expected
at St. Joseph. One county of lowa has
still 200,000 bushels of last year's wheat
on hand. Rattle snakes are the popular
bus-bear this year, taking the place of
grasshoppers acid potato hugs., An
lowan died of fright 'at the eclipse. Font
or five cities are competing for the rank
of " leading city of the MisimirHilley."
Kansas City, one of them, has completed
a magnifident bridge..atisaCsettlers
complain that IT. S. soldiers are worse
plunderers than 4e Indians. 'l%lOntatia is
still troubled 'with Indian depredations.
Wyoming sends a Democrat (S. F. Nich
ol) to C'ddb asst as her dplegates 'A con-
spiracy of ex-employes to burn the bridges
on the Pacific Rail road has been discov
ered. •
Pacific,—The boot workers of dali
fornia 'struck, Chiiiese , take' their
places`Oregon --- Wfi s • d
. s ea eropwi excee
expectations. ,> Heavy -rains •have extin
guished, the fires in the Washington
woods. Red and white lights in the'sky
are visible along the coast. -
Canada•—A new loan is to be ne,,ctoti
ate& in Englan4.• 'The Goverrtor;Gen
eral has been
' visiting NovNovh Sand, 'to
soothe discontents.
Central America:Two repulses of
Cu an- rebels have been reported ; also`
the destruction of several rebel encamp
ments. Do- Rhodas removes" the direc
tors of the Havanna Railroad fdr mal
administration. The vicinity of Macure
ges is at the mercy of some 1,000 Rebels
who have made an incursion and laid
waste the country. A fight between the
escert - df a 'convoy and the rebels ; result
unknown. Three more steamers are to
patrol the coast.
—ln -Mexico all the Tonsrbalors to
Assassinate Juarez, including five Gener
'als, haye been arrested, but one has es
caped. Recruiting •for the army has ,be
gun. " The Indian revolt in Yucatan is
growing more serious, and , Cuban resi
dents at Merida have offered their servi
ces. The Indians of other sections are
growing troublesenier The State'sßights
difficulty with - Queretaro is not yet
settled. Gen. Vega, a -.veteran. revolu
tionist, is moving on Guadalajara with
-1,000 men. A. freight train has been
plundeied' (X 16150,000 in silver, on its
way to. Vern Cruz. •
—liillayttitiztitrave - has - tarerrnuctrirel
and is•besieging Aux Cayes. The rebels
are causing trouble , by means of , two
armed steamers: GOld is at 1,000 again.
South America. — The federal troops
of Venezuela are besieging Maracaibo,
where the rebels were holding but.
—Lopez holds a position of such nat
ural strength that there is but a slight
prospect of bringing him to terms. He
has, plenty of provisions, but ikihort of
war materials. Uruguay has adopted` the
,metri,cal system , of weghts end measures,
—The Chinese Coolies 'carried te'Pe
ru, complain of wholesale oppressions
swindling and outrage.
Great Britain.----Mr. Gladstone -is
entirely Well iigaih. 'A tenth member of
the present House of Commons (Moore
of Tipperary) is dead. ,
—The Time's advises Napoleon to con
ciliate the people and ensure his son's
succession by liberal concessions. It
thinks the !shooting of political prisoners
in'Spain' an dmin'otis return ' old`, bad
practices, and says that many Spaniards
regard the accession of Don Carlos to the
throne, as certain. The Star (liberal)
thinks England willnot grudge the U. S.
the possession of Cuba, but' that it will
prove a costly investment as a military
and naval position.
—lt thinks that the Government are
blundering in regard to Canada, in with
drawing troops and yet keeping, the flag
there, and prophesies a change in the r
relation of the Dominion:toAhe Empire.
—The disease which pr,ecedes the
Rinderpest has broken out in' Surrey.
Many cotton mills are stopped or run
ning on short time. The cropi will be
at least average in amount 'and quality,
with the exception of the wheat.
—Public interest continues togrowin
regard to the Oxford and Harvard race.
The critics are mostly adverse , to the
Americans, and regard , theira ichleve
ments in training as of little importance.
The most friendly judgment is that of
our friends of The, Spectator, who say :
" The course is a hard One, but the race
is likely to be close. If the weather is
had, the result will preabry in favor
of Oxford. If good, the Harvatds
will win. A nice, slow English drizzle
is the thing to take_the heart out* . the
Americans. Regulations have been is
sued 44,lieep the course clear for two
hours beMre and until the race is ended."
France.—The Emperor is better. The
Prince imperial took his place at •the
military festivities at Chalons. Gen.
Le Bouef succeeds Marshall Niel as Sec
retary of War. The Senate's Commit
tee and the Ministers. have come to an
agreement on all the Reforms to be en
acted by the Senatus Gansultuni, and a
new consultum securing freedom of the
press, is promised. The papers
: accept
the recent proclamation of amnesty as a
preguive. ifor. the fntifre. The , A4tprpsa
and her son `left fOr the Easton Monday.
Prince Xapoleon• will 'attend -the open
ing of the Agg 2. g ,ganal. Differential
duties in favor of French vessels have
been abolished. The working men of
Paris petition that their city be granted
the same municipal rights as are others.
—The authorities have arrested twelve
Carlist leaders on the Spanish frontiers.
Germany.—Prussia and Austria, in
the midst of their quarrels, have conclu
ded a treaty fixing their common boun
daries. Land in Hesse: has tripled its•
value under' scientific cultivation. •
—Von- Beust replies to the Prussian
diplomatic 'note, denying 'the right' to
hold him responsible'for what he said in
Parliamentary Committee; and'was loose
ly reported in the, newspapers. The,
Austrian Minister at Berlin had been
advised to abstain from intereourseirith
Bismarck on account: of attacks made
on Austria iii PrusaiarP. official papers(
He...discusses the question of the Treaty
of •Prague.- • The , papere support , . his
course, denouncing the " unprece!dented.
diplomacy" of. Prusisia:" 'The military,
rule along the frontiers is to be gradually;
abolished. The Czechs will • not send
delegated to cithe i.Bohernian' ParliatmAnt
unless its independence is, secured.
Scandiname—Seffenti,iundred houses!
have been. down._!in the Swedish!
town_ 'of Oenfie, keying': 8,000 .‘people
homeless: and destitute; i''Norway •.noitri
supplies Faiglatid with ice: .
in many places' 'overrun. with,
loi Italyi ts..T s urin is to celebrate the, open`--:ing of the 'Mount 'Genii Tunnel 'witl . "-a.
more has: been Sent to 'exiiiiine the
tary estab4itiliffi eke' Surope. ' '
Sp l a i a 'Ca lintdefeat; ••at.
, Abej ela, a 'Vicar and lotli erswere cap !
tared. ,
) In Valencia` sevAral ban4l:fava
been dispersed : The number of these *
bands is !in creiiiing' thronkhout the - kingl
dom, and a great militßry moVetrieut la'
to be made within a month. Yet Xi
drid , despatch says "It believ'ed that!
the Carlist movement is now a'. an,end.":
One leader—T=
olohas been takeii, and"
others are 'pursued' by, theltrooiik'''
.Seratiti denies that he favors Mont'
penaier'i3 pretensions' throne.' The;
Cortes meets, ,Sept.' 15; on account of the'
threatening position of,affairs.
Ali sorts . of rumors abOUridld re
gard to Cuba, from the denial crany
negotiations to the assertion that the pre '
liminaries have already ; been signed'. A'
Boston'merchant; Paul S. Forbes,, ha's'
been sounding the autherities on 'the
subject, at the request,' Of our Giiveinnien t,
and in advance of Gen: Males: . ',1314
has left,' Madrid, .111.71 . will - return 'whet!:
the Cortes meet. ' ' •
; . 8
Turkiy.--A great fire has burnt
down 1,300 stores and, 300 drllilo
Janina. Th? ylceroy expested,
at Constantinople soon. •
Persia At TehMP a liana of arks
have 'been detected in' a coUspira
Jinn inarug -- ,eininen '
persobs i are irop,heated. The Turkomans
have been defeated in a pitched' battle,
and Girietsela caPtured.
.—The war is ended'; the rebel
lerdera are ',to be tried and punished, and
trade,,is .resumed. Itakodadi.
~`~~~~~ ~~Cg~~
—Work has been commene
new Woodland_Presbyterian C
the S. E. corner e of ,Forty-se
Pine streets.
gtiant, , ,•er hn:
pointed a.regnlar supply 91011,08 ,1
G,ertnanttrivn , untill a rectoblta
Mr. Atitirisoshall - hafe been oho'
this church situated in one of
beautiful ,rural : districts of our
summer connegations are, usual
• --Rev. Mr. Martin '
ter of the Church of the, EV%
hq.been t giving special at,tentio
inmates of Blockley Almsbou
has visited and held occasional
and designs inaugurating , som
and stated religious instruction,
institution. He has received
couragemenVfrom the ..oircers
ma t 's' • • Via. •. 1.0
Rev: Pleasonton
accepted a call to the church of
demption kvacant by the : deat
Burborow) and, has,.entered
—Rev. M. A. De Wolf -Ho*
rector of St,. Luke's church, has
a call to one of' the prominent
at Providence, R. I.
—The Cohocksink Meth.
Church,“ of this city, - havin
thoroughly repaired. ; and ref
was .re-opened, tor DiViie 'a'ervic
bath last. Bishop Scott officiat:
.'hundred 'P r eksOns, were, reCeiv,el
The Second' Stied Iliethod
'copal; Churdh, 4 - I,ev. T. W, Mac
tor, have, secured a
. alot upon._
erect a first class chnrch 'edi
,temporary structure will be, : or.
use until, the,church' building
pleted. . „
, —ln April, 18 1 68," John S
)Esq., the ,SuperintendentAe-th
S ch ool , c(f. the. 10E. •Chiricll43
a , e Band of Hope.," In a short .ti.
was • oitanized two • „Oitier hands.
the Baptists fell'inte fine' and orgi
Band in their church. The "re
heen, that in less than `a year and
from the time the-first band was
ed in Frankford; numl
twelve hundred members. Eaci
lter . bas taken the, following -ple
hereby pledge myself to absta
the use of intoxicating Liquors,ll
ing Wine, Beer, and 'Cider, as a b
from the use of .Tobacco. in eve
and from all Profanity."'
—The new German Lutheran Church
in course of erection in Franklin street,
below Vine, has so far progressed , as to
be nearly ready for the roof. The
structure will be ready for occupancy, it
is thought, about the beginning of next
—No rain yet, with no prospect of
any falling weather for some time to
come, 1;40 that our citizens may expect,
within a few days, to be without any of
the aqueous fluid for ordinary purposes.
The authorities are doing all in their
power, to make - what little there is •on
hand last until a shower arrives..• The
lgayor, yestqrday instructed the , Lieu
tenants of,police to rotify every resident
Of their districts of the real state: of
affairs; and reqoest them to .use no More
water. than is, actually, 'necessary. !Ilhe
police .3verc,.detaile,d
,yesterday and 'last
evening ,for. •
.the, purpose.=.4loe
Sourdall: „i-
Thursday„liight .there Was
meeting at liaterl Hal), in pursuance to
for a, gathering, of thet,eitlseticof
theiTwerity,Aixth ,Nard toiadvlocate ) the
reforuunoyerne,qt, , At the. dokof u t,he
:announcement wasp made,
`that a new,weekly-paperwould, be started
this / week, to ,advociate ttlie r.claipps the,.
, Refcirmed party,. None the t Alailits
'axe layorable ; L aud-, ,Mr: Mansfield ;with
draweihis„name as' a candidate Xer, city
Treasurer., • ,
—At the laying , of . a corner-stonn of
a. new synagogue. in Phila.delphim -re
cently;,the,•:minister stood : with , his ,hat,
on,while offering, / prayer, eyes!. openi;m4,l
even looking up, but at, the peopleos in
i.Not An. individual, not:even
the w elders arid, dignitaries who stood:
arentud(ithe,lßabbi,, , in countenance or
'manner, gave anyi sign , thati thel•Deity;
was bel!fg" inYoked. .1.
, —lnformation was. . received; at the.
I Washington'internal Revenue Bureau
on Saturday, announcing the seiziire of
,Mountjoyls : . distillery .in' Philadelphia.
Tile,day storekeeper absconded, and' the
night storekeeper:, and ganger were. Air,
rested. !.The . ,is a very large ,
0ne..,, Its : capacity amounted' to several
hundred !gallons perfl day, and .by an in-,
genious systematic..frand, .tax:Was; paid
,on ',each alternate gallon .of spirits' pro
duced,E.; Vosther 'developments are' ex
pected, now' that 'the ,ice is broken, Audi
the .Commissioneri hopes soon to succeed
inAreaking tip all illicit distillation' in ,
Philadelphia. The greatest complaint,
of the Revenue -Bureau is directed
against:Philadelphildistkilers. j i This-has
been. the ease .for several weeks past;—•
Public , Lodger, Aug. 14.
National 'Labor. Congress .ad
journed, _on •Saturday-, after , ar session•
abounding in reSolutioniiteraturer amiss :
Susan R. Anthony was ' voted, in.-and
then , voted, out again, under ;pressure
Itont..NP.wiiorks..Eniatis..... The entuniit,
tee to investigate the chargeslagainst the
coal-miners in the -recent strike, found
whitewash- enough to whiten eye,n-De
Miners. 4,delegate to,the International.
Labor Congres,s in SWitzerland , was
appointed. The
• Benanle, Labor ,
mittee's reportyrecommending,ennal pay
and opportunities, for , wqmen'si as nien's
was.,:ad,cpted. A ~;report , was
adopted deulandincr, the.enforceinent of
the law against Coolie...immigration. A
report was aKtfle4 demanding_thole
pgal, l aws ,forbiddin g , combinations
"to, secure a, fair ,day's wages for
,a fair
i. day's work,"„ The ,platform contains
" planks" denouncing' the , banking, sys
tem ;, opposing, the, _incorporation of
banks. to circulate any notes other, than,
legal, .tenders, 'declaring the present
9 f.,intvestcxpessiye and oppressive;,
,favoring amendment of the revenue
:laws as to , protect the industrial interests;
declaring , for, greenback, payment, re
cl‘Aqion interest: cni the public debt,
taxation of S: bonds,. etc., opposing ,
land monopolies ; ,pledging„ support to
'and asking ; the , co-,o,peration
working women ; 'recommending the
formation' of; labor unions and menhan
institutes, end the, creation of a Depart- ;
went, o f, Labor, at Washington ; remit
meniling co-operation, and the, adoption
of the: eight , hour system ; demanding
the assessment of .more taxes upon thel
wealth, of the ;country; and demanding
the"saine chartered privileges for work
ing people's associations H. are granted
to, associated,icapital, Au amendment
that " nothing,.,herein contained, shall
?be constructed as _.a. repudiation of the
'national debt,"_ was rejected. A report
was agreed ; to ; denouncing 'the einplay
went of convict labor, and i a committee
appointedsto, precept a remedy for it at
the next Congress. A resolution was,
adopted, declaring that ne citizen should
bei taxed ,until „he , owns ~a, surplus of
property beyond what, is )3eCessary to
'support and ;educate his , family; also, pH
resolution., recognizing no distinction of
sex: or , color in the labor cause. A-
'special, committee,,was appointed to
ganize; the. colored working rnen of
Pennsylvania„ into, labor, unions. ~ .A re- ,
p,ort; i was„ adopted recommending, the
'co-operative ~s ystem,. and the' appoint-,
Anent, of a. committee" to report upon, ,a
'fcasible.plan of , co-operation at the, next
!rabor Congress. , The President ~wais
authorized to employ speakers : to speak
upon the various subjects ,of interestto
working men. Resolutions urging capi
talists, to, invest, their means in improved
dwellings for the working classes were.
'adopted. It was agreed that a commit-,
tee:of one from
,each State, be appointed
to wait, on the different State ,Legisla
tures,, to,,ask them, to repeal lays
injuriqui to the working
classes- It
was agreed that the next meeting of the
La,bor„Corkgress be, held l in ( Cincinnati.
Resolutions ,synapathizing„w4 ,the Cu ;
haus,,lriali, and other, people , struggling
for liberty, were.adoptecl.;
I An, t 4
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been ap.
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to the
• , He
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the Re!
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,l ich to
ce. A
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~ s com-
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tilt has
a i•ga ha ni l z f'
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1118 and 820'
Chegtnut Street.
Puri PAIN? sill]
AlU i o v o in fitot t t h oVan ead?, -
"Theo hope end strength ere 4sd:
; • +l4-Lentiouse on the shore •
~11.54717:anugeainild'ihiPs- from ' s'ilidic;
To every, man ' o s n tre ta t k h
To 1,0- the faint •
• '
bmelduP 'O5 Psi* tongle'
A million* meR in
-4TP snug:
I .!.,Teder,PAxwi
. gives life and vigor new, -
To Wvery nation ' 1
Refreshing as
Rreedom to the slave, ,
,PAtrirPANT thaw fettembroke; ;
'No druts ot 4 doziog knave !.' ''
• " "
Rebinds the heathen
' MS &miner tAi.the4retstc' ' ''' I . 11 1 ' ' ''' I )
Tis Tictory to the lost,l
- ' ' ',is Fruit audgOlderi ear ' - ,
i -,..,., To; ttiose by,lamine .tossed.'
' A Yiiendamidconif6eii;
A Breeze in torrid .sorirs,
PAIN Wiwi will baniili
t.. TisNfeat insteacecit
A ktoite A'o"weiryip fir
. 'Tin Money in tbe Till,
Or ,Wine instead of dregs;
- • . YAIN PAINT IS biittet
,t • .
What Phys Etna Say.
I have not lotit a single Patient in sixteen months
past, since using Da. Wouscirrs's 'Pans:Diftsfelad'Ash.;
NIIIILATOR in my praotio?.. The;cause of ,myrspcbeili
'owe to - his' aedihines. 'I cured case of l ,olnce‘e with
thirty, °mica! cf PAINT. This patlent ,waslrosigu-;
tb a surgical operatibu. He a now enure
ly, Well..AlsO cared a. woman with IdanhoteCtfi the , Wantil
of sif :sears' standing. I-have two .ot t her asses under.
treatment nearly well. T 'can' reTeiyou to Judge
on, of )14.0intnel ispurg, Fnlion.ccinutY, Da„ fcrAtie sw!,
tidily of my statements. •
- IL BUSHEY, M' ti';;
Sipes Mills, kolton county, Penn, t
Atigbet 2, 1869.
%emit : stain nor smart, neither willl'Ame'
Nraler is harinless for injection, so is Pent Pa/NT.
-Water can be drunk, freely so can PAIN Wan'.
lutlaunhationle • ihe cause of all physical pain,. Mat
.tei or corruptioti'will never form unless c aused by high
inflammation : Absorption, and Ruaporation remove in,'
flammation with woudertul rapidity ; this iS the new
• principle of PAIN Plater: CanCers are heated as readily
as a, cut. , Old; Fever _ Sores, including, ulcers of every _
name or o f 'the description, are cured by simply
keepingtheurander the cooling Influence& PArtePerwr.
Dia,rrhcza and Dysetyery cured within test i minuto by a
leithfnl'appitibation acro'strthe bOwele r 'Of the patient ;
a . Pinta PAIN'-PAINT , applied properly td the: head
when the pulse reaches the highest point wilipositista
lfooretTypkaidi• Ire/lOw, or any other known Aar;
• brcordinstHie.Brain property, no foyer ogn'alistatuthe
.'ss.......44:exey w p p it ae r e e t tt adrn with several folds
of . r,ottoticloth dripping , Wet, jviitf Pissiiively•Preirsit
• EA-tstering . it done immediately.. •Ir removes ~pain •or
I sivelling•from Lee sitlige;'.dhaquito Biles' or •po women s
wounds; stops Headache or Neuralgia in a few min:
ides. Pains in Mae Liver, Heart prifildneyerelieved at
the first application.' • Itemelvesstiffuestrin Itifotteand
;Muscles, inducting all kinds of Rheumatic Allman/
Large beiges are much the_cheapest, and shonid,sl-
ways beam:liter violent Pdhdi ) nahina' NM; Tumors,
or chronic ailments, of; any,.kind.,,,Delore of Chan
ter/67/s. r Dr: WoLpOr'r'e re medies are put Op in while
wrappers; buy none other. I Oue gallon of PAM .PAINT,
douuly strength, sent free Alf, fxprep charges on receipt,
of $25, or one quirt $B, olieltint $5, or six Pints of
ANNIHILATOR. for ,Cis.tarrh, and .Cottiain Vs head for
inolddi rig directlens and medical advice, All who conr.t.
to the cfliceltreated free bf cost and no' " dosing al-W.611W
, bottles sold„at all the drhg stores.. All
• reinlttincee should be by poet-office orders or regis
tered letters; or,by eiprese; lb ii. WoLdiert, No 181-
HHATISAM SQUptT, N. Y. au g2B-4w
Estitbilstied‘ 1830
The new. Craturcsa, Pomosa ;just , inibliehed, and
will be aent,#e.?ta all a pplicants. Aled ,
of-the " Atount .. yernprf " Pear, and " NOi"
Eoee j
Deseriptibq Catalbinie, 80 iiagns, 10 ienia.
Adlreitel, Will. N. I,ITTLE, -
Cmanterciai Nurseries.,
ROClll3Bllilt, NA".
COOdrort 'Ond Milos, or Pain aliotOrgony.
, VENETIAN, LINDIENT,,whoie wonderful cures,
sure and action, in cases of Chronic
Rheumatism, Headache, Toothache; Croup, Cuts, Burns,
attic Ora, Dysentery, etc, : have , astonished the
civtl Cramp, ed'wdrid, is no new catch-penny; but an article
that has, stood the test of twenty-two years. The enor
mous sae and rapidly increasing demand is at once the
surest evidence of itt ruefulness and 'popularity. No
family should oe wahont a bottle in the house. -Hun
dreds of dollar,, and many hours of suffering- may be
caved , by ite timelpuse: . •
Colic, Cramp, and Dysentery yield at once to itspain
curative properties.' It is perfectly innocent, and can
be given to the oldest person or youngest child. No
matter if you have no confidence in Patent Medicines
—try this, and you will be sure to bnYtigain; and' rte
commend, to your friends. Hundreds of Physicians re,
,ceiminieud it In their practice.
&Id by the Druggists and Storektiers. Price; Fifty
Cents and One Dollar. Depot ILL Park Place New
business. Very profitable.
~No lqsk. ,S4ventetm
specimen Pletur,a andleataloitm.ientabt 20 cts., twice
As many, 30 ete. MANSON LANG,
aug2o.-4w ': 94 9Olu . Mbia pt., New York city.
'This splendid HAii Dye is the itieet in the world ; the
only true : andlierfect Dye: , harmless, reliable, /paten
,tanbous 3 no. dj!sappuititmeut :. no ridiculous tints.;
remedies. the, ill . effacts of bad. Dyes; invigorates and
leaves the ;fair soft. and
. beantiful, in-scr. , imowkr.
Sold by all 'Druggists ',and Perfumers; and properly
applied at Batchelor'e Wig Factory, No.:l6TiOndl3t.,
New York..'JUl tfrly A
Sides Hauer* Celelrrated _Nan Zuetrale Hair
Restorative. 'Nymph Soap, Shutting Cream
-a`nd Soaps, Vegetable Liquid Dair Dye, Dan
Egyptienne, 'tar Itostoring the Hair 'to its Natiwal ,
Color without staining the skin. Depilatory Powder
for Remotring 'Hair withhat injurylo the skin. Smell
tog. Salts, Fumigating Paatilea,Cosagetiques
..11itaravtila, for the handkerchief; Berenice Hair
/bit& '
• Ma Ball Clireciastenna,' a Safierior.Oleage
diens Preparation• ler Darkening, ,•Preserving, and
Dressing the Hair? 'Cybele, a valuable Oompound PO.
made. • Isla, an Ointmentlor removing Pimples and
rendering the akin emit and fair.
• • Succeeeer Men & Co.,
Ito. 930 Altair ,
Specially adapted for Churches, Lecture
and Sunday School Rooms.
Adress, .
Mametattlers! of Patent' School Desks
Avenne, below 2nd Street,
npy64y • , PH.ILADELHIA.
il^ I
• I NATtnict
c:01114. 1
712 Chestnut., Street,
1124 Chestnut Street,
Aiiii , now opening a large and neikisa ortment of Dimond
and. other fine .Jewelry, AIMITiONII and .Bwisa Watches
"Bpslish j Bterling .silver;WAye, Electo-plated
; may6.4y,
cd. a ,Z);„•, , t,lO ,
4 B. CO.2F.N.E.k r T.4,7 di dELH SPC4'ETS, PHILA.
; llBv l e now on hand a complete assortment of
• *Sillrerligrialrey
Yteaee onl . l . and eianiina:orm i stofk, . mayl3-Iy
Have the finest tone more power, and it takes leas money
to buy them' than.a4 other instruineht to the marka.
Greati nducements offered to Sunday Sckoolsand churches.
A liberal disconnt made to Clergy wieu.., PIPE ORGANS of
the beet makers furniaked on the most reasonable I arms.
R. 111.101IICR, •
.No. 18 North Seventh et., Philadelphia.
Atir Send for a Circular and Price List. • mar2s-ly
la the chestpeetand beet article in the market for blueing
It ~s put ep at &roue,
• . • .1' No.2B3'.Notern B.NOOND STREET,
(PHUADnYWV‘ '.' •
and for, sale by moat of . the 'grocers and druggists. The
genuine has both P;.Tiow's and Wiltherger's names on the
labei ;' arl otheiti'are'countoifeii. • '
BOILORep 31tez
will color more water,than fortti of
F es the came weight
f,'0 . 64.6:,:R0itw0y:...G.0d Loan.
Co, 53 Exchange Place, and M.
K. ,J.Ksur & CO:;n . Pine St., N.
Y., offer for, sale' the Bonds of
the Kansas Pacific Railway.
These Bonds pay seven per cent.
in Gold; have thirty years to
run ; are Free from Government
TaxatiOn.'; are secured by a Land
Gran't of Three Million Acres of
the Finest Lands in Kansas and
Colorado. In addition to this
special grant, the Company also
owns Three Millions of Acres
in Kansas, which, are being ra-
pidly sold' develop the cowl
try andimproye theroad. They
are a: first' mortgage upon the
extension of the road from Sher-
idan, Kansas, to Denver, Cola-
rado. The road in operation
now earns more, than enougl net
income to pay the interest on, the
new loan. There is no better
security in the inarket—this be
ing insonie respects better than
Government Securities. Rim
cipal and Interest payaNe in Gold.
Price 96, and accrued Interest,
in Currency. Pa - mphlets, Maps
and Circulars furnished on ap
plication. : 'augl2-3m
A VAOLTTAYILL GIFT.—Mt pages. 'Dr. S. S.
alt Dimmses end their Remedies. Sent by mail free•
Adibies," 4 S. S. Phial,
A. 714 Broadiray, New York.