~.._-~..:-.~:m - .~ 4tins j.i Ma ebuttfs, Churches. —Rev. Edward E. Bayliss has preach ed part of his time in Jefferson town ship, about ten miles from De Soto, Mo. On Sabbath, the Ist inst., R ev . Wm. Campbell, District Secretary of Des Moines Presbytery, with Mr. Bayliss, organized a church there of ten members -On Sabbath, the Bth inst., Mr. Campbell, with Rev. R. H. Kllogg, Jr., who is preaching at those places, organized churches at Dallas Centre, lowa, of nineteen members, and at Min. burn, lowa, of seven members. These places are new towns on the Des Moines Valley Railroad, which is now being ex tended north-west from Des Moines toward Fort Dodge.— Correspondence of the Herald. —Sabbath, August 15, was fixed for the dedication of the new church at Irvington, N. Y. Rev. Drs. De Witt and Tyng of New York, and the Rev. John De Witt, pastor of the church were expected to take part in the service. —During the recess of Hanover Church, Wilmington, Del., and while the pastor has beettiaway on his usual summer tour the Trustees took occasion to have several very .decided improve ments made to the interior in and about the pulpit. The fleor of the latter has been lowered nearly two feet, and the stairs, which were before in the