Jgeta of % Peek. Xl.tti. ft It ESS—Third Session. Senate. —January 12.—A petition ot capitalists a.‘l; a "rant of $15,000 per mile to the North Pa cific R. R., besides the land grants, and offering to erect it. on these terms. The bill for relief of Mrs. Coggeshall was concurred in. The bill extending time upon indictments in U. S. Courts in Rebel States was passed. January 13.—The House Resolution granting the use of the Rotunda of the Capitol for an inaugura tion hall was rejected;. WjiConsin—Gov.Fairchilds’annualmessagere ports ilie-State'debt at $2,252,057., . . r ,. , Virginia.— The delegates Irom the recent *• uni versal suffrage-and-amnesty” convention, hayeriuc ceeded in getting Congressmen to promise toiadmit Virginia oti her adoption of the State,' Constitution with the omission of disfrancising clauses.; '/' Gen. Grant approves. ‘ ■ Missouri.— Gov. McClurg t recommends: the es r thblishment.of Negro Suftrhge in the State, but .op- jj poses tlie en (rpnchisem en tOf ex rebels.—Carl >sh'urz is to be U. S. Senator from .that State.—Tbe Legis lature asks the transfer of the Indian Buretui to tlie War Department, .and thanks Gens. Sheridan and Custer. Georgia.—The Legislature met Jan. 13.—Gov. BuHock-’in hisiab n ual message.says there" iaino.ad equate protection, tp ljfe, ljhertv,aiid property in the State, and' recommends Uie Legislature to antici pate Congressional action by expelling those mem bers who, are 'disqualified; by the XlVth Amend riient arid re-adriiittibg the colored Imehib'ers; or else to adjourn. , „ * ; : il. i -f'l|he Constitution was SM/tea on a /afrVote, according to Gen. GillemVeviae'uce be fore the Reconstruction Committee[?j • _ Alabama—Judge Pelham of Shelby county, de cides that the existing State Government is illegal. Louisiana.—The Peruvian Monitors sailed, Jan. 12, for the Pacific.—A bill is before the Legislature to abolish the municipal government of 'New Or leans, and establish a provisional one."' Florida.—The Senatecoil firms Gov. Reed’s Dom inations, .made since November, thus ending the Tile Indians.— Gen. Sheridan claims that -h is re cent successes have virtually put Ari end'to the In dian war.—Sixty lodges of Coriianclies have been captured by Col. Evans, with a loss of three soldiers. BT ATUNTIC TEI.EUItAI‘II. January 12. — London. —The Conference have relused to, Rpngape, the .Greek. Ambassador to France, represent Greece, and be has tirbtesteii and telegrffpheddbrMnstruetious; * Some delaj-miirprob ably be .caused,— lt is reported that Turkey has seized arid imprisoned the Cretan leaders.— Paris. — Turkey has sent ap.ageni to raise a war loan here. —A/adrirf.—Four thousand soldiers have volunteer ed to aid in putting down the Cuban rebellion. Jannary 13. — London.—The reported seizure of the leaders of the Cretan insurrection, with their, papers, is confirmed. Four were, killed.— Paris.-r The Conference censures Greece for taking excep tion to the exclusion of her representative,-pleading the precedent of 1855. Vienna.- —Turkey justifies her COurse aa towards Crete, declares that she ex-: peels nothing from the Conference, and says her ul timatum is a warning against interference in her internal affairs. — Florence.—La Epoca says France rind Italy 'support the claims of Prince Amadeus tio the Spanish throne. January 14. — London. —The Great Eastern has begun to take on board aua will sail from Brest incline. —The press linan-, iiuously condemn the course of Greece in insisting on representation in the Conference. —It is agreed that the Great Powers shall not, be required to en force the conclusions of the Conference— Paris.— The Conference met to-day, and the press urge its continuance. Greece is preparing an offi cial circular defending her course. — Madrid, —The THE AMERICAN PRESBYTERIAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1869. Liberals and Carlistsdiave had a collision, in Torto la. —Pulce asks'more troops, as at least.4,ooo will be'necessary to suppress the rebellion in-Cuba, The papers'urge the sending 0f.10,000. . January 15. — London. —The 'Treaty witTf the-U. S. has been arranged on the basis of the origfiihl proctoeol.—All the Madrid journals favor Amadeus as a candidate for the Spanish throne, and the chances of the Montpensiers are inpproving.—The allied army have carried the Paraguayan .strong-, hold at Viileta, after a desperate baffle, taking 5.000 prisoners, and the iron-clads have gone on to Assuncion, the capital, Gen. McMahon, tlie U. S. Mimeter, had.come to an understanding with Lo- P ez - A! 1 the Powers, except Russia, unite in a for mal demand that Greece withdraw her exceptions to her exclusion from,the Conference.— rParls. —The Conference.has held another session,’and adopted conciliatory rVsol.u,tions, but Greece still holds out, ami the indications are that she is getting ready for . .. ~ ...„ a ,< ; January 18.— London. —Cbas Dickens publishes a card in relation to the Mrs. Dickens who recently com m twed’Suibi dp 'hit fth'ipa’gd. ' ' lie nays 'ins brot h - er s widow resides in England, and that he is a trus °l l‘ er estate.—The pafiSre fejoice that the is signed,—A large and enthusiastic meeting'mdavbr’df the ballot was held here last night.— Paris. —The Conference met to-day to sign! a dticlarafiolß, requiring Gr*tec| to repress into the Turlush dominions, and counselling Tiirkey to withdraw her iiltiniaium.— Bremen. —An interna tional Post Office Order ,'system has: been agreed upon by the Post Office Departments of North Ger many aud|b£dbaTlxnt,ed States. Jt will be extended tzerlarid /through, jibe, agehts "of the North German. Llbyd; f JsgoW; intojeMcf Heb;lli'and]wilj transput mill ta'xriotsuhave been renewed and the to suppress fbqin.— Madrid. |-Th emoii ar cliicatl«®giyj i daj.es;fqrjflie, Cor - tez haveicarried Madrid and . f j 1 S 1 January 17- — Aonl7oai- —A rupture has j taken place between Turfcsy*and Persia; the .Turkish am bassador has left Teheran, and Perfiaos concentrat ing troops on her Western frontier. from Russia in the Eastern question.] —Pam,T7rTlie Conference's Deqlaratiop .jreoomimends Greece to comply with Turkish (fgm'fjuds. on tli’e[Cretan.ques tion, and to leave the Mnosis.to the decision"or the courts, aud promises that ‘the general demands of Turkey shall be withdrawn.—Greece i's tnanifestly preparing for war, and lias borrowed s2D;o9i),opo from the Athenian bankers.—The Turkish and Grecian representatives are waiting instructions.— ~ax§ >tb sStiTjfbr^Cub^^-Tlie. returns increase the majorities of tfie*Gbvernment candidate^;)"-': ~.1 H'i:\ Ib'j ' ■''' ' } 1 J auuary. 18.— -London.—The Times praises the, treaty' made 5 -with Mir. Bhrlingarae.— Parii. —The Emperor opened the Corps Legislalif with a speech, to-day. He announced Che political situation to be a happy combination of good order and liberty, anil said that France was now bo thoroughly armed that while she sought peace she need not fear war. He hoped that the Conference's decisions would settle the Eastern rupture. He anticipated a governmental triumph in the coming elections.— Florence. —Prince Amadeus has renounced his claims.to possibly suc ceed to the throne of Italy, so as to increase his changes, in Spain.— Constantinople. —The Sultan has ordered liis envoy at Paris to sign the Protocol agreed to by the Conference. • u a -. t . ? r, THE FIRST , MORTGAGE. FIFTY YEAR CONVERTIBLE BONDS. ..-.a,: : : vA./ Rockford, Rook Island aud St- Louis Railroad C PRINCIPAL AND SEVEN PER CENT. INfEREST—Ist FEB. and Ist AUG. ; IN GOLD: COIN. ; : Free of Government T.ax. Tbfe Bonds are Wered at 974 and accrued i s;; : :Pill z interest m currency. Persons subscribing now will fan f the the "coupon payabjo Feb. ,| 4stf eqnal to a re duction of one per the price of the „ p a -«a <2 w u £.4, Bonds. | f Pa,mnhlets, wit|FmapsAgmny Express of .charge, .-n.vn] U v.nV n'VIT .Thfei BiQbds may ,he’ ha T d #f, v•* v ;\ H. H. BOOBY, Treasurer, f?. {HUjflv n-’ivSwrA ,-, M J.. t- F.. jjj Wall- fitreet,GslUUu.tJ •/,;. v(j t .tj HENRY CLEWS & CO., Bankers, 32 "Wall Street; I 'HeW-York; No Hospitals, in Europe or America, Have as many patients as Dr. WQL9OTT, 17,0 Chat man square, N. Y., where all can test, free of cost, Wolcott’s Anniuilator, for Catarrh, or Wolcott’s Pais Paint for ihe immediate removal of all pain, and certain cure for diseases,Buy none unless in white wrappers. • > ■■ . ' ' ‘ Tire ‘ liai/is* hJt (My ‘ohl oMhe 'lccessWtes oi human but ,it ia designed, (o protect the health t'War*tmdP>&>ndnetw*'w it serves to equalize the temperature of the brain. The nerve contained in the., hair .tube ip frequently paralyzed and the coloring destroyed ; but by proper remedies the gray hair can be restored to ; its original color, and where it has fallen oil a new growth ,c'aii!be iiroduced by the use ot Hall’s Vegetable Sicilian lenriwer. special . The I‘rmbyterr of Oswega will bold its next annual meeting at Fultun, Tuesday, JamYSth, at 2 o’clock, P. M. H.N. MILLARD, Stated Cleik. Willlamßtownj Jan. Sth, 1569. Vox lUver Presbytery wlil hold Its next meeting at Kn ral, W Is,, Oil Tuesday, February 2d couimeuci gat 7 o.clui.k, !’. M. Rural, Wls.,-Jan. 6tb, 1569.. ■ 8. 11.-ASHMEJN. HEARTH aad HOME is a weekly illustrated Agricultural and Fireside Journal ol sixteen hand some pages, devoted to the interestsiof Farmers,'Gar deners, Fruit-Growers arid Florists. Edited by : Mr. Donalb G. Mitchell, assisted by a large corps of practical Agriculturists. ' The' Fireside Department is edited by Harriet Beecher Stows, assisted by Mrs. Mary E. Dodge, with Grace Greenwood, Mad ame I.e Vert and other able contributors. Terms for 1869: Single copies $4, invariably in advance ; 3 copies $10; 5 copies $l5. Any one sending, us $45 for a club of 15 copies (all at one time),, will 7 receive a copy free. Address Pettengill Bates’ & Cc., Publishers, 37 Park Row, N. Y. 4w NOW RKA.DY, THE FEBRUARY NUMBER OF HOURS AT HOME. CONTEXTS. Books axd Rxadixgs. No. II ny Prnf. Xodk Porter. Tne Foostaiks os Si»u By the U. S. Consul General of Syria. Kuth and Naomi By Howard Gtyndon. AlOTHsaLKsa Girls. A Story of the Last Century. By the. Author of li Mary Pmo*R.” [Glimpses or Old ADTaorn. Lord Bacon and the Novum Organum, M _ _ By Prof. Gto. P Fisher. l shall be Satisfied By Curl Spencer. Sevastopol in Mat, ISoS. By Count Leo Tolstoi. Translated from ' 1 the Rushan for Hoars at Ho mb. Christopher Krot. A Story of New York Life. Continued. Ti _ By the Author of *• Storm Cliff.” PLANcnme at tbb CoNPESsieNAL .......vßv J. T. Headiey. Tbs Chaplet of Pearls.. jConolndpd.. : By the Author nf “ Tlie Heir of Redclyffe.” Lbisbob Moments. Books and Authors Adroad. >' • LITERAtIfRE OP THB I>AT. , . TERMS—S 3 a year jss for two years; $lO ior I copies.' ‘ ; : , CJaUBBTNG RATKS—Orfodrs ut" , lioiuo ‘Arni Harper’s Monthly, Weekly, or Bazar, or Hearth And -Home, for $5.50; regular price, $7 ; floors at Home i*nd Eclectic, $5 50; oriLivin; Age. SD. PRRMIUMjP—For three siinscripriuiis; l Norwood nndft steel eoffraviiulof Geuoral Grant,prthe ,1 fit ter with “ llomn iu the fine chrpmo. . twenty sabsefipfiyiis rsW)' we we still Wheolir A Wlfsoh’s liuiTValed Bewiiig- ni'achine.'’ v : •' §.qriIBNER & CO,, - s ‘ 654 Broadwayt New York. NOW READY, i / : AND ; ‘' V ! : Reytew ’* •’• ■." FOR-' ••• t This üblo and influeutial Quarterly will hereafter bo published MESSRS. CBARLESSCHIBNERicO., n yhofßijY. Charleb ;Hodgk, D. D.,,Jbe qrgiufU... founder. of the Revuiw, aud.its constant Editor from thq first, bas nqw aasociaL«d,wit.h hipsel.f, as the Rer. LyNan 11. Atwater, . D. D., who has. been kmnyn lora guurtur'ofVceQtury.aa a leutling. contributor t<\ ii, aud the author of a large onVqitandard. articles. Wifch this ipereoae of editorial strength and'supervision, ■ it is Inteiided that this Review shall hot only retftin'tlie attributes .winch have mad« it a great power (or good in the jinU, iut that it shall he constantly i;uproved and amplified in fuiqre. ‘ r ' l ■ Tae Jnnuary nmubei*, which is how ready, 1 contains artfcles'Tjy! Her. Charles-ikodge, "by RevJ J; ‘McdoshV t)/ I).,*PrewdAht' of* ■ Pjincetbh College; by Bov. Dr.'lrvUfg, b/’New Vy ; Kfet; G)r. Patterson, of Chic Ago ; and W. IT. Lord, MbAtpelier; Yt, ! ’‘ ‘ v '. r ' OV ? CONTpfos:\' ;,i ' 1 vV; ■ L' AGASSIZ ON - TV‘OF XUK RACE. : -; f T vtl v.m 11. A,M AN UAL OF FOREIGN MISSIONS OF- THE PRESBYTE , . RiANCiiURcn. v - ■ .• " CHRISTIAN WORKift EGYPT. ' ? •IV: METHOD OFTEACHING RKLIGION IN COLLEGES. V. ROMANISM ROME. ‘ • JOtJAIRG’S HISTOKY OF THE NEW BCHOOL PRESBYTE n^rxircHURW* —’ —*• ffigtSOKT NOTES ON RECENT PUBLICATIONS^— T , INTELLIGENCE. : ? j , J-'-i . ' . s3per annnm. Clubs of six. $2.50 each.' $5 fhr twO years. if paid in-advance.* Single Numbßre,Js cents; HOURS AT HOME and PRINCETON REVIEW-for one-year, $5.50; or the Rrview sent free feroue year for three irlnr subscribers {s9} to Hours at Honie. ■ ! CHARLES SCRIBNER & CO., Nc. 654 Broadway, N. Y. IMPORTANT V . theologicalworks: 6r“ '.*■£ ' " .[ . , Messrs/ Scribner, Welford V.' if. itambaut. > . i .. ,- - THE WRITIJiGS OF OHIO EX. Translated by Rev. g. fISWHS AJIOTB3W of tho ChElitionsjkr&a|lowed to juid to|i favAt-S l|pe*Uap e«t; o{&ii betm dil-, t 6 knoV tHeir conxuii ts. tlie object C^iUkd.rthe Christinu writJngs antecedent te.the N'iuene,Conn-dl have been put iut-j the, hands of Tli’Ue t will m*ke It llieir princL pal aim‘to prbdnce translations us: faithful aspoMiUte, ouculoced *?if?Tn^"'? os sY a?io & t tl ¥ tuey wm'ltrlTe fo combine with 4liro*Btrfcl aVcn p»vuy-Wi nl^«i th fu 1 neaa as elegance as may be consistent with the umin.? aim> - Short biographical aud expUnatory ' uGtices will he'prefixed to bach translation i and in every case where,! there i»,.variety of, opinion the writer will abßtainfrom own sentiments, and' conftoe himself simply to an impartial statement of. .the opinions : of the most note-worthy critics on the point. The preceding volumes b£ TIIB-ANTK-NICJENB r LIBRARY are ■ THE WRITINGS OK TIIS AFOSTO LIC, EAT HERS. Triimlated by Rev. Dr. Roberts, Dr. Rev.' K. CrouiOie. ■■. . THE WRITINGS OF JOSTIN MARTf R 'avii ATHENAQORAS, . Trauslattid by Rev. &b*rcus Dods». A. M. f Rev. fiawrue ReitU, A. M., and Rev. B. P Pratte.n. / _ 9 ' thb 'writings'-pp; tatun and THROpmLiJS;.ASro thm .CLEMENTINE RECOGNITIONS. * Tmriiiitea‘6y 11. P. Pratien, Rev. Marcus’ DAds, A. M.j and Jtev.' T. Soiith]?Di D.‘ THE WROTNOS OF CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA. Translated . by Rer. W. (•'"[ J'l A Ii ? ) THE WRITINGS OF IItEN-EUS. TraniSated'Xy Rev. A. Roberts and Rev. W. - ... THE REFUTkTION oJ ALL i HERSSIBS fBY iIUBpOIYTDS. Translated by'Rev. J. H. Atuciblufoii, M. A. Wiw mginvuts. ifrotn hia Commentaries ou various Jiovks of Scripture. Transit*, ted JSiIDTAiI 0 V \ THE FIVE BOOKS OF TEUTULIAN AGAINST MARCION. Tgpuslated by Peten^llulmes,’D.fD../ THE WRITINGS ORCYPRIAN, BISHOP OF CARTHAGE. I, couiuining the the Treatises. Transla t'd by Rov. jfi. Wallis, Ph. I>. ' E'Ch 1 vol. Bvo. red edges; Price pervpl. $3.5p. .; ;N. B.—Any of >ihe a.bove volumes may be purchased jtepa T rtitely. They leill be sent, postpaid, to any address, upon.re~ cciju of the ’pnek'’ Snbntriptions to* the ANTBiNIVEXE LI Bit AM Y-, received funojxrdtd. i SCftIBNER," WELFORD 4 "ctf., 0 '? i oSdwayrN:tifi 1 ..i EPtLEPSf CAN BE Thoße lvayfngfr,iottdB ; s«licife'l to send for a circular letter te*rtmoniftli*/Vh' c u will con* vince the raost skeptical of the curability of tin disease. Address,, , BURBN LtfCfcßOW, M. D., jan2l-13t A- ’ l 1 No. 36 (Jreat syoncs St:, New York - VICK’S FLO It A L GD ID E rpHB »r«t sdttloniof Ona. HiimfidfclrinfinnllSVick’s Tllnstrnted j. CKtalogiw of Srcds slid Guide in tbs glower Garden is nqi-j published. It makes a worlfior 100 pageß, beautifully ilhistratrf, with nln.iit 151 l glue Wood Kugrayings «f glowers and Vegetables,' and in Riegant ;. ' ’Co ,K , . , AHQHGREI.pEJLp^EBH.t ■lf Is the Vriost’lifeaiififriVi as well ! «s tho'iuosf In'strncliTe I Total O Hide pnblMnkL giving plain and thorough directions,fortthe,ca!i ; tureof Flowers and Vegetables..,,*.'' .M l-' The Floral Guide Is pulilialwidsfni: the benefit of my to' whom it is sent.free -without 4ppUcatinn, ; bn. fopitardixl -to,. all who apply by mail, t,r Ten Cents, which IS not HStlf the cost. Address V JAMES VICK, ltoch<*t*r, N. 1. Dee. 17—It sow. Alien'd Lung Balsam. The groat remedy for the euro’of ('onsnra])tlou ami IMuensrs of the Lnn^s. Tlie result of its use is a proof of ita great vatae. The extraor dinary healing properties of this remedy are experienced by all those who hare need it. Their testimony will be found in a pamph let, which can be hud of the agents where the medicine ie ibr sale* tenghs and Colds. however distressing, are broken up in an incredibly short time, by causing a specific iofiuenceon the lqiigs, bo that tbs matter and phlegm are easily expectorated.. Allen’s Lnnf Balaam contains no 1 opium fu rfny form'. It is perfectly harmless fbr the mdst delicate'child; It’'is everywhere in good demand ''of different ii»stririherit9> The! Company's perfected: m4cbiC*iry.Sc cuniulated-facilities aud experienced.workmen, together wish; the . important iniprovoiuvma patented by them, enable • flieiii to produce the'best'work at the greatest economy ‘of cefet, *ufl, consequently, to offdn their ivtelHknow.u Organs,(iwnpers. of ,tue ( Hnns Exposition Medal aud seyenty-fiva. olberjfirht jpqtnninms. which are the stand wj' c/r their 'departmentat prices aalow'orevenless than thosfe demanded'for * iinferior Organft. ■: ■ ■ il Theffollowing are examplesof l( . )pl»Wt'oCtave l organ; solidßihck’ftainut shjr’n Jrifco - ; .-i? J j ,* > !,i .- ; .:*jn. !. Fi^E;i6CtA‘yE-^>«iCtfli^'iitlEiEb' : aRe i A 5 !s:. ; five STOPS; with Tremulant;'’.Solid Black’ Wslhht i , (Style 0.) ; J^ce-. j}_. five octjVe ih»Vbee REF.R fcAill'i'Wli'r on- KlNJfi STOPS, .with ,thb new- MASON ,er of% -tbesMnd,priujed -in the lt is prjntedln. s&veral'brilUsint, colors, and ift very wh’en bdund lu a volume iV makes a beautiful Pu*tuie'’Album. 1 •' 1 ’"t r--\ f ~:ii ; * •'lierinM— tor lew tkau; ;ten copies t eaohj for tea or ,more } sM;ty cents .enph. , u Aiiy person subscribing fortwelve copies, \rith ! $6, may : receive the ‘•SA'IittATII * "-i ,■ : »1■ < 1 i >.M -j»ul4-2it ~, SOTOS OF THE TEMPLE THE BUOOESSFUTi MUSIOtfOOK JOPtTHB SEASON. .* of‘tkfe; litop&lßr 1 itop&lRr now rwtdy. i W-e. * believe, «s is BubsWutiaily e*pres»tm -by conducwir.s,.Teachers aud , .lOUorwterti ip .nearly Section .of tlie country, “ thjit it is the mat Ci'-nventmus, Soluiole HUt1 T Chotni iioW Wfdro the pttt>lic.V-'Wa.giYe afi-rwof the many reaeond lop tithese Bt»temeuts} J.tis a vrOrk of reaf variety., ; is it. may fotioUj,* the majestic the', jovbufi. A 1 legio, ‘the grateful ' Crfritauifo * 'lrtOiitKins et vUiiTVcon'cifee,accurate and . •Iririai'O’g the Blfctueutary of ;Muaic»l JNota ,tion, an w*]l a correct musical tusta ua ib.aecuie the Hb'ility tO read fluently. ‘ • ‘‘ • ' : \, ' The character of'the harmony db»ervss special cohsftiOfaiion in' regard to varfety, force and aniUbltuess-fOr - the purpose*,\o:, wor •ship. Last upt Jeast-the .erveutiou of.tbe book is 1 positive y superior to any similar work before the piiblicV Singlei ’ copies for uxaoiluatiOft'wiiriV* furnished" at dozed pribes; ($l2 uQ. per d'Zt'D.' 1 . .-j . LKKS & bIIKPAKD. Boston, ,' isl , iJ jauT--t «ow TUB WBS*ITRNNKWS .- Photographs ExceMpi! Allikiridaof pictures, ofi the finest finality.,, .Cards, six. w>i\a dollar. Pprcttlaiup oue _ in proportion. # ‘ ; >n.f ) W-;®uElJ'„‘l3i3 Cliestirat''St. ' ■ 1r ..; •-! ~-i. i . ,■■ " " :::/■ 'WATEm’ : If l-RS T .. PIIESI I U M PIAN O S , •• Withlron .Frame, Overstrung Bass and. Agraffe Bridge.’ • Melodeons, Parlor, Church, ’ and Cabinet Organs. The best Manufactured. Warranted for 6 Years. ■ . , ’lpO PiauoSf &lelddeous and Orgnina 'of six first cHtss intfkers, af low prices for Cash, or dne-quarter cash and the balauce in MorUb ly or Quarterly ilnfitallnionid. .Secoud-haud Instruments at great Bargains...lllustrated Catalogues mailed., VMr. Waters 1 is the Au thor of Sik'Suirday'School Music 'Rooks; “ Heavenly Echoes,” and; i( .New S. S.'i&lV-jtm't issued;) • Warerogms, .1 ; •apr2 ly, 48} ( Br9odway, Neyr f HORACE WATERS A CO. A GOOI* A IH!K t * ■ ; ricisN cb, for 1869; conmlptpg jEUinplogy; Physiology,. Plfreno* 1 *gy, Physiognomy,,and Psychology. . Their ripplicatloii to' Impaovamawt—Physically, Intellectually; aiid Spiritually,' Thp PiiKENoL,hy first must,. 30 couts; Address S VrtSLLS, 3S9,Brdad .‘Ay, New . ' r '‘ ‘ : .•’•■■■’ 1 ' ‘ ']*'•! V i w •; ' . t ;*f ;■, ; ? ,/f > i , . \ . Y. l EteninaJbtt. “Kdited with marked ability.”— OurisUmt Inquirer- Very instructive” X K Christian Advocate. “Afwayiiuptd'a l high Vtafida'rd or lite rature.”— Wheeling MkMgmetrj . /• rilled with .valuable imatter."' —Examine*. \ “I)MW.vedly popular jtH,,oy W ,the laud.” —JtuaAP Nfta Yorker. Agents wanted. Liberal PreminmsV.yeh. i " "dfectfmb ■> u *4.-. 't»s, > -.im; ,S,/'T • : ■■ ■■ “»>, ft*;; 1 /' ■ : RAS CHERIUKS aud 'other Small Pruita, 4 Speciality. 'Partiea' otdering plaiite hive no oecksibhrrm. regreti.t Varietiesiand quality I perfect. Priceareuaonabla. ,-SpMiitl .favors .to; Ministers and Clhb agentt. Can.supply iiuMT old. For planU. oriti formation, address Rev.;P. J.B. aorT„qaiaM|.K. y. : ,s . ■ BA T C BrE L O E,’ HA. IJ, This splendid Bye is the iwit in:thi Wwld; th. : only trne and perfect Dye; harmless, reliable, instantaneduei im'diqapoini. ment; no ri'diculous tints • remedies thi 'll! effect* of iiatf dywi; . Wplfair joftaudljeantifhi'i&fcifc fei ‘brim Vy ill Brngglsm; and Batchelor's TTig ( Factory, Jfd. ! I«Boh’dsifroet-, Nevrror '* V;-! f, . ~——; —■■ ■ — ■ - 1 —;— "-~ : ■ ’i■. . janXi-ly VME NIATfQWAL TRUST COMPANY OP THE CITY 01 2fEW TOBI, No. 3SO BBDABWAT, CAPITAL, ONE MILLION DOLLABB. CHARTERED BT THE STATE. Damps J{. Mama*, PrtslbeflE 1 ’ Jakm MebeM, Secretsrj. Deposit, and allows FOtTR PER INTEREST on all Dai]j Balances, ralyuU lo (Jteck at Sight. SPECIAL DEPOSITS for Six Months, or more,, may be made at fire per cent. The cap. ital of t-NE MILLION DOLLARS, U aiTided among orer 500 share holders, comprising many of largie wealth and financial experience, who are also personally.iiaWe io depositois I-r all oh. ligations of ’the Company to dontte tho ninonnt of their capital ‘Slog*, -As the NATIONAL TRti»r CO. receires depwitsin large or Small amonnis; and drsahase whole or in part h> CIIEdK AT SIGIIt and -WITHOUT NOTlCE;^allowing in tereat on Alt. —AiL-r balakcSs,’ partfee thronghoot the Conntry can Keep acoonutSiß this Institution with special aecur ity, coftrenientm and profit; ' ■; - ' [septfi-tf c •>i7l U- - . .i‘ j.f ‘ ■’ ‘ ’♦ ’ ‘ *' Christ&doro's Hair Dye. ;--■ ! , Y.-w* '■■■!"!! ti-i Jf ’ * ‘ - 7 ? IjADIES,. over,grfty hair, v^y, ; Should ,thore be a HUB;and CRT? ( . CHRISTADOItO’S DYB. ypu- know, Will a BROWN.b^f--; the/ii this unequalled ; . tbe fIUB without the 1 ■ / ’ 1 '»i il ’.i ■■if ‘ '-r : STERLIIirG- : SiLVER WARE - J ;-ri; fliT! ' - TUB GORHAM MANp>’ACTURING CO., Of PROVIDENCE, R. I.‘ ll rift og? ke lar fn a Ird fWto rj ofSoIFd Silver'Ware in the fflkchinfery, and ttripldying the most 1 Skilhid'lalioi', ftre'iAiiibled'tb'dffer hn uKecfttklled variety of new ahd b auiilul dteigos4u:l)iiitier 'Services; Tea ’Services, and every srtidtf spetiiUy-ftdal> WtM holiday 'and Bridal Gifts. ’ •[Tlity offenwiso-tbcir wellikhown andlunrivalied Nickel Silver -Electro Pffttud m whidi 1 they jrave intrbdnoed rtew patterns ;of rare eJekrtnce,<>{ri>o Solid Silver,ls- Iguanmtecd to be. of sterling purity t; bypvS.i Mjnt-aßsayY lo- tbti ware. . Ordefs/hcpivefl from the Trade but - these, goodsk:ay > be pbtained'&omresponsible deal* : ere qrerywhere.. „ . ( ’ vv-iri wi-- ti -fj Trade Marie • ' ‘ ' J Mark >«y.w> ■■mmKStr' 'v : *'■ fii/ " ft f, 1 - i «■!! '. Eleclro. *i/'l a: ■ ■ t’*lmf : A ' MXNITFApTUBING C 0„ i% . Salesroom, fto. S,iiaidoh. Laue, N. "E. TME BLASTER/. OF!THE “TIME." if ■'*'" fepßqus 1 . ( v,\ ; U‘ ! i r.iU . «'.• > . lit 'lumbago tbey aet like-a ihhafcm. - Ik-a few hours,a violent - cough uireliprcd By A Plaeter-apjj 1 led t ch at. persons - believe % cold canpet be wjiUe a Plaetet is worn-there; Uiis we do knoWpithey greatly assist in the cure of a neglected cold, so ol\ep lb© !, .( . ’ * Curte tif lesion of the Liver. ; 3 A gertlemau, after a 'severe sickness, had leSiou of tbe liver. quick-movpme&t or sudden jar gave him serere pKito, often laying' him up'for days/' Hence Be i was unable to’follow any occu ;patlbD‘wiihfeghlarily.' 1 ‘ ' r;t;r In this condition, he Applied over the 'part' affected ah ALL COCK’S POROUS PLASTER.- 'AtHrbt, It seemed to irritatc,'so It •was taken off.' 'But (he masked impr»»vemeot- lie 'experienced af« terward g*»» him conrigo to try agiin„andrhe therefor, applied another lu a.tew dKje eomething .gate, way—-‘■•Upped,” to nsethe gentleman-ejown worda< ®here wad some eorenea. fora ifew daye after,.then,hip health waapwfet tly restated. Upon being sounded by hie phyetpiane, the. adhesion, ,dr lesion was found to be ‘gone. ? . ; Principal 'Agency, Bra&tireth 'House, York. Sold bj all Dntgpists:,, ®R*. ItooU for E.ery Live finaday4ch»ol Sian. €lijl«lrten In tUe Tciaplc. ■ A HAND-BOOK-FOB THE SUNDAY, SCHOOL CONCEfiT ‘' ! - ■; i. J; -iO V'l Y - ; .. 1. • ~Y •* • ( y t ,. And a Guide for the ~ y ' PREACHFR y . WNlAllffetk A 1 Supply 1 6f Conceit Exei'c.ses work'ed out for Immediate yJ bh BibW ReaUlug;«ingii%,PrAy«r aud Kreach .! ftFMßvforf Opeuin£.t&t)d~q)«sing ffetrice: , uX*'* --VY'; n REV. H. K. TRUMBULL, l ! ' ■ 'MUnttoary SecTOaty of A wteriam S. S. Union New : ,-t, i i.Enfflaw; f;,,, .-' fTtlira I- this tallest atid best book on'the subject of general rs rrJ,-jllgions e«n:ises lt4e the result iof long eapsrience. careful study, and extendid observation and reading on the part ofdnh or. the moatsuccessful and-'ekllled Sun uay Bchcx>l workers in the land. , --■■■' - Full of eug.-Mtiouu are to talYpr pread. to chil -dren. it eontalm nioD.'aud'»ddraBSes,of iothiriutiSiol contri butions,-from many--of the best koown paHtor. andiSunday-schoul workers of .tha,various deDominationi} t including - * . B«*v. lira. tt.Tynif, Rlchknl Newtkn udP. l>. llantingUiii, Kev. H. D. Gnnse J ’H Vlneeiit. James *. Freeman, A-.J. Ctardon. jL T. Agbinsoj. »• K. Knox and, Alfrert TajlorT and M>es»rs .Kalpli WellH, E, Mi ■ Jones--and William Reynolds, .- , - fi ; ..,j( ~- tr ■l It is a book which no Pastor, or :SuperintendoDt can afford to be without. • . i 'Y' 1 * 5 '\ i! *■ 1 5. ; '■ ' Pries 91.n0. Sent by mail onfrtcelnPlofi price. ■ by aN BuokeeUw. y/ ’ j ! - 1 U ' ; W., J, HQLIiANB 4:00.. Publishers, ! . . : . .. :rt , t^yrinK fleld,-Maes. ! BEAUTiFtn*’ ; Books for Children. | . FLOWEftS-OPiSBBING^TMffE. Qbarto. Col ored iron tispi ecey and' 150 engraviwge: ; It combineß and instruction in most Attractire foruis. $2.50 ' Cloth -; $3 gilt j if 3.50 half - moroeco, gi 11. a ¥ITH PEN AND ® elegant vol ,ume, maiiy of.them large •WW °P * ' ‘FRtiM ”’N-ATCr^E. ri Forty engravings, finely printed lil tiTitr“sl”25 extra, $1.50. AIiIKBICAN' TEACJiSOCIETY, . ' 1210 ; Chestnut Steet, -- '• ■.. v v ; „ Philadelphia. ' FOR.-IHE.- ! - GbpisimasYlblidays. ■■-Jf - ,v I* . 1 ‘ • . ~ Expensjvp Silks, ,* ’ • /'. - „ aßhionable Popifijs;'/ ; *r.. DeinU'jßble Cloaking^. 1 ' ' • .. Pure Silk Velvets, : ” '- 1 1 Stripe Satin Skirtißgsh:. '•. ■ Stndpa Poplia Skirtings, ! ' ' Grand Duchess Skirls, hi - Jißelle Helens Skirts,, , ■' .1 Eir stQuality.Astracans. ; Dec 17—1 mo.. t ~ ; . «apcl; Kegratet 'and Plnte Printer ms cHXB&d¥%t£iite«: c - ■ Pduuuiu