p€dire gink. '1 hanksgiving. C. of ItONWEALTH OF PENN'A.---THANKSGIVING PROC LAMATION or JOAN W. GEARY, OOVERNOR. Unto God, our Creator, we are indebted for life and all its blessings. It, therefore, becomes us at all times to render unto Him the homage of grate ful hearts; and in the performance of our sacred ditties, to set apart special periods to "enter into 11 is gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise." Fur this purpose, and in accordance with an established custom, I have. designated Thursday, the 20th day of November next ; and I recommend that the people of this Commonwealth on that day refrain from their usual avocations and pursuits, and asseMble at their chosen places of worship, to " praise the name of God and magnify Him with thanksgiving ;" devoutly to acknowledge their de pendence, and lay upon His altars the cheerful of. ferings of grateful hearts." Let us thank Him with Christian humility for health and Prosperity ; abundant harvests; the pro tection of commerce, and advancemeatpf mechanical and manufacturing interests ; our pro gress in education, morality, virtue and social or der; the increase of our material wealth; exemption from pestilence and contagious diseases and the destructive influences of war ; for having blessed us as a people and a nation, and opined' before ui the brightest prospects for the future ; and for all other blessings, Is/Kh temporal and spiritual. 'With sure'reliatice upon 'Divine ta , loilet us pray for the forgiveness of our sins:Making public con fession of our dependencei.that we may continue worthy of His parental love and protecting care; 'that our civil and religious liberiies and poljtical rights may remain unimpaired . ; . that we may re member with . gratitude our country's brave &fen ders, audecherii3k-with - sympithy their widows and orphan children;.. and that i our paths through life may be directed'bi ilie example and instructions of the Redeceiner; who' died that we might enjoy all the blessings Welch - temporarily flow therefrom, and eternal - life in the world to come. • Oiven under my hand and the 'great seal of the State, at •Ilitrribburg, this 28th day of October, in the year of our Lord 1868, and ,of the Common wealth the MI JoEtzr W. GEARY. By the Governor; F. JiSRDAN, Secretary of the Commonwealth. STATES AND TERRITORIES. New Xorki- 7 40• city 168,872 persons have been regisferad, an increase 'or 63;575.—Secretary Seward-made a speech-at Auburn, Oct. 30, defend ing President Johrison,,and .denouncing both par 7 ttes.-Naturalization fraudii . far 'eclipsing those of Philadelphia, have been detected and are being in vestigated, as well as an elective Democratic judi ciary will, permit. U. S. Marshal Murray is ar resting the accused. Alderinan Pepper and Chas. E. Norton have been taken into custody., Mayor Hoffman, Democraiic candidate for Governor, in a curiously, undignified and partizan proclamation, denounces both the investigations and the arrests. Termsylvania.-7Jadge Williams took his seat on the Supreme Court bench. Oct. 27th.—The offi cial Republican majority IS' 9;677.—The Republi cans carry the I Id.; Willi V llth,lXth, Xth, XIIIth, XI Vtli XVI di, XVllth; XlXth, XXth, XX 1 _XXII Id, and, X.XI Vth districts. They lose thwillti, Vth, and XXlit districts 'by small Democratic majorities, but will contest all three. The Democrats carry the`others.; The delegation stands fifteen tiepublicans to six Democrats, and three contested seats.—Governor Geary has made a requisition upon Gov. Fenton for the surrender of a number of prominent Democratic politicians who visited our City during the October election, and vio lated the Clectien the 2d of Nov. Judge Read pronoun Ced an informal opinion in the Su preme Court in .Nesi Pilus, declaring JudgeShars woolPs'tipstave naturalizations void and invalid. Ohio.—The CongreSsionid delegation stands thir teen Republicans to six Democrats, a gross Demo, eratic gain of four and a Republican gain of one. Indiana.—Th6 official returns show an official majority for Baker, for Governor, of 961, and for the other State officers majorities ranging from this up to about 1500., Oregon. The Democratic Majority in the House of Representatives have been carrying things with such a. high hand, that' the Republican minority have resigned, leaving the House without a quorum, and stopping all 'mistimes. The appropriation Bills have not •beenassed: •• - -p District of COlambitiThe Supreme Court of the District decides the, confiscation, apts. to be COnstitutiorial". • Maryland—ln 'the suit against Gen. Butler at Blltimom, his plea of ". privilege •as , member of Congress," has been overruled. Alabama.—The Legislature met Nov. 1, but no quorum was present, sp-that the plan of choosing Presidential electors by the Legialature is likely to tall through!" -- • • liOliitaalutoPoliticat riotisaCcurred in New Or leAns; Oct. 27th, in- which, several were killed on each side. Gov. WarmOtith . urges abstinence from political processions until the election is over. Gen. Rousseau has issued a proclamation to the same effect as the Governor's.—Gen. Steadman offers his resignation of the 'Sdperintendency of the Police, but the Board refuse it. Adams, whom Sheridan removed, had beenXirdered by Maj. Conway. to re sume the position, but could not get into the Office. —Uen. Steadman withdraws his resignation, and one of the Courts restrains by injunction the ap pointment of a new police force by the Mayor,— Oren. Steadman finally resigned, Oct. 30, and Geo. L. Cain was al.pointed to succeed. The Mayor is suing in the Courts in behalf of his appointee. • Arkansas.—Captitin P. Andrews, U. S. A., and Capt. Wills, of the Freedmen's Bureau, with two negroes, were assassinated by an ambuscade in Lit tle River county, recently . . The county Sheriff was badly wounded.—The body of Congressman Minh", who with a Mr. Brooks, was recently assassinates by a rebel named Geo. A. Clark, has been taken to Salem ; N. Y., for burial —The Governor proclaims the registration in eleven counties to be invalid and v South Carolina.—Gov. Scott, by proclamation, congratulates the State on Wade Hampton's recent peaceful negro-equality manifestoes, as Chairman Of the Democratic Committee, and recommends polit ical fusion and co-operation. Indians.--The Sacs and. Foxes have made a treaty to remove to reservations South of Kansas. BY ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH. . Qctober 27.—London.—Slight shocks of earth q iikewere felt at Cork yesterday.—LiverpooL--Hon. tieverdy Johnson. in a speech made last night at a. banquet in the town Hall, said he did not know bow the 'people in the United States would regard his conducVsince he had been in England. He was sanguine of their approval. but would accept their censure with Christian re.signation.—Madrid.—The Provisional Government in a manifesto review the reforms proposed by the late antral junta, promise administrative decentralization, and pledge them selves to.be accountable to the National Cortes.— Some 143berals urge the sale of Cuba to the U. S., 11 ,4 the'ipe'ediest settlement of the Slavery question. —V;enria.—The Army Bill has passed the Reich's rath, after puph opposition, and (it-is said) by the tome of private reasons by Premier Von Beust. Thise are said to be the need of armed neutiality, in the probable. event of a rupture be tweet, France and.Pmesift—; f , •• . Octobet 28:=17,6gthitt.—LTh e trehbighop of Can. te: oury, (Charles Ltogley)And 41te :Dowager THE AMERICAN PRESBYTERIAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1868. ess. of Sutherland [Mrs. Stowe's friend] are dead.— PrusEia and Portugal have recognized the new Go vernment of Spain, as has the Papal Nuncio at Ma drid:— Le Constitutionncl says that the reorganization of the National Guard is popular in the provinces, and it is progressing rapidly.—The Cuban Liberals are organized into .a club. The .Colonial Minister announces that suffrage will be on the same basis as at home.—The Queen offers, through Olozaga, to abdicate iu favor of Don Carlos.--;The Constitu ent Cortes will be elected, Nov.. - 29.—Bombay via London.—The British troops have gained additional successes in the N. W. Provinces of India. October 29.—London.— . -The Liberal leaders are so confident of a large majority in the new Parlia ment, that they_are diScussing Gladstone's probable associates in . the rieW•ministry.—Paris.—Queen Is aLel!a is expected. here,, Nov. 6th.—Le Moniteur says - the Emperor or Xustria.will not sign the Ar my Bill, and that. Von Beast declares Austria is arming only in proportion to - her population.---a Vienna.—Von Bengt repgdiates the warlike con struction put npeon.his recent condUct, and says that the policy. of .Austria is peace. The Reichsrathis• Bill authorizes the enlistment of 40,000 men for the army and navy, but; it is alledged, only to fill the vacancies which have.ocChited, and not to increase either. • Wober so.—London.—The news from South America is that Lopez was still in force at Valeta, and a'batile was expected. 'TliePorttigese Consul' had been forcibly taken from the 11. S. Legation at Ascunscion, and shot. : U.S. war steamers had gone up the Paraguay , ' and a dernand - Would be made by the commander for .address. The conduet of Min ister WashbUrn is' much censured at Buenos Ayres. . —Maps ind. eating:that France recognizes her pre sent boundarfes'invfthred . ,6y treaties have been pub lished, at the instance of the:French Goiernment, it is believed,—Madrid. r -Bpain wishes, to borrow £50,000,000 per .dent. to meet ihe deficit of the.current year.—Uen. Dulce accepts the Captain cy-General of Cuba, and sails soon. November I:—Lonckn.—Shocks of earthquake have been felt in WirwicliShire.—The writs for a new Parliament Will leirisited this week, and the election held three days later.=The Khan of Kok hara, (Central Asia), by an embassy ti? St. Peters burg, sues for the friendship and protection of the Czar.- Serious riots at: Rotterdam: yesterday ended in the troops firing on the'rnob, killing several and wounding many.—/lfacliiil.`=lteinforcements are to be:sent to Cuba, and= a loan'of:10,000,000 crowns to complete the Isabella Canatin „Havana. • November 2.—London.—Parliament will be dis solved Kov. I.ltlSeveral shocks of earthquake have been ,distinctly felt in England and Wales.— The Government declines to recognize the claims of the Hudson's Bay Company to the North West Territory.—Paris.—Le •Moiliteur warns the papers that it is forbidden to criticize the Government.— Madrid.—The standing . army is to be reduced. The right of free assembly l cbliceded to places which have declared:for the new government. Barcelona wants Espartero for King, if Spain is to-have any'. —The Democrats are quarrelling among themselves. —Rotterdam.—Tlie late riotewere - riot political, but arose from.a quarrel between the citizens and the police. One hundred werewounded andsi2r.ty have been arrested-. iFonrs64N By XAIL. South Ameridt.—The Preident of the State o Panama has closed all the ports on the .Pacific; ex cept the Capital. Don't Get Cheate'4, Look Out. Get pint bottles, $l, in white' wrappers—Wolcott's ANNIHILATOR, tor it cures Catarrh. Wolcott's PAIN PAINT cures pain, all kinds, and heals all sores without-stain.or Smart.• - • - 2t. We would call the attention of our readers to an article of merit, which is advertised in our columns as being used exteusively and with the beet results, for restoring gray hair to its original color, and in case of baldness renewing the growth, called Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair renewer. It is a medicinal preparation ' • itelaCtien is radical, and by its use the glands which support the hair are, nourished and strengthened. We have trie it, and speak; from actual use.—Pennsylvanian, Great Bend: Seven Yer Cent. Interest In Gor.p. The First Mortgage Seven per Cent. Sinking Fund Bonds of the Rockford, Rock Island, and St. Louis ' 141 road Company, pay both Principal and Interest' in GOLD COIN; FREE OF GOVERNMENT TA/C:', Each Bond is for' $lOOO or £2OO Sterlin.and is convertible into stock at the option of the g. holder. - The coupons are payable Feb.--let and Aug. Ist, in New York or London e at-the oßtiom of the holder. The rohd mite' from Rockford in Northern Illinois' to Ste Louis, ,ft distance including tracks to Coal Mines, &c , of about 400 miles, and traverses the finest dis trict of Illinois. The Bonds have 60 years to run,,and, are a lien of $21,000 per mile upon the Company's railroad and franchises, its coal-lands—of which it has 20,000 acres containing A HUNDRED MILLION TONS OF COAL—its rolling stock,, and property of every sort. A Subscription of $8,000,000, at par, to the Capital Stock of the Company, 'furnishes a large part of the means required to construct and equip the road. • Nearly half the entire length of the road is graded and substantially ready for the iron ; the rails are no. arriving upon the line. The first division, giving, an outlet to the coal, will be in operation in 60 days, and, track-laying will from this time , be presecuted with the utmost energy till the last rail is in position. The Company intend to have the road in readiness for, the' Autumn business of 1869: The Bonds are for sale at 94 and accrued interest in currency, and may be obtained through bankers and brokers throughout the country, or at the office of the Company, 12 Wall Street, New York. • The Trustees for the Bondholders is the Union Trust Company. Pamphlets giving full infoimation sent on applica tion. 12 WALL STREET, New York. IL IL BOODY, Treasurer. novs-4w WANTED.—Boarding in a Christian fatuity or a gentleman and two daughters. Address, L. V., at this office, Stating terms , and loesitiou. iniEw PUBLICATIONS. - Eis TUE TWIN ROSES. 16suo. Cloth, $1 25. A well drawn contrast between a wise man and an unwise training of children. CIIERRY THE MISSIONARY; or, The Church in the Wilder ness. By tho author of "Story of a Chinese Boy, "ao. 12mo. Cloth, 90 cents. .. BOYS WORDS. 18mo. 65 cents. • CIIY-LOO AND 11 A 19 TEACHER. - 88 cents. MER ICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION, 1122 Chestnut street, Philadelphia; s,o9Erondway, New York. 0ct.29 tf. BOOK A GRN T S.—Olergymen wishing additional employment, Superintendents and Teachers of Sunday Schools, and otherst maltrand tbmale, wanted to introduce our fine FAMILY RDITION of CRUDEN'S CONCORPANCIA to THE HOLY SCRIPTURES.. COMMIIIIBIOIMY liberal, and exclusive terri tory given. Send for Circulars and . terens of agetfcy. . Address 'O. CASE & CO., Publishers, at Hartford,- Conn.; 1113 Nassau St., N. Y., Chicago, 111. , or . Cincinnati, Ohio. . oet2?-2m., • BOOK A GENT S" Are meeting with rare success in selling Sus S. W. 11. tuna's Ex.-• er.onsmosis and ADVENTUFINS, among th e ;Vile Tributaries of Abys-: sinnia, to which is now ridded arnittedoutit of the "Captivity and Release of English Subjects, and the Career of the.i.ate_Emperor , Theodore." No book is receive'" among all cfasses People with such unbounded favitri , nr, so tally edmbines thrilling interest with, &did instructiom..4gontwinale and , fernaleiiselLiVrapidly. "An admirable recorde(.scjeptitiodutßiptationtgeogrsphicat dis covery, and perssnal, adventore."—/1T.'.1; Tiihtute. • ."It is issued In a:very attractive form and is as entertaining as a romance."—Boston Journal. j" - ' • • ' Fall particulate on eppit~9 n to O. D. CASH a CO., Publishers, Hartrordkeoun.:,'{Oct. 16-4 t. JUST ISSUED. The Do Good Library, for Little Readers. Nine new books in large type, each 72 pp., 18mo., with two nue rations. By the poplar juvenile writer, Martha Farquharson. . Jima Rand, , , Grandma Foster's Sunbeam, Little Patience; .Little helper, Little Dick Positive, .Lniterind• Linn*, Jlfaudis Two nOtTICS, Sltsped Sally, *Hilly the _Little Girl echo Tried to Help Others, • Each boot 26 Omits. The whole set in neat box, ANY HALL BOOKS. . Six. new and interesting books. each 72 pp., 18mo., with two ll luitrations. By Mrs. Mary J. Hildeburn, author of 'Money," &c., well known as Fin iuteresting writer for the young. • i a t m, Han. , ,` ' . , '' , ' Car , ries Poaches, Daisy ilfrele Id ; or, .raneute , s Rule, 1 the .oat La, b; ' alias Claret's Party, 'Three Corte/ or, .Letties• Way of Doing Good,- , Each book:Bs"cfnie. ihe'whble'set In a neat box; THE CHINA CUP. 115 pp.,lBauf. Two:lll:miratioike; • ' • CHINAMAN IN CALIFORNIA. of the Chinese Boy," Cherry the Missionary," o. Three Illuatia ................ .50 By the eutho &o. 150 pli.;-18 All, ait4",Ways of 'Working. Work for ash, D. D. Author of "Five Foil's in China." ,By Rev. OP Fedi 'furnish:ea gratis on application v> 1 4:!V, our_bocks seni by mail for published price. Addrees, PIiESBYTERIAN hlication clommittee; Chestaint Stieet, No. 13 . . NI SAMUEL SY-TH . g . . Practical Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer in every description of I SILVEtt .r7IIIITED WARE, 'GOLD . SILVER PLATED, • No. '724 Chestnut Street, (2D PLOORJ CoN/f Ur, lON SETS TO AI . f 2o Ii T CHURCHES FURNISHED octls Sin PHILADELPHIA., WANTED.—BOOK AGENTS, to men the " Life of Na poleon' lII,D I by, JOHN S. C., ABBOTT. 'First , class canvassers, wishing a • new and very attractive work, with no competition, should secure territory at once. • B. RUSSELL. Publisher, Boeturi,,Mass. T Ikt 0 MI A 5 MI. fit 11 El A. fft 0 v FURRIER, . io. '522 dROIE STREET PAILADELPHIA. • ALASKA' S A BLE, STABLE, . . MINK . -. ROAL ERMINE, . . , ' . t IIL'ERSIANA, au, , .! SIBERIAN. sgunterx,- - and every Style awl Quality of FUSS worn. Our Prices will be found as low as a t h od Wilde can be manufactured, and the pub lic can be assuridi at no coloured imitation will be sold for the genuine artiole. t \ , •'. . 0bt29.3m. G. Hargis, iingec, Window Shade _REHOUSE, No. 936 Arch Street, PHILADEPHIA. Paper w.:4) k! ! Look ! ! 1033. ers and Linen Window Shades Neatly, hung. 1 colors of,Shading., Cheapest in the city. Give us a call. NSTON'S DEPOT, en at., Jaffa below llth, Phila. in Federal St., Camden, N. 3. 1033. L Wall Pa We Meenfacture, 1033 Spring 0 BRANCH GENTLEMEN EMPLOYED.' ' ry pro fi table. Nivrisk. - fieventeen specimen ae sent.for cents twice as-many, 80. cents. r o. LANG, 94 Columbia St.,,N.Y. City. oct22-4w LADIEB Picture business. V pictures and Ciitalo! MA A. St4neil Tool;Samples free Fousm, Springfield, Vt. ect22e4w $/0 *Aild)datlrs G It - I F _FI TR' S . . atent Double Self-actingArchimedean , . •., , . , • CREW VENTILATOR SMOKE CONDIrCTOR , . as been applied to thousands of buildings ithin the past four years, including Dwelling ..ousee, Churches, Soleicils, 'Factories, Paper ills, Dye-houses, &c., with unparalleled sue ess. Smokey...chimneys cured and warranted. old Wholesale and Retail, by i . . - HENRY MiLIS, 618 Market St. the trade. ' . junell-ly liberal diecaiiat ICE! ICE!, ICE! ICE! ICE! ICE! V- Ice supplied Daily; to ge or. Small Consumers, in any part of the Paced imits of the Consolidated City. West Philadelphia, antua Tioga, Richmond, Bridesbnrg, and Germantown Families Oflices, &c., can rely on being furnished Witli it' - t - - . - PARE AR CLE, SERVED PROMPTLY, - li i And at.,th Lowest Market Rates. . :•-t . it . .----. COALI,COALI ALI COAL! COAL: COAL Beet quality of Leh gh d Schuylkill Coal, at prices as low as the Awes ,for a-Arse rate article... . , Blacksmiths' Ctral,lli ory, Oak and Pine Woad, and Kindling Wood. .Bend-yoar,oidera for Ice a -, d. Coal to . COLD SPENG TODAND COAL COMPANY. • • Thos. B. Cahill, Prost John Goodyear, Seey. H . OE Thomas, ,Superintendent. OILFiCE; 4,3419 - KENUT STREET. Branch Depa, ta--Twelfth and Willow streets. Twelfth and Washington ague. Twenty-tifth,and Lom bard streets. North Penna. R.. 11 and Master street'. PiiteStreet Wharf, BqintylkilL , :,., J; ,r. , . st y Wharf, .... _ . ~. .... xt . ..: GY 11 NASIUM ~ ' ;frith' &lid Arch 'Streets, Corner of open for tLe f and evening send for o men and at person9o or . PROF. L. LEWIS. o Ladiee, Gent aqt3 6m_os STAMEIEBINO C l 4e l On'4 at•rrig l ' a P 1 'IIIMIP , 4y rccr, r.ton, fre6. - ney6-1.11 An Antidote for Tobacco. FAHNESTOCK'S VERMIPUGE, THE SAFEST AND MOST EFFECTIVE REMEDY FOR WORMS That has ever been Discovered. This celebrated specific for Worms is used with the utmost free dom and confidence by gentlemen who have obtained eminence in the medical profession, and many of these, throwing aside their prejudices, have cheerfully given certificates testifying to its supe riority: It is need extensively, for the simple reascn that Nothing has yet been discovered which 101111 be substituted in its place. . - And it is given without apprehension, because every one knows ityperfect safety. It has now been been before the . public for over " Foterr Yitots,' and has attested its superiority in thousands of cases, throughout all parts of the world. It is the imperative dnty of every parent to, watch the health of his child, and to provide himsolf with this potent specific. Be careful to observe the Initials of the name, and see that you get I I B. A. rAgnsirocrs VEIBELPITan B. A. Fahnestock's Son & Co., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. BOLE PROPRIETORS .TO - .FARMERS AND PLANTERS. • THE LODI MANUFACTURING COMPANY, the oldest and largest concern of the kind in the United States, possessing extra ordinary for the manufacture of Fertilizers; cimirolting Txdusively the night-soil, offul, bones and dead animals of New York, Brook lyn and Jersey cities, as also the great Conunnnipaw abbatoirs, oiler for sale, in lots to suit customers, 8,000 TONS OF DOUBLE-REFINED POUDRETTE, ' Made,from nigllt-soil, blood, bones and offal, ground to powder. Its effects heveleen most astonishing, doubling the crops and ma turing them ten days or two weeks earlier. Equal to the best brands of Sirperphosphate for Present„Crop, although sold only for • Thirty Dollars per Ton. Packed in bbls. of 250 lbs. each. • BOXIC 111113 t. 1.-- , COARSE and FINE MIXED. 2—FINE, suitable for Drilling. And S—FLOURED BONE. Wg WARRANT 0178 BONE TO ANALYZE Pons. Packed in bbls. of 260 lbs. each.. For Winter grain, Double-Refibed Poudrette and Fins Bone; mixed in equatproportions and drilled in With the seed, have produced .most remars able effects. Sold as IoW as any article of the same purity and fineness in thetuarket. • NITIIO4 I IIOSPH.ATE OF . W e offer this Phosphate confidently as being as good, if not su perior to any ever made or sold in this market, containing a larger amount ofsoluble Phosphate and Amcnia than nsuarin Supei•phoe phates.. For PERMANENT, as well as for immediate powerful effect upon laud; IT HAS NO EQUAL. Pri:CO in New York, 055.00 per Ton of 2,000 lbs. Foi Price Liat,Circialars, &0.,' apply to PAUL POHL' Jr., • • 130 South Wharves, jelft am PHILADELPHIA. A AGENTS WANTED HAND PM TIM WRITING WONDERFUL BOOK. GOD Endoised by 100,600 Pereoue. Bella at eight to all classes. ; .•• • Terms to,Agents and Subscribers inimancanstmas A copy given to any.person who will procure a good Agent. Address, stating territory desired, J. W. GOODSPBOU & 148 Lake street; Chicago. 'A Or3T Park How, New York. Oct 1 8m WATERS' FIRST PREMIUM PIANOS With Iron Frame, Overetrang Baas and Agraffe Bridge. Melodeons ,Parlor, Church, and Cabinet Organs ' The best Manufactured. Warranted for 6 Years. 100 Pianos, Melodeons and Organs of six first class makers, at" low prices for Cash, or one-quarter cash and the balance in Month ly or Quarterly Installments. Second-hand Instruments at great Bargains. Illustrated Catalogues mailed. (Mr. Waters is the Au thor of Six Sunday School Music Books; "Heavenly Behoes;" and' "New S. S. Bell," just issued.) Warerooms ' apr2 ly 481 Broadway, New York. HOBAilit WATERS .4. CO. The Industrial * Home for Girls Is now permanently in a house belonging to the Institution, at • • the - N. W. Comer of Tenth and Cathitritte Ste. Theuttention of Clergymen, Union Benevolent and Tract Visl tors;nrui Others visiting among the poor, Is respectfully invited to its object, via.: to receive destitute or friendless girls between 12 and 18 years of age, and give them protection, instruction, and - a home. - Girls of knOwn vicious habits will not be received, but any others-will be welcomed. By ordir of the Board of Managers, • • SAMUEL C. PERKINS . Vice President. Jana 25-Bmoa _ WHITMAN'S CHOCOLATE The Beat Chocolate for Family Use, in IUiII7FACTIIRND al. TUX PHILADELPHIA STEAM CHOCOLATE 0 30.Get6 WORKS, 2 EMEPHEN F. WHITMAN, Proprietor MORE NO. 1210 NANKET STREET- . Rare and Fashionable Co NE E - C TI 0 NB, STEPHEN: F. WHITMAN, may2B ly / (Leda isf" , tht Firm - of Sinith 'Adair,) AtANSTPACTIIRER OP SILVER '.PLATED WARE No: 124, Splith'Elevetith trot PlinatELPliii. r!! =IN CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD CO., A limited quantity of the Thirty-year Six Per cent. gird Mortgage Bonds of the Central Pacific Railroad Company are offered to investors, for the present, at 108 per cent., and Accrued Interest; in Cur* These Bonds are secured by a'Trust Deed upon the most important link Of the great Inter-Oceanio Rail road, two thirds of which is already built, at a coat of nearly And which enjoys already a self-sustaining way traffic. The whole line of continuous rail between • • will be completed by July next, when an inimense through business will undoubtedly follow. More than 1,200 miles of the distance between the Missouri River and the Pacific Ocean are already traversed by the loco motive ; and it is probable that 300 miles addithinal will be completed during the current year. The fu ture of this Line, therefOre, is unusually promising. The Central Pacific Railroad Company receive from the United States Government about ten millions of acres; of ; the . , situated along the line of their Road; also a Subsidy Loan of U. S. Six Per Cent. Bonds, averaging-$85,- 000 per . mile; as fast as the sections of twenty miles are completed. 'They have received, in addition, im portant. Grants from the State and•cities of California, worth more than. $3,000,000. in Gold. The pro ceeds of these Lands, Bonds, Capital Stook, Subscrip tions, Subventions, and Net Earnings are invested in the enterprise, to which is added the amount realized frOm First Mortgage Bonds. These latter have the first lien upon the whole property, and are issued to the same amount only as the Government advances, or to - the extent of about one-third the cost value of the Road, equipment, etc. PITTSBURGH, PA. augl3-3mos A The Cash Resources are abundant for the comple tion of the work, and the me t' earnings, from -th e way traffic upon 325 maw now open for business, am more than double the current intereet,liabl.—ties. gar Besides a mileage upon . all through husiness, this road, having the best lands for settlement; the most pro ductive mines, the nearest markets, and being.exempt from competition, will always . command laege reve nues, which are wholly in Coin. Two-thirds of thp entire Loan ,is already marketed, and, judging by past experience, the Loan 'will soon be closed. Investors who desire an unusually safe, reliable, and profitable security Would do well to pair chase before the Bonde are all taken. The Company reserve the right to advance the price at any time; but all orders 'actually in transits at the time of any such advance will be filled at present price. At this time they pay more than 8 per cent. upon the investment, and have, from National and State 'laws; guarantees superior to any other corporate securiiiet now offered. • - 1210 Market Street. .. c . I 2...) GOLD BONDS OF TIIII react'. ONE HUNDRED MILLIONS, Nevi York. and San Franciaco PUBLIC LAND% The First Mortgage Bonds are of $l,OOO each, with semi 7 annual,gold Coupons attached, payable in July anlJaattarY• Both,INTEREST AND PIINOIPAL ARE MADE EXPRESSLY PAYABLE IN UNI TED STATES. GOLD COIN; Tit_ * 1 back interest from duly Ist is charged only at the currency rates We receive all classes of Uovernrnent Bonds, at their full s market rates, in exchange . for the Central Pacifist Railroad Bonds, thus enabling the holders to ,realise from 510-10 per lowa. profit and keep the principal of their investments equall secure. 'Orders and inquirieliiiltieceive prompt attention . Information, Descriptive Painphlets, etc., giving a full account of the Organization, Progress, Business anti Prospects of the Enterprisefurnished on application. Bonds sent by return Express at oar cost. Oaf-Subsieriptions reieelvedbY Banks•andllanke ers, Agents for loan, and by • DEHAYEN & BRO., Bankers, 40 S. 3rd St., Phila X*F" All descriptions, of Government Securities Bought, Sold, or Exchanged, at our office and by Mail and Telegraph at MARKET RATES. Accounts of Banks, Bankers, and others re ceived and favorable arrangements made for desirable accounts. FISK & HATCH, Bankers and Dealers in Government Securities , Financial Agents of the Central Pacific Railroad Co., No. 5 Nassau St., New York. PHILIP PHILLIPS & CO', 87 UNION SQUAB, BROADWAY, NEW YORE, vnioLsears itXI4IL DBALFAS nr SMITH'S ITNRIVALLED AMERICAN ORGANS, Also Summon Pities;lkaionlons; and Publishers of &noir. swam Mums.- N. B.—We 7111 rent ow Organs by the month, letting the re , t Pay. for them. augl3 3m BEND POR PRICE LIST. BOYNTON'S CELEBRATED • FURNACES, FOR , WLEMING DWELLINGS, OHIMOHEES, EITOREB , 111° Sixty Sizes and Patterns, Brick and Portable, for Anthracite , Bituminous • Coal and Wood. Also Fire-Place Heaters and Parlor Heaters, Also, and Staves. Send.for Cividars. awl:2o4m RICHARDSON, BOYNTON t CO., it. Y. PHONOG . RAPHY, TAUGHT BY Prof. S. M. STILES, A. M., Phonographic 119poritor. 4048 /lira Sto PAILADELPHIA. 2:IDRM Se iniusentary Dome of.Twenty-liur Lima= - - ,Gout ' 44vancoo: -