gjeirres' ilje GENERAL. Treasnry,—The prosecution of Commissioner Rollins in New York, ended Oct. 7, In a dismissal the case, as no evidence sufficient to justify its further prosecution was forthcoming.—The month ly statement shows that the entire debt (after de phieting the bonds loaned to the Pacific R. It. and •he cash in the Treasury), is $2,409,320,7 i 3.05. Of VI i 8 $409 7 191,078.17 bears no interest. The bonds loaned to the Pacific R. R. amount to $39 634,000, :And with these counted as part of the debt, there has been a decrease during the month of $970,59-1.- he President, in view of Gen. Reynold's alleged order, prohibiting the people of Texas from voting at the Presidential election, bee issued a general order, directing the attention of military officers to the mandatory language of the Constitution on the subject, and to the act of Congress punishing any interference by the military with the freedom of elec. lion in any of the States. Congress will not meet in quorum Oct. 16th, and so will be adjourned by the presiding officers till 19th. The Indian Commission, which closed its ses- S iona at Chicago, Oct. 10th, recommends that pro vision be made for the support of the Indians on agricultural reservations, and thatthey be no long er recognized as independent ,nations, except as re quired by existing treaties; that the military be em ployed for their removal,•'and that the Indian Bu reau be transferred to the War Department. STATES AND TERRITORIES. Conneetiont.,--Wbe election returns show large Republican gains. Thus in sixty towns the net gain is 3,556, being eight hundred more than Gov. Eng lish's (Dem.) majority last Spring. Of one hundred and forty-wine toivna the Republicais • have gained ten, and the Democrats three. Pennsylvania.—A torch-light procession of Re publicans, at Pittsburg, Oct. 7, ended in a riot being raised by a Democratic mob: The Mayor and sev eral others' were Shot.: ' Phitadi/Phia..:-- 7 4idge Read, of the Supreme Court, has written - A letter to Chief Justice-Thom pson de. clariiig th at to•atid JudgetiAgnew dWilliam's,bei no a majority, of the bench, have met in conference •in this city, and regard the naturalizations executed in the' Supreme Court since Sept. Ist, as illegal and, invalid, as having been performed without due pre cautions, andiby the tipstaves of the Court, not by Judge Sha'eaviood. Re adds that a meeting of the Court in bane cannot be had till-Oct. 19th, at, Pitts-, burg, but Bays that when juOge,Williarne takes the' oath of office, there will be a majority against the recognition ofJudge Sharawood's naturalizations.— In the Supreme Court, Oct. 7, Jas. A. Watson, pro. fessional voucher, confessed that he.had,cominitted systematic Perjury at the instigation of Prominent Democratic electioneering agente.—Gen. McClellan was "reeeiVed in this city, 06t. 8, 'by an immense Democratic procession.. He was, as of old, consid erably behind hiS time. Colorado.—The Denver News publishes returns which shoW a Republican majority of seventeen in the Territory. Alabama.—TheMov,e ,roor, bas.signed the Regis tration Bill and theTegiislittiire Have passed a bill for an election. i u November.—Gen. Meade has made a oew disposition 'Of the: troop's in his defiaximent, and orders his officers to act in subordination to tire civil authorities.-4ThelegWatuiti has adjourned to the day before the election. Louisiana.—The House rejects the Senate bill to compel the Registrars in New Orleans to register the rejected naturalized citizens, but the Courts have issued mandaeonstes:toltothperthem to .dq - so. Georgitten:lflowai4's Offinial report of the Camilla disturbance shows that the aggression was erpeople were chased - by the whites acting as a sheriff's posse;• ariik titatPaine"'colOsid-men were killed and between twenty :and , thirty wounded, while only a few whites were slightly wounded. Be reports that there is no way of 'bringing the offen ders to punishment. • Virginia.—The Attorney General of Richmond' says tnat it is unconstitutional to pay the sinall notes issued' by the municipality during th`O iebel lion.A gang of -negro Convicts on the Central It. R. overpowered their guard and escaped ) Oct. 6. Arizoi a• =A anassacina of friendly Indians by teamsters, will probably lead to another outbreak. 4 . 1..i0was anti ,Camanches, have joined the Cheyentres'in the wal..ri . BY Ji*Gsierie.mEimew : October 6.—Paris,—Lopez has taken a post at San Fernando, on the Telig,uary, with 10,000 men, and the Allies have occupied Pilarwith 28 ; 000, and are sending forward their gun-boats to bombard the Paraguans.—Magra---Pritn was enthusiastically received here to-dgh 004,iwAthAeg3ano and Olusago takes charge otatfairs, at the request of the "Junia.'..:. t arititoed.thYat thV , mtieisee . of the :people ;107 a ite.puhlte c ; and the coin tfiltnci6 of the national `gtiardi is a Democritt. ~The Poke of Vittoria, and the Count of Chiesta have giVen in their adherence to the ".Junta."—Copenliagm.—The ,King in opening the Perils:meat yesterday, said that the negotiations with Prussia as to the boundary had led to no, re sult. The-Parliament postpones.for a.year the rat ification of the treaty ceding the West India Is lands to the U. October 7.—London.—The Ministry promise re form legislation in regard to the Irish tenant-right. —The Emperor of China has opened the port of Chifan.—Paris.—From South AMerica comes a ru mor of the defeat of Lopez and his ,retreat from San Fernando.—The Royalists are rousing the Basque provinces of Northern Spain, and local juntas pro -test against Serrano's. supremacy. Madrid.—The National Provisional 'Government has been or ganized with the Prim lionoary as President; „Aguirre as Acting President, S:.c. It proposes to declare the children coital slaves in the colonies ; to be free-born, so as to prepare the way for final abo lition b the Cortes. October B.—London.—The Whigs,are contesting several hitherto "Tory constituencies, counting on the new acceewions to the list of Voters: Foty work ing-untrare candidates. Gladatone's election in S. Lancashire iwtlespaired of, but he will also run, for Ureenwich.—Gloagow.--The. corner-stone of the new University buildings was laid tii-day by . the Prince of Wales.—Paris.---Brazilian advicee claim , a defeat of Lopez by the allies, Altg. .28, and his retreat to Assumption, the capital, where the Brazilian iron clads would soon be heard from.=--Afudrid.—The crowd at Prior's reception was so-great that, many were crushed to death. Ile was escorted, to the cap ital by deputations frotil the Spanish cities; the army, the navy, and the foreign residents.—The tarif has been reduced 3:.1 per ceet.-=-Don Juan re sign's his [legitimist] pretensions. to the throlip.in favor of his eon, Don, Carlos. -- " • October 9.Lontion.Gladstone's 'address to his constituency shows that he has not. changed his policy of thorough ,hostility to Abe Irish') stabliali- Lient and that he will listen to no plan of general c tidc,winentin Ireland. .11e says that Ireland is to be pacified by 'the laW friendly to Ireland, end thus the Irish Church.will , bebenefitted. by the change.—The 4.;1 I,itdrid'wiybriag before the Cortes loabeli'sh.elave:27l4 the eourse of ten years.—/liatitfrb--Zlfhe:'!„elt'rkta'''-,, , declares for and religioos,,libertY,'aiiiVihe Atclaration has heel* received with tle j wiyetit„enthusiustn; 'Many v. urhiugwen ar'e grown out of work, and are prom i led low goy in eta; '-.ln - .Cktilollitia:ti - Vtatitr Ohl eges Lave created grcat exciumetit. , THE AMERIOAN PRESBYTERIAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1868. O T f i a niB n t a e t r ura j l o i l z ' a n t s i o o n n trheaas arrOa c n t g o e b d er th !O r . )r -- e -i.r.z 1 : 7 7, i .; Hale, at Madrid, has just congratulated . Gen. Ser ranolike that with North Germany.—U. S. Minister on the success of the revolution, and met with a very codial reception.—.Madrid.—The local "Jun a " have given in their adherence to the central one at Madrid. The latter are monarchical in their preferences, but will leave the whole question to the popular vote. They promise administrative decen tralization, universal suffrage, freedom of religion, of the press, and of public assembly, popular educa tion, trial by jury, equality before the law, and an independent judiciary. They ask all citizens to aid in keeping the peace, and fix Nov. 19 for the elec tion of the Cortes. The local " Junta," at Seville, has given permission fur the erection of a Protes tant church.—.Florenee.—ltaly recognizes the .Re public of' Mexico. — Naples.—Another eruption -of Vesuvius is threatened.-,-Ber/in.—The merchants ask the Government to send ships of war to Cuba to protect German residents and their property, • October .11-=London.—The Liberal papers con trast thadstone's candor with Disraeli's ambiguity. The Tory papers have ceased the "No Pbpery" outcry and merely talk of defending theChurchipf England.—The Chinese Embassy are making better progress than might ,be expecte& from:the tone of the English , papers., Lord Stanley is willing to take a wide view of the case and is not hostile to the pr posed change of policy.,- 7 —Paris.—The .semi-officht. papers say that France will insist on. Prussia doin for Denmark all that was promised by the Treat of Prague, as regards 'Schleswig. The fears of war • have ceased, but the armories were never busier. . . . October .I.2.—London.—A Liberal procession at Blackburne, Lancashire, was attacked, Oct. 10, by a mob'of Tories, and one man killed and. several injured.—The expedition against the tribes of North Western India, is progressing favorably.—The Fe nians in Dartmoor are to be released.— Paris.—The Gau/ois .publishes a letter of. Prim's, which favors the establishment of a new monarchy in Spain. The, Captain-GeneEal of Cuba adheres to the revolution, and the Cubans in Spain are to elect two members . of the Central " Junta."—The U. S. is the. Snit na tion to recognize the new Government.—The " Jun ta " declares for the,abolition of the death penalty, and the sanctity of private letters and ;domiciles. They order the Tornado to be returned to England, and the captain who seized her to be imprisoned. THE greatest .caution should , be exercised in the use of preparations intended to promote the growth of the hair. A few applications of an improper substance will entail premature. baldness upon the unhappy victim. No such bad effect.need be feared from the use of Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Re newer. This article is .concocted upon scientific principles and with an intimate knowledge of chem istry and philosophy as applied to the growth, pre servation and restoration of the human hair. SELF-Ixrmeinn INJURY.—We should be lost with out Websters's new Illustrated Dictionary. Thele is no work that can at all compare with it, and tl student who fails to get ti - Webster can have no ide of the loss he inflicts upon himself. Here, knowledg in its most - accessible form, lies within the reach o all. With its numerous pictures and' explanations it is like a fairy tale for the children.--Chriatian .Monitor. War James, Adair, Pittsburgh, has, invented , a very light, graceful. and . ingenious Spiral. Pen and: Pencil Rack, :9 : specimen of, which may. be seen at . Our office. It is a great improvement,on the old one. We Rev. W. Morley Ptinshon, NC A., the dis tinguished English Wesleyan, leeturei in the /lead- Any of Music; on Friday and'on Monday evenings next. Tickets for sale at 1618 Ayolr street. THE ORIENTAL. TEA -` Tll gregationalist and Recorder, in inns of March 12th, ease . ---- iit e zri;ii tested the tea and coffee sold by ads, Company, and found Them excellent. We assure our readers also, that we know—from a familiar ac quaintance of years—that the members of the firm selling thus are Christian gentlemen of unblemiehed' integrity, whose word , * worthy of imptinit copfl dence.74.ed..Csng. and Rec. SOMETHING 'NEW. A PRETTY BOX CONTAINING ONB'QUIRE OF'' • • PERFUMED BOQUET NOTE PAPER, With Envolopes to patch, twenty-four beautiful designs-pabittl by, band, price, a 2,. An appropriate present to a lady : Also, Imx contatuing four quired of good k'rench Note Paper with' four Packs of Envelopes VO match, stamped with aninitial for $1.50 VISITING CARDS written in ,the best style of engraved. Particular atten tion paid to WEDDING CARDS.' Fancy Goods and Reelielobe titles atlo l w priees. • " -• • New Editions Of ••• Drified4noraliiiskes, Or Poetical. Oatheriugs $1.60.• • • , Drifted Snow - ritlesk:os, or Poetical. Gathorinzs t Second series, $l4O. • Massa ftir - -the 'Piterint, or•Readlngs for a Month,aelectedi • frourthe writings of /I,:witson, 31,011eyne,Adelaide Newton and others. limo, Viotti, $1.21. 'Veil 'Jesus, 'or iteCtlllectiime of - Mrs. Emily 'Gratis' 76 - • cents: Gilt edge, $l. Leaves. Garhersti,a•collectlon of poetry. Maio. square .$1.50. Dick and Ids Cat. The old story of Whittington and- his Cat, In which there is ne word of more than four letters. Large type, thick paper. An excellent hook to teach children, how tch read. Price, 7b cents. Pocket ,flosa m noc a& Diary for'lB69, c ontai n inga yearly Calendar, luterelst.raele and much mend information for cler gymen, Inwyersomerchnnts, and !milli:ko l a men generally.. Price, to cents,gilt edge, al cents. A well selected et. ck Of SUNDAY-SCHOOL , BOORS itt cos. Also, HANDSOME BOORS . FOR PRI SANTATIONI Mrs. 4. u.A.AutwroN i THOMAS,' 2:84-1 Chestnut St., Phila. WANTED 1-BOOK AGENTS, to sell the "'Life of NisPo• leton .111,” by JOHN S. C. ABBOTT. First class eau MIMI'S, wish ing a new and very attractive work, with no competition, should . . secure territory at once. B. R. RUSSBLL, Pabliaher, Beaton, ilium DESIRABLE SECURITIES. Principal and Inteitit. INi G. , 0, L THEFIRSTMORTGAGE 50 Year Seven per Cent Sinking Fund Coupon Bonds of the Rockford, Rock Island - 86 , Louis Railroad Company - ' Principal and Linn:eat paynblein cfn[N. , FREE OF GOVERNBIENTTAX, are for Sale at the Offiel'of. We' Coaq%ay, • " fAt No, ,12 Wall-street NNW TORN, At 97 Pe'k''Cenf., and accrued#dereot ig cnrreitcy, , vt) • o.lr, ' L Pi Pamphlets, giving till eirNimition, may bO at the anice: iinveVnitientilifpfi era . itiaoet r airatti eatn*Siratiet rotes.• • • , Jir_. libQol-)Y; Troamten THE BEST. THE CHEAPEST. THE LOWEST IN PRICE. THE MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN COMPANY have now such great facilities and resources that they undertake to offer not only the best and cheapest in struments in the greatest variety as to capacity and style, from plain to very elegant, .but also the lowest priced organs of good quality which can be produced in America. They now manufacture three grades of organs, viz THE MASON dr, HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS. The Standard of Excellence in their department, ac knowledged the best instruments of their general class in the vvald ; winners of OVER SEVENTY HIGHEST PREMIUMS in America, and of the FIRST-GLASS MEDAL at the , recent WORLD'S EXPOSITION IN PARIS, in competition With the best- makers of all countries. As to the excellence of these instruments, the manufscturers refer with confidence to the musi cal profession generally, , who will, almOst with unan imity testify that they , ,are UNEQUALLED. Every one bears on its name-hoard the trade mark, "MASON & HAMLIN CABINET ORGAN:" Prices fixed and invariable, $llO to $l,OOO each, from which there is no discount to churches or sehools. IL • • THE METROPOLITAN' ORGANS Anew series of 'organs of great power,.fine quality a d much variety of tone. Elegantly and thoroughly ade in every particular, and in general excellence s coed only to the Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organs. eh one has the trade mark, ~ METROPOLITAN 0 i pi, GAN." Prices - $lBO fe $4OO each.-A liberal dis c unt to churches;'cleigYmen, &c. ' . E MASON & HAMLIN PORTABLE ORGANS. Very compact in size.; the interior always of the ry belt quality, - ,but cases quite Plain. Each one rs the trade mark, " MASON, & HAMLIN, PORT- IfLE ORGAN." Price $76 to $125 each, fixed and ariable. VALUABLE IMPROVEMENT, From this date,. (October, 1868,) we shall introdnce in severalstyles of our Cabinet Organs a new and very' beautiful invention combining several recent pa tents: It will be known as MT!Tr!T I I II .M7FrMI Ii rn! I M Tr.:M And eacels ,every other attachment of this general class in the beauty of its 'effects, the perfect use with which . it is operated, its durability and freedom' rom liability lo get 1. In connectkon,vt,ith the , Automatic Swell, (exclu si ely used itithe M. kll.'CabinetOrgans,) it produces th rimiest approa`Ch to the peculiarly symiiiithetic, rich an attractive quality of a lltie himan voice yet at tai ed in any reed inetrument. g• It±iup@rated by r 7the,or,dirlary aotionfof the. hel laws of .thetotruxuent;Ad requireario , 4oarate pe dal, being;ed 'ay the metion;' 'an& as' easily as an intitr ent , 3. It yap Inv cloCkwerlkor machinery, and entirely free from liability 'to get out of order, and as •durable as the instrnmentltself, Circulars and catalogues with' full descriptions and illuatrations free Addiese:OtO MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN. CO., 04 Tremont Street, Boston, or 596, Broad*sy,„•Neyr„Yorit. „, B , • Oct. 1. 6t FOR SALE BY •, • , MEIIMEE : , ; I ri.r,;-1 , : SILVER_ P, may2B4m SAMUEL; . 1 • • - .. Practical Manufacturer and W 1 olesale Dealer in . eve , r y description of SILVER 1 2 . ATE D WARE, GOLD' AND SLYER 'PLATE:I4 N 1. C,' 721 C tgtimt - Street , , . . . ' . . .( noon) - . CQAPIVA:ION SEZS TO misvo iii .0 lIIIRCHES ZITRA7SHED AT COST. .. . octls am Webster's Unabridged Dictionary soock;Ep g rann im p.!itkie t pp; Qnarto, Price .012. 10,000 Words era. ifFeirtiti-siot in other! We give it otrevnquaigte4cmantandatiion, and hope to see a copy of it iu every family.—lterian Standard. - The *hest book, of inforisa&M'in the - woild.—N. ^Chrtiian Advocate. . • gas work—Welistei'ii Unabridged; Illuserated=is 'an 'American Institutiomof. itself. It bab,no 'DO slier in the world Of its Wesleyan. . Young man if you already have' a 'Bible, buy Webster's Una bridged Dictionary next.r-Chr. Atm It has been well pronounced, "a magnificent monument of American scholarship and learning.7—,Amertcan.Afessenger. We have found that the more care we spent upon it, the more profit and pleasure we got frolii it —Christian Examiner. . . r:~YJ WEBSTER'S NATIONAL. PICTORIAL DICTIONARY. 1040 Pages Octavo. 600 Engravings. Price The work is really a gem of a Dictionary, pat the thingfor the Maitthly: Ptiblislied by G. &G. M.FARIA3I, Springfield, Maas. ' - CIAALLENGE ' „. ~ WASHThre MACHINE. ' , $7l - $ 9 . COSTS litiT'-'• - ••- • 'WARRANTED . . . . .. . .. . .... . To totcel.all opera, without respect to pike.. 30 000 SOIT,D i ;GiVING - Tlli iIOST:iERFECT B.9.TISFAC , "ELON, ashil. using them certify. • CHALLENGE. WRINGER. AND IRONED. • . . , A challenge WRINGER, combined with an IRONER ; for' i r oning WITHOUT HEAT,in the best.raanner and.very . rapidly'. '.. . Agents wanted everywhere ' at a profit of from sl.tl to 850 per day. Send, enclosing stamp , for Circular, ziving 1600 rcterences. - oetls-2i. sow . B,W,..PALNLEII.4t:OO:.; Anbuitil, N. 7. . . VER .. - MEW ENGLANDER ,especto.ly •• .XON.MiA fel; LI- ,Cittelogue. (fate) of SAO STEM:OSMIUM. VIEWS; AZ - Mt., N. -11., Adirondack. and Florida Scenery, to A. F. STYLES, Burling-. ton, Yt. tt ORGANS. or FOn 'Tremolo, E. GOULDgo!b— 923 Chestnut Street, ' ; PAI,LADELPHIA `,13 f - Shnith:ck Adair,) ACTIIRBit 0 'ED ' WARE. , F4Etenth, Street, • A 24, Soli PH II K. SIVIYTH, PHILADELPHIA. GET Tlit'BEST An Antidote for Tobacco. • Th..• great remedy invariably removes all de , ' e for Tobaceand is entirely vegetable and harm! It is Also an M. Ilent appetizer. It purities th , loud, in vigorates t> system, possesses great no rishing and strengthening 'ower, enables the stonier' to digest the heartiest foed, .• •es sleep refreshin and establishes robust health. S -.kers and Chew for Fifty Years Cored. Price Fifty :zits, post fr: A Treatise on the Injurious Effects of T.; . co, w lists of testimonials, references, etc., SENT FE Agents wanted. Addre- r. T. B. Ariscrrr, Jersey City, N. J. A CLICRGYMAN'a T - • . ONT. ' BOX OF ANTIDOTE cured my brother myself. Ir au raiz% Rey. 1. • . SeOaKAKZA, Xei •'a Station, Pa. 'HEALTH A SXNENOTR GAINED.-1 maned e/ense lbs. o/ftei ad am restored to eound h Is by using the ANTI • . B. B. BOWLES, Prospect ill, Mo. Pno yea V. S. TnicAsutr, Secretary's (Vice. 'lease nen supply of ANTIDOTE. The one received has • cork SURELY. 0. T. EDGA ' [Trade Mork X Copyrighted.] FAHNESTOCK'S VERMIFUGE, THE SAFEST AND MOST EFFECTIVE REMEDY FOR WORMS That has ever been Discovered. This celebrated specific for Worms is used with the utmost free dom and corddence by gentlemen who have obtained eminence in the medical profession, and many of these, throwing aside their prejudices, have cheerfully given certificates testifying to its Supe riority. It fanged extensively, for the simple teastn that Nothing has yet been discovered which can be subStituted in its place. And it is given without apprehension, betanse every one knows its perfect safety. It has now been been belore the public for over "FORTE' YE•as," and has attested its superiority in thousands of cases, throughout all parts of the world. • It is the imperative duty of every parent- to wateli the health of , his child, and to provide hinisolf with this potent specific. - Be careful to observe the initials of the name, and see that you B. A. PAHRESTOCkS VEMdIFIIGE.O B. A. Fahnestocli's Son .Sz Co., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. PITTSBURG* p. 4.2 BOLE PROPRIETORS. , augl3-3mos A TO FARMERS AND PLANTERS. THE LODI MANUFACTIIItING COMPANY, the oldest and largest concern of the kind in the United States, 'possessing extra ordinary for the nianuticture of Fertilizers, conirolling exclusitiely the night-soil, offal, bones and dead. animals of New:York, Brook lyn and Jersey cities, as also the great Communipaw abbatoirs, offer for sale, in lots to suit customers, 8,000 TONS DOUBLE-REFINED. ITUDRETTE, Made from night-soil, blood, bones and offal, ground to powder. • Its 'effects have been most asionishing, doubling the clops and ma turing-,them ten days. or two weeks earlier. Equal. to thebeet brands of Superphosphate for Present Crop, although sold only for , Thirty Dciiiiirs per Ton.- rackeA in bbls. of 256 lbs. each: Borte- Dust, • , , 1-00.1.1161; 'and:FINE MIXD, suitable for' Drilling. And 3--FLOIII . RED BONE ; .e'. Ws WARRANT OUR . BONI4 TO ANALYZE - PURR: - Pecked 'in bble. of 250 lbs. each. For Winter wain, Double-Reflned,Pciudrette and Fine Bone, mixed in equal proportions and drilled ia with the seed, have prOduced moat remarkable effec'es. Boland lo# as any article of the same purity and &mim; in the Market. NITIMPHOSPHLTE OF LIME. We offer this Phosphate Confidently as-being as -good, if not sti- periot to any ever made or sold in this market, containing a larger t r inkleyoOnititTlig e o i upon land, n HAS HO EQUAL. • • • Price in New 'jerk, OA . 6.00 ;per Ton 0f.2" lbs. For Price, List; Circulars, &c., apply to , PAUL POHL, Jr., 130 South Wharves, PHILADELPHIA. A Holloway's Exnensriox.What is this isfgn On Not, that the system requires the scourge and spur of alcoholic aitringents, but that it lies gone wrong and needs regii lating.and putting to, rights with a wholesome vegetable . aperient and alterative. lietiower's Plus, by purifying the system and toning the secretive organs. help nature, and soon restore the Strength- of.the sufferer. Sold by all druggists. A • • ••• MINTS WANTED . 'NAND FOR TlflB • TIN W # ..1 DEA F 1111' BOOK. Endorsed by 100,000 Persons. Sells at eight to all elaaaeis. cop- Terms' • to Agentetind Subscribers UNPRZOBDtrritc A copy given to any person who will. procure • good Agent. Address, stating territory desired, _ • 'JrW. GOODSPEED k 00., A. 48 Lake street, Chicago., Cot# 81n . A . 0r37 Park. Row, New York. THE'FILL-CIMPAIGIT.II OF 1110011E41 Hueal N e Yorker, the Leading and Largest Circulating Roam, Lizzaam and Feetjtar NEWSPAPER, begins a ,Quai ter Oct 3, and hence Now is the' Time. to Subscrilic Eight Large Double-Quarto Pages, Illus. trated, with over a dozen distinct Departments, each ably. conduc ted, the Emit Talent being employed. Election ,will soon be. over, when everybody, in both Town and Conntry, will want the mdet Prdgreaelve, Timely, Entertaining . :;.nd Useini Weekly of Its Claes —Meaux's RURAL. 'MO 13 Numbers of this Quarter (Oct. to,Tan.) sent, On Trial, for Only Fo' Czaos I Try th.A Trial Trip S Ad dress, D. D: T. MOORE, oct.l 4t A 41 Park Row, N. Y. 'or Ronhester, N. Y. W A T E'R S ' FIRST PREMIUM .F`IANOS With Iron Frame, Overstrung Bass and Agraffe Bridge. Melodeons Parlor,, Ohtirch and . Cabinet Organs. , The best Manufactured. Warranted for &Years. 100Tianos, Melodeons and Organs or six 'first class makers, at low prices for Cash, or eneviartereash and the balance in!Month ; ly or . Quarterly. Installments.. Second-hand Instruments at great Bargains. Illustrated Catalogues niail4d. Mr, Waters is the 'An ther of Six. Sunday School Music Books; "Heavenly Echoes," and "New 8: S. Bap: , just issued.) Warerooms, , apr2 ly 481 Broad Way, New York. IifIRMIR WATERS & CO. DRY: GOODS. : NOW OPENING At .140 North . Eighth St.; Philad'a., 'DUNKLE &TIREISEACH, (FORMERLY H ° CURDY! DIINKIJI.) Ball Dimas GOodii, in great variety of style, and at prices ranging from SIM .cents to 'Taper yard, ALPACAS; POPLIN ALPACAS, COLORED ALPACAS; ROUDAIN POPLINS, VELOURS POPLINS, POPLINS D'ECORSE, .• • CHANGEABLE SEEGES, 4 EMPRESS'' POPLINS; and all ,the latest European, Novelties, which, will be sold at the loWest market prices. - Special Bargains' in Bleat Silk, having purchased largely before the great advance. Also, a large. ktweli..of Colored Silks closing out at a great-reduction. We offer a liberal discount to mMistelre and their families, also to institutions and hotels.. NO goods miirrepreeented: jOrdere for. eamßles,sent by, mail. riUNKLEJ,k .bRgiSP;A:dI 140 North ighth Street , aliolg .` c •. A , 'ONLPIILL. „ GOLD BONDS CENTRAL PACIFIC-RAILROAD CO., A limited quantity of the Thirty-year Six Per cent. First Mortgage Bonds of the Central Pacific Railroad Company are offered to investors, for the present, at 103 per cent., and Accrued Interest, in Cur- These Bonds are secured by a Trust Deed upon the most important link of the great Inter-Oceanid Rail road, two thirds of which is already built, at a cost of nearly ONE HUNDRED WILISONS, And which enjoys already n self-sustaining way traffic The whole line of continuous rail between New York and San Francisco will be completed by July next, when an immense through business will undoubtedly follow. More than 1,200 miles of the distance between the Missouri River and the Pacific Ocean are already traversed by the loco motive ; and it is probable that 300 miles additional will ,be completed during the current year. The fu ture-of this Line, therefore, is unusually promising. The: Central Pacific Railroad Company receive from the United Stabs Government rilmat ten millions of acres of the PUBLIC LANDS, situated along the line of their Road; also a Subsidy Loan of ti. S. Six Per Cent. Bonds, averaging ON tido per mile, as fast as the sections of twenty miles are completed. They have. received, in addition, im portant Grants from the State and cities of California, worth more than $3,000,000 In Gold. The pro ceeds of these Lands, Bonds, Capital Stock, Subscrip tions, Subventions, and Net Earnings are invested in the enterprise, to which is added the amount realized prom First Mortgage Bonds. These latter have the Brit lien upon the "whole property, and are issued to the same ; amount only as the Government advances, or to the extent of about one-third the cast value of the Road, equipment, etc. - - The Cash Resources are abufidant for the comple tion of the work, and the net earnings, from the way traffic upon 325 miles now open for business, are more than double tire current interest liabilities. bar Besides a mileage upon all through business, this road, having the best lands for settlement, the most pro duotive mines, the'nearest. Markets, and being exempt from competitMn, will always command large reve nues, whiolyare wholly in Coin. Two-thirds of the entire Loan is already marketed, and, judging by past expVrience, the Loan will soon h e . etny,d_ 4.21. r soca., reliable,,arod profitable aeourity would do well to pur chase before the Bonds are all taken. The Company reserve' the right to advance the price at any,time; but all orders actually in transitu a t the time of any such advance will be filled at, present price. At this time 'they pay More' than 8 per cent. upon' theinVestment,•and have, from National and State laws, guarantees superior to any other corporate securities now offered. The First Mortgage Bonds are of $l,OOO each, with semi-annual gold coupons attached,.payable.in July and . January, Both INTEREST AND PRINCIPAL ABE MADE EXPRESSLY PAYABLE IN ,UNI TED -STATES GOLD COIN The back interest from. July Ist is charged only at the currency raten. We receive all classes of Government Bonds, at their full Market rates, in exchange for the Central Pacifie Itailrowl Bonds, thus enabling the holders to realize from 5 to 10 per cent, profit and keep the principal of their investments equally, seeure. Orders and inqUiries will receive prompt attention: - Information, Descriptive Pamphlets, etc., giving a full account of the .Organization, Progress, Business and Prosietts of the Enterprise furnished on application. Bonds sent by return Express at our cost. • Sir Subwriptions received by Banks and Bank. ars, Agents for loan, and , by . DRHAVEN St - BRO., Blinkers, 40 S. 3rd. St., Phila. 2er All descriptions of Government Securities Bought, Sold, or Exchanged, at our office and by Mail and Telegraph at MARKET RATES. *Accounts of Banks, Bankers, and others.re calved and favorable arrangements made for desirable accounts FISB & HATCH, Rankers and Dealers in Goverment Becuritiee Financial Agents of the Central Pa c ific Railroad Co., No. 5 Nassari St.,' Ness 'York. PHILIP , PHILLII'S' it C 0. ,, 37 UNION 3QUARE; BROADWAY, SEW YORE, WHOLUALX AND RETAIL DEAAms IP SMITH'S ITNR,IVALLSD AMERICAN MiGANS, Also SuPIERIOS PIAR.OE,MILODEONS; apOihablis.hers at SUNDAE ITHOOL MIISIO. , , 11 :—Wriwill rent our Oristal.4 hemonth; letting 'the re t pay tor them' . • augl3 Stu BEND FOR . PRIOR LIST. Bunt — ett's 'Cociaam• e, _ . A.PERPEOT HAIR-DEESSING I For Pre , serving..and Iknutifying th¢ 1 .40 7 .1. and rencYring it Pa k and 6floisy. exactly No other cduipoitodpossetwee the pecu • liar propertieo which -o suit the various conditions of the . . buthan hair. Beat and,Cheapest HAIR-DRESSING in the marl& .14 is t augla-9x For Sale by all Druggists. A . „ . . • BoyNTows...crxxiaßATED FURNACES' FOB WARMING DWELLINEIB, OVEIiCRES, STORES. x' o Aity §izes awl Portable, for Anthracite : Illtur eit Z L , :o nd ! and, " ir lYtio le d a : t " Mao, Tire-Plann and Stertn, 3:pd for CirrB,;entB Ran ges, alitelha 81C#414.1014., AQTINTOpi.A. CO, N. Y. OF THE rency.