The American Presbyterian. (Philadelphia) 1856-1869, June 18, 1868, Image 8

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    Xlitn CONGRESS—First Session.
Senate. —June 2. —The bill in reference to suits
in the Court of Claims, was amended and passed,
'i’lie Deficiency Appropriation bill was passed. The
nomination of Henry Stanbery, to be Attorney Gen
eral, was rejected in Executive Session.
June 3.—Resolutions declaring that the Senate is
not at any time a Court invested with judicial pow
er, and that Senators are responsible to their con
stituents for their votes on impeachment, notwith
standing their oaths, were placed on the journal and
printed. The bill providing a temporary govern
ment for the territory of Wyoming was passed. The
Conference report on the Army Appropriations was
agreed to.
June'4.—George C. Gorham, of California, was
elected Secretary, to succeed Uoionel Forney, resign
ed. The Senate then adjourned, out of respect to
the memory of ex-Presideot Buchanan.
June s.—The bill to enforce gold contracts, was
passed. The conference report on the Deficiency
Appropriation was, and the bill goes
to the President/’'The Seriate!nsisted on‘its amend
ment to the Arkansas hill, and asked a conference.
—The Senate confirmed H. G. Worthington, of Ne
vada, to be Minister to the Argentine Republic, in
place oi Geperal Asboth, deceased. ;
June 6.—George C. Gorham, the new Secretary,
was sworn rn."' The report of the conference com
mittee on the Arkansas, bill', making it substantial
ly the same as proposed by the House, was adopted.
The nomination of Gen. McClellan as Minister to
England was rejected.
June 9.—Theobill admittipg the re-organized
States was taken,up, and amended to include Ala
bama, was concurred in—yeas 22, nays 21.
June 10.—The, bill amendatory of the;Mail Car
rying act was passed. It rescinds the section re
quiring pre-payment of postage between the States
and Territories west of Kansas. ,-Th.e hilladm i tti ng
North and South Carolina,, Louisiana, Georgia, Al
abama and Arkansas, wasdiscussed- and-palsed fi
nally. Gen. Meade,visited the, Senate to protest
against the admission of Alabama under the new
Constitution. - /-■
June 11. —The bill removing the political disa
bilities of B. R. Butler. Representative elect, of Ten
nessee, was passed.
June 12.—The resolution..requesting tbcoresi
dent to intercede fpi? Oktlrer
was reported an 4 passed.. The nomination of Hon.
Reverdy Johnsbn, ds MiniSteV-to’ England; was con
firmed without,the usual reference to a committee.
June 13.—The bill extending the time irr wlriih
men guilty of capital offences against the United
Slates may be punished, was passed,: The bill re
lating to contested elections in Washington was
passed. . ~ i, -, •>•
June 15.—The bills refunding duties unjustly ’ex
acted, and for the relief of certain con tractors dor
the building of war vessels passed.
House.—June 3.—The resolution declarihg .Co
lumbus Delano entitled to the seat now occupied by
Mr. Morgan, from Ohio, was adopted, and Mr. De
lano was sworn in. A resolution! directing that a
committee of seven be appointed to attend Mr, Bu
chanan’s funeral, wag adopted, , |! r
June 4.—A bill was passed relieving discharged
soldiers settling on public lands .from payment of
the Homestead fee. The Senate amendment to the
Arkansas bill was non-cbncUrred in, and a con fai
ence asked. In the contested case of Hogan vs.
Pile, of JElection Cpfnurktee has deci
ded that Pile, the sitting-.member, iaeo titled to,-his
sea. > .. i
June 5.—A conference report on the Army Ap
propriation bill was concurred in.
June 6.—On motion of Mr. Wood, of N. Y., the
Speaker waS requested to extend a public reception
to the Chinese Embassy;in the Hall'df the 'House,
on Tuesday morning at ll.o’clock. , ~
. JuneS.—The-conference report on .the Arkansas
bill was concurred iq. Wpriley iyas brought in'a'ijd
expressed his willingness,!to answer the questions At
the Committee of Investigation.
June 9.—The Chinese £riibassy were received by
the Speaker, and introduced tot the members. : A
bill provididg foir the in'a'uguTiiti'on;b’f State officers
in Arkansas, North and South Carolina, Louisiana,
Georgia and; Alabama, arid for the .meeting of the
Legislatures df those States, was passed.; .The Fo
reign C'ommitte was directed to inquire whether the
action of the Mexican Goverbmenf'm establishing
free ports on the Rio Grande, is not unfriendly arid
in violation of treaty stipulations; 1 ' *
June 10. —A bill was passed authorizing a,con
tract with the New York Commercial Navigation
Company for the transportation of-mails and,pas
sengers between New York arid Bremen. ; , ' ■
June 11. —The Foreign Committee were directed
to inquire into the truth of the reported flogging of
Father McMahon in a Canadian penitentiary. A
resolution for_ W,ooley’fl
having answered the questions of the Managers,
was agreed to.
June 12.—The bill admitting the reorganized
Southern States was reported from the Reconstruc
tion Committee, and tlie Senate amendments con
curred in, so lhe-bill -goes tbHhe'Prfesiddtjt. i, I
June 13.—The’Gomptroller of* the-currency was
requested to .furnish a statement of the amount of
dividenda declared, by. the National banks, &c.
June 15.—This 'Ways and Meane Committee \vere
directed to report a separate bill for thetaxes on
tobacco and whisky. The President was requested
to take measures tor the release of certain Fenian
Diplomatic- —Mr. Burlingame and the Chinese
Embassy were foifmally presented to the President,
June s.—The State Department is informed that
Dennis O’Connor, the last imprisoned American
citizen in Ireland, has been released, and is on his
way to this country.—The Committee on Retrench
ment find that the iron-clads OneontaaUd Catawba,
were bought by Switt & Co., of Cincinnati, for
$755,000, find sold to Peru for $2,000,000, three
tourths of Which has been paid. ’
Bills. —7 -lie bill making appropriations for the
execution of the Reconstruction Acts has become a
law without, the President’s signature.
Political-— The place of Senator Fowler-upon the
National Republican Committee has been declared
vacant, and filled by the lion. Thomas G. Alvord,
of New York.
Navy.—The iron-clads, Oneonta and Catawba,
purchased by private -parties to be re-sold to Peru,
are dismantled and unJer surveillance of the cus
tom officers at Ntw Orleans.
Post Office.—Railway Postage Cars will, by July
Ist, be established on a continuous line frojn Ban
gor, Me., io Toledo, Ohio. It is asserted that when
the service between Toledo and Chicago is estab
lished, there will be a continuous line from Bangor
to Omaha.
'.treasury,— The net total of the National debt,
June 1, was $2,510,2-15,886.74, being an increase of
$9,717,062.18. There is in the Treasury $90,228,-
559.31 in gold, and $43,379,120.33 in currency.
Massachusetts. —The Senate, on Saturday, con
curred in’the Bouse bill appropriating $5,000,000
lor the completion of the Hoosac tunnel.—lt is es
timated that tlifere' are 500 bachelors in Lawrence,
Kansas; and it is proposed to e'xport young women
from Massachusetts. —The ladies of Northampton,
in despair;.«f,getting, proper 3 female, domestics at
home, havOlsqqrtb Nova Scbtia for fifty o£them.
Rhode Island. —Senator Sprague was-re-elected
to U! V ,S. Senate by the Legislature, without opposi
Hsw York. —Gen. Grant has sent officers to
Houses Point and Ogdensburg, to inquire if Fenian
stored-at those places. At Both well, Can
ada, June 12th, a party of volunteers were attacked
by supposed Fenians, and one dangerously wounded.
Pennsylvania-- —The funeral of ex-President Bu
chanan tefok place at Lancaster, June 4, and was
attended by distinguished men and delegations from
various parts of the country. About 3,000 persons
were in the funeral procession.
Philadelphia. —The National Board of Trade
adjourned sme die on June 6th, after adopting reso
lutions favoring national improvements, additional
aid to the Kansas Pacific Railroad, and a redaction
of the. tax on whisky.—TheßepublieanNominating
Conventions nominated Gen. Hector Tyndaie for
Mayor, and Wni. B. Mann for District Attorney.
Sixty-four members of the District- Attorney Con
vention nominated-Isaac Hazleburst in opposition
to Mann.
Sew Jersey.— Rev. Mr. Downing fell dead in the
pulpit, while conducting services in theM. E- church
at Westfield, N. J., Sunday week. He was subject
to heart disease. , -
District of Columbiassjr-The official returns of
the Washington city Sales T. Bowen,
Republican, 83 maj 6ri EJPftfr'ATay or. The Councils
are conservative by throb Majority.—There is a dead
i? c k the .Oouncila. vfThe Maypr (Bowen',
Kep : ) wfu> Hwbrn iu a.nd.tOok jioSsessioo by break-
U*. ; .rfe fteipocrats of
the Washington city Cou'nctlcleraand another count
of the votes ftjr' Maybr,’ J b,ut'it iS rbfns’ed by'the City
Roister. - v r , * 4 -
Illinhjll.t^TjiSre’have been 1123 bankrupts in
Chicago during the year.—A city census, just com
pleted ,r<tpreBeii ts-th e population of,iChicagO' as a
an Increase'of'4o,ooo; since -No
yeinber^ilS.66.The females iare .Slightly in the ina
jority. .1- -Jiqii
lowa-— The rgrasshoppers are destroying the
growing garden-and farm crops in Central 10wa...
TJtah •—Bringham Young haß the contract to
grade the Union -and: Pacific Railroad from -the
head of Echo Canon to-'Saft Lake; and has begun
Work. f
Nevada.—A municipal election at Gold Hall,
has resulted in the success of the Republicans, by
from’4o to s’'l4naj , owty».M-5 „•* r.P,,. ;
Oregon held its State election the Ist of June.
The Democratic candidate for Congressman was
fijetsd Legislature
is reported to be Democratic. At„ the generarelec
tion in 1866,'’the'Re s pub'lica'ns "Had 653 iifdjbrity.—
' The Senate,withstand 12 Democrats tolO’Repub-;
l.icans, and the Assembly,2B Democrats to 19 Re-;
publicans. The vote' is nearly 22,000, being' the
largest ever polled. .
The, Democratic Legislature just elected, does,not
elect aU. S. Senator. Governor- Woods, (Republi
can), elected in 1866, will serve until 1870.
Texas, —The Recoflstrtection Convention'met at
Austin, June 1,. but as -yefehas done no business of
importance. :
Virginia.— The trial of Jefferson Davis, which
was to have beg'un ht-Richrao’di June 3d, has been
.postponed-,until,the, fqnr,th,M,onday,in November,—
In the U. S. Circuit at' Kichmorid, (Judge;
Chased a-^GoVe'rn merit'fhepeciorLvaslfirfe'd' $lO,OOO,
and impigspned 4 two,yearf, tlie reve
nue. Two assistants received a similar sentence.
Florida. —A- comparfy nas beln formed in Ham
burg, with a capital of |200.00f), for-starting a Ger-'
man colony in Florida. It ib expected that 20;000
North Germans can be directed thither in the course
of two years.—Harrison Reed, Governor eject,'has
.been sworn into office. The Legislature, has, not
organized, for,want of a quqrnm, military au
thorities having insisted that they shouid wait until
Congress admitted Florida. - 1
ivlTeat bar vast has' commenc
ed Tn MißiiSsippi and Arkahsas; 'f , he~ffrst ol' ffie
crop was in Memphis, ijMrketj ,Ma‘y 29. , The
new - wheat,, grown .in .-Panola county, Mias , was 1
sold .oa ’Change in St. Louis, June l, for ,if 7 a, bush
el. I-.-
Louisiana.— Thejmerglvaffts St. Louis are;
moving vigorously for a re-opening of Bayou
cliac. by which a direct water route to Mobile-will,
be opened, diverging frorrjpie Mississippi two liqn
dred miles above NefeOtUbjis, thus leaving the lat
ter city out of the way:—Gen.-Buchanan-announces
the State, parish and judicial officers, and declares
that the civil' gbvernme'nt provided will be provis
ional until the ratification of the Fourteenth Arti
cle. convened until
the acceptance by Congress of’tfiq
tion.—The 'Board of Registration direct the State
officers elect,ip enter upon their offices qn J line 15,
and the Legislature to meet on June 22d, This is
in opposition to,iGen. -Buchanan’s order that the
State officers should qualify-;in November, and the
Legislature should not assemble until Congress had
accepted the Constitution/ 'Mr. Packard, Chairman;
of the Board, has .been arrested -and- held on his;
own recognizance to appear before a Military Com
mission idritiria&CHTb’e bflArdcoftregistraEion having!
issued a proclamation sustaining,their chairman/
were arrested,! but, on froiri Gen. Griint, re
-1 eased agaih.^—Mr. Conyray, the Mqyor, ; elept of
New Orleans’was refused,.possession of his, office by
Heath, the old incum'bbnt,->Wiho said he did, acknow
ledge the legality’oftthe election, or Gen. Buchan
an’S orders. ‘ Coilway, however,- was installed by a
police force, which, under military ar
rested to Conway,
—Gen. Grant-has-advised. Packard to issue-no more
proclamations conflicting'with those of the military
authorities/as, they will be' - in violatidn'mf the Re
cbiistruct-ibn laws.—Gen, Schofield, with the appro
val ol Gen,, Grant, has sustained the Action. of Gen.
Buchanan in regard to the' installation of the mu-i
nicipal‘&fficera!at,K&w.DrleanB. t, up . I
June 2- — London. —Despatches, from Abyssinia
state-that Gen. Napier reached Senafe with the rear
of the expedition on May. 24.' The widow of Theo
doras is dead.—The GrahdJ ury has refused to bring
an indictment againert'Ex-Governor.Eyre, of Jamai
ca —The Royal Commission oh the!nei]trality laws
have made a report ,in favor.of granting the execu r
tive power to detain ships supposed to be intended
for a belligerent purpose. They'also’recommend
that the budding, fitting out, and’ mahnTng Of such
vessels in British ports be declared a misdemeanor,
and that any shi p built in Great Britain in v iolation
ot such law,-, shall not-be permiued-qto enter any
British port, and that their prizes, rf.brought within
British jurisdiction, shall be returned'to their owner.
Vienna. —Advices from Athens state that t!he re
presentatives of Foreign powers, in, have
formally protested against the admission of repre
sentatives from Candia to the Grecian Chambers:
June 4- — London. —A despatch from Gen. Napier,
dated at Atergerat, May, 21st, says a small detateb
ment of trobps will remain'atfZonlli. All the re
mainingtroops of'the expedition have gone to’An
nesly Bay to cm bark.
June s. — London. —ln the Commons an amend
ment to the Irish Church Suspensory bill was Offer
ed, placing the office tenureslunder the-Maynooth
College grant, on the.same basis as the. flyings in
the. Irish Church. Th’e amemlflient was 4 rejected.
The House then ruled iiT-favor of permitting new
appointments to be made -to the Maynootli College,
and also in favor of- the-continuance of the regium
donum during the pleasure of Parliament. . The hill
was then passed in committee. The result' was re
ceive! with cheers.
June 6- — London.—The English-captives .in
Abyssinia; have arrived at Suez, homeward bound.
—lntelligence fro.m Abyssinia is to 1 May 30th. G : en.
Napier hoped to reach the coast of Sea, at
Zoulla, by the Ist of June.— Lublin. —Bigot,' the ed-
itor accused of seditious writings, is still in cloße
confinement.— Florence.—The Pope lias sent an
agent to the U. S, to enlist troops. Garibaldi has
written to his friends, and the authorities in Amer
ica, entreating them, in behalf of Italy, to prevent
this. St. Petersburg.— Later intelligence from Cen
tra'Asia. The victory on May 2d, and the capture
of Bokhara, are confirmed. The reported death of
the Emir of Bokhara lacks confirmation. The Rus
sians pushed forward, and had taken the city of
Jane 7 .—Berlin, —Bismarck urges the adoption
of a uniform system for the measurement of ton
nage and capacity of shipping. He proposes the
English method as the best, when modifie'd by the
metrical principle. He is prepared to open nego
tiations foreign governments on this subject.—
St. Petersburg. —. The Czar, has issued an ukase setting
free all persons of foreign birth now exiled in Sibet
ria. and all natives of Russian rPoland sentenced to
less than twenty years! exile,
Jttno B.— London.—-.1 udge Blackburn’s charge
to the Grand'J,ury, which ignored the bill, against
ex-Gov. Eyre, was against,the opinion df a majori
ty of theCoOrt,. . • • f.r '
June 9.— Brussels.— Ribtpusdfem6W6Wii.if>ns Were
recently made in Luxemburg iii fatfor of France!
The disorder was promptly repressed, and thelead
era arrested. • i-ji,; i.,- :
. .June 10. -Tr^erfin—The North' German Confed
eration proposed to the; Grand towers of Europe
and America,‘the a!dbpti6ii’o'f an : ihtefnational trea
ty guarantee absolute security from seizure of
private property upon the'high seas in time of war.
The Prussian Government ns about to -commence
the, extension and strengthening- the fortifications of
Cologl|o. .... I:.if.,,iii i
June ll.— Londofy j noon f ~ The., assassination of
Pfipce Michael! .off Servia, occurred' a‘t Belgrade
yesterday-, in pnp'of'thb 'fie was sud
denly 'atfAcked ‘by I 'thrAe r assasSitls,' arined 1 with re
volvers. - iThey directed their' fife- prbmiscuOUsly'at
the ‘royal party. At f the .‘first shot the Prince fell,
and died in a few minutes. Great excitement pre
vails in- the'eityahd ‘througbout'the Principality.
' Two,fifths'assassins liave been arrested.— Paris.—
Tile Mbniteur states that the Czar has made a pro
posal to Napbleon that Russia, and',France unite in
aii effort'to induce all' civilizedipafio.ns.'itb abandon
tlm use of torpedoes and explosive projectiles in war.
This meets flvith the approbation, of the Emperor,
who, however, thinks-it: may still be necessary to
employ torpedoes'for defensive purposes.
June 13 ■ — London,-evening!—Longfellow, who ar
rived by the Russia on Saturday last, has been the
recipient of marked attention,^Bilgrafo.—A ne
phew of the murdered Prince Michael was duly
proclaimed Prince of Servia to-day. ■ i
June 14. — London.-— lt is now generally under- i
stood that Parliament will dissolve in October, and
writs will be issued for elections, .which, will take
place in November, and on,December 9th the new,
Parliament ’will meet. 1 It is announcedthaitex-
Governor Eyre, of Jamaica,..yiU.contest with'John
Stuart Mill.— London. —The Cabinet are maturing
a plan to permit persons of foreign bjrih residihg in
Turkey to bold property,-which right is to be guar
anteed by treaties.—rtfr/m.-—Bismarck will retire
from office for three months/'solely fbjfjhia health.;
June 15. — London. —The Engisli papers express
freat satisfaction at the appointmentfof o'on. Rever
y Johnson as Minister'to is to
establish courts for the protection; of foreign resi
dents. — Berlin. —The bill for enlargement of the
Federal navy has passed.— Lisbon. —An attack of
the allies ppon Humaita, (South wiaste
pulsed and abandoned,: butthe siege continues. ,
,b;L. .
Elllllaild TJ ydiß Becker, an d otk er frlends
urfearaLeoußtrigeF, watted on Cließoard of OVe’rsecrtr,"
to request ilrerii to plafie'fo'n the registry all women
who had paid, rates under the provisions of the Re-j
iorm" act of 1867.' Miss Becker made a speech, and ;
asserted that 7,600 such women are in Manchester.
Dr. ParkhufSt stated that women formerly voted!
for mertibers ofj Par|jam'ept, flhji thajUthe djfeuse of
the it. jlord RgmillyV
act provides that “in all acts, words importing the
mSjschlin a gender shall ®#e6ie'if and (jvken to id
eji|d*e|. f|mkl&, |inleB3fllgSiarary|&l
I .jiHallthelwopl
“ man,” in the new Reform bill, included “woman.”
Canada. —Information 'hibr been : received l &t Ot
tawa, of thetransfer of Fenian, arms from St.
Albans to various points along the frontier..
Crete.— The.Greek Government, by receiving a
Cretan deputy, lias virtually recognized Crete as a
part of Greece. .M
Australia— The.Melbourne Parliament lias made :
it refuse do drinfe the.Queen's'health, arid
to discuss the'separation of the' colonies. •
T,he,CentraXi PyciFic,Railroad .Companv; who'
are^Jtti Idirtg JtuefVVitsteril 1 pSrjSon ®ftiyfrland.
Road across ti® jlommlncing at'the fnav-!
igablewaterd at df* Ae ifay 1 of'San •Fran
cisco, have succtssfujjy-carried sthqji^,track across
the snowy'crest<sr tlie Si§^^a , Nevada! aria the whis
tle of the locomotive- is now heard in tlie Washoe
District at the western. edge of the Salt Lake;
Basin. To cross the jfdateau to the eastward will,
be'Enere child ? B‘playviu'qomp|rii6q|) to tfctje'iwprjtThat
is left behind;'and ifiere ' is"a' fair cliahce for the
through connection being made in 1869.
Meantime the great mining alnd agricultural re
gion of the Pacific'slope are feeling the benefit’ of
the railroad; which is ! doing>a large and profitable
business. Messrs. Fisk & Hatch, the Financial 1
Agents of the Company, in their advertisement of
the First Mortgage Bonds, in another, column, pre
sent jonic intei-estijig iaCJs rclativetbi tli,e|progress
and prospects of this great work.
■ , , .’V > ’ ■ '1 '-1 ' ■
The odor of Burnett's I'liyrimel is that of an ex
qmsi?te boquet of choice delicate flowers. Ask drug-j
order-tliis-exquisite perfume. • -;1 ‘
' ICE! ' ICE! ICE! icE! 'iCE!-' : ICE*
Xce supplied Daily, to or Smalt - C-'lif-umors,- in any part, of
! 4 the jb’aved Limits of the Consolidated City. •
« ” eBt Philadelphia, ilailtua, Tio'ga, lUchmond,
.Germantown families: Olßccs, Ac., can rely-on berne furnished
yrltha | j_,'i , i i
.j And - itfieTSjJiwesi 'Market Rates. -
Best quality of Lettgli and Schuylkill .Coal,.at prices as low as the
, , 1.-r) tlpweJgforA ArW ratparticlis, 5J
B]acksmfthB , Coat, Hickory, Oak and Pine Wood, and Kindling
Wopd. Se»d YOurordera:for,lcea i.d'CoHl to • . i i - t
J.noB. iS- Cahill,. frosty* John, Henry Thomas,
‘ ’ SuperintendHnt. ‘ '
. depots—Twelfth and Willow itreets. Twelfth
hil n^fcn ******- Twenty-fifth and Lomhart streeta.
S * 7 ‘* and Mastar Ein* Street Wharf,
eonuyifcin. mayli
in a Good
run MB,
Either For Use
k ■: ii
Without Injury
H B C 0 V
r. ,7 “ e *Ja>‘*'S have metal lAds wi4>h Arms, wliieh turn on'the inclines
ol toe neck of the Jars, and thua tighton the ruhber on to.- the - Gftoun& iEdge of the
J armouth. The result is a. Co mftiried hid and Clampi one piece) which closes
pr opena the Jar with a slight turn, andwuthout injury to the covers, which can thus be
used repeatedly., ‘. ,‘' ■ : ' 1 : .. ,; f *, „ u t - ~
For Sale by Glass and Crockery Dealers, House Furnishing and Drug 'Stores.
, - u.v. ■ r . .v-,,-.;: THE TRADE SUPPLIED BY' . ..‘n-:
" «Sc J~. 8013 I IsT ,
Also Manufacturer? bf DJR.UGGISTSVand iPEREUMERS’ .
Wine, porter, Ale and Mineral Walter SottiieSj iPiipikl^,Vi^es^iT^^,; Jfelly
: and.Snuff.Jars* .
a®" Partieulariftttention givon tcPPRIVATB MOTJIjDS. f ,
First Mortgage Bonds
,at pah, ■ jv' ;
PAYABLE nr gold.
The Great Pacific Railroad Line, extending 172 l! Jiniles- from
Omaha, on the, Kiverjto the tide-patera of. thq Pacific
Ocean, is being; builtjjy two powerful Companies—The TJnion Pa
cific, beginning,at Omaha, bailding West,, anil 4 the Central, pa
cific of California, beginning at' Sacramento, bnUding East, hntfl
tbVtworoadsshall) meet: ' .'.'in; r; • 1
■. ißoth Companies have prosecuted it he workwifch great? vigor, the
Ahdthe'C*intraJ 'MiUicm, vpoxi' their’
rowo-*«wTT»n n«ihi i. t, i aoi> iwo~rmmiE-ed~mlle3
more, upon thp and one hundred. additional miles are
ready for the track.' They will have a much larger iorce employed
this year than ever before, and it is expected that between ' *
;;V. ''"V , .800 arid 900 MILES' ; :
will be in operation dir?ng:'lB6S.' Ttferb eeiiis td be no reasohnbie
doubt that the distnncebetweehOmaha and -’Sacramento wilt ' be
traversed byrailindSTO. ! t Im*. a <t-'i if> a.;,
THE !GQVBaNMEN{T; t GRA*TCS 12^800;<acres
Bonds to the average, amount pf *28,000 per, mile; to, in the
construction line, and authorizes the issue of the First
Mortgage - Bondanow' offered for the and no
more. ! The Government takes a second lien, 'and'girJs tb‘ the' First
, Mortgage {Bondholders a prior lieu for their, security, to' wliicba
largepaid-up capital is added., Theßonds cannotibe,issued,except
as each section of, miles is accepted by, {Government com-!
mission, so that they always represent a real property. ‘' ’ ’ }
It is universally admitted that oh the compietiouof the Union :
Pacific Railroad; its through business will in&ke it one of the most
.profitable int the, world—-but its > jeayior 'local ibusiness is already
.several interest ion itabbudSj so s ;tba£, #[nofc another’
mile were built, they be a,secure investment: ‘+\ * "\l 1
. THE NET EARNINGS Tor eight months of. last year on an aver-1
age of §S6 , m t it& are’ officially reported at while thej
interest onatl theßonds if'could issueoh that length of roadfijr
that tioie,-reduced to currency, waspoly $545,856. . ; i : t,; l
, The. amount ,pnid by thOtGovernmentfprith? transportationof
•troops, munitions, stores and mails has been, and, doubtless will
continue Wbe, much more* than’the interest on the United States;
Second Mortgage Bonds. Hit the charter provides that’
after the road is completed, and until said bbnds and interest are
paid, atjeast five per centiof thp;net earnidgs ; pf the road shall be
applied,to such, payment. *- i
The Union Pacific Bonds are for each, and have coupons
attached.: They have years to rub, and bear annual inter eat,
payable on thei first days of January and July at the Company's
{Office in; the City of '‘New Yerk,at the rate of 1 six per cent, in
gold.-. The Principal is payable in gold at matunty. At the.present
rate of gold, these bond pay an annual income on their cost of
' ' A PltEmWM;i i-
The Company have 4 but a very limited supply of their ’Bonds’re
luainjng on, band, butany subscriptions, to h greater
amount than can be filled fiom Bonds now in the Company's pos
session, will be supplied from the New Bonds to be issued on’ that
portion of the road completed in the Spring, In the order in which
they aro received. ‘ . : : [, < 4
The Company reserve the right to advance, the price, of; their
bonds to a rate above par .at any time, and will, not fill any orders
or receive any subsctiptionshn whlchtbe money hasnot been ac
tuaily raid at the Company’s office before the time of such advance.
. Parties'aobjcribing will Yemit the par value of the.bondsandthe
aco ued Interest in currency at therate of six per cent, per annum,
from the date onjwhich,the last coupon was.paid.
will be received in Philadelphia,by
DE HAVEN A BRO', '. - • ' v; •
WM. PAINTER A CO., , / V m/; ; '
SMITH; RANDOLPH A CO-i > ~V , , > ;
andin New York ,y
At. the Company’s Office, .No. 30 Street,
"r-j-;’ . .A*© Bl_ ~1
John J. Cisco No. 59 Wall St.;
And liy the Company’s advertised agents througboiitWe, 1 ' *
United 1 States.
J&mittances shffubtmodel indrafts or other fundspartn Hete
! Tbrjc t and lhe liondx will free of charge ‘by return express.
Parties subscribing through local agents, will look to thepi for their
safe delivery, , 1' ‘ ' . j
‘ APAMEHLETAND MAP FOR 1533 has just b»!en published by
the'Co'mpany, giving fuller information thab is possib'li'iii aii' ail.
Vertisement,'rrapecting'the Progress of.the! \Vork;itheißi«tfurceL
; pr, the Country, traversed by the Btyjl, the Means for Construction
P° n 4 s > **•<* will be sent free, on application
at the Company'sbffl'ces or. to any of ihe advertised s agents. ' i
i CISG ( O, Treasurer, ifew'Tork. I
WyT-tf. ' . .. ■ ‘ ; J : V .., i ;
“ Haad-Writing of GM.”
~,i- ,• yoßiais,; i j; , r j.■
Wonderfix& Sook,
-Btdor^dby,l?o,ooo,persons, ; , SellsjtyightJto^lclssses.!
i . i. T“5 S mnMna, i „ I
A toanjperKewho willprocurekgood Agent. Address
mavii Xl 6 < WDSp ElS>'*'OO.y'l4B Lake street; Chicago. ' ,
?*» Or W Part Row, Newark.
Jfcoj '
' Ifiiili •
AO "
THE : '
;: f ; COettaifaq,' J
Projnoting the Growth and Beautifying the Ho(ir x tmdren
) *,, and Glossy.,
The Coc^UHßholds, in a feurm, a large; proportiqn of deo
dorized COC6ANUT Oil, prepared [expressly for this, purpose. No
otlier/compoiiod possessea the properties lrhicbeo exactly
i * '
.. IpSS Oi' HAIK. ,
MjSsrs: Joseph Bcbwett &.Co: ‘ : '
I cannot refuse to state'the, salutary effect in iny qtov aggravated
case, of your excellent Hair Oil, —Cocoainb.
_ For many months riiy hair ha'd : beeri faijihg off, until’ J I was fear-
V 1 )#? losing it, entirely. ' The skin uppii my head became gradually
more and more inflamed, so that 1 could' not touch it, without
phiii.'M'j , .r-M!!. •/‘''-’.'‘'l .1,/ « v V’i
- 9f-,*ny Physician, to "whom.ypu-bad?ahown your
process of punfying'the I commenced'iti use the Tast’vreekin
June, 3^e;first.appJicationaUayed thp itchingand irritation. ;In
? V l *-«■<* tenderness. disappeared; the
haft- cWseditolfcn; anti I haTS'now aitifck wdwth of Ses httir. j; - ;
dvuu; i ’i* ttnly^- sv , • .SUMKE.^,;
f‘i. V Itohiivi‘l
w . iJlAae, June & 18«. •
M bssr s. B übsett Jt £o.:- \ , **
C ‘l 'you' a -ttuteraebtoFiny 'daughter’s e^«vftj>equeB*tetf.
years, irahe livwnptil of Au
| cgnieioffshe -with nonr-Ugla/fn
pains, burned her hair, so in ,October^lB6//itaUcume
1 oflLhndfor two l years,aJter, her head.was as smooth asher face.
! - ' Through the recdmmendatiod of* frtebd, she Sfcteitfdiiced' to try
yOttC tiw, not asp*
half the contents or a .bottle before her bead was coYe?ed with a
fine- yonng hair, lnfour- inonthS thelSair has Mourn seVehd
inches [W .l?n«h veCT tWckj sorted Jine ana of ,» darter color
i than formerly. 'She’sttll Continues the Cocomhe, And we'toave'liUle
, fear, ofb6rloeing‘ber hair. • • With , • i-•
>:. ! * v•,*.
BTTRNETT*S AlNE'ib the Bsqt an'd opbApest hairdrcsslns
in; promotes tteGROWItf OF THE HAUL and :£
entirely free from all irritating matter.
■Birß^fETT€7©w, Boston, Mannfftptw
■* • x%roaad:l*ropric>tors.
r’ 1 For sale, by Druggists everywhere.
' 'And if not; why l hot Lyon neisd it CTery dayiyir TOav rennVm it
.a fi y,hourl that ,»*«, ? r-o Am
SL ? »«y. ip, arid it wil?crat yriu ruiiu in
ft!*** and money, fivos«lo, thsri-tli* cost tif thd Caßo to
da without it. Send, or go at onco.pndiget it, and.yoo SmiTiS
no .reason io, regret it.'
proaervaUou—m tkiscase. s ” •?■ •<■. ....*,
ffLy. 1 " St*t*a;oh the’
ill.: SPECinO Hoas PiTfll oj MlWaiji COWPAXT.
junell. ,: 7/ . „ i ,ffi2.Broadway,New, York.
/"tNE OUNCE OF, iGOLD'Willhe given for every ounce of adaite
..VT ration found in “B.T. Babbitt’s Liom Corpse:." This Coffee i«
toasted,’ground, and tealed under lettprh'hatiint
from the B. S. Government. All, the “aroma”,is Be.ved™aud iIL
plM i’ y *"•>* ‘“■nily should nee
il. es it is lo to 20 per cent, stronger than other ptue “ v ur
saje eyemilrore. If.your grocer does not kepp tbia coffee,,ud win
ndt get it for you, sendsyotfr orders'direct to the liictory
n "... . B. T. BABBITT, --: V i''n.-
- Lll -. Nos. 64 to 74 S T.
' i ■/?■'! . ■' e ' ■- -w* ! 1, _ .li' f ■ ' JI . : * ij’ ~ »' 1 ; . ■
Foiirtliaiid Arch, \
’ ’•• -* J WA«TS OF'FAMIUEST > •><.:<>•-•• : V
‘' j ' l; ‘ LARGE STOCfe Of 1 F 111 -■
ij HOSIERY, GLOVES, HDKFS.,,LAOES,\Ac. ,-t ■. \ v,
Aiw Manufacturers and Publishers of SciOA*
", ' SCHOOL Mcsic. r ' ‘ ‘
. > 1 Also, Superior Hiancw; nnd Publishers of ■ ,m;
r - ~ rent our Orgam by the month, letting the rent pay
!f f ,’, \r ■: ’
"■/vs -/ih-.lus Agente 'WCap.ted.'•
presidential Campaign Chart,
NoV ready, giving large, clear and 'striking likenesses of the Re
publican-Cau/tidatrs for President and VicaPresiiient. Party
Platform; in foil. The, whole .is surmounted by the, Amei icon
Ragle end Flag, and beautifully colored. ' Tfifa affords the best
ictance tor Agents .to make; meney.lorrthel yean ,1868. Send tor
catalogue giving full particulars of mv Map? and Charts.
' A “ 1 *? ‘(JAXLORBi’wiTSON,
~ tray ill 4t . No. 16 Beeknian St, New York.
, i.N TS WA NJED— For
the T»st LIFE O F
•AST, by, Hon. 3. a. Head.
flOT? ready. *2 60. An
jntlcLtFß OF
wj th' aplerui id For
prcae.- Price 25 eta.,
• weeive to onrsubßCriV*
r JUfe of Grant.
.SEAT & CO., Fahl'sh. rv
6H Broadway, K. ?■
be made
With Certainty and
' 1
- - ■ ) . :
Readily Opened
i: P’ysiv /
' - Smo*.