The American Presbyterian. (Philadelphia) 1856-1869, April 02, 1868, Image 3

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    gbite’* Salrtt.
p ( . ( . K _ The History of the Great Republic, consul- ,
rrcil from a Christian Stand-point. .By Jesse T.
Peck, B.D. With thirty-four fine steel portraits.
Bvo. 710 pp. Sold by subscription only. New
York : Broughton & Wyman.
To most historians, the religious element is iU
(•'dent. al rather than essential to the course _of I
events of which they treat. They do' not write.
ff jth any leading purpose to exhibit the divine
(in ler and spiritual issues of events. “God in
History. 1 ' is not their motto. The h*ufrian view!
uf events is indeed rich and full of the most in-' .
tcnS c interest, but it is partial, inadequate, .and
loads to wrong generalizations. .tEspeqiallyidoes
the history of our own, country need,to be written
from a high, spiritual point, of view. In its ori
,rin and eaily struggles) in'the'career through
wliieh it has been led,' in ‘ the''freedom of con
science which it the Vast develop
ment of religious influences and institutions with
in its boundaries,:and Us; .extraordinary,.influence
over the masses of the iworld’s population, we
see more than ordinary Claims for the treatment
of its history fidfa a'‘positively teiigious-poiat Of
view. With groat modesty, yet ffitnjfo 1
and painstaking, 1 Dr. Peck has un’deftaUen tbis
new and great enterprise, and has achieved,,up,l
encouraging. iiUeasure. of success, i-..: Everywhere,
without affectation or cant and in a philpepphio
temper, the IMvine purposes are devoutly recog
nized. " A coptinudUs harratire“'6F a' ddrb]flete
work of thp historian’s art fias Uot beeff attempt/
c j ) —as we think, ji' will a'pd |
succession.of views of different
opportunity .to the;author, to illustrate.his idea.of
the presence .of Gocl In our history, i The volume
comes down to the dlose of the rebellion rind the
bemnuiffg of .measures for recbnstru6tloti,"dtid'is
very hopeful in tone., ' cah'hpj;..hel suspect
ing tint it would .be lessj
period of futile attempt and cowardly, re-pqtion in
high places, through which we‘are now pasaing.
The steel portraits are bf grfeat elegance, thd
larger cues especially, and the whdle execution of
this large volume is c[uite a ; trmmsh to' tffe pub
lishers. . , , I; -;,r v:.'.l-n i
Mas. Stows . The ChlmheV Ctffnbir. Christopher
Crowfiehl, author ofkhd %'ine Taperfei’l
ami “Little Fairies.”' ''lflmd, alT'-'Boston'-i
Tlcknor-& Fields.' .Philadelphia : J, B: Lippin
cott & Co. . 1. ,
1 The vivacity of-style, the good ,sense in the ]
choice and treatment of subjects, and for the
most part, the fine Obristian taste prevailing in
the author's views .rnust; cpmtnenff
of this series, to
of the woman'question',! without heat qr, extrava
gance, of such [topics as Good Health, Dress,
Amusement, Entertaining- Company, they
are admirable-, redding for the-family circle.
Heartily do we wish Uhat the yofttife bT
our generation ’could bb . brought up.tthdpf thbif
wholesome iuffuene.e. . . . . - r
Hack.—TiscttEXboßF.— Origin' of the Four Gospiffs:
Bv Constantinfe Translated -under
tlie Author’s sanction, by Wm. L. Gagfe.' From
the Fourth German Edition, revised aM .greatly
enlarged. Boston! American
pp-287. - . . i ' ,
The original matter oflisOhendDife Treatise,
known to us by the interrogative., title: Wheel
wore our Gospels Written ? has betjn more than
d üblud in this edition. hhve been
added at the end, and the prfetatory .piftter: cbpr
tains a brief account of the present.appearanceof
the author, by Mr. Gage, and ftu answer,to. some
of the unbelieving- sneers raised by his earlier
editions in Germany, by the* author. It'id one
of the most important additibhh 'tb bur'Upblbgetje
literature and is brief .enbugll'ip'he erery
Bkechek. Norwood 1
land. By Heiixy
York Ledger.) 12mo. 540,up- $1.50, ljEwJ'&rk.
Clias. Scrioner «-Cb;"‘-W***]#*!!.’
an Publication Gomii»lfted.;f 1.50; Foy sale at the
Presbyterian Bodk Stb#ej’ ; /i
Mr. Be/eoher lias been ichwged with.>UQClerical
conduct in writing aKtrovel. »H«
that many clergyineh have ■written
even the Parables are ' not jlist;mattj^-offact; he
probably would say V'?ry
much concerned about;bewg..-eiti«r^o
bo to deny-the charge utkiolo^ for Norwood
a novel."lt is a volume of beautiM thoughte
and suggestive saying*; » r ’
town-ful of exquisitily an
bum (if beautiful‘"Scenery jin ftuto
great part of. its authors,in ,its ; g,rap>ie:WW a
of the New England scenes and characters among
which, in its.most plasti© stages; was^de
"A bdok is more natural, and' more
healthy interest than a novel becans<3,
like Miss Mitfor'd’s “ Opr Village, ;
interest in .persOn? and,
events. , We.-deel towards this whoie. countiy
side of people as if we knew them ; we- feel that
interest in what they are, as .human, beings, not,
'in what they do as’ the Strung on
thread of tfih'plot. Such abodk is’ an advance
upon the novel, as great as the advance made oy
Scott from the romance to r the -noy.el, From e
interest excited by strange and remarkableeven ,
to that exoited by events not unlikely in ordinary
iWnKwwa—'lbaiPosthumouh- Papers of _the Pick-,
»wf6lub By‘Charles -Dickens. With Bight
ninoh-ntions Charles. Dioken? Paper
u acmes v an d y , the type good, and
the series within the roach, of, e ~..
Girding on writ “j,•
One of the beat of stories,
invention m the,plot
meet manfully the burdens and trials of life, and
to turn it into a theatre of service for God and
for man. The paper and binding,
and the illustrations are unusually good.
The Bird and the Arrow, with The Boy. that Did
Not Like Work, The First Trial, and the Best
Warfare, 18mo. pp. 124.
The Pet Lamb, and Lambs of the Flock. 18mo,
pp. 71.
Two recent issues of the Publication Commit
tee, containing a variety of "brief stories; the first
designed to lead in the formation of right traits
of character; the second illustrating the tender
regard of Christ to the young. Both are hand
somely printed'and illustrated.
■White.—The Massacre of- ! St. Bartholomew. Pre
ceded by-a History ,of the Religious Wars in the
Reigp pf Charles lit- . By Henry White. .With
Illustrations. Bvo, 897 pp: New York: Harper
& Brothers. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott.&
Co. ’ . .. . • . . j
SaiiH.-tr-A Smaller History of. England, ’from ;th,e.
Earliest Times to the year 156'2.; .Edited by W.ih,
liam Smith,;LL..D.', Illustrated with Engravings
' on wodd: 1 16 mo. 859 pp. NewYoipk:' Harper &
. 'Philadelphia.:'J‘. B.'Lippincdtt & Co. 1
KE^BDy^j-tl.uiialian; or, St.n.ow Judge,;
By Grace Kennedy, author* of 1 the “ Decision,”
• “ Father Clement,*’ li Pfofession isNofPrinciple,”
' etc., etc. 12md.’ 447 p’pi ‘ Philadelphia: Jas. S.
■' ClaxtOn.
MonnAY'.—Failier Tom ah'd'ih'e*tfc>j>e: bp a 'Night
at thb'Vhticah. !By
: With'' Ilfttstrative : , ,: Fhg¥i^iti'g3. n Ibirior
• Phila: T; B. Peterson &• Bros. ! vj >
jV' PEillOtoicAliS ASD PAMPpiiT.TS.
Amateur Cu ltiv^tur’ s Guide J to. thejlriowg
er find Kitchen. Garden. Wgshburn &. Co., Seea
ifed&tofi, 'BVo' p|£ 145; 'This' is one
of-the largest and*finest‘ Hor'tdji'ultutai|.~i)‘ain.phlets
that has come under, our, notice. ,It <|es6ribes
2000 different varieties dhd has a great, nuinber
of the most handsdnfe illustrations of the objects
named, ; with prices of seed, &c. .'.Price 25cent^
- Howard, C haulm's, Uniform iTjrhdA List.Gifc
cular haS reached number eightof Vol. 11,-, 1, It is
an undertaking ofigreat importance, to, the trade.
mJUlilitttKAi , , ,
Beligtous.—A volume is annouuced,
title of s “ Where is the Cjity.?” This Via
of IsraelJKlnight's. fe.arch in. quest 1 of the trup
Chu,rc|i! „ IjVio is, the
not know, j>ui. it is. sqppqsjpd th,e; ngm de
pluniz'sft.jßia author not'upknowu- to 'fapjC; : -He
relptes, , in ,his ‘‘"W ; ay i t 6 .the pxperi@nce
among the
dists, /Episdopaiijins, Quakers,. Swedenhorgians,
Uniyeisalisf ß ),..BnitaEiansi''hp j w
lie finally found the City, [amopg/the. Hreshyte:
rianp?]; with ;jthe. t The
ihe author whites'in and. popular
style, Kreing>aiy; Vhard’hss ? ; ins a good-natured
jray.—4mpng ; recentpublicatipns.aye:—Ghioagp
Mdits.QiiWfhef By,^ep-H,Phillips, Esq ito.pp.
568}, ’Chicago, E., B. Myers, &, Chandler.
The Bible Doctrine of Immortality. By H Mat;
tison, dB. lfimo. 'pp. 96. , New York :, Carlton
& Porter. 25 cts—The Ground and Object of
IW for - ManWihG,•! By Rev,.
fD. Mauricd. iemo,. pp. 84. Boston: B r r.;Y;.
Spencer. ' .Cl/V75 cts.—J. J?• Lippiucott, & ,Cfi.
announce I—Dippi-pUne arid #<K..§erm£ns.-jßy
Rev. ChMles/Eingsley f Prephytenan. Pub.
Personal Religion.-; Smajl, Bvo.
Ql. $>V Counsels ofi a Pastor to his
Hock;.. Second, Small Byo. Cl- |l--7
The Idle Word,. Edition.;.. Small Bvo.
(jl it —An dntrpduction t.o the. Devotional,
dy of the Holy Scriptures,-.-.Eighth Edition.
Small ,Byo/-Ci..Jl-—Eamilj, Prayers- . Third;
Edition;, Siqall Bvp Cloth, red,-- ; -.' 1
1 BeLles Letter Albert , G-; Greener—
knoyrn as:the.autlior,qf>“,,oldnTimes f—deypted
’much time, it sepms,, during his later, years to a
humorous poem, intp,,,which, says “.The Spring
field Republieau/}“ lit was his .purpose;to weave
every truly Yankee phyasp .that he could gather.'
It grew year by year, waxingto a.humorqus,|pic,t i
It'is intifiiated, that it yfillqoqn he
translation of Saintp-Beuye’s “Portraits M.Cple-,
brated iWomep ,’ ’ the fourth volume of the, Messrs:
Robert’s “ Library ,of Exemplary.iiWomen.”—
Mr. Bayard Taylor has,, nearly complete aitrans
latjon, of. Gpetiie’s “.^apst/’,■; r ,j.•; .* . t :
Miscellaneous,, B r / Lippineott Co.
-announce:—Trayelpin the,loteriorofSPhth &f rl
pai. , By James Chapman; and: Prof. Pearsons
History, of England.—National Map,, of the,ter
ritory of the Bnitpd ,States, ifyom thq Mississippi
Biyer to the,,Paosp Ocean. -.Made by authority
of Hon; 0. H. Browning,.,Seoretary of the Inte
rior, chiefly for-Goyemmeittf eposes,, ftomdata.
in the ,Department Washington, by W. •J.
Keeler, 57J x. s 4si:in<jbejq folded tp small
Washington; W, d/Keeler,., Mounted and with
cover, sB.—Chinese PPP?)
•With the Chinese' Prpnuneiatiop . : in,d»qatecl in
English, j Biff., Merchants, Travellers,-and Pftmi
lies. By Benoni , 16mo. pp.,80, San
Franoiscp : A. Rqman &, Qp.,, Pap. $l.—LiJe.;,P
Oliver Cromwell- , r ß.y .jQ-nAdamsy7P.p. ; .,.-iUld#--
16mo. pp.: 2,68: &~y.'Cgrlto.n & Porter C 151.25,.
$1.25,. ...There is . also,, nearly rpady, Man s
Origin ; and,Dpsvtiny,” oi seieutifie
lectures delivered, hgfor.e the Lowell
Bpst.o,n, in, the winter of 1865-66, by. Jf. P.-i'Bes
ley, with illustrations. :; .; T . .
JSsQI‘'AND.V-Rec«snt- English ipublieations, and
announcehiepty; are Bpwniap’s Thoughts,: for
WorkerStandSufferers, 12mo. Is. 6<Z.,cl—Boyle s
Ride Across a Continent., 2 vola. Bvo-21s.
Cooke’s Authorship-of the~Atlantic Telegraph,
Bvo. 2s. 6o!. ,cl^-T(Bip lta npB::Bl o wnlp,yis, d yols.
cr Bvo 31s. 6d. dl.-r-Parkyn’s,Life in. Abyssinia,
mapand illust., er;Bvo;7s. 6d. cl.—Leslie’s Dawn
of Light, 15 a Story of the Zenana Mission, 18mo.
2 S —Proctor’s Half-Hours with thd Telescope,
illust., fc. 2s. 6(?. el.—R'e velatjon/The jH nra v
elled, an. Outline Exp.osUxon, 2s. 6d. pi
Robertson’s Sermons preached at Brighton, First
Series, fc. ss. cl.-Shady f ide Sunny JBidin
New England Stories, cr. 6 d.
minster Confession of Faith Examined by Good
sir, 10s. 6 d: el —A highly pplMlar, hut very un
satisfactory and utilitariamyolume, recently pu
lished WM«omillan ; & LpPdpn and Cam
bridge,.m eutitled “ Essays on.a Liberal Eduea
edited: by Ae Hev.tW : :P^;;- Assistant
Master at Harrow School' / ! j
<f The authors preach refom in /he wifles a
most radical sense. The general spirit of the
essays may be gathered from one —Lord Hough
ton, for instance, agreeing therein with Mr. Sedg
wick, is of opinion that the social result of classi
cal education is absolutely— nil. [0 !] —The
trustees of the British Museum have adopted the
plan of the new keeper of the manuscripts, for
having a catalogue of manuscripts classified ac
cording to subjects, and in which, also all the
prints of .each manuscript will be entered.—Dr.
Newman lias recently published a collection of
his poetical writings, entitled “verses on Vari
ous Occasions,” most of which are as remarkable
for the perfection of their art finish as for their
earnestness and sincerity of purpose.' ’'
France.— A' correspondent of ’ Child's 'Lit-’
crary Gazette says: The‘French Academy,- be-'
sides the Dktionnaire Historiqite de la,'Langue
Ndtionale (of which the first two numbers-have
appeared 1 ), are ho'w ; preparing a "new edition of
their r Dicltimnairede l’Usage: —The tyastness- of
scientific and literary operations in* Ffance, is
sh'oWn hy the’ iinmehge labor necessary simply to
catalogue the Wc/rks -‘and’ objects of 1 interest 1 in
the bands of the-Various societies/ 1 The. Imperial:
MbtfaVyis ’ printing the tenth volume of a cata-' i
logue ! ’6f ! bdoks ! 'reiating to ‘the {History hf Franco/ ;
The -second ■v'dlunie of the catalogue of works-on 1
the Medical Seiencbs- is'in press. 1 '« Thd Ist vbt- -
time of the 1 cata'logue-'of French manuscripts Is
: nearly completed, and will .-soon he published.
; The catalogues of the Tanicml, Teliugh, Arme
nian,; arid Georgian collections are
citaldgue of fey rihej -Ethiopian j anaOoptio'MariiF
; scripts has' been r'eijgrit priblU i
cations we notice: K'.'P: L.-Lfescoeur’ahei-Regne
Tempore! de Jesus Christ, an <EsSay ori tne’Mil
leriniuni'; Ee Cdthdlicisme‘ ! et les I“'Questit)rifi‘/-SO
cirileb j.Div Ensanada's Art Of : L'iViug‘ ©fie 'Hun
dred Tears ‘ and ;More“; u fes6orli i e’Tiit‘teraire de'
FrancSj''Jjy ’ the 'Bened 3 idtirifes; :, ahd contiiiHed - by
the 'Acridenfy pf;lrisbrtpliiWSß ; and Belleßdphtfflife,*
j 'Mv de -lies
cure’s Napplb6ii ,i ynd i 'his ! Eami\y lli fl‘798 !j lB2l ;•
J/Tissbt’s * Essai deHjoilqu'e*’Objective,''oir' Tfieo :
rydf the Knowledge'of Ttuth,’tod'of Certainty; |
H: C’s. Died avec Noub’jplain notes on the Gospel
according to : St. Matthew;
dec Insectes (200' woocf-cuts, 40 pi.- 30f:) ’ : ;
Ifhe Paris corresporideritOf'.GfeM’sGfazbfte says:
©Ur "newspaper publishers af#' i h'6'coni{lf§ !< hbo'k
publishers, as'lf‘to ibirion'ttraief thatfth’e hewspai
per is hht a'hpecres'df hbbk’yii'rTd th’&PUSewspapers
and books should go li'and'in hand.’ 1,1 ‘ "[ .
‘ ‘G-ER»fIiNY:-LPrbfeesor J. Furst, 1 of Leipsioj
has‘piihlii^.ed‘the : Tt’tVolUnie'bfa, : HiStory lofßihli
cal’Tiiteriltufe/'whieh’ is mainly devoted 46 “the
Pentateuch find 5 H'fWeber
and H. Hbltziann have - piihlished : a ; History l of
the ; Pebple r of Israel—Professor Scholten, who is
considered the most-learned-theblo'gian,Of Hol
land, has lately published i a-reply-to Tisohendorf’s
endeavor to ]) roVC tbat the NCw^Testainent canon
jvas P9t dm existenpe,,M, such, in .tfip,, first centu
ry , : and an inquiry into, the , apostolic .origi n
the fourth gosp<p,‘iri'airitainihlj'tnb ne’g'ative; View
of the question.!—ln' Overjbe'ck% ’recent’vbliimfe-,
Die 1 antiken ’Sehriftquellen zur. Gesuhichte der
bildCnderi'Kuuste',hei den : ,Griechen,. in ,the corn;
ppss.pfhjss than .fiye h.und^d. pages, we have .the
literary resources of all out knowledge of Grecian
made hy himself and a,,com
panion, in 1861-2. Their route-wa?; nearlyfjhe
same as .that; which- has, by
the "English army in,the expedition agaipst ffipg
Theodbrus—ptwhbtn, by the way; H?err Heugliii
entertains-a rathef favorable opinion-.— The Ger
man: S.hakspeafe Soeietyis ipublishingy-iindeVithe
editorial new and; revised
edition Tier's translpticm off
Shakspeare, still considered the best.—ln trer.-
ma'ny'inlB67, wiire published 2,566 newspapers,
of which 858‘Werembtiipbliticrfl, exempted Horn
Stamp duty: l 1m Austriafririil 867,■ ouly;367 l pe
Hodicalp .and meyspapers’ ycfefpßhlished.ti.^P l
Bavaria;’; which.has, ,smaller
the number of such publications, of all classes,
was 357. In Saxony, the number was 291, ‘ and
1777nn“France7 “ _
:: Elliptic llools^
& Wilson Mannfactnring Co.
jfariiHy Serving 3fachine,
u; js the most perfect of, any in tl we.
Theww e f tn*W the Sri
“ Stajfety and Thoroughness . -
: % » Adjustable Eeed-
Dar, and in the executes the by
, n^mfE “So"d wo therefore'award it the Ernst
Paamntt, as SE>nI I(I-MACIIINE, , ,
.: ,® LST 11 p l, |,p r Committee;
. a C 'not already established. Send for cir
. Agentß wanted t whereyer WAXWSI.EY, •
nnlar to • - ', Ag entsjbr Elliptic Sewing Machine-Co.;,
. .! 0.1 r e .%-#enhhylvatiiStDelaware and hew Jersey.
920 Arch, Street, ,
The Presbyterian Board of Publication
It is a beautifully embellished paper, full of interesting
and instructive reading for children. (
For a single copy, monthly,-25 cents a year.
« “ sCini-montSly, 50 cents a year.
When over eight copies to one address are.taken, one cent
for each paper? No subscription received for less than
i three months. ' . ,
Subscribers for the Monthly, {whose terms do not end
with the year 1367,.ep have the Scmi-Moptlily sent to them
by paying‘the difference.
Orders and money should be addressed to
.*• peter Walker,
- ■ d 821 Chestnut St., Philadelphia]!
V' n S t ;J,: :[ BOOKS V
; In the prosecution of-the gi eat work. Of Evangelization by print-
the r :;
has published oy erAOOcboiceAud’val liable books for Children and
Youth; believing thesei ate l unsurpassed in theipurityof 'their
: moral ton ©jap d Evangelical r.eligiouacharacter,and that a wider
ciffculaiimrcrrtiieni Would rWuIC in sfill greater good, they will
hereafprj be offered to' n; ' : IXI ;hii: ■
- - ■ •-i-.' i- - A '“
at a dedpetion of (Twenty, per cent..from £he catalogue prices when
ten nbuAM worth or more are purchased at one time.
L-i - - : .;r > *
The choicest books of.ofjier publishers, suitable for j Sabbath
sch'oola, will be furnig'hedon.thembst favorable terms; 1 -
: it- N. TIIISSELL,; '-
'!•!,! . litlolc/itttiikt Strut, r'hUa**. '
. -■ - " - ■■ ■ , -. 1 , ' - •
' TTTTTr ‘
. ; -M -‘A 1 -: i■■ \ .■ - r/r . O'"-'- t"-- •
--1 j. . HAVE. J ( pST 1 EE I CELVBD: . ; J.
-TWO'FUIiIi-'CAIRGiOiES--^--: 1 &
• ;ii : f oF the. • • mi;-' - . ■ " $3
. i ini'TiiES'ir• nkw grop teas, p
asa.'oo'o HAEF CHESTS- hy £
la.opoi-liiA-I-.U 1 : <3II JESTS hy the '(kargt Shottm i
. -Jjiaildition to these lar®> : eargoed of^lapkpud iJapan Teas,.tha "
Company aroconstantly receiving largo invoices of tho finest quality *
of from the Mbyime iliatri- tsof China', which too atari- K
vailed, for,fineness and delicacy.of,fljjjpr, which they areiselling:af C
thefoHowing'prices:* ‘ _ ' n
OoIongRBlack), 50c.,'60c:i.T00,a0c., oOc,.best«l;per II); ”
fQjeen Black,) 50c., 6W), 7.00, SQo, pest,Jd tftjt u
English breakfast, 5Cc.,60c., 70c, 80c, 90c,. JJ, $l.lO, *
. best SI.2Q per ft. . r T . r , - ; u
> lTnperial(6r^eQ)i'6od{.6fic. l 70ci, 80c.j.90c4 $l, sl.loj'b6Btfl.2s
L L miV’lOc^s6c. t 96c., $l, $l.lO, |.
:; : ft. : *> v-i iTi: H -iiif ■' • ■ if- : . i.
tTrLColpred.japan,bestsl^sper.ft. -w
< Oxiiipb'w , der, i “stT2si best $1.50 -per ft. r
Coffees [Roasted and Ground Daily.
'GROUND COFFEE, 25c.,i 30c., ; 4oc. pet 5 pound.
Hotels,, $alppns, Boarding-HouBa ;
taree quantities of Coffee,'can economize iu that Article by using
ourFRENOH BREAKFAST apd-DINNER COB^*eß, : which-we se i
al SOc. per .pound, and warrant .to give, perfect
■ : Consumes cab save, from, 600.'t0 sl.‘per ;by purchasing
Until!' .I : KO?i 3ij-AND' 33 VESKT ST.
a-t’’ ■ • Post office Boi ! No. 5613; New York Glfj
' We warrant all the goods we Bell to give entire -
they ore not satisfactoiy they.can. be returned at onr expense within .
30'days.1 and; hav'e'tho money-refunded, !d ■ 1 ■ ■■
; Through of .supplying Clubs, throughout the country,
consumers in'all parts oftho Uifiteff States canirecoive their Teturat
the' same prices Srith'the. small" addifional;
tioul as though they-bought them at our warehouses, in. the, city, .
SqhiS'ofuß'how they shall’ proceed ltd 1 ' get up a
pi .i. The answer- is.simply .wialHiig I
ii! r Ol idtsav Coffee he the kind
iud iApenor,ln onr
circulars Write i the, names and .amounta.jplaiiily
ifeeu fhe’Clubjs toiAplete
.party’s goods,iuf.separate packages jmft;markifhe.fl?mftppop
them wiS “the cost, so there need be no confusion dis
tributiohi-enclr l party l gifting exactly‘ What- fie orderß, and _no
more the members can.diTide.equ l
the goods ordered nan be' sent by dmfte oh
thirty dollars we will, if desired, send the goods hy express, to
'Herfafter'we \riU send a complimentery package to the party
Our JjpgiO&ire ■s a* l ”?*
' as weean afford. ,We send no complimentary packages for Clubs
t-of lesslthAn $3O. .ii E—: ‘
H-Be-All -villages and towns where,a large number reside, by
-nil ■ chibWno tctie'tlier,'cahreduce the cost of-their Teas and
CoK7atoit besides, tin; ExpreM charges,by
■ ■ itotoiMircctij|t& ”Tne;Great
BEWARE of- aU concerns that advertise themselves as, brashes of
'- *' - nmr'Estahiislimeritj’oi-' cbpy'oUr BBmu
i part,as they are bogus onivntatims. We. have np touches,
' '‘ and doubt, in’any casbf authorize the nse of our nanm.
POST OFPitiK. orders and drafts make payahiu to tiie order o
(}rS AmSan Tba Company.” Direct letters and
- j orders to the - ■ - j '"- >
»r.v/ >; PoatOffiee Box; 5643’ New York, City. -:
a. B Ylt ON MORSW,
: French Confectioner.
,l 902 and 904 Arch Sreet, Phila-
BreakfasClMnner,; Tea served in. the T ®T?
manner. Polite and' prompt attention given to all who
Way mvnr.His whir their patronage. ’
' H. FULTON, •.
'■ u ■ ! J and
■ rr :;6£
1317 CHEST jfs7T 'STREET, : ;
i r ?!•', »* • ;: PHUiADBIiPHIA.
-oc*S-8m ' . •
Stationer, 1! Card Engraver aiid Plate printer
. . toss emsswP stobblv. tr
■' ' I’HII.ADBI.I’Hti- .
Originators of Nitrous Oxide, or Laugh-
ing Gas,
For the rainless Extraction of Teeth.
[From the A>u> Evanc/dist ]
We are slow to believe in the efficacy of new remedies offered to
the public, but the frequent testimony of clergymen and others of
onr acquaintance, lias assured us that Dr. Colton baa at last found
a means of extracting teeth absolutely jwilhout pain.
[From .7. M. Carnochao, Surgeon in Chief to the N. Y. State Emi
grant's Hospi al.}
Dr. Colton : To you is due the credit of reviving the use of this
most important agent—nitruui oxide —in tho practice of dentistry
Office :
Nos. I*2 and 144 North Ninth St, Philadelphia.
Photo-Miniatures executed in a superior style, at very low prices.
styles of Frames on hand or manufactured at short notice
Mat Manufacturers,
~ [,, 1 29, SppTH NINTH' STREET,
' . ' first' store above, chestnut
736 MARKET ST.J S. E. Corner of Eighth,
Manufacturers' and Dealers in
Ladies’ Sacs, Mags, Pocket Boolcs ingreat
Bootsaxid BJioes,
The only place in the City where
1 all 'tliel 1 Leading Styles of Fine
■ Goods may- be obtained. J
■M-.r-:SjEVISIffTI£ ANT> IVALN v-*> xar.v,.
* fianmles to order from; and instructions for measurement,
"IfenttaGentldmeii residing outdf. the-City, And satisfaction
.guaranteed: . Thoservisitin'g the,.pity- are invited to leave
their Jieasuresfor present or future orders. .
Pahtaloori oiittingiisunspieciaUtyf Great expenenee in
this hranch of. tailoring warrants an. lnvitatipn to those de-
fitting pSfntaloohs' to give him a trial.
Unequalled by any Seed Instruments in the world
: Also Patent Isolated Violin Frame Pi
anos, a new., and beautiful Instrument. Sole agent,
“ 1 H. M. MOKEISS,
21 North Eleventh Street.
Q n IF FIT II ’ s
itent Double \ Self-acting Archimedean
aa been appiied to thousands of buildings
ithin ■ the past, four years, including »«*
ig houses, Churches, Seliools, Factories- Pa
ir-mills. Oje-houaes, &C., with unparalleled
'smdkay- 'chimneys, cured and; warranted.
Wholesale aud Retail, by
A liberal discount to the trade.
Baugh’s Commercial. Manures.
Thetoilorrlngpriceihave.heen Adopted for the present spring
: Baugh’s B»w Bohe phosphn^
Price, $56 per 2,000 lbs.
Itiiusfh'S Chicago Bone F«rUll*«.
; price, $46 per 2,000 ll>a. • ; rt
Bang-li’s Chicago Blood Manure*
Price. $5O per 2,000 lb&.
The well known popular trade-mark will bo, found upon every
package oi. the above manures. .
v 1 - 1 ' mAnupactubed BY
bAuGH & SONS, Philadelphia,
.! Trimming and Variety Store of
■nJ. > ■'.■]<] . c . CJb -4'®
henry mills,
618 Market Street.