The American Presbyterian. (Philadelphia) 1856-1869, February 13, 1868, Image 5

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    At the conclusion of this address, a collection
was taken up. following which, the audience was
dismissed with a benediction by Rev. Bishop Simp
The following are the officers of the Society:—
President, S. J. Hale; Corresponding Secretary,
S. A. Scull; Recording Secretary, M. A. Davis;
Treasurer, R. Wetherill. Managers—Mrs. Robert
Matlack, Mrs. Wm. Bucknell. Mrs. Anna F. Lex,
Miss E. Clement, Miss Anna M. Peters, Mrs. James
Appleton, Mrs. Benj. Griffith, Miss M. L. Bonney,
Miss A. M. Annable, Miss Belcher Miss E. Pat. ,
ten, Miss Ellie Bancroft, Mrs. J. VV. Early, Mrs.
Long, Miss M. B. Lowber, Miss Emily Stevenson,
Mrs. R. Fullerton, Mrs. DaVid Malin, Mrs. Wni. P.
Breed, Miss Harriette Dillaye. Honorary' Man- .
agers— Mrs. Joe. Perot, , Madathe Clement, Mrs.
Maria Morris, Mrs. Ares ,P.• Hurlbut, Kiss .Col
well, Mies Emily Dunning.
A Presbyteria4 Hospital. 7 4ames Lenox. has
issued a circular in whiCh he announcestlat an tun
plc and eligible site has 'beea secured or a Presby,
terian Hospital in Nei+, York, and $lOO,OOO prof
fered besides, for the erection of suitable buildings.
Ire proposes the mames f thirty-six men belonging
to the ditlerent branches of the Presbyterian Church,
to act as a Board of Managers, and:secure at once.
the necessary act of incorporation from the, Legis,
la ture, rutto go forward to the prackinal completion
of the work. The large 'sum alreadY pledged, being
not less in all than $molt); .giv`eit' 'every assurance
of success: ' " • •
"Got their Dutch up."--41 Chiistian. 171kill
gencer does not fancy absorption ,into any National
PresbyteriadChurch. It say's:;,
"So far as the Reformed Church is.eancerned; it
cannot give up its comprehensive name,:its catholic
faith, and its distinctive 'Spiritita be merged into
any other ecclesiastical We regard
the entertainmentof thought looking its' that di
rection as ,akin to treason againtethamajsuity of
history and the solemn 'ordination, of Providence.
We have the only name under which other branches
are willing . to be /used. .We: have the continental
standard of 'kith, to which the insular Chastises of
Great Britain gave in theit.tinqualified'adheelan.
We have a history tainted by no suspicion of heresy
or of intolerance L'il---Whythen-shouldiabathought.
possible that the elder should serve the younger, or
that the greater,tendedrin byttilft)lalser?"
United Presbyterian.—At the recent commu
nion in the Second churels,lPittebdrgh; Pas,' and't he
first one since the, Rev. T. H. 'Hanna, had been in-
Kniled,iffirone persons connected themselves with,
the church, .twenty-nine on,' examination.— Rev,.
Randall Ross writes to, the Menem : "The
congregation of Greenwood, now a:fixed
tact. We have now a g , cid'anci comfo r table `houta
of worship;—the first house -of worship in Green
wis,d, and the first U. I'. Churth:int the' Presbytery"'
of West Missouri, and; so far as &how, the first in ,
the State of Missouri, except the one in St. Louis,7t,
ministerial.—The death' . of the. Rev. Walter ,
Powell, pastor of the First O. S., Church of
easter, Pa., and "a member of the Presbytery of
Donegal, was announced in the last"Prtakyletinsi.-'- 2 '
The death of the Reit. 0: SithOnton, of the
Brazil Mission, is al'•o announced; ,'Helped Deem
her fith, of bilious- fever, at 'the residence oftßevit
Mr. Blackford, at San llaolo,•aged• thirtyttive years,
after an illness of eight days,—Rev. J. W. Kerr re-,
ceived a unanimous call to the Huntingdon Valley
church, near • Philadelphia,'"anti,lits 'accepted the
same, and entsired on hie thaties.thefiret
—Rev. Mr. M professchNif moral philoso
phy in the University of EdinbArgh, has Just died
of an attack of parabiais.. His own chair had lien
rendered illustrious by the oecupancy.of such .men
as Dugald Stewart, Dr. Thomas Brown, and last,
not least, Christopher North.,-The installation of
IL-v. P. Stryker Talmage as pastor of Bethune
Memorial eh Orch;Philadelphia, took 'placaaubbath
afternoon, the 12th inst., in Bethune. Hall. Rev..T.
DeWitt Talmage preaced.l---The 'Rev. George D.
Matthews, of Stranraer, Scotland: has, accepted the
call of the Jane Street United Presbyterial" congre
gation of NeAt York City. , •• ./
Colt- ges.—Princeton Collegc.—ThePresbyterktn
what is to be the (Retire- of Princeton
College " says : We believe we only express "n feeling
common to all the friends of 'this noblatild'eollege,
in saying that a crisis has come when it mutt either' '
begin to sink into comparative obsourity-or:•start ,
forward on a new career of usefulness and fame'
It then recommends" that the standard , of.scholar-,,
'hip be raised, and the course of study enlarged so,
as to meet the growing demand for' a higher eclat
t iiic culture. and that It be made a great University
I . or the whole Presbyterian family,both New Sam'
and Old School and of everyother name " Erskine
(I.lle9e,Soutla'arolitue, is under the caret of the Asks
cis/ te Reformed Presbyterian Church in the:South, aod
b waled at Due West, S. C. Prof. Hood; the Treasurer
of the State of S. .Carolina, has resigned,thnt. office,.
and has accepted the Professorehip of History and
Belles Lettres in. Erskine . College; to erhieh lie
elected by that Synod. • • •
Presbytery - of BoitOn..-LTh s e Congregatithialist
says: Therware at present nine' churches ,in the.
Boston Preebytery,..including one about reorganizing :
at Lawrence, Massachusetts. There is one of these
in South Boston; (main the city proper,. Chicher,-,
ing'a Hall, one at Bennington Hall, East Posto n,
and one each:in Fall Ititier; Piovideoce,
yille, Hartford; • and' Thompeonville, Connecticut.'
There are two Old SchoOl Presbyterian churehea in;
Poston, one on Beach street, and onain East Boss- ,
ton, both of which belonged to- the, .Londonderry
Presbytery., The former is deatitum,of s ptor.
membership is about one litedred
The latter is much smaller the Rev Mr. De
pastor." " •
Preibyterittaisut in Australl'as.4he GetieftrAa:
venally or the Presbyterian 4.lhuibh 'in •:Victoriat
commenced its sessions Noveinberi2th..; The , En-,
glials.Presbyterian Hymn Book was .4)00, aa the
Church's manual of :. praise. ,411 obstaeleit . to an.
organic union with the Free All. ,
cod having 1:46 removed, tht utirciti oe•tkie
; roue Courts' was etinsumtnatect'the nieMbers of
tile Sy Witt helot ihtrodhced•and names 'added
to the Tolli; The .Theologioal Hall Fund was report
ed as, rai5ed4.0,411,300. •
The ClenetalesseJubly of New South lyttles'rpe!„
et Melbourne qv: 12, The main matter, of hnsi 7
nese was coimectAd, with e ff orta th 4 spin
;tun! *dt - the l colony, o where - is
great wunt-df EffOrts'are
rata bl i a' ciillightto institiition :id coca ectiofe
the. Sy clndy UdivandtAsnda6lo, ooo are to be raised
in three years Iffortiti4 An& ; • ,
.Progress of ge. wee vipurt. Ak i Free Churdla
Al manse h has u heen yuhipl 4 4,includi ng the
English Presbyterian. Church, sr,hich t held to be
"substantially one With it.
says the editorc'it started with dialiCY-56076bngiega
tions ; mid the 'Waite"' of ntinlsters *WI psitticipa
ted in the Bustentatiou Field A1241.344,', was J 583. win!
1867, it bad 832,00,greggitioWitWitk" 9 /Ir l i g,n i stAglti
receiving l from the 1N.043040R9And. „Thitt.great
fund itself hhs grown in a fiery. aiitablepanner,.
In 1844, the yearly incptde'was 'X68;794:; in 1807„
it was £121,726 ; and the 'Dividend had 'lo6fiaseil
from £lO5 n' the 'Ode yea r 1 .4144= hitthircithe.ri .
But the advance vault in the cortgrisgaticltdcontit - i
butions has been even still more iIIWICIA&W I A 10 4 41 ,
the ammint. , raised by chgrcitidlxOticqUe o olr4 4_4
seat-rents for congregational objects , was .01,6q0 ,
in 1867, it was £l22,2so—that is to say, it had Ad.
trebled." Besides this, it has manses and schools,
and Las built many churches and manses, instituted
colleges. and done a great work generally, of which
its adherents may well be proud.
Dr. Cooke's Successor. —The May-Street cong
gation, Belfaet, have. by a majority of 101 to 56,
resolved that the Rev. John S. Macintosh,_of Con
nor, should be appointed pastor of the congregation
as successor of the venerable Henry Cooke, D. D.,
who has resigned on account of the infirmities of
old age. The reverend gentleman chosen to this posi
tion of honor and respectability is a native of our
city, and was brought up in the Sabbath school of
Dr. Wylie's church (the. First Ref,.Pres.) with which
his parents were connected.
Congreptionalist.—Rev. Dr. Kirk, of - Boston,
is now delivering his course of 12 lectures on revi
vale, before the senior class at Andover.—A Conare
gational church of nine members was organized at.
Guilford, Loudon Co., Va., Jan. 28.—The Congrega•
tioual church io Central . City, Colorado, now four
years Old, became self supporting at the end of one
year, has built — and"Paid' - roi., a honst or worship
costing more 'this $ll.OOO, and now offers $2,500
annual salary.—BY the late. removal of the capital
of Nebraska from Omaha to Lincoln. City, Rev: E.
M.,Lewis, pastor of the Congregational church in
Wheatland, is the owner of 1:20 aerei of land worth,
about $20,000, ibr whiph he gave but $300.-- 7 The
First' Church in s Westfield, Miu3s., build a
parsonage the 'coming spiing, havinc , already se
cured subscriptions' to'lthe im'orint' a more than.
$6,00D, —Revivals. are reported; at South. Dedham,
Masa., with.thany conversion s, the first. • for .thirty-.
five, years ;, at Woodstock, Vt., wherei over forty'
have been hopefally converted; : at WeeterlYi
where the, Episcopal • ,P r ector, Rev. J. P., I:,ll i lltliiard,,
co-operates most cordially . : lie j eaYs - of inVi'tng:llr.
Potter to his pulpit, "My puipit;and my heart; and
my =ho'm ' e shall.ever he open to 'such dear and hon
ored Etervants•of.our Lord s Jeans Christ."—A-par
sonagehas.-recently been purchased by the Congre
tional sogiety . at West Charleston, Vt.—Mr. Hugh ,
Elder was ordained pastor of ,the Crombie Street
' Ohnrch, Saleni„on the 29th uilt.- 7 The I Christian
Convention at Franklin; 'Maser, was held in
Emmons' old church, and was attended
Of all the neighboring churches,'Severalz corning
from revival scenes, and this, together . with the deep
religious,awakening inFranklin, .ave the : meetings
deep and tender in.erest._ Not, l ess e than 600 were:
provided with dinner in the vestry:., Of a congrega
tion of tihout 400 present Sabbath evening more than
onelthird went into the - meeting Oringiury:--:-Rev.
Moines K. Be.echer, of Elmira, has• commenced
holding Sunday eveningtheetings'ir Opera he large Opera
House recently i
erected n 'that 'city. He itSaignalast
his•reason for so doing that a regular church 'edifice,'
with rented pews, is too,exclusive, and repels the
masses, instead ofattracting them; while under the
system adopted by may to hear the
Gospel preached,_"withont , money and withoat
price."—Re.r. Mr. McFarland, of t . the . Congrega
tional church, Brooklyn, has for some time had
trouble with his people. .Matters have culminated
in a series of charges against. him, and a council
has, been called to try,himt., council' embraces
churches of New Xork and vicinity, *pon, 4Tart
ford and ; New Elven. Editors of newspapers
and ' prominent
• Congregational ministers without a
charge have been invited. The trietwill create
Marked sensation, as both aides are determined to
sustain their ground. `!, '
' ,Episoopalitut.7--The Protestant" churchman;:. , of
January ,„I,6,,a(ter alluding to the. adjournment .of
thel i yng trial to February 10, adds: "Meanwhile
the evangelical interest in the Episcopal Church is
strengthening in its attitildetotiehing the great issue
of-Gospet-liberir. :It-is 'ltigh-time - tliat, — we - stioillii -
accept the expanding Mese Of tile' timeain which we
live, and give wings and not fetters to the glorious
Goilpel of Jesus. The Rev. Dr. Iltruh f lenberg presiCheci
on;Sunday night in Rev. Mr. Beecher's church: For
such an act,. they Rev..Dr..JohnB MN: tried by the
bishop of. Maryland. Is the - narrow Chnechrminshipi
that.,srraigna Rev..M.r. Tyngl,prepared to. preserve
its consistency B.nd proceed against Dr. lltuhlenberg .
also?"- 7 -By the' death of, Biehop,l4"oPkins, of Ver
mont, the Eight Reveeend Sniith, of lielitucky,
becomes the presiding bishop. Of-11'1 1 1:42otestant
Episcopal Board: ; ' '
falittr . €: tljt' ettiltitant.
-ler By accident, the concluding part of "M's"
article en Re-union, failed to 'get into thn ptin
tern' haeds in time for this week's issue. It will
apiaear,in,our. next
,WE have received - two copies of little
monthly issued by the Frankford U. P. Church
—the 'Vineyard. The' measures. being taken to
secure a new house of warship seem to have Cie'
cessitated some such mode_ of communication and
mutual encouragement Among-, the items. we
notice the folloWing, : " !
aew Elder.—Mr. am e formerly
an eldef in the Reformed Presbyterian'` Church'
- of Philadelphia, hairing been tinanimously,elect
ed to that office in our coriginafiOn; waa install
ed on Mini& irnaininV'
40,7 The nuwerQus t 1 e
Mulled rpeiety will ,he thoppy rlestrn.#tet they
will give a, rngsical soiree-in , aineicaliFtutcl ll
ow Tharsilay`. evening, March:;sth.- ~ ,T h*; who
ha'e attended' the fbriier 'society
' •(
need no perquws,ro,n, ,wttewd,the present one ;
( 5 9, Rents) marj,be ; obpeined fr,orw the
members •of the Society I . ,
)3,EIT. 4TOHN ,
By the-ibtlowing'exttact from;:thn; Coleraine
it will appear that arrangeMents are in
progress to obtain an assistant 'and successor to
that eminent divine, ReY., Dr. Cooke of the, May
-Btrcet _Presbyterian
,Ch.areb,.B qlfast. • , w' '„?
also. be:obiterved that-the Rev. John - 4.lelnto - .; or
CtiOnorilias bee'n' a proininent, eawlidit' 1 Mr.-
Mclntosh was r fdriner~y&inn ecte d - * with the- First
RgfPFnte p WC h c it y) .•- .
wkich r his widowed, mbthqr,,was.. many years
an` esteemed member, and in t).,e-,Sabbathlschool
of which was a pupil for any Years:
gratifyi4t4ftatthat l the Rrotniac. ,of. his early,
years ,has; not Imeu di orated; as he now stands,
among the most. ef the m i niEttpr s
Presbiterian i Church •
4 PhESnYTERIA.I4 Clitritort, BRG-•
FAST —At the conelusion of the service. *in this
Charch'ini` SuPdtkeveeing, the 'Members of tyd
congregationbits'etit'con§tituEed litemeelves'iMto
• ik for the` purptis4 of`eonsiclering
the qiiesiteti 4 o appointing an assistant and sue-
iegid iethi Rev: Dr. Cooke . -Rev. Dr. Porter
aticendalhe pulpit stairs, - and read a letter which
had been received from Rev. Mr. Pettigrew, to
whom the congregation had given a call. Mr.
Pettigrew thanked the congregation for the honor
they had conferred on him, and stated he had
ever entertained a high respect for both minister
and people, but he was also stronglyattached to
his own church in Faughanvale, and he believed
he had work to do there still, and so felt himself
bound to decline the call. He had settled the
Matter with his own conscience, and .he believed
be Wall justified in his conduct.. He hoped, how
ever, a succe§sor would be speedily appointed
Dr. Porter then announced that, in contiequence .
of this int;Mation, the meeting which had been
appointed to meet on Wednesday evening to mo-
derate the:call would not'be held. [lt Will be
recollected when the matter was before - the con
gregation in the first instance, that the Rev. Mr.
Mlntosh,‘ of eonnor, an equal number
with- the Rev. Mr. PettigreW, and that the selec
tion, of the latter was dee,ided' by a small minority
for third' minister, giving•their adhesion to Mr.
Pettigrew' for the'ake of unanimity
. .l
Tendon of Loanhead near met on
Tuesday, the24th ult„ and. after a sermon by the
Rev.' Robert Dunlop, Paisley,,ibundeik pn Mat
thew, ix., 37,. 38, proceeded to elsct,a,pastor as,
successor to the, late, R.Cv.,
The.choice ,the congregation felk'nuanirnonelY.
on r. John M‘Donald, A.M., - prettcher.ot the
GosPeL; Glasgow. • ' ..• f
:the '4th lout.. by Rik: Ge0".7. - W4siiiiell,
D.R, .14.r..11ortium r Vas, nary V. Ruoff, both of this
• WOOD,LHATLIIii.4ByUei • Rid nit Mt.
Wood, of Albauy,A, to MisidAtioule. Itartleyi of ibis city. .
MINGINS.L-I . 4:Neiv tiekliCiey, on( il l .ridity; February 7111. Stuart
Douglass, on of p.ey, Geo r .J.. sud MiEOll, G. , MiAgip 1, former ly .of
Philadclybkia, aged IWO inotiitia.',
. . ,
24,tUDAIN.4n New, Torii C*, ( iaiinaty, 18, fems dimittinp-
Peci. rim Douglas, aged 2S years, only, eon of the lamer Led, An
drew. Nandatu, St.Dylate of Wot yorms, hwmerly of Dela.
Thnelnevelhisztwoiorptan; slaters so soon heart . called agsOn to
weep over ao open grave: Yet they shookd morrow not as those
Who hale tio hope: ' He left iitileesWiliaturaiittelait hi had . Mien
his, heart to, Jesus and,her to„deport Ineyitn Chrlet
whlbli'wed far Vettr. ' ' . '
V- • - ‘• •
lal- City TiveZ' and'hiffi;
'lllOl3 Stcitity. °Mee 1834iCheatuthStreetr : , ,
The One Hundred and Niurty-fifth Union Meeting will be beld
at St. Andrew's Hplroopsl Church, Atli above Spruce, on SabliAth'
evening,ldtb, 7%, fileveial *ile.* be'madp: ; • ;
Tract Visitors' Monthly,OniC M at Heeting,for the Southern District
`will be held at All Sainte ' Church; TZth 'Fitzwater, oil
day "euillicol4t4 !nat,:14.7 ; +.• • Ji • •
11:38V.Pkr sonitatNEß,'
A Cough, A Cold; or:ASoke 'Throat
Recuires immediatuattentien and &unit be checked. If allovied
to continde, kioittatioss of tho all'ernioing t Thiaat
. 4 7 0 ' 6 . 84116 Pt# inrts'orteo iheu4';
Having a direct influence to the parts, give immediate relief. For
Bronchitis, AotliniTOCatirtrik, — Consnamptive and
Throat Ditleases, Tree are„ueed,with alwiqz good lumen.
--tdisgrwra lewd ificeielieriiipeutkeu4 nip , I clear. 441 d
Ctrengthen‘the Yoh*. •
OBTAIN only mßnowar's Snowden'. Titocwas,” and do not takeitny
of the WO*TfILL9B , pIITATIOXI , that May. bei' offered. Sold every 7
where. ' . • - ders.3m
What {s Tsrrat~di 46.;ai4user..ipWi;mi.4
Whit are RA offsets?' • Thes94re.epteetiona whlch the great 'Ainist.
can public has a right to ask and it has also a right to expect,
did and satisfactory reply . The preparatldn - l e a mild a/ed . /Writhe
saline 'cathirtic, alterative and tonic and is Most carefully preprkted!
in the form of a snow white powder, containing all the woodertul
medical properties of the - fir famed Reltzef Spring,' of Germany.
Of its effects we ; would say. that Ilmsewbo have tested- the pre ;
paration ere the bestjeldgee and theY declare over ,their own signet.
turet; that the preparation 'will promptly relieve ,
gnlate the flow of th bile. Cure eymyspere4s of: headache. Ttnn
euilize ' the nervous ''isteri. Refresh and in - Vibrate' the weak.:
Mitigatmthe pangs Ofithentnatiom. Neutralize =ld in the Stout-,
ach. Cleanse and. tope the bowels.' Aseist the-failing appetite.
If ypu area sufferer give the Remedy, one trial, and it will eon-'
since yen of the Shove facts. • '
• TAItRANT & CO, Sole Ilintieletore, New York' •• - • ,
Sold by all Druggists. sopl2-lyt
This spleoddd NAM JP' B is the; best in OM , world;;;TLe •oalyi
true sad perfeSt Rite-lityftniteps, iteltable,: lon toil tau nous. ,
appointment. No ridiculous tints::, NOttisai Black oolsoYs!N, • -/
niedlosrthe offsets , of 800 byss ; " tha t hots, lea~ing it
soft and bittitittli. The getilifner Is fifplisa WILIAM s A. BAlcuaiati i
Ailrothiini are niere ithitatiMin infisoffoiffebeilivoidd.
NraggiSts and rierfunters: :Fostarr, 81 Barclay .streeti•Nowfleork:;
E*Rp)Spilty_l,!it.ezionog,„ a l siftutpni as,teacheri ip fitnit.l3r.qrart.,
vat! rpoel. by gradateof'Prificebip.SckleTi.ll..cjitqffie
sici; 'or Mathematics , Nat uN l i. BcienCes, , 1
;•'--• - ' ' ' /
Referetioa—Oolleie Fabilltyould key.:
feb1341% I Addrpa. t), P. 0. Princetoi, J. . :
gpttiai 4atizso.
HAlrcutLows 'HAIR DYE:
Beivaie oY se:Coiaterireiti.
.- - A lreinazietteln
~ ..,..,.
Eyery•onis at . times .feels tho;nisoysisktypt llolnefilii g. to itOpti up
the, system deprsiwasS binsehtal, or bodily exhaustion. ;; Al! awl
tines let every one, instead ofibtkitig alcoholic or Medicinal,
. .
Istritscreinvigoratelds debilibited,sYstelp by.'• the' Ina , „ Ai.
mente of the .'," •',;• . . • , , : .!1 , ~ ''.. i ' ''',
. ^ . P!pliVVrAlir 111 to:
or Protee . ted &dation of the Protoxi o n, which vitalises and
1 i ,': - ' : " '•:', ?iffy.- I_,l , . f , .' :b.::.; ' ..:
enrishes.tim b 1044 by eupplyin . th its Life .IPlesient, 1110*.
ore tillrt,„
li.ell free fr...1.,1r* 4,l4cFpi t itf, euerisi r sigsg elfee.s are
not folloWed by'corripouding reaction, but are permanent, intuit
ing exteinftsil. w r" _ lt goLdßalf, Lisa into all ; parts . of the systems, and
W11i... 7 e: SITERVING; Mssegt;', of•Psitghkeepsits, If: Y:,• says :
" itisuse.takinillcit•Peruvialt - Syrup I feel bettor , • my strength is
Approved, my, bowels aF!!, ryS3ll,l-009?.PPetit first ralt X:: '1 4,
ri" m
There is an old Physian in this ear, (ol d er than am,) who ,
bathes - a in Vie mug bsigliusiikilfor:4%youri,:wlio has Ms ' ,the Syrup
for three months, and gives it at hie decided; Irbil:on, that it is the .
beat A Iterativri Tonle 'Medicine' lie ever kn'ew. ' - L. • •
Poi DYBPlikili, issettivi, suidirsaisxii Wissurstises, , ,the'Peruviaz
Syrup: is a speclic....A 32.pags pamphlet .sent, fray., The
hai " "Pminvisa Sieve bloWn in tile glees. - . -
-t •' , • ' . : ' .
. i ' '"
' 1 : '' ''
' : 11 'J. P .
DINSMORE, i'toprit6r,'. .
N0..i6 ;Ni-Ig.ti4A-Newiloilc.l,
' ,ji •
. . .
• .
, L
We a re constantly heichr. fitvors'iderepOtes from tnoin•wholiare.
tried-this retessOr .6soY. Anthony, nii.:e of, Mark ,iiiitliony, r of., this
city, and Ihring'at No. 6 LOC nittlitreet, aillieredi With , a , felon iiii , '
the thaes,rFasteeently.ilithlsod: to Vliiko*.P'4 B ll 9 l khe':"lve- Al
most instantly, she experienced relief tioni the piiii), A s ia hid
been 'minis: "siniiidwhilife. ; E4iy• okiaii remedy' tit: this proved
unes,alling., Tticse,who hasp tried itqace arg gatislied or its knee
its, and nothing will induce them to be withdut A guilipii—iFall
Rivet Newe.A ; r .1. ._ . :11— .....,1 . •.1 .! ...ix •.) ;
A taiga, life 8 - Page monthly . religions and faintly. paper; Coal ,
taioing:facti;,ineident% talisoiketajins,[iquair, pietsy,:true: stories'
pictures,.. reading for YOung, otd, saints, siniiers, one anti ;Pio
sectarian, controversy,-polities, putts, pllla or t. medicines.
60 'cis- a Jens; 40 copieajss. For Stinlin,Sch'Oon;lo,copin
,Snid'llnceate for sPecitiiina Mare yoti foriet" it: `"V-61:
begin Jan '88: :4000' Psgea •new;livei tinni• for el: Addren,,
11, L. St.; Bon ,
ton, Ain; - • • Ja.n2B4t
Price Advanced-Par and Interest.
le being rapidly carried pruner.' by as unprecedented. working
force; and it is rensonahly taartaitt that the CoNTINOOI33 01 , 6RL1.ND
MAIM! iN 1570. '
The United Statce aovirhmeit furnishes upon a anbordinatehnd
contingent lien. half the nicenvfer construct ng the Main Stem
Line; and besides ail sdfseinte grant of 14.800 acres of valuable pub
lands per mile,,the Ccritrai Pacific Railroad Company have re
ceived from California aonrces, donations and co cessions worth
more than $3,500,019. The y 41106 resources of this Company
and therefore abunditit fOr ihe purpose; amounting to $77,000,000
ou the Bret 736'11111es unties Line. including Loans secured by a
First Mortgage, the wholeyroperty, to the samemoonnt only
as the If: S. Subsidy Bonds .
The results alr:sady attained , although under comparatively un
Ikvorahle circumstances ; Afford subehmtial ground for 'believing the
mpsp Tainted i lirodiictive and Valnable
Entetprise in the 'Col:bitty.
In coonswiewee of the taiga and rapidly increasing detnank the
rice 'of these:Bowte hes ieen 'adveneed,ntol the ` Company are - now
offering thinttle;iiiitotted it/fount of their' '
'That ortgage Mx Oeiit: Bondi;
Prtnetpa2'and Into 'est payable in (1014 Coin,
in . :Mnea Et,ooo each at par and accrued interest froitiJ •
Ist, hi.eurrency.
These it le believed; thianteinifie elenienhf of
LIABILIVA , AND morn, in* enter degretf,:thau any other 'clam. of
Clorpeinte•§pcurittee rid!, offered, and iire, therefore very desirable
for steady inventinente of surploseadthil.
Inveotere will bear, iniitt..;d the following advantages':
L Tinftitie mdrtg r age oh one of the most reliable and
produodve lined bf.ailratd inthii
IL The actual earnings from let al ,bniinesis In 18IT were: more
thio, lour ppm the annual interest eigigruents. .
TIT, The hipArct ot!the vrpritis done, and the prospects
of rapid co mpletion a re revertible.
IV. Company have iiheiref enl,sidles, Which enable' them to
prosectite thi vilth great vigor.
Y.; The nanagehxept hes been exceedliterlesident and . frugel.
V.l. : There is .aireed,y a Mtge and growing mettlemtint oei the
the complete d and, graded line .
Vll.'The fieele. promise to be` of immense value, 37,038 acres
hatibibie iiitb4eniy ; ;
VIII. Both principal 'and fittwest are etipllcitlyMade payable in.
gold i " • t . • • •
Both the aggregateinnount of isene and their s !standing in
Europe will itieurejor them continued activity and a high rank
I 'enning i standard Becurlifri:
At this tine theYilelenearlt • '
Nine pelt- 'Cent :linen the Investment
Iliadere of Goiernment Eiecuritier have an opportunity of ex
•`J'. • •
changing them for Central Pacilld Sonde, bearing an equal rate of
intirentlwitia.theVrindimPalinnilantly seemed, "and of realiiing
' profit of ten to . tifteen:per cent. in addition. i• .
Orders sent with like fink4s through renboniible Banks or Ex-.
preaaCo . mparkine receive prompt attention. Eonde dent byirki. :
turn Expreni,.to any address the Cnited States, at our cost. In
formation, DernAbtivill'allipbieta; Maps, ftei.;futlliehed on applica
tion at the office of the Railroad Company
s Jr. A' TC . ,
Bankers andaesiers in Government Securities,
Financial AOliti:Pf the. C. P. R. R: Co.,
No Nessav:Stgeet, ' York.
BOWEN . C,TOX., Special Agentsip Merchants' Enduing's.
Thos. co.;
lc. 1., YEJ(KES COO., , . , .
iza4m A
/iiiiiks*..miwakta a co.
18'681' 186 8.
, • .•
•L A
. .
Fourth...and Arch, -.
,QOO.,MLIPtLINS .11Y• TWE.(1..8011.
AeIjrI9O,OL.SI,4NNE.I.S. r . •
.1 , •Pi ROE 4/4,bilfitTB 4ND
•. • IiIi.fACHA A rip w0pt,.?..14 BHA yi - LB, CLOSING LOW.
Iksi L, keepierriy the het (loves; 'Lod import them for their pt
an qui(a, ,
, t-,
It is lassitsly
In ;all , owls et Nenralght. often effecting a perfect, care in
late igen' tweet:Ohne hone; trent the nee the no more than TWO or
- •
NA`other form of Nentafgia orlteivV:Ma bletiage her failedto yield
to .this,
Itren in the severest envie of Chronic Neuralgia and - general ner-
Tone derangements,--pf many years staysling,t--affect•ng the entire
systein„in ite use for a ri* days, or a few weeks at the utmost. al
ways' affords Molt Astonishing - relief; and very leanly faili to
produces complete and, permanent cure. • •
It contains noldruge or other the slightest degree
jurioue, even - to" the moire didicitr atitem; and can always be Used'
with PerAVtlitifSt3i. -- i . •
It-haelong beeFqn ooßstant usa,loy many of our most eminent
phYtilditins, Who give it ;Ainr'imaniinous and WorpuiliSed approval:
Bent mail - ou'reecip i t of pike kini . postage. •
One l'aCkage; $1:00 - Pcistage 6 cents.
aix!Pabklagekt, ,,l '' 61:0 -• • " "
Twelve Packages, :9-0(1: . 48' ! .f. 4
;, it is sold by iliwkoleeale'and.recair deidlire in drugs and Meal
ohm thro ugbomt the } United Sat p,Ffli by
.2 1 ' EA 11 7 E C 0 r
Sole, PgcyTietors.
• i` Tremont street, • Boston, Mans: .
• .ru4NE.Ndy wz:V7tA_LGIA PILLS,
S'Ordin'iiiiiitiitiCei,FOLllEß'S Drill. Store. . st
• • •
JOHNIBIA,II.OLWit&Y & COWDIN Agents, Philadelphia.
111:Glira r Y . k .- -CO. , A , llluistrateil Guide to the FloWer. and Vegetable'
ibrateP, is-now;keetiy..l,Cquturiuing . l ,e9 pu4em of entail
type.; iilustratid with 80 new and healthful engravings of the niait,
nuptial' sitdfithosillfo'wetsiand noielties, , with- fun 'descriptions 'Pr
nearly 2500 Varieties of .Flowers and l egettible Seed, ac ompattiel
With. comenlete.practiCed'dfrettiokisfortheir enitisation'el3d • treat
melati'ana-sTO.ktred. 0 1 044 . ..,' 141:eiTtie4t4te on the rb
,eeipt Of 25 .cts. Address,
110VBY It CO. •
jan 3 3 : 45 ° .1 1 !: ‘. l ;• "63 North FirketLEb eet.,
, .
Gi ORDEN.MILL SEMINARY for Yorilig:l 4 o4Rril, ritidgepott, Genii
Address,Mus Eaui.lN*Aoze. Jan. E.1.4t.
Also Manufacturers of SUPERIOR PIATOP, and Publishers of SUNDAY
gam'. 'Mum. jan3o-it
A weekly paper,
the only political journal in the country de
manding the right
of Suffrage for Women in the Re
Trtuts.—S2 per annum in advance Ten names and $2O ent'tle
the sender to one copy free. SUSAN B. ANTIIONY, Publisher, 37
Park Row, Roam 17, New York. jan3o-1t
$2OO PER MONTH SURE, and no money required in ad
vance. Agents wanted everywhere to sell our PA
Address The Amrrican Wire Co, 162 Broadway, N. Y, or 16 Dear
born et, Chicago, 111. jan30.41
This splendid Hair Dye is the butt in the world; the only true
and perfect Dye; harmless, reliable , instantaneous; no disapoint
nient; no ridiculous tints; remedies the ill effects of bad dyes
invigorates and leaves the Rair soft end beautiful black or brown.
Sold by all Druggists and P.rfrimArs; and properly applied at
Batchelor's Wig-rectory, No. 16 Bond-street; New York.
Picture business. Very Profitable. No risk. Seventeen eye
ci men Pictures and Catalogues :cut for 15 cents; twice as iu.ny o
jan3o-4t . St Columbia et., New York city.
The addirMs 'of one or two persons of either sex in every town end
Tillage, who desire a geod cud profitable employment. Address
' • S. C. TOOK PBON & CO.,
30 Hanover St, Boston, Maas.
"3fsssas. REED, OUTLEEk Co, Bostan'—Gesitlenen: We, the -
undersigned, Wholesale Druggists, having for many years sold
your Vegetable Pulmonary /Balsam, are happy to bear
testimony to its great efficacy in all Pulmonary Complaints. We
know of no medicine which has deservedly Sustained so high a re
pot..tion'forao lung a tarot of years." LSigned by the oldest and
largest houses in the country.] Get the gennlne. jan3l.l4t
VORTIETK .T.1110n16.4111D.
X THE TEMPLE OMOIR, a new collection o f sacred!and secular
music for choirs and singing-schools, by TUEODORS F. SEWARD,
LOWELL MASONdind BRADIMIRY, which was first
published in September Mat, has already
Better evidence'of its acceptability to the public—that it pleases
those who exrdnine it—could not be afforded. It. is amines
tionablythe most Popular Waste Book publish
ed, in this eetantry for many years.
It contains Mach new by its authors, as well as many
other of the most popular composers Rarely has such variety
beeh include:lin one volume. Its Singing.; chool Departnieut is
very full and complete, a dit contains a 'good number of new
glees, for choir practice, dm. It is very, attractive in its Anthem
We have never published a book which seemed to give more uni
versal satisfaction. PMeesl. W. Seat by mail. •
MASON BROTIIiRS; 596 Broad Way, New York.
'ltaisow & HAMLIN, 154 Trammt St., Bostm
or caustic burning. Circulars sent free of charge.
Addrwo lire. BABCOCK & SON,
Janl6-2m _ 100 Eroadway, New York.
CHILDREN.--All parents shotiid understand that children's
shoes, with metal tips, y will wear at least three times a. lOng as
'thole without. The new Silver Tip is decidedly ornamental, and
is being extensively used on children's-.first class shoes. Sold
everywhere. . jati3o4t
. . .
to sell our new and splendid. Engrevin g entitled",FßOM SllOll4l TO
Soon," snggestive Of Lfe's Joufnettrom Chndlieed to Old Age.
A forfect gem.. 'Address B. 8...13.11,5ELL &Cu.; Boston Maas.
A'DICSORIPTIVE WORK of 140 pages, folly illustrated with a
beautiful colored nlate and 100 engravings, containing, a list
of over 2,590 varieties of Flower and Vegetable Seeds; also. 150
varieties of the chalceit French Hybrid Gladiola& All the Novel
ties', both of the Flower and Vegetable, for 1866, will be found de
scribediti thembeve work. . •
The 'following testimonials 'are unsolicited by ns, and can be
multiplied by hundred,:
. From .Mr. John Minters, fraakeegattaß.
"Your Gums came safe, and pleases me much; it is the beet I
ever saw."
svrom Jrri. B. Fitzgerald, East amborretoss, Belknap Css., N
. -
"It is with great' satisfaction and filesatire I 'hwie Studied yr nr
Avant:ee Gum. I have esteemed it highly. Its pages are full ut
valuable information, rel able, plain and practicable, and attrac
tively conveyed;-;-jast *hat every newbeginner wants."
From T. ThU, Oakland eiletage,'Yoakers; N. Y., March 2, 1887.
" ICis without exception the best arranged, useful .and instruc ,
tire work I hart seen, for atuateure especially.'!
Prone Miss D. W. Miller, Winchdter, Randolph .6b., Ind.
have received your Gums for the Kitchen andllOwer Garden,
for which you have my sincere thanks. It is very valuable tbr an
who wishto cultivate flowers and vegetables. But praise front'ine
is needless; it must reCommeio Itself to any one."
"Thanks for your Aitarena r :ouzius. It is indeed p'ei'tannt,. useful
and instructive." " , .
liistefull.Y beutui in c , loth t Bcolured plates, price poit-paid 50 cts.,
in paper corers, post-paid; 25 cts. Addiess, WABIIBUHN & CO.;
Horticultural Hell, Roston, Blass. . . , Jan 20—lt,
A 33 page Journal of Public Speaking, Puia , Liderature and Practi
cal Religion.
Containing sotne'of the best things said WY the Clergy and public
men the world over. By our plan it will be '
• Sent,One Year .tor Nothing.
Send 10 cents 'waif yofir addreha to
"Tile PULPIT CC.,•
37 Park Row, New York
may Cure
Female Viran.tect
To. take charge of a small .nrivate school in a Presbytiirian fa
mily in . the - interior of PennsylVania. Must he thorMighly com
petent to each the English branches, the elements of Latin, and
vocal and instrumental music.; :
The sehool is not in session more than ten months in the year.
Pnpild are from six to sixteen yeard or lige: - Salary aecoiding to
qualifications-from $3OO to $4OO per, year, with board, washing,
&c.: in the family of the subseriber: None need apply who have
not the above qualifications.
Add Fess,
Effects ani
Magtois4 -
Dictionary of the Bible.
•. • • ...
It contai ns over ONE THOUSAND closely printed, double column,
octavo pages, from new:electrotype plates, on good paper, and is
appropriately illustrated with overTWO. HUNDRED engraqings
on STEEL AND WOOD, and a series of line authentic maps.
Itis highly commended by all learned and eminent Men, and by
the press generally throughout the country. ..
It is a necessary help to 'very Bible !teader, indispensable to
every clergyman and SUndapechool leacher, and .ought to be in
every family, and is the best '
book of its.' kind In the English lan
guage. '
Owing to the unprecedented PopnlaritY of this work, a Mall
English abridgment adapted to Tavenile readers, in *eloodecilno
form, of about 600 p 'gee, has - been reprinted by another ' firm iu
larger type, and -spread over 800 octavo pages, 'evidently,—by
,zuldring die book larger than its original,—to give the. Dupre:ail .n
that it is our
Send (or circulars airing full particulars. •
• ..
feber4t 122 I3ANSOAI STREET, Philadelphia.
• utroArs lit.Esrr "MATTI:MR, fOr'CONS4PIIOI , Titni BROW
e/1"/., "MBellaNS.. le PrY'eceibed and In:commended by -Phy
sicians all over the country, and is. percurming `more,cures than all
other A trial will chorines the most skeptical.
$1 a bottle.; S for $5.. Sent by express. Circulars free. Sold by S.
Cr UP)] AM, 25 South EIGHTH Street, Philadelphia„ and all Drug
gists. 3 mos.
Resehed its Fortieth ,Thousand.
Prom Mr. B. F. 'S'Ectnley, Orel:mate, March 17,1867
, - B. F. BELL,