antitirait grolOttiatt. THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1868 r Our Travelling Correspondent gives a deeply interesting description of the Watch Fac tory at Elgin, Ill.; A. C. S., writes on America and Home Missions; these, with Editor's Table on second page. Religious Intelligence, Presby terian, Episcopal, Congregational, Lutheran, Methodist, Unitarian and Afissionary;third page • Letter to Little Christians, from Mr. Hammond, Sketch of Alexander Whilldin and other miscel lany for the Family, sixth page; Scientific and Rural Economy, seventh page. - AcKNowLaniumlint.- 7 -Erow ‘ tlie,Eemale So . cietyfor the Education a Reathen '?outh, for Mrs. Wilder's Girls School in Kolapoor, by Miss Wetherill, $125,00. ser- Wanted. geveral Copies of the AMERICAN PRESBYTERIAN of. the 17th of last October, ,for which ten - cents each will be paid. Skir We are again surprised with an unusual amount of advertising. Should the pressure con tinue—as it generally does not—we shall be com pelled te enhirgi3;