344 440 xif fig gitth. EXECUTIVE. Judioial.—Judge Bryan, of the U. S.. Court in Charleston, S. C., decided, Oct. 16th, that the Re construction laws of eongrestk conferring suffrage on the negro, were valid ; that the Preside& is in competent to restore the Southern States to the Union ; and that there is no legal State government or constitution in South-Carolina.—ln the U. S. Circuit Court, at Baltimore, Oct. 16th Chief Jus tice --k Chase directed the release 'of - a' Colored woman held under the apprentice laws of Maryland in op position to the Civil Rights act. The Chief Justice decided the Civil Rights act to be constitutional, being made in pursuance of the amendment abolish ing slavery. - - • • Diplomatic.—Mr. Raester, the new Harien Charge d'Affairs ' presented his credentials 'to the State Depfirtment„, Oct 1701.—Gec. flussein„, Pacha of Tullis, waslii•eeerited to the President - by Blacque Bey, the Turkish .Ministe'es..o.4ol6th. Treasury.—During the six years, ending June 30th, 1867, the -expendituree , for the army of-the United States amounted to $1,135,617.865. The regulars cost $50,933,916, and the volunteers, 084,683,949.—The interest on the Five-twenty bonds, payable on thAlst Of ,N °Mabel ainounts t 01 2 ,1- 009;000.-;-One: Of tlie couhierfeieere. of the sie,ven thirty bonds, named Cooper, bas been arrested. toiiave been, the headquarters for printing the cottuterfeiti.—Last week's internal revenue receiPts an - tanked to sl,6BB,ooo:—The cus toms receipts at Boston; New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, included in the report; are . 52;938,015. Registration.— the ex-rebel Gen. Imboden has appealed to Geri. Schofield from the decision of the Registry Board , rejecting hie vote; but the decision is sustained by Gen. Schofield. The case will now go to the 'courts. • - • Reconstruction.—sl,373.ooo' ilea been paid out for reconstruction expenses, leaving ty, deficiency, , War Dzpartment.—Two companies of artillery at Fort Whipple, Va., have •beew 'ordered to Fort McHenry, at Baltimore,. Patent Office.-Liwo hundred and, thirteen pa tents were issued for the week` ending on' Tuesday, Oct. 22d. wrAirm TERRITORIES: ]Maine.-The, State Constable reports that only $200;000 worth of liikuors beee - I)ought by the State the past year, in place of the $1,500,000 worth neually. pureliased. ,No •tiquor.-at all-has been sold by the - State agents-in Belfadt .. forsiir months. New rwapshirp.—,The public lands, comprising WHO ledh; by the State for $25,000. Venzto44.-44.0 funded debt amounts to $1,375,- pa). has been reduced $275,000 the past two years.- The: liahilitiee :for the current year are es time ted•at :$510,000.: • ,' Massachusetts.—Postmaster Randall has arrang ed for a site for the new poet-office inßoston.—The number of persons who-visited the Roston online baths during September, exceeded the number who patiOniaedlll6m in"SePteniber,lB66, by 24,963. Last seasoti-the total number of bathers was 433,890, and this seaeon.,.they.have b.een-806,230, The• cost-this year willt4abont $25,000 'or three cents-per.bath-; last year $17,404,05, or four cents and a fraction per bath. • New YOrk.—'A deficit of 'P0,694 has been dis covered in the accounts of City Chamberlain Brew er, Troy, N. Y. Brewer has been deposed by the Council in consequence, and Derrick Lane elected his successor.—H ort: Cal vin T. Elul burd has declined the Republican nomination for State Controller. Penlasylvania . .—Judge Sharswood has 022 ma 'orit fOr Su creme Jud e. a . Governor by about 3,006 majority. The Legisla ture is Demockatic by a small majority. The Gov ernor doen; not havn the . veto power. Maryland.—T4t First division of the State mili tia (over 5000 Men) was reviewed in Baltimore, Oct. 15th, by Gov. ,Swann. Louisiana.--The sheriff and clerk of the Fourth JudiCial District have been removed " for being ob stacles to reconstruction." The Council of Jeffer son! has also been deposed.—A grand jury for the parish of New Orleans was chosen, Oct. 14th, half of the jurors being colored.—The yellow fever is abating in New Orleans. 32. deaths from the fever were reported Oct. 13th ; 33, Oct. 14th ; 39 Oct. 15th; 28, Oct. Ilith ; and 31, Oct. 17th ; Oct. 20, 35. Tercas.—Galveston has recently been visited by the most destructive storm and overflow that have occurred on that island since 1837 i The damage to goods and property is estimated at half a . million dollars.—ln the interior towns the mortality from yellow fever!has:beeti. frightful. Not more than five per cent. of those attacked have recovered. California.—The Judicial election in California was held,Oct. 16th. The Democrats.have.looo,,ma •jority in San Francisco.—The San Fianciseo'Cliam ber of Commerce has appointed a committee to in. quire about.opening steam communication with the head of navigation on the Colorado river. AblitikaThe most westerly inhabited point in the territory of= the United States is, the Island of Attoa (one of the newly acquired Russian group), lbrigitUdc 174° 10' east. This is nearly 62 de grees beyond. the western cape of Washington Ter ritory, and from our eastern limit on the New-Bruns wick border is nearly. 120 degrees, or one-third of the circumference.p(the globe. from Superinteadent Mur phy, dated the 12th„ near Fort Larned, says that, after being 'twelve days among the Indians, he finds theta all anxious forpeace.—There has been a bat tle bet Ween the CanitiAlte and-Navajoe Indians, in New Mexico. The Carnanches attacked the Nava joes as trespassers on their groundS.—The Indian business progresses finely. The prospects are that a satisfactory treaty will be made and lasting peace established. From seven to ten thousand Indians will bepresent at the corning council. City.—The elections of Gen: Leech as Register of Wills, Gen. Balker as City Commissioner, and Mr. Megary as Clerk of the Orphans' Court, are to be expatiated by the Republican candidates for those po sitions.—City Councils met, Ctot. 17th. In ;Select Council, an ontinanee appropriating $26,000"f6r al terations into stores of two houses of the Girard Es tate, was-agreed to. in Common, Council, the or dinance providing that,4o-per cent.. shall be added to the - assessed value of real estate offered as securi ty, wastrepealed. , An ordinance was agreed to, fix ing the wharf line on the Delaware, from Dickerson street to the Ptiint House wharf. -An ordinance ap-: propriating $21,500 to the 'City Controller was agreed,-to, FOUEIGIN. Mexico.—The trial of Santa Anna is concluded, and he has been Sentenced - to eight 34 - are exile from Mexico. • . _ . . Great Britairt;—The total revenues of Great Bri tain from all sources during the year snding Sep tember 30th, 1867, were $31,35'2,355,. as compared with 5342,300,710 during the previous;year. This shows an increase of over five millions of dollars.— The. English cattle plague bas dwindled to nothing. Thus far 278,927 cattle have been attacked by the phigite, and 5(011 healthy cattle have been slaugh tered. Tunis is troubled with an insurrection. Some mountain tribes, headed by a brother of the reign ing'Bey, have risen in insurrection. BY ATLANTIC CABLE, October I . 4.—London.—The condition of affairs in Italy causes much financial uneasiness:and deprea• urthis city and in Paris, THE AMERICAN PRESBYTERIAN THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1867. October 15.—Florence.—Th c revolutionary hands in the Papal States have concentrated in Fresinone, under Menotti Garibaldi. A battle has been fought near Noela, in that province. A strong detatch ment of Papal Zouaies was rent from Rome during the latter part of last week, to prevent the junction of the . insurgent bands in Frosinone with the party under, Menotti, who was reported to be in . that. Kt* vince. They were unsuccessful in this object, and el:net:the, united forces of the insurgents, under couk .mand of Gen. Menotti Garibaldi:ln person. .A deer perate fight took place near the town. of Verona. T-ha-Papal -Zouaves werehadlv-betea-vi ly m killed and wounded. The Garibaldians lost five killed and fifteen wounded. Garibaldi earnestly calls upon the Italian nation to arm. Mazzini ex horts the Italian patriots in Rome to rise and pro claim a republic.—The whole press of Italy urge the immediate seizure of Rome. The Geri baldians are hourly-strcui,.. inil.tbege are reports of l &alits near Yorensiand. gef A Ifine. 4,4 g r o . ,Pe, h *gal .'cOriventlon 'the Oitranalkto, consider the situation. October 16:=-Landon.—ln consequence: of-the re port, that the Fenian-1)1am is; te , seize the Queett.at Balmoral; the>guartirthereshas-been-doubled.-L-Even. ing.—Th•e government-is sending artnevto the'weet • coast' f •Irelan&-- 2 NarVeen IlfeWenish .Mihistee, has "offered kid to Islapeidon in . sit'stainifig - the feint. poral power of - tlit Pope: •* ' . '' ' _' " .a October IT .-London; - h 8 ainoilliV i tlf specie in, the Bank of England hal t decreasecfo47,' : tip(s since,October iptli 77 :l'he nies :aays Raiii Zzi _mast order the national troops to; R:inii - e,,luld i'iTifgei ; pate the arrival there of both, the voluntoeisi of Garibaldi and, the regUlar troop,a'otlrance,ahl,de - - clares,the boldest policy is thehest for It aly, and advises her , to seize:Rome and treat with France.— -- ,Illidnigh4.kim peror Alexander, of Rumia, f aticlAing William, of ,Prussia - , have tserit - ft..icti.4 , .note I : th e Sultan,. asking, him to; ,cede the. Island :of; Caudle to Greece,—Paris, A.,ll:—.4,Council of Atinisteni - was held - yeaterday at St. Cloud, the Emperor. presiding. The result of its deliberatiOnsT "NtgiifiP 'that. France Should immediately intervene,' for the- settlement of the„Rothan question-, hut. without acting any longer in corijuhelibn . with the Italian Goiernment: -.The IlioniMur reproaches the Italians , for Violating:the laws cif:nations, and diaregardini'theAligationa of "solemn'treaties, aridloptering a dangerous spirit of republicaniem, and asitert that the inhabitants 'of Rome and the Papal ,provinces are loyal to the Ptipe and only need aasistance 'to drive,the Italian inva ders from their ,soil.L-F/orence. 7 -The Garibalclians have taken possession of the town.of Nerola, in the Pa pal Stet es, wh ere they have i ntren oiled themselves, and await, the arrival of other bands to. increase their numbers sufficiently to enable them to make a further advance. Signor l Acerbiz, one of the depu ties to , =the- Italian , Parliainent; is Cdminander-in- Chief of:the insuroents in that quarter.— Vienna:— The Emperor of Austria has referred to the of Ministers an address from the bishops of the'Auti trian Empire, protesting Agatha.- a new concordat. The Emperor reproves the. Art ..an bishops for /4,6, adopting a paper so liable to cre 1 .puble_excite ment, when tranquility is indispfsahle fertheires toratioa of the country, and reminds _them that) the Emperor of Austria is a Constitntional - Prince, as well as a true son of the Church:—.Eziening.-LThe Reichsrath to-day passed an orgenic law niakin legal many new reforms intrOdubedln the govern ment. The announcementor - are reply made by the Emperor to the address of the bishops in regard to the concordat was received with prolonged cneer ing in the Reichsrath.--11fadrid.—General Lersundi has declined the Vice Royalty of Cuba, and the ap pointment has been offered to San . Roman. Des ,patches.from the Spanish Expedition to the Pacific, state that Chili has manifested a disposition to en ter into negotiations for pea Ce. Oetolaer__Lg—_l.ftadna_._.—_ziyen_kt„Zsn,_ ebester iast evening to the mini s borer staniey declared that the controversy between . Lis govern ment and the United Statesin regard , to claims for indemnity arising out of the late war, still remained open, but England had all along, dealt with Ameri ca in a friendly temper in this'discussion,• and time was already soothing the irritation which night have arisen on either side of the Atlantic.—Park— Afidnight.—Napoleon has made an imperative de mand upon the Italian Government for the strict observance on the part of Italy of the Convention of September.—The expedition fit TOulon is . equipped l i and ready to sail to the relief of Rome, and only waits for the reply of Italy, which is hourly expect,- ed.—There are reports in circulation of a revolution having, taken place in Rome last night, and that, ,greatexcitement iirevairs t 'in Florence.--norence.— Rein foscement&for the volunteers recruited in France 'and Spa' have, arrived in Rome.--Menotti Geri bal "di, with a considerable force, has succeeded in reach li Ing the Vicinity 'Or Rome; and is still advancing.— It is reported that Garibaldi has again escaped from Capiera, and that he left the island on a Ainerican ship.—The' Garibaldians have appeared in the Western districts, between Rome and the sea, and have taken possession of the railway running from Rome to Gee,: and - have torn up the rails, prevent ipg commu nication. with Florence.--It ,is believed 'that the governments of Italy and France have a perfect understanding with each other, and are act ing really together on the Roman question. October 19.—London.—An Australian arrival beings £500,000 in gold.—lt is reported that the Femans tried, vainly, to fire the police Station at Chester.--The tolls on cable despatches will be re duced cm the . 15th of November. 7 -aret. Times says Ratazzi is pledged to enter Rome when the French fleet sails frorn Toulon, October 20.-L-London, evening.--Offickal despatches received from Rome, report that two battles have taken place between the insurgents and the Pontifi cal troops, in :which the '-latter ..were victorious. The town of Nerolit and Otte, which had been previously occupied by the insurgents, were assault ed by the Papal forces and carried by storm. It was reported at Rome that the Italian Prime Minister, Ratazzi, the,official jouri lials of Saturday concurin declaring that within twenty-four hours. Italy must announce her deter mination to support the revolutionary movement on Rome or to faithfully execute the provisions of the, September Convention, and France must decide for peace or war, accordingly.--Evening.—The Frenchl Cabinet has addressed .a circular note to its repre-, sentatives at foreign courts solemnly pledging France to enforce the stipulations of the treaty of Septem ber. The excitement and anxiety created by the ru mors which ' are continually arising , here are very ; groat, and Rentes are fluctuating.H.yarseilles.—Ac counts from Candle report the arrival there of the Commission sent out by the Sultan._ . The 'Grand Vizier had meta deputation of Cretan. insurgents at Canea, in the presence of all the Consuls of the for eign powers. The deputation insts(ed . - upori the union of the Island to Greece.—Flor'ence---A: depu tation headed by the Senator of Rome cAmpos T ed .of the members of the Roman MuniciPal cil - have had an audience with the Pope, at which they presented : a; petitlon sigmeck by ; 12.,090 inhabit tants of Rome, imploring His liojin* c, o llfoP;flt to the occupation of 13.0. by troops of Victor .Emanuel.—Londoit,'/Ifidn(94lt is ofcial ly stated in Paris that the rebels will evacuate the Roman territory. Italy, has pledged . herself"to en force the September Convebliciu. October 21.—Parts, A. 31.—No' answer, has yet been returned by Italy to the„ultimatum Of Napo leon.—.--fitorence.—The reports that Garibaldi has dis appeared from the Islinid•Of Oapiirtt'ur,e reitarutedl, and Seem to meet With no Coritritilidieth':eile4, evening.—The King OT Italy summoned . Gefier4 10 - I , lbisnice,AtruitiliteUoll34MihavArn4 ation of a new .4) 111 0 1 7- The sppople suspect th the Cabinet thus formed, will be in the interest of the French Emperor, and petitions are pouring in from all parts of Italy, protesting against the deser tion of the National cause by the Government.— Paris, Evening.—Official assurances have been given that the Government will not find it necessary to send a military expedition across the Alps, and the force which had been massed for that purpose will be dissolved. The Bourse is greatly relieved, and Rentes are buoyant.—Midnight.—A despatch from Toulon states that orders lia,vc been received there, countermanding-the sailing of the fleet for the re lief of Rome, amithatthe troops were disembark ing from transports and returning to their barracks. —London,.evgning.—The accounts from the States of the Church are very conflicting. Telegrarns",from Florence represent that Menotti Garibaldi not only maintains his position in the . Roman territory, but his command' has been reinforced and is hourly growing larger; tut-despatches originating in Rollie assert that Menotti, with all his followers,' has fled from. the Papal dominions, and has abandoned his attempt on Rome.—F/orence,Xidaight.—Ratazzi ad dressed a large crowd,of people, to-night, who were making, demonstration ;in favor . of Garibaldi, and deck - o.6l'in the'mosi emphatic manner that Xing Victor - Emanuel would maintain the honor of the nation in the crisis.—Garibaldi has issned'another proclamation which. adds to. ,the :prevailing excite ment. cdie 'e.iliorts the people of. Italy to'perservere in their patriotic struggle, and ,bids..them,,tc?„- hope 0 44, the ,national ; honor , may yet„be redeemed.— Liverpool, Royal Bank . cfr Liverpool halo .stiepetided; with liabilitieS.eAithated at 14;5f),),, 000: It is thodght the-bank will recover. D,Tniterr can be killed by the use of iki-netes alcuantif alao. Irritation - or the Scalp. sola by all Druggists, and 592 Brolidw'ay,lew York. AIIEkiGAN - PkESBITERIAN. Premiums fair , NCAV Subscribers., • ,• These, prem ma epjgri4 ; as a,- remuneration to such ,aB. s,ake,,Rainp Ip l ippreafe otii subscription Ifat,tiayatife upon tWe receipt ot6ona fide iubserititions (Of papers given, away ). with the pay' adv,i6ce. --2 'dadll'preininnis may be retained 'and the balanee.remitted. !•-• • . . _ "' • ' Oll4ll ' • Fora pitigTe snbScriber pa:ylng-• , ($3 50--in the city) 75k WetitS. Foi-fout , Cor;niCti.4i $1 25 •Fvr n- ciao :a ten naives at $2 50 each, $7 ;50 ;!lescii att dition to tlxe. üb i 50 cents.; - : `SUNDRY PREMIIIMS: For-pne new name and . s3;ls; Dr. Mar Ch's Walks and Itonnes= of :JeSui.4,' ori John Brainerd, - post.- frec. One new-name and $4-, , ffitthrie's Sunday:Magazine, or Elqurs, qt. liorpe„to -new subscribers of either,, For two new,nameS 'and 17 50 either volume .of Lange's COmmentary, post. paid. , For three nevi , hatnes . and 9, VOL I. Cif -Medlin -Wel and Strongq3 'n& :Cyclopedia; plib 'shed •by Harper, post.'free. i• For, four new -names- Huss and-his Times, 'or Smith!a Dictionary of Biblical Antignities.;.:coa.- (lensed; (only, n•few. copies), postage frec. For seven new names and $23 25 the. thTee vol umes of Lange, express Pre:Paid. For ten new "names •tind - 1,30 Barnes' Notes on the New Testament, 11 vols., post free: - For twenty new names and $6O, a Grover &13aker $55 Sewing Machine, - with , set of Heinxnerti. and Braider. Packing included.- MASON - .lk BARIUM'S ORGANS For sixty-five mew names and $195, a four octave $llO organ. = , For *event - fight new names and $234,,a five oc .. For one hut' re ne names : . , • octavo doubleyeed $l7O organ. • ' Subscrlbers - in Philadelphia,. add 50 cents for delivery. Address, AMERICAN PRESBYTERIAN, Ip4 Chestnut.§treet, Philadelphia NO WEEA_D-THE NOVEMBER NUMBER OF HOURS AT HOME. ._' CONTENTS. MORAL US'ES OF DARK THINGS, IX. Of Things Isightly and Disgustful • Dr. .Bushnell. THE FRE H CORPS LEGISLXTIF AND • ITS LEADERS G. N. Towle. THE AMENITIES 'OF WAR.' Edward Spencer. - THE VIRGINIA COMPANY. ITS PURI: - TAN AFFINITIES.' Rev. E. D. Neill. THE SUNKEN LEDGE Nary. E. Attkinson. A MORNING WITH HIRAM POWERS. Rev. C. S. Robinson. • PLAIN ELIZABFITH • Josephine Pollard. THE'WEEK OF INDIAN SUMMER..-- . Rev. W. "T. Erdman. MONASTERY OF.MON2.`E-CASINO. Trans- lafed for "Hoare at Home." SUBLIME WRETCHEDNESS OF WATER- ING FL ACES Rev. T..DeWitt Talmage STORM-CLIFF. XXIII Mies S. J. Pritchard DEATH Carl Spencer. DESTRUCTION OF THEMADRID INQUI SITION; Dr. Snodgrass. . ;SOMETHING ABOUT THE JAPANESE.. THE BOYS YN BLUE BOOKS OF THE MONTH THIS NIJMBER BEGINS A NEW vwmE. . . Now, is the time to subscribe and form Clubs. • TEftlil...-,t3 ikyear. Clublrices for six or more, $2.50. To cler gymen and Teitehers. t 2.50. PR.M1111:1313--For two .subscribeni or one subscriber for two years, (SO CiatleirißleS splendid " pertrnit•of LINCOLN. Nor twenty :subscribers, ($00) WEausa - &•Wirsox's best $.55 sewing -machine. -• NEW PREMIUM! • ILATIIRT.Nfi; , Dr. Itou.swo's new Poem, price $1.50, will be sent, post-paid, _for one netbsubscriptinn. BOUND ITOLOMES=4'he work complete to the present time Is elegantly tommtio five *biomes, and will be sent free for $lO. Sin gle-volumes SLIo. For $l, either volume and a year's aubscrip. C. IBORIBNER & CO., No. 659. Broadway Jugs --t I=ssued A Pocket. Edition of the well-known .ramily . with Notes, Maps, and Instruotions;' has just been issued in 3 vals. , 18mo., Price $3. PO44tage, 52 cents. The two volumes of the Old Testament will be sold separately in - acceminodate lhoSe . who have already purchased the third volume. Price, $2 25. Postage, 36 cents. Am ericall TT a et'Ao , ci et y, • 2 0 Chetnut • • 1 4 sStreet, ,t PHILADELPHIA.. SURE CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA. LIVER COMPLAINT. CELEBRATED SPANISH BITTERS, PUBELT VEGETABLE PREPARATION. Preps ° rekap .0 14 by, ; " - ISTRONO 141 A : 1 WALTON, 211 "Northlruide Thilairehada• mffkforßireulivr. PUBLICATIONS OF THE PRESBYTERIAN • PUBLICATION COM M ITTEE, 1334 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. IN PRESS:—TO BE ISSUED OCT. 10, FOR SABBATH SCHOOLS. Beggars of Holland and Grandees of Spain. By Rev. John W. Mears, D.D. 477 pp., 16mo. Eight Illustrations and a Map. $1.60 A history of the Reformation in the Netherlands, il lustratMg the heroic constancy of the witnesses for the truth in Holland, and the cruelty of their Spanish persecutors. The efforts of Philip of. Spain anti the Duke of Alva to crush out liberty, civil and From the Netherlands, and the resistance the peo ple, led by -William of Orange, form one. of the Most deeply intresting chapters in _ltist.ory. It is tone that, our, young people should understand, Morris' Choice; By the author of "Bessie Lane's Mistake," " George Lee," &c. 320 `pp.; i6mo. Four Illustintions. 1.25 In this tale the author contrasts simple, Christian lifeh with the.conformity to the world so prevalent and so debasing to society It is designed for young, la- dies and their parents. . Shoe-binders of New York. . - By Mrs. J. MONair. Wright. 237 pp., 18mo. Three Illustrations. - : 1.00 A Girilling'picture of low life inf - New York City,,il himinate,d by the loving labors-of a Christian . woman It is shOWn that there, is a poWer in the love of,Christ, Leoni n e to the degraded, to raise oat of the depths of sin into a higher, holier. vralk. . Weakness -and Strength; or, Out of the eep. 34. y the Author of "Peep, At Eaton ParsOntige," &e. ' 295 pp.,'lBmo. Four Illustrations. .85 .This is a narrative'that will chain attention. The thought is made.real that human strength is unequal to the reform of ,the,life; that it is weakness, and that God's streogth is equal to the work. Ancient Ci:tics . and. Empires; Their Pro., phetic Doom: gee aiseiiiitioir'below. A bdok that shetild lave a place:in:every libraryder Bible classmand;oltler_pu-: pas 'of theHabbath-echool. ' , Cities,: and Eznpires; Their ?r9 = ph,etic, Doom. - , , H. ,fr. Gillett, D.O ,'Xiittor of "Life - and. Times 4 ° of John Histoiy"ofi the' Pi•esbitirian Chureh," England: Two 'Hundred Years,Age," •.. Lessens," &c., Twenty-two.lllustistions. 302 , , 8Y 4 0 2 m°. - • • 1.75 Keith an,the,yvcpbectes agood'work -for the truth, butmodern res'e'arch itas opened rich stores of inforniatiod t tlien 'unknown,and a. ileiv book en the fulfilment. 0f.. - prophecy is caledAfor. . Such a bock is this, eritiebed from many modern books of travel, and fully, illustrated by wood cuts... , . ; PAOLre Punishment. By the late Moses,Stuart. 225 pp., 16m6.* ' .90 eattriiiriathan of all the passages in the NeW Tee timentitt which terms relating,tci Future Punishment ,occur, 12).91,Ading the .kindred Hebrew words of the Old Testament.: This work is one or great value, and being entliety - ime'of print has been reproduced. 'll round valuable 'by the popular reader as well - is by thischelar. ; • • • iLife Leeson in the' School of Christian ]duty_, - „ : • Byy,. g. qilleit, D.D., author of "Ancient Cities and Empi"rea,'.'"Life'and'TiOiCi of John Huss," &c. 1467 i pp.,12m0. ' ' ' 1.50 A new edition of an already popular book, now 'fink issued by the Presbyterian Publication Committee. _Parental T.raining. t • • By Rev. William Bacon. 209 pp.,,16m0. 6Q cis. This book was announced on our April list; Init an unavoidable' delaY occurred in the issuing of it. it is now in• press. - What Then or, The Soul's To-morrow. 128 larle 32m0. Flexible mustin,, - ie same ; ; ; ; . that book, now issued in a second edition. Elliptic Hook, LOU-STITCH. SEWING MACHINE Wheeler & Wilson Manufacturing Co. Embraces all the attachments of their other4/ell-known . Ma chine, with , many peculiar to itself, and in all the requirements of a _Family Sewing Ilfachine, .13 the.. most pe?fect of any in use. The following extract from the report of the Committee on Sew ing Machines at.the New.York.State Fair, 1866, gives. a condensed statement of the merits and excellencies claimed for this machine: "WE, the Committee on Sewing Machines, after a careful and thorough investigation into the respective merits of the various machines submitted for examination, find the Elliptic Lock-Stitch Sewing Machine to be superior to all others in the following points, namely.:: Simplicity and Thoroughness of Mechanical Construction. Ease of Operation and Management. Noiselessness and.ltapidity of Movement. Beauty, Strength; and Elasticity of Stitch. 'Variety and Perfection of Attachment, and Range of Work. Compactness and Beauty of Model and Finish. Adaptation to material of any thickness; by an Adjustable Feed- Bar, and in the . Unequalled Precision with which it executes the LOck-Stitch, by ineens.ortheatlliptie Hook: and we therefore award it the FIRST PREMIUM as the BEST FAMILY SEWING-MACMNE, and' also, for the above reasons, the Yam PREMIUM'EB the BEST DOUBLE.THREAD SEWING-MACHINE." ' C. E. P.TERS, RECTOR Ii2OFFATT, Committee. •Agentsfwanted _wherever not already,estaidished. Bend for cir cular to SEEN dt. WALBISILEY, General Agents for Ellititle Sewing Machine C o ., , . For Pennsylvania, Delaware and . New Jersey. may2-ly inn ArdiStreet, Philadelphia: ..Rev. C. B. Bacon Editor W . M. IL MORGAN'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY GILT FRAME MANUFACTORY; lies. 142 and 144 North Ninth St., Philadelphia. I'lioto-Miniattires executed in a impeder style, at very low prices WrAlll itylea of Frams on hand Or manufactured at elort notice STANDARD AND JUSGELLANEO3I3. MANUFACTURED BY SKYLIGHT. ON 61110ITND FLOOR. INSURE YOUR LIFE 11J YOUR OWN HOME COMM AMERICAN Dirt :x=DmixV.A.a..*:).ExAm-xxxa., S. E. Con. FOURTH & WALNUT Sys Insurers in this Company have the additional guarantee or the CAPITAL, swell all paid- up IN CASH, which, together with C4S . .H.ASSETS, now on band amount to $1,518,481 81. iNckarz Fe* THE Yna 1866, $766,537 so. LOSSES PAID DURING THE YEAR'AMOLINTIIIi *212M. 4 c.:M..0 41:t0g Losses 'Paid' 'Prom:44ly. • .DIVIDENDS. MADE .531611:61f,Y, Ships AdPig the teetered o pay preniteme. - TheUtiett3o:4ll 6 / 6 Mortall,3llataal rakes - fx:t.forree January let, 1867, was irift7 p e r 4 Pe"nt• of ;Ole amount of PREII9 reeeiveii , durinAj the year 1865. ItiaTrusfeee are Ilreil; kil1,0:1171 ottimmit ,irt,gter midst, entitling it to more copeldenteon - thin - those If.iklient, winners reitide in distant 1 , WPM J. Howard, • Henry IC. Bennett, .. .. assacitaziebnrst,. . , . filoW W PH. 'Mit iii. Chestnut, . . • ihtisw Wailwnsaker. A4Wiri4 Ikherll s . . i Ale;iand,ear:Whillip n, J. aga r Thwation, Goiogilingest lion. Jwes rollody, AMC.: iIiTEELLIEW ent. WiIIEITNT` 4 ident. ,• 9 f. 1 , 7 r • ••, • • J Cl li t n r 4ct f ka l% . _ Jt i n # P", 144 ? - 17! 4 ° • '6I44S,R*4"4M4:TqAPirIY* t , it ; Life Infflusanet:tomp y, ...-258 .Btcx,llway, ;ow ,rprk. Assets, $1,t06,0(f0 .L'9+sl#otetes in Force. • Its rxincipies, stability. arntgualr, ADVAIIIMAGIOL • • An iergentantlarretrielly - fire etas& atoket.a MPortiOa94 ti, liellizt4J44o4lWaal,rseßengoomreu7, old or new. ARC* itetAtreilitskto . - Ditidendelare deelared end paid atsessThr.l - ito polleite 'are disitlerfelting is, the sense that its inembes , ender 'any tircameteacee, get all the aseareiThets that they hot, paid for. 1 One•StilliKhie thannalprinzeireas leaned permanently on its Wi lla Ineracese are not Malted 86 tOreilldeince or travel, Pin ettn, elisdgeiktheesdainapeensitareqsdred. All the forma of Lrfskend..htstrity.lNSicies tamest. .44- Tliel:IONE bas declared and pale &hide:lds annually. to , assiezeitemonthara eipeq ttkocganiiAtion.. , Ana! diriitend 40 De cent, applied Lininedigtt9ll, which is more than 50 par cent. fear yetu. If)fticers and Directors. WATAR,S•ORrETTTAIrnmad94- L 11...,F1WT-133:1443MUL Trt;igurer. • , CM G REPLEY, seert y ../L A. 1,1311:k r e A ll. All:tow.h ar 81 Blinglillip,:N. Y. LH. EEO BINGBAIk, Pratt. Virien Tnist,Ccs, N. I% T. a SAGAN; Prost. Ailantie Doe' k THOS. MESSENGER; Pavia. BrunklYn BOIL. SAMUEL SMITH. Na- Mayor p city a Brooklyn. ' WFNRY E. - PIMA ONT, 1 Pieriersnit niterßrooklyn. A. B. BAYLIS, Broker, New. Yerk. PETER O. GORNELL:hterehant, 80 Wall street, N.Y. WAITER S. 121RIEFITILPreoldest. BraOkirk J3O. D. COONS, Pnot, AtlaPtiplrpp. Co, 31; CLAFL N,18.11. Malin &Co ;1401011nrels street, N. T. S. B. CRITTENDEN &VS., J. E. SOUTHWORTIL Freer. Atlantiellank. N. Y. 0. DUNNING. Se. South BrooklyniSavingelinstitation. MO. G. NEWER. Pollee Commissioner. LEWIS ROBERTS, L. Roberts & Co., IT South street, N. Y. JOHN+T.MANTILL.2B FiarrePewt street, Broekiln• JOHN BA.LSEY, Neighs, llalsey & Co., New York. THOS. CARLTON, Methodist Book Rooms, N.Y. Potter & Co.; N . A. B. OA:EWELL Attorney and Counsellor, IL Y NEHEMIAH %NIGHT, 11 . 0 't, Sprague & Co.„ New York. EDWARD. A. LA WIMP, Nterebant,4s John street, N. Y. ',JAMES HOW, Prest 'Union White Lead Co., Brooklyn. L. B. WYMAN Merchant, 3813urling,Slip, New York. GEO. A. JARVIS. Prest. Lenox Fire Ins. Co., New York. S. E. HOWARD. Romnard, Sanger & Co., New York. GEO. B. STEP o s, Importer, 4P South street, New, Tech .CHAS. A. TOWN D, Merchant, New York. .108. W. MEE , J.W.a. Greene & Co., N. Y. RUFUS B. GRANES,63 Wall street, New York. FEOTHINGHAM, Frothingham & BayEs, N. Y. EDWARD D. DELANO, New York. E, LEWIS, Zr., Valentine & Bergen, Brooklyn . • AGINTB IN, PHILADIMPRIA, ESLER & COLTON, Cor. tith & Library sta jee-ly As-eats Waisted. GIRARD FIRE INSURANCE COMB% ?Hirt aeDELPHIA.. CASH ASSETS, Office, 638 S. B. Cor. Chestnut and Seventh Streets. BISECTORS: 1 . Sam Terkel!, Jr. Alfred S. Gillett, N. S. Lawrence, I Chas. I. Dawn, 1 Henry F_ Kenney, Joseph 'Clapp, AL D. Thos. Craven, Furman Sheppard, Thom. Mac Kellar, Jno. Supplap, Jno. 'W. Gingham, Income for the year 1886, Lome paid and accrued, THOMAS CRATER, Presidnt. ALFRED S. GILLL'TP, Vice-President JAS.. R. ALVORD, Secretary STRICT ECONOMY IN MANAGEMENT. .PROTIDENTLIFE AND BEST CO.' ' - - PHIELAVEZPILYA. _ or.F.WE i3OI7,TEE FOURTH STltErr `Commenced business 7th mq. 24,1865. Organized to eitmad the benefita,Of Life Insorance among iner t ' lst 'ciithe'SOciety of Trienti&-.liR good iMks,.of whatever denomMatir, solicited. . iIOIWILAEIC. PARRY, MEM B. Ballot - president. ..r.348,1111: Q. IiONGEMEIA Vice-President. THONIMP.WISTAIir IL D 4 •3: D. TOWISFSD, 3 44.4 1 1 1 3. ..ftinkinetr• Legal A dSriger. The Company, in addition to the seenrilvmising from tbe milation of premiums, gives the insured the advantage of se Arad, paid 4 'calks'. Ati theYntites,ifititmet are diwititd 0 09 Life :Petioles! and Igndemmentst in all the most approved fora' ioo -1 1 Aluktdtten,gianted on favorable . ten= . OGASBY & HODGE, • PWIL7IIIRB, CUB AND murex Fames, , . fieveitra Street, ilOsiiia; If %MUM, . J. N. BODO Gib Rairigrotqa' 14thihi dtri — Tuied. Iro rk o **WI *RR,* wier:..•4l44t: . szooNo