WEeiinvii. Treasury. —Last week's internal revenue receipts were $2,878,739.—The average yearly production of distilled spirits in the United States during the past five years has been fifty millions of gallons. The revenue h'as been collected on about seventeen mil lions. Loss to Government‘s6o,ooo,ooo. General Thomas., fpr-New Orleans, to take command of his department. War Office. —General ,£lrant, as Secretary of War,’ is cutting down the expenses of the Department by dismissing superfluous employes dr lending them to other branches of service where they are more need ed. He has'adnouhbdd of conducting the affairs of the Qnaftfetrfiasfet’d'Department with the ippstirimd.econpuiyi'andswilL.if possible, bring back fhe War Office to a peace footing, in fact as well as in name. —The Washington correspondent of the Worcester \£}py stjitea, b»»uthoiutyi that, had not General Graiic beeri Willing to take The War Office ad interim , Mr. Stanton would not have left the Department fritb.ttittXirj&gde|£l irfea'DS tojfdfaia Uni place. An order was issued by Gen. Grant,Aug. 21, mustering out ail additional paymastera ori Oetoher, Ist.'. tt/i >nr„ d " i' >'■' ii-"- ' '• . Patent hundred;, iandrseventeen. patents will be issued this, weel?, the largest number ever issued; * * --a I'm; T fol e .( - 3 'i to t; vV . Minister from Turkey received. 1 STATtS AiTtH 'TEBRIf'rOkIES. New York. —There were 640' deaths in New York week before last.—ln New York city the color ed /ha.ve[lpfip&d( Fenians known formerly as are holding Congress in New York. 1 'The Roberts’ wing is’stllf seph/ate, stile Sorts’ to hr! it? tfihfil hav ing hitherto faileck—liUhere aite: .widowiJin the,State, being 93,1(80 moreiihau tbere,are-,widow/ era. This is owjng in parkto the,late yvar. ,! Massachusetts. —The ’Boston. Boari of men have passed tlie city hos pitalities to Mr.''&anton?-h-!A ; yellow. fever vessel is now being quarantined at Boston. I —Boston has a s P i. ritualists wHlamfetia COfiVetftion'bn -tlffe 3d of Sep tembers (This biodyjis' bbittpQsed ;dfi delegates iMffl the vafidiisj (the Bfhiteii fjSgnj ada. — ‘(Sold lias been discovered in,Richland county, and the local pajlers i Ba‘y £h'at ari*'“ experienced scien tific gentleman " has a great' many fine specimens, and sqysTQi e 1c p of) ioj t(i;ereS-i2fi®[t ll afitn Cal i fornja.—Toledo,is fast becoming a rival to Chicago in Wheat, one hundred and sixty seven thousand bushels being received there in the week —rTlie advocates of liquor prohibition and of a quiet Sunday, (are ajiout tostart p .daUyjpappyurPbicago. Michigan.— The Coristitutmn'al’Convention aaopt ed the new S(fate Consti|]gtiotl,JaMl Aug. 22. lowa. —The new canal’ around the D.es Moines Rapids, on the Mississippi,:i» to- betwo hundred and fifty feet .w-jde;: . -i. i Colorado. —The have a majority in the Legislature. Dakota.— A new gold region is reported to have been found in the Black Hills, an outlying group of hills belonging to the Rocky Mountains. TVTOTItfI-Tia..—Gov. Smish.ha& k dred| militia ifdr stxpffiAiftbsl kbtjve'servicsf aMnst theTfidians? * arr ' " ' ** * W ingfon Bar was hela ? Aug, 2U, to support Judge Fisher in his action in strikidg Mr: Bradley’s name from the roll of attorneyalj/racHcihg in his court, and resolutions to that effectwerp,adopted.—Rents .gre so enormous in Washington that Department clerks caiihot aflpord."to keep their farjiilies 'there. Forth is sometimes $30,000 a month!,is sentfrom Washing ton.—The Washington city Councils have all ordinances, yrhich made discriminiatiohs on "'ac count, of color' in that city.-^—The clerical force in the Freedinen’s Bureau of the district is beihg re duced : for wantOf work 1 for them. Maryland. —Peaches sell at fifty cents a bushel in Baltimore. The crop was never knownto be so iarge as U ig treason, Wtoithsigqdmgylkjblg growlers nave said to the contrary. Virginia. —G'eneral Schofield l has 'decided that the poor of Virginia shall be enforced in'the case of pau.perg,tO;Wh,oni s the Frsedrapp’sbureau has stopped giving rations.—ln the case of a colored Canadian. relused‘ passage ini a steamship, on ac count o.f hfe color,,Ute.U', 8. Commissioner at Rich mond had'Tecid’ed that he cannot obtain redress, as the Civil Rights bill applied only to American citi zens. Missouri. — rbera|e :uppnjthe construction, of a DrytJ^e*” .Mississippi, at' St. Louis, has Assembled Ih-th'aWifiyj "• North 'Wilmington,' the UPS. Court have been ihstriVctßd'to enforce process against military officers, and to forward the names of offi-’ cers obstructing them to Washington, so that steps may be taken for their prosecution.—The sentences of officials, cpljijedjpeople, • have’ been approved, and they will be imprison ea'at Palagh'iStandard, publican, and other papers, ask the removal-from office, by Gehi SicJilesj oCGdv. Worth and-the. North Carolina State officials generally.—ln, ,Gen. Sickles’ department the* bfder from enforcing the processes of the courts has been suspended until the' General I 'c'an ! 'expldrn'' IBs 'position.—The 'Wil mington papers'- publish a 1 calPfor a State Gonfren-’ tion to send delegates to a Republican Border State Convention at Baltimore. September 12th. South, Carolina,— The master of the steamer Pip lot Boy, for retusingliogrant a i&S&tflaas a colored lady, has b,een,fii[ed $2pQ by court-martial. The sentence is approved by Gen.‘■Sickles. —General Sickles * hai; relieved of Übe epinhiaiuh.W the. Second- Military District, and General, .Canby ap pointed his successor. r, s ; >: > Georgia.—Expected prosecutions for‘'perjury of persons, who haye f^liaely..taken ,the are re ported.— JurOfs 'in GeheraliPope’s department are hereafter to' Be : selected exclusively .from the lists of registered voterpi^Ai'conventionjof^oftfl^fn editors was held ab.'M&cbn,-Aug. 23, and a committee ap pointed to aßkia revocation of Gen. Pope’s -order> against advertising in Conservative papers. Florida.—The cable to Cuba is completed and in working orders It was successiully'spliced Alabama.—The arnfy worm is-reported as ap-.. ppaiang inHheiCottoij fi§ldsir-;The Mobile it is nowf-u settled.fact tih,a.t the.cottpn crqp this year will exceed,any yet realized.! 1 . Louisiana.—The order of General Grant superset ding,General s.heridan by General Thomas lyasprp-, mulgated, Aug. 20. It is dated on 'Monday. All. oVdera issued by Gen.“ Sheridan in the District are - to be in force ;until Grant, annuls them.-—The New. Orleans Aldermen have adopted resolutions-asking for ,the rembyal of the vafibils, city offidefs;fheir,. longer retention in office being considered by the ’ Aldermen inconsistent with the reconstruction act.—- General Sheridap .announces Jhat. the yellow lias assumed an epidemic form in New Owing tO.General Thomas’ 1 ill health, General. Han-h cock 'will succeed General Sheridan. Sheridan frill, take Hancock’s place in the Department of .the Mis souri.—General Sheridan has ordered thefeSiOtal 1 ' THE AMERICAN PRESBTTERIAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1867. of tlie City Surveyor and the City Attorney of New Orleans. He has also decided that no person not. registered, according to the laws of Congress, sh&U he considered a duly qualified voter in Louisiana,— Nineteen deaths from yellow fever were reported in New Orleans on Friday;—There were ■29 ’dSaths' from yellow fever in New ■ Orleans oh Saturday, and, Sunday. ; , Kansas.—Thus far there have been 82 deaths from cholera at Fort Hays. . . . f ~ Texas.— An Order has been issiied prohibiting diS 1 crimination on accbunt of color on railway ahd steamers. ;feyer has, brokenjOjit.at Coppus, Christ!—The y.elloyv fever, continues its In Galveston, AAig.- 23, i&MfeweW nineteen DUfiftlS. Over l f oo of the principal citizens Of Corpus Chfisti liaive died' pefetilence. —In .Galveston on_-SatT urday, ,the interments nutn berpdi 2^,,,,,, ; *>/ji ' ; i >v:• * ( • -v> •! ~»f [i l } i.'} Vf*fl f i • */; l { City.—The Athletic Base Ball Club ; beat the Uhiorf Chib of Bsi>klyn,'August 19. W a score or 16 t6'7?khd th'e : 'Miitu«rGlob'W i N*( , 'Y6 5 20j»fcy. a ■ Score i ofilB ■to > Iffi—Ei erce > ButlerJ Bsqui oymcity,, .dijad]Qp ( Aug^ n on-his plantation, Butler Island,Ge.oegiaj >n the rath year 6f iiii ‘He 'wjUiW'&iFp£;Dr. *s4, who was for rriariy yearS apr&iMfoerit'bftizeti 6f‘iPliii adelphia. He changed lnsrname: to: Butler' tb 1 iu.-j ljerit.-ft largg .property in ),he £^u,th,{an,dvSpentatpqy ?I tion of each year on his plan tations, tained his residence in this city, and at <}ne time re prfesiffitSd'Hie' EigfitlP Wa&> iA tH« Hi tjy©oiih'cfflA.— The Athletic: BaselBalil: Glubiibeatfthe J£ckibrd!GluK,t qtiWiilliamsburgj August, <2l, the jSC.o/C, bei ! n ! g T -’At,b-) leas'th'Uh'dn the < edrr6S]b , ondio'ghvyeb'Cfl' last'Jedr.'S''* w-11 .-r >tlml - u yd ii avo ■ i|QQ]ttoDy7TTGlreq.t/lßritain,, ■ im.pqrtedtraWt LbnMMi Tmis Brinks tlreysflii'e’ ifep'drted during yb>illH heigrisitly IcttMgjledifit haying 10^129^6,^(10liMiqgjthfi fiyst fi^rftq/jt^Tinthfe! >i ea r f ,p I v L fl t T i /fbftv^^>y^' Ter v^.' in x.yif Irqm India. , , .. . r , ~ ' riifibried 'THdlah- i 6httK o hear ‘ Platte iiver is'cbnfttmfeti. i-EiftyiiP&wnkeb, aided!hyi U,-IS.. tyoopjs,! rojitpjJ ( IJOQ •Qh Eog6 tepeftsHp M.ft Hft beaten the Crqokis reported to be rde featifig -tore h'o’stileTndiahs'in tne fhi- Griffin, from Texas, announces the repulse of a fiodtjd o part of that State.—The Ojnalia Superintendent of Indian AffairSiias'i madejqtferKigsrpffßeace to the hostile tribes 'of \rse Iraiftte.-MSt Port Sedg wick all the citizens are beinw armed for protection against the Indians.—The Indians are besieging Forts Beno and Phil Kearney.—The Seminoles in the W est have been attacked by cholera. FOREIGN. CainadfeiS-IbTefei'En'glishslfegjmenfa sHaYk)lBeen aent f tp.Canada, to oppose in vasion Hayti and St, Domingo, »two natio.os-on one, email,island; and generallyhostile to each-other, arei about-to.establish-lmendly,ii)elatiouBii ': The diaytienn Commissioners Hlmved^atiSte*Bomingo,-August 14. General Cabral heartily seconded their- efforts L ahd expressed-his opinion that the Dominican--people were anxious for this. South America. —Diplomatic relations between Peru and Brazil have beeu interrupted. The Bra zilian envoy has left Peru. The trouble is caused by the Paraguayan war. Italy . —The cholera ismajting terrible ravages in Italy., D v uripg the firstihay ojiljilljT theygjb.ayg.heen no less than,32,074, deaths, among them,, the ,ex -Qaaon oi’A'Qnlps ivhn died.at Rmnp August 9th. "* idlrA’lXAK’ri0 r IC!ABIiEi ' 1 August2o it is, diffieultto; obtain,,.information-, from, Spain, it .is, known that': General Prim -is, still at the head of an insurrection. JCt is reported that Brim is supported-with'funds by pfromin'fent bankers!'in Paris.'— SdMruiy,‘•‘evening.—■ Napoleon held a long con ference to-.day with Baron ' Vbn BeuSti— Vienna, earning.— All the Official! jotir- s : rfalsdeblare'tharthe'pe'dce'bf Gerhi'any'’is nOw'se clire-—iferfisl—The ffiissibri 1 bf the United StateS ’at Rome having bee ridi sco'n ti nu ed, the'American le gation i’h this city is''closed.— CdnsUinßhpp'le.— Fuad' Pacha, the minister who accbmpa'nieii the 'Sultan" , thfpuglicmt ( h , is , westefn'’t6ur,“'h'a6 goffe tb tile Crimed ' to i^fpt, ] u^' l ]!jmnQpip£,of Russia. , August \y,CBt India v and .Pacific Company vs,, . Williapis, &,.,Guion, just .tiptid in tlje LiverppgtC.op,rt’ of Assize, has resulted in ajudgmenj, forJhe,piajn,tiffs,, withi£l3;oQotidamages. It grew out of the ,nitro glycerine exploeiop at Aspin.Walloon the 3d of April, 1866, byiwhich the; steams hip European.,,, belonging* to the plaintiffs;' was totally, destroyed while lying. at>her wharf imthe'above J hamedvport. Theiexplo siori a'lso resulted,in the loss of sixty lives, including those of the captain and other officers of th'e steam-' er.—ioSdoh I .—Parliameht ' , ‘wa6 prorogued to-day. ThfeApeech’ from"the'thrcine’ was' read* by’a- Royal CbiMmission.' The Qndeii dedlaires that there is no' lbnger any ground fbr’ appreh'ensibrf'of war'in Eu-' rope./ The treasonable conspiracy ih Ireland has proved futile, and the attempted revolt has'been suppress|3d’ ; alm9st- without bloodshed by the valor of theJroopsy thg .activity, of Jthe po lice, and the generalloyafty of the peopled’Sli’e re fers with satisfaction to the new postal treaty made with the ‘UAS/and Paflidtndnt and the, country pn the completion ofj. the Canadian Union, the passage of the" Rfefbrm bill, and other measiSrek b'ehfeßcitit to"' the UflitSd 1 ' Ri'hgdbfri.— Md~ drid:— Phe'Tevolt' ih'Ga'taionitf'has Tailedi'and'- the authority of; thei tGovernment„is rapidly being-xe-.i established,, in the insutrectipnary eace.—The pro.rpgatipa of ..the Pariiame | pt j jtobk place to-day. Garibaldi haiS again beeh obliged' to deter the movement on Rome and the prepara- 1 tions which were' being-enadei byithe ’party of action throughout,ltaly, under his orders have.,been sus pended.—Paris.—The (semi-bfiSciai)' Pfm ’declares thaf 'th ( e''cbri'ferehce of the Emp'efbrs at Sftlzburg’in- 1 sures a long term of peace for Earope.—Gonsiantino pie.—The Sultan has resolved to form 1 a new council, composed'in pqual. numbefs'pfJGrriek ,And 1 TufrkisH 1 tnembersii ~.. i .f August' 22.-— London, 2- P. M.- —The weather throughput England,.,i3 favorable for the crops.;— Paris. —-It is said that-one of the results of the con- - ference at| Salzburg ; is to in'sist' tliht thb Sbhfh GermahStates 'shall'' unitelh' bif which ,Austria is to betheihead; also that an agree ment has ‘been arrived at as to the policy of Austria and France on the Eastern question.— rYienna.—Thp Journal (the organ of Baron von Beiistj asserts that a detensive alliance has been formed between Aus tria and Frahcef 1 ‘ s * !,a v ' i * ' • 5 1 August 2'i.rr-London, evening.— lt,- is rumored- to day,^pat.a formal treaty, concluded,atSalzburg, ,be tween Napoleon and Francis. Joseph, for the ioriioa tibD; of ft, .South' German Confederation, proved' a Bighai failure, as., the Government, of. Bayaria in re plyAq.tbp prqppsitipnp of 4 Majesties refuse to join it.— Sti,PMersburg^-r- It is reported,that the,Czar, how in ; th'e Crimea, is quite ill.—Admiral Farragut and the officers of his fleet received a grand ovation to-day at Cronstadt from tbe. Russian and naval offi cers, Grand .Duke Constantine, Admiral General Of thef RuAsfdn 'h’avyj wigi state of siegffi has ibepn, deptefed in albtheamoyinces in consequence of' the ftmicipftted'* msurrictionary movements. 1 * : ' J * r RIH'S .if ,t>V i?August.2d.-rJk , n^ th.e Salzburg Conference, it is rumored that an explicit understanding was apr rived -at-: to -'resist any, interference in the Eastern question; also that the States forming South Geft- many should remain in the Zollverein as long as Prnssia abides by the treaty of Prague.. In regard to Schleswig. it was proposed that Francis Joseph should interpose good offices, and that, on the other hand, Denmark should make, considerable conces sions. The body'of Maximilian is to be demanded from the Mexicans by France and Austria, and the citizens of both Empires in Mexico are to be pro tected-at all hazards. — Athens. —The Greek steamer Arkadij so snccesefpiin run ding the blockade around Crete,-vpas lately-pbrsurd by a Turkish man-of-war* The crew finding they were in danger scuttled and set fire to ' the steamer, . took | to their boats and reached'the shore in salety. : " AUgust 25.-i-2k)wfon^—Despatches from the East report k rising- in iwhich was speedily suppressfedi—^im^H-Repo'rtS' ! hiive: ! reached ; here from fcipaih that anjinsurrectidn hadibroken out.in : t}}p;proyince of Apagon, .and/that rebels are carry '•ijijg jail pefore them.— semi-official journals fiercely atjack the policy "of France and de nounce the afefibp df Napoleon in the Salzburg Con-, (erencd.' 1 asiskrt that 11 1 n spite' 'of the denials inhibit btWe 'beehipubliMffifl,’ definite arraiigteihents 1 fora-South German ißund haveactually-been made* ‘ between.') Austria ahd the, States of Southern Ger !jl 1 i ■. ;- * ' ‘ > —TJhq reports of,troubles in, f paiq;are conflietiiK. Official despatches rfd”,Silly\he, insuikection'.is .endedj while advices, frhrii The inaurgenls maintain that the movement 1 agkinstithe goffe'rnnient idling hn'with etiebfess.-^ | Pans.— M/Velpeau the eniiii'ent pHysiciariVis*dead; AbolitionsCorigresSl of leading Anti-slavery 1 men, ofithe 'uvqrld,,- session. liei;e-tpr„ ■day. Many,America. are „of ,&& tobjects is to prepardOTd adopt a memorjal to all tho'se Powers’ .hlaVery, Urging t&iaf erteF—ThS pfelftolfraneS for dn’ i eaftly meetipgi betweeiitKiiig Wiiliamfbf J Pthdsiai'andi ■ the So verergnstof th e-Southtfeerffian States/ attßaden;' i htvyjg; i bdepf4JirS“g e d ! WrtSltj tgjibp y..Sligp i lop,OtiP, J P l er<\ajFg l/ rifl.e3, i -1I‘)V, J fm* i**~~ ' T-r7T A upti |d?«Mnt£sto H/mr-t jgf >•> -y,;i. ,; iVßiemedy for AstHma? ' v/ .t u vLetter^ffup'a '* i- .i' V-l I'OtjJl'ONa i»viAV'ln' £/] ,my, time, BijK business all the time. When ! £slßii& > '’’ dr/eyeniaii,' attack, 1 ,"a! ai once.‘ !,i { 1y! i out io f iWhitcombisi rio.t,Le)witlirfut tiler® ifilgfoftgji cpjpniefncOT 'tally uufit ; Joc.bußinei inojv-I attend.toli ;haje. symbiosis of i le'w'dbffes shbd ires' it i • Very respectfully JOHN McCLEI/LAND, 1 >• ih _ Burirett & Co.. Boston, and Y orki., 1 For,sale < By-aIL ,Bniig- Prepared by Jose 592, Broadway,New in uio •• fj s •• iMERIBJISI'PvKESffITM'M.i ; Jfjfctftips', .inlMtiefe [These; premiums aije dpsigp,e*i'fw a; Remuneration to, spch_aBi take pains to lis(, and are payable trfpori' the ‘receipt of oona, jide,. Subscriptions (belt papers 'given' away), with the pay V advance: ‘ Casli preihiums ni&y’be retainfed and theM balance redsitled. 1 ' -d 1 iul - ■■• r tu,: -t*>. .• iii'.j: -icASH -rßiistrOMsi; ■ if " i "For asirvgle subscriber paying $3, ($3 ; '56 in ■ the city')'7s edn'ts. li tFordfdur or-mbrte, sl' 25‘eaclif "For' aiolub,of.tien'nanieB at s2>:so)ehchjis7lso; jeachiad-; dition to the.pl.ubj 50 pents., d-i I pi " i:;:' ■i. 1 i " SITXDItY J-HEMIIJMS.' ■■ s■■ !>I For one new name and $3 75, Dr. March’s Walks _and Homes Of Jesuai on-John Brainerd,. post, free. One'new agunpap- M« a amnc,- jpr.Houis.at Home to subscribers, pf either. '. For two neW“ names and s7' 50, either, volume of lj'ap^e’s'Com'me.iifery,'post. 1 paid.''y 1 ' "‘“l J ,‘, ’ ; ■ ' For three'new nameS 'and $9, Vol. IYof McClin tock and Strong’s hew Biblical (Syclbpedia, pub-i lished by Harper, posll free.v. ;.i /, ... ■ ■ - . , For: ifejurj, new; .names anp, his .Times, or: Sppth’s, dlibjypal Antiquities,' con densed, (qnly a few .copies), postage 1 free. ' ~ , “For seven new nafhes and $23 25 the three vol umes’ Of Langef eif'press phe-paidi' ' 1 ■ For' ten new names- and $3(l Barnes* Notes on the NewiTestamentpll vo!sj,'pbstireel H • •For twenty hew!nameSand,s!giOj a Glrpyer & Baker, $55 Sewing Machine, with set of Homme,rs! and Braider. Packing included. , masona hammu’s^obgaSts. ’ For sixty-five newmames and $195) a four octave $l lO organ. ♦Uif 4* i i i-ii IJiv, j U C, i For seventy-eight new names and s§34, a five oc tave, $l3O organ. _ i FornQne,,.h u bd r b4" rie W-names , and S3OQ,, a five octavo double ree^sl7o organ./ - c< - PUBLICATION COMMITTEE’S BOOKS. ; stociAii hvhir ani> tune book. :For ; one new Snatne and $3.50, pwo copies of the Social Hymn and diune Book-will , be senhposti. >., Vr ; vnd; one libi 'Qpe hundred ana flrary Dw.. ___.prißi.jg tlie 1 Entire liWt of'tlle Committee, 1 and iWcludiiig tlie idteWiss'uh/'Life hy theiGan'ges, tor‘3l‘.frew names andss93,,!sentfrees>ot',expensp.-, n.j; ~i : Six-rac CESCI’; RETERHiEU. Sixtyjjier cenfciimWJ thMi h.alfipfjthe money .sent full, rates, (returned in ,sifch of the Committee’s publications ‘as tlie purchaser may se lect lat ! Gai&lßgiife priced. prepaid whfeh sdjGscrib'ers.tfre f'uruiihed. U Subserihefcs iu;i?hiladelphia,,a'dd's!o cents-fpr d; .sur.nirii jin..!,-1. ; 'fi, i„i jii,- 0-. - ,•< //- I • ;i . ’ ' fi- ! This isft personalm- ; r vitation to the reader to . i . i pur nev styles . of FIINECtOTHINGj.Caa- , s'imere Suits' for' $l6, ' andßJaek'Suits I fdfs22: ■ i (Finer Suits, 1 all i up JtO S7P,-J . -■•■■■.,i: i , ’ii! ;;l WAN AM AKER. & BrOWN, . . '' Oak llall, ■ '>S6fitlidast''c6‘fner of ;!'Sixth A Market Sts. 5 i ■j-iu 1 I’i <1 >‘l (;>■ Vi! V i-f» .1’ :'!i'»t il-tj: .i\> \ iiasii i iV ;:■) :/tn 1 ' til),i i i ; .» ’ Its inemberSfdre ‘not limited as to'residence or travel. No extra premium is cbsfrged therefor or peripifs^required. All tlie forms of, Life and Annuity Policies issued. ,; { »1 >. -i '■ v•- T " I-' •' ' ’ The HOME has declared and pfiid dividends annually, to'its assured members.since its organization. Last dividend 40 percent,] wfcicli is hidre tliafc sdr per cent.,four year* hence* ! ~;, ,yAI.TEBp,. aBIFriIH, ,j, : J I, Treasurer. , l ! (!I! Fw->7r r-> '•‘J)'’ot;O,"o i 'S'n>i;®^ l , 9efcretiuf.' H' ; W. J.OdFPlHrAdtnarj;. A. A. LOW; A. A.' low!* Bros., SlißjurUiigSlip, N. Y.; . I I. H. FROTHI-NGHAM, l-rest. Union Trust Co„N, Y. J. 8; T; STEANAHAN, Prest Atlurific Dock Cc>. 1 THOS. MBSSB-N GBB. Prest. Bank., ff $ s • S AMUEIT city of Brooklyn.' , 3ENBfY*E.tFfEBBEPONTi 1 Piett6p6ntPlac6yßrookiyn: •.1 A. PnßßrokersNew York, i P , PETBIfCrCOBNELIiV MeiVlmtU/ 80 Wall street,' N. Y. . ‘ WAIiXBB S, GBXFBXTH,JP>wI4ei.t, Brooklyn; j| . . JNOi D. COOKS, Prest. Atlantic I 11& Co. • » » ■ HvßrCßAiFlilflyCl&flm>£C6 ! ,l4o ChUrcli street; N; t. '■*. r; 1 - (L>DUN'HLNCr- 4 80 c: South Brooklyn Savings'lni&tUut Ion.• ! JSQ Sj Police Comjnissiouer,., - LET#I8 t EoßfsfSi & ! Co£ IT StftHfl'street, N.‘ t. 2B Pierrepodt Htreet r ßrooklYn. j;,jX j LSETrUaiaht. Halsey k Co., New .York. SL^tfl ! MathUistrß6dk 1166h»§, N?Y. ' r > - ' HABOLD DOLLNER, Dollner, gutter * 10., N T. . ; Arß. O'AP'W-ELL. Attorney and Counsellor, N. Y., * NBffiBttIAH.K#IGHT, ? Hovt{ Sprague k to* Ntf* Yortc.'' EDWAEj^A.MMßEa^erQhaut,4oJoh ft streatpNoY. , >; JA ! M^HOW,PirestU i UlonSvft , te { LradCo.,BTw ! .Wyn.- L. TL WYMATT Merchant3B ( Burlinir¥»k. !i • ” . GEO.S.SXEPHENSOK, Importer, 49 South street, Ne* ,3fork. i ,CKAB.'A.ToWN3END,Werchant,iNew,York. ' JOB.’ ’ INSURE YOUR LIFE mw...* .a -J?v‘iuu *-H .ill •••iiii .liii.'i *'■ ' IB- i: YMJB MWN' -HOME COMPATJ ¥ the 11 ;v -;Ov! i. :w. i‘ ■'*. AMEMdAN ■ “ S'/E. Con. FOURTH &WALNUT Sis.: ; .■ O VI; J ib;.: [ Vj .j ■■- . i S 'nf,!;: ‘ i ■,/.« ViU ‘ Insurers m.thia,Company [have, tbe/jadditionaj .guarantee of the! CAPITAL STOCK'nil mid up’. IN CASH, .which, together with CASH ASSETS, now onihand amount to • * - ' :^.siq^ei si,: V, /; '’lncome‘‘Bor* the Year 1866, '• v $766,537 80. LOSSES PAID DURING THE YEAR AMOUNTING TO $223,600 00. Losses, Paid Promptly.. - DIVIDENDS MADS ANNUALLY, tiros aiding the Insured to pay premium's. ; .»•. X I - The last DIVIDEND on all Mutual -Polices in force January Ist, 1867, was' > > •> ■ : > il ? ' ' V- , 3E*Jdftar: of the amount of PREMIUMS received'during the yearlßGO; ■’ Its'Trustees are well known citizens’ in our midst,'entitling it to . more consideration th.*n those whose managers reside in distant cities. y William, X floward, Henry K. Bfennett* ; J 1 ' Isonp HnzlehurslL : * George W HiR, • J 1 • * Johu M. Chestnut, •’ John Wanamaker. ■ ■ r < Albert 0. Roberts. Alexander Whiildin, . i; Thomson, . ..V? ; ».George Nugent, ' -’Him: James Pollock, ‘ { i L.M.j'VVhilldin,, P.‘B. Mingle, , ALEX. WHILLDIN, President. GEO. NU GENT, Yice-President. ‘ ! JOHN : C: SIMS, iciniryi • * JOHN S> WILSON,- Secretary and Treasurer. CHARLES Gi ROBESON, Assistant Secretary. HMD FIRE KSI MPE compasv, _ i: PHILADELPHIA. CASHASSETS,' ' ' V '• f ■ - $300,000 Office, 639 S. E, Cor, Chestnut and Seventh. ... j ~ ■ greets,, _ - :» : DIRECTORS.. f .. Thofl.Crayen, ... . / Silas Yerkea, Jr, ~ ;■ Pnrmaa Sheppard, /, ? Alfred S. Gillett, , Thoa. Mac. Itallar,* •• ;; rNi S. Lawrence, ’ v . Jhp. Supples, . , . ' Cbas.lwpupont,, , . Jno. TV. Claghom,, Henry F. Kenney, ‘ “ ’ >■■■ JosephiKlapp,M.D.j Ititoniefor-theyearlB66, . ■-.-jj V'^4 ! ! ;> $103954 72 liQßsea paid and kbcnxed, ) - . .*•','47 094 00 . i ; : / , ~ - r THOMAS CRATEN, ; ' 5 - ALFRED S. GILLETT, Vice-President. < i.' « ■; ’ JAS. B.rALVOIIDj Secretary. . -■. j. STRICT ECONOMY IN' MANAGEMENT. 1 PROVIDENT LIFE iND TRUSTED, ■ miIT.AIMtjPHIA. - - re ■■ OFFICE No. ill SOUTH FOURTH STREET Commenced busineSHTth mo. 2i, 1565. ’ 11 Organized to extend the benefits of Life Insurance among members of the Society of Friends. All good risSs, Of whatever denomination, solicited.- ,'f ■, : ? 1 y ’ HOWLAND PAEBY, -li 'SAMUEL E. SHIPLEY,' o . r ,rm • Actuary. ;,. 5. President. WILLIAM 0. LONGSTRETH, Yice-President; ' THOMAS WISTAB.M.D., J. B. TOWNSEND, Medical Examiner, i, , fcegal Adviser. ’ i mie Company, in addition to thelseqniitj'arising iftojp the ace inulation.of premiums, gives the insured the ad vantage of an actual paid up capital. -AUtJit. profUsof Uie Insurancr art divided anumy the insured.* ! t r -: ■. ■ Life Policies and Endowments 4ri all the most approved ferma Annuities granted onfavorableterms. . ; :i ,r, r;fe2B-ly > ft '■<» l ••"£s.ij\n*( it! ‘j.iil <; • i" r-: ;;t W( : -. ,). .- ,J; ■■! Mo-4SkniU»Seventh Street, ,„■■■. #v: .i.-.i /■ U'.'l-;■ \ \r —U— . ■■..■,■' s Tf-rum* ![; i-.i .'■ ;■ UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. The ftrst Mortgage Bonds, INTEREST, SIX Per CENT, in GOLD, Are offered for tfee pw»«ii Hinoty on the Dollar and Accrued, .interest at six per Cent, in Currency from July The Company would state that their work continues to be pushed for ward , with great rapidity, and 425 Miles West from Omaha are now in operation, ■ arid stocked With rind all the appur tenances of a firsticlaw road; .n • The amount already paidi in by, stockholders of the is ss,oob;ooa. t TheatdueoeiYedfrqm the HI S. ! Government in con strucjing,tbis pprtAfjnplJ 426 .miles U : 1. A Donation of' 12,800 acres of adW , 1 cent'lands Vo tlte l inil , e'.(iieftriy. ’-iflf ‘ Y.eryjvaluable), .amounting to ;i it 5,440,000 acres. 2. U, S.-Six-per.Cent. currency inter est Burids.whliliWe h second lich, at the rate of ‘516,000 to the mile, amounting, for 42§ nriles, ,to, ~ > $6,800,000 Thy amount’ 'Of the Conipbny’s' ’own ’ 'First Mortgage'Bonds t}n 425‘.miles'fs , ' :; $6,800,000 "It willlhe seSn'fhot, sl'cAMJOf iSfifce Mi grant, the First Mortgage Bonds represent only about one-third oftfieYSlu? ofthe property ori’which they'are secured. The Company is> also restrained: by iti Charter from issuing 'ita bOuda .Whept as the .Wbrki progresses, and ta t the tpme ypriouf gctjon/i,as ,ars issued tig the Government. Jhe moi2g?.ge srhicii. secures the bondholders Is iuad e itft.'Hpn.. Jp.'.i). Morgan, D. S. from New York/arid Hon. Oakes Ames, Member of the U. S. House,nf Representatives, from Massachusetts, aa'TrristeesJwholilope can issue the Bonds' tO'the Comphriy‘, iatr , d i hire for their'issue in strict , accordance with the'terms of the ‘ A stat ement of the earnings for theiast quarter will be published in 'detail kthnOhrly'day ;but the ac- are already sufficiejitly., balanced to.,Show that the het amount is much greater than,the,gold .interest on the bonds that'fean ,B? issiled- on the length of road operated. It should b$ xmgcmbiertid these earn ings are only upon a way business in a new,and unde veloped otountry,’ arid 'rire l lib iriSei of' Ihevast traffic that must follow completion i of the ,whole line to the Pacific in 1870. ,-These facts.are only.intended to show' that those Bonds arS‘itri£Hy ! one 1 or the safest as well as one of the mostprofitribletseourities, and are fully entitled to the, confidence of the public. The Compahy make rio'appeSl to' tire priblii to purchase its Bbnds, as the daily subscriptions 'hire' rind fully equal to their.wains/,' > J " !t > v ’’ iMany advantageof the present high price! ofiGoYerfamehtistocks to Oxcharige for these Bonds, which are over 15 per cent, cheaper, and, at the current, rate, ofipremiurn on, gold, pay , . ter. CtefiU, Ififerest. Subscriptions willjoe received in Philadelphia by THlf T'rikMsMEN’S NATiSff AL. BANK. fDE? HAVENJ& ‘BROTHER. ' « WILLIAM PAINTE&,S,qO, v , i v !!si TOtf-NSSND'wiiELEN & CO ' J. E. LEWARS &CO F. STEEB , - / InWilraington,Pel. > iby. hut- t. -'f lU. It.; ROBINSON £CO. : ' i ' •. n JOHN McLEAB & SON. > i s- > And'in New Tork'atfHhe (fompatiy’s Office, No. 20 Nassau Street, and by the v i ' ■ i : 1 . i OonTlNKNiAit National! Bank, No. 7 Nassau St., Clabk, Dodos &Co,,,Bankers, No. 5,1,.Wa1l St., ' Jons J. Cisco' £ Son, Bankers, "No. 3.3 Wall St,, and By’BANKS ANT) BANKERS generally throughout the United States, of whom 1 ni&ph arid descriptive pam phlets maybe obtained. i l. -i is JOiHNi J.-‘ CISCO* ; Treasurer, ;i.,, arjE>w x obk. Elliptic Hooh ; LOCKSTITCH mwm MACHINE MANUFACTURED BY Wheeler ft Wilson Maulifactnring Co. .Embraces all tfoe Attkchmenta/of lth£ir ! other welKknown Ma chine, with peculiar to itself, and ip all the requiremeuU Family Sewing Machine, Is ths mqst r perfect in use. The following extractfrom the report of the Committee on Sew ing Machines at the New York State -Fair, 1866, gives a condensed statement of the merits'and excellencies cl afmednjr this machine : •“ W*». the, .Committee-on Sewing Machines, after -a carefnl and thorough investigation into the respective merits of the various machines submitted for Examination? find-the Elliptic Lock-Stitch Sewing -Machine to be superior to all others in the following pointa, r.amely? , . .jj • - •> ; . Simplicity'and Thoroughness of Mechanical Construction. Ea?e of Pnarstion and'Man&geoient. -•. . Noiselessness and Rapidity of Movement, ‘ , Beauty, Strength, and Elasticity of Stitch: ' • ' l ■ Yariety and Perfection of Attachment, and Range of Work. Compactness andjße&uty of Model and Finish; > . Adaptation to material of any thicknessTby an Adjustable Feed- Bar, and In the -" i \ : n # Unequalled Precision with which it executes the Lock-Stitch, hv means ofthe Elliptic,Hpok: and we therefore, award it the IWt Pbehium; as the ' ** ,TI - .1 ' * BEST FAMILY SEWING-MACHINE, . and also,,for the aboye.reasons, the/Knurr Parimry asithe "" BEST DOUBLE ” i i : . C.E.Pr.TBRS, nEOTOR MOFFATT,'Committee* Agents wanted wherever not already established. Send for cir cular to KEEN ft W Arniai vY, . \\ General*Agents for Elliptio SewlngMadiine Co., ... ~ j • *o* Pennsylvania, Delaware and New Jersey. may?-ly 920 Arch Street, Philadelphia. ’ WM. 11. MORGAN'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY CrlLT'ipfeAME “MMjijPACTOBY, N 05.5142 and, 14* Sfortfc JTlnth St., Philadelphia. Photo-Miniatures executed in a superior style, at very low prices. . SKTIitIHT OS fiKWSD FIOOB. • 1 J l>) L.'* itY* • styles of Frames on hand or manufactured at short notice JOSHUA y GOWPLANDj ■- ; ■ Manufacturer and Healer in / Looking G-1 asses, ,r : ■. - . ' j , ,**»,, V..,. i, , I.a%ge Il Q];riq,me7ital , @3s and, - Walnut, Mirrors. No. 53, South Pouttji Street; Philadelphia. HENE.T M. COTTPIiASD.; j, , C.ICOMiOK. GOWPLAHD. m y^ r ly m ; :; v , , GOLD, -.V-EIMBT AND PLAIN. Th& Assortment in T *J -2 * U ’i •/ 0i.,., * ■ t - r Linen Window Shades manufactured. , All new de . Bi 6” s ?.'sP. $2, $3, and r -siO, with Silk - ' Trimraihgs. Pine WHite 1 linen I iMMtI. forSha'des,at"' -!iA ■ t c> n* w: ' / d^ H 9^ESALE ! j|NI), EEIaA dEPOT, , 1033, Spring Gforrieb St., Just btelow 11th. -<* ■■ ’ ■- ■ >-( : ! Primped hy JAS Bi MOFGBRS, •Aiir'i ""