' fhite’s ffiallt. METHODIST . BOOK CONCERN'. Longkino. Notea on the Epistle of Paul the'Apos tle to the Hebrews. By Joseph Longking, Au thor of “ Notes; andrrQueations op the-vGoaßele." 16mo. pip- 480. Published bv‘ Carlton '& Porter, New Yorkpand for sale at the Methodist Book Store, Arch Street,neat Tenth, Thila^efphi'4.‘ Questions on the' Epi&t.le'of Paul the Apostle to the Hebrews. Same Author: ISmo. pp. 134. Published by the M. E. Su today-school Union, New Yprjt {l Sind atyfle. -.j , v v An excellent mqapq the work of instruction,in.tbp p&bb.ath-sahaol is contained in these two companion volumes; The author’s theology of course is iy[cjbodist aptJ Ar-, minian, and shows itself’ very plaihly in his exposi tion of such passages as VI, 4-6,where lie discusses the subject of tbeppoßtpcy of, believers at grpatpr length, and Yith a muchfttller reference to au thorities, than wps npedefl ina, work of acter. • ! 7 -’•7 CITARLESWORTII. The Blind Basket Maker, and HU Little Daughter,ijßy .4jf. L.,Charles,W9rthv Three illustrations; pp. .Tublisjb^f.^njlforipaleas abore. , -l.’i -N vbse ,Brahes; or, Hovy a ,Cold Heart was, Warmed by Learning'to Feel for Others. illustrations; pp. 189. Same author an'd'publishers. —Charlev AkD ; dr, MW'tVp Children were jhatje a .Blessing tdiaf Lanie Boy.l Three Same author a|u • ,:i •' Mudoe. [The, Fqresf Bfy * ;ft Sketch , of .the Life, of Abraham’ Lincoln. Fpr Young People. ’ By Z. A Mudge; Author of “ Lady Huntingdon Por- > trayed," Y The Christian flUrtesmwy/nete. ;;F6hr illustrations; 18m0.pp.321. Published and for sale as above. • : i n-,; A really interesting add 'lively sketch of the 1 great and good ‘ than Yh& ito gohlf'Soifi'Sfiong us, full of the liis sudden and lamented ieatb-called into,light. We can cordially recdmmen'd 1 YtHo oUr Voiiusr , * - .I ! ! I!d '1 iT fe rCiXQCTS, | r J •• f The Centenary Sinoer. A collection of'Hymha and Tunes Popular during tlie'list'One 1 HhndPed Years. Compiled, as Directed; by thfeiMOSicCoih mittee of the General Conference! and AfaddAted M. li. choirs,, for .the .Hi. BkS„S, Union. Epj3k9. Published and for sale as,above. , , - At the last mooting ofi the M, E> General'Con ference a memorial was presented’ by the ’ Absocia ted Methodist choirs, askLngthat.A Co turn 4 tee be appointed to secure, a CQllectioui.of .Tunes which might become a denominational standard..' -The Con ference. compliAd'andthL Otomihfttee decided first to cofhplld $ collection of Hymns and Tunes for Sunda S -^opl 3) .|>r^| : me||^^ C , and tne present collection is the result, The hymns are, in y&yain, tiikfei Book, which is notf a very-good representative even of 'Methodftt'hyidSologyj add ebemwesdrdf old anil new, some,thabhave stood the test of a>den tury’s use, some'that are among the_ latest novel ties. A Vs it • "’?■ \\ViHtv-l Freeman. Ttoi'Usrf'dp iLfugTitiTioir’Yh Suiiday- Bcliool Teaching. Byßev, James A. Freeman, A. M. Pp. 48. . Pub|klied and.for eale as above. Sunday-sohool instruction is rapidly becoming a science, and has a literature of its own. The present little brochure may be of use in enabling many teachers to present truths with more power and vividness. Donkersi.ev. Budget of Facts for young readers?. By Rev. R. Doiikersleyi Author df ro “ Facts for Boys and Girls,” etc. “ A single - Fact' is Worth -a thousand arguments.” Five illustrations. Pp. 221. Edwards. Abel -Bisby; or, Little ‘ tty • Little. ,By Mrs. 0. M. Edwards. Author of “ Rainbow Side,” “ Sister Margaret,” etc. Four illustrations. Pp. 200. Forrester. First Lessons in Spelling and Reading. With large pictures. Edited by Francis Forres ter, Esq. Pp. 40. Published and for sale as above. Mr. Dopkersley has->Struck a rigM Kdy in the matter of intepstipg; ryoung people. are matter of-fact little people, and care more for exactness beai}tsjl fipciet* Wjitqrs ip3our childrens’ magazines. . might take . lesson t from Robinson Crusoe. Mrs. Edwards’ “Abel Bisby” is a t good illus tratiou of the proverb*:. “ tSie hand of the dili gent maketh rich.” ' • , > UTBRAinr a&tftuftfi&rcifii« American. —Recent Publications:— Messrs. J. R. Lippincott & Co. bays issued^ 1 EugenoArant” the tturdVdlume pf Cthe 'bf- Bulwer. The.set will be conapleU?, imteenty-two volumes, and'dltVe already Stereotyped: —W. A. Townseud & Adams of New York, have issued the firsst part of’ their monthly reprint of the' London Chemical News and Jnwhial of Physical Science, a weekly devoted to analyti cal, and technical chemistry, pharmacy}‘ miner alogy, metallurgy , T mining, electricity, y,photo graphy, patent’s, 5 all lfnpor t; ln t scientific ihtelligedfteWd. Vtports ,o£ scion tific bodies. The repent jp>,RU,exact l JJw, strife of the originaf at $2.50 a year, while the Xondoh edition costs times ( in this country. .copies' OR of Albany penitentiary” by David Dyer. Chaplain; np.,ixi 273 ; Alhauy. Joell Munsell. ~ -“MilitaTy Eastern *Maine and Nova SdotiA' during ! th# Revdlutibn.' 11 (Shiefly compiled,from thet^mUrnsds',ani)Eottera L i6fV.eb'li John Allan. With-Notes and a Memoir of- Col. John Hfedert*, 6 - THE AMERICAN PRESBYTERIAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1867. gy of the English Language. By William W. Smith, pp. iv., 823. New York : A. S. Barnes & Co. This work not only gives the Greek: and Latin derivatives but also those from the Anglo- Saxon, French, Dutch, German, Welsh, Danish, Gothic, Swedish, Gaelie,_and Italian. 'The Anglo- Saxpn, portion occupies about ,120 pages, the French 17, the Dutch 10, the German 3i, the Latin 72, tjhe.Greek 19. - A. Homan & Co. of San Francisco, Cal., have published (1) “ A Yonthis History of California, from the Earliest Period of its Discovery to the •Present Time.” By Lucia Norman, pp. x., ■lB7. (2) “Chineseand English, Phrase-Book, with the Chinese Pronunciation indicated in Eng lish y specially adapted fOr the Useof Merchants, Travellers ;by Swioeb.urnei I above Tennyspm——^Rfo!'' Hubert • ■A.y of Yale College, has added toiEetjon Schoph Arithmetic” a Brief trea(ase!bp'the,pietfiO: system of weights' and 1 the; candidates-,,for.ladmission to the academicK aiidj scientific departments of Yale are, hencefSrthjtp pass examination J-f-^ j “T)isepurse exercises of .Edward Presbyterian:,,tihjireh in, their first plaefe .of • Worship;' Jahl* Rev. S. Hv Willey.; Bvb.-- pp. r Satt'Etsmeißeoy Towne & Bacon.—-- “ Thp (Jrbne of ness: a Discourse on Preyehtives and ReMedSeAlh By J. Anderson.. pp. 18. Waterljury t E.-, B. Odoke’ ■&’ Gji; j Pap. 1:5 eta'. ; ' -.‘l the Thirty-Ninth Congress.” By W.:H..Barhesi.l Portraits. { B ? vo>- ■ ppf BIS. "Indianapolis : :Macaukyf & Co. Cl. $3 50. —“ Temperance'in tbeAii^e-': rican Congress. 1 by Hon. S. Colfax? the Co'ngressioq.aLTetnporance.gopiety.” Report ed by J. L. Andem. Bvo. pp. 43. N. Y:: S.~ ;R. Wells.'Pijpj 2j5 from the 'Life of St. Paul, and their Religious Lessons.” jof New York City, frouj ,t,he Battery to Spuyten jDuyvil Creek. Showing every Lot and,£uild ling thereon,,Old Earm JJnesr Numbers, ;etc, etc. >Rase®otullfciSut%bbl J&ndall and IDripps., Cli S2p,i ,(j'By qubscriptjipn, ; ) rri —“ Wea ither Chart. Showing the Influence of the Wea ther on Public Healilf'in'New York City during 1866.’* By W. F. ■Phoims; , M;D: I "' Supp'os , e l to those - bf Madame Rf qamier; shice'thdladiesyeig fiends and contemporaries.——-D.-Appletbn & Co.^New rio .-iuo'.s '.a at’-;.- .•>« tactics by Brevet Major-General Upton. ■ The following order in relation to it has been issued by the War Department: “The new system of infantry tactics prepared by Brevet Major-Gene ral Upton, United States Army, recommended for adoption in the place of all others by a jßoard of Officers, of which General Grant is President, having been approved, is adopted for the instruc tion of the infantry of the artsy of the United States, and for the ! observance bf th‘e • militia 1 of the United States. To insure uniformity through out the army'all infantry exercises and manoeu vres not embraced in that system ®re prohibited, and those therein prescribed will be strictly, ob- Mr. E. G. Squier, !no» ini Paris, is engaged upon an elaborate work on Perur- ■ i •• James Miller, New'York, announces: “Arabian Nights.” Netf edition, in one yol., 12mo. “Life' of : Washington.” . By 1 Anna M. Hydo. si ' “Mrs/ Browning’s Poems,” Th. match, the Farringford /feunyson E. P, D,uti pn & Go., Boston, announce:, “Wiuterand' Summer.at' Barton Hall.” ■ By theauthor!of “ Cushions and l Corners.” “Boy Artisis; or. Sketches of' the Ohjjdhdod of Michael. Mbzart; Hayden. Wi'tteau, and Sebastian Gomez.’* from,tiiLp i French of Md’lJe Eugenie,Fplt. , ‘i/Ppps* ley..An,pals, Preserved in Proverbs.”,, -By the: author.of, ,o Village Missionaries.” >(A 'most eii cellent book iof! stories for children.) —- J - < ‘Les sods'-'on' th‘e Parables of'the Sdviodr, for 1 Shhday Schools and Families.” 1 “ Byjtlie Rev.DrlF. D.' H'Yr{tingipn. Owery'jderedjth’s new vnlumejof p<>, in,London and Boston on .this sameid_ay. ■ -The, first, nilimber.of The • Mfoadway, itheynewillusl-t traded ! -mdSthly ; magazine, ''td be published' £imtdd taneousiyini London arid New York; b^G.'Rotate ledge & Co., price~sixjJetfee*in' London and twen ty-five cents 'in ■ New-York,’eß6t wi tbratnie weoimaiiceWty: the lau thor of ;fiGnyil^ingBton,’v illustrated by G. A. Pasquims,,' ftftdi entitled^ 11 Bta.kespeMd > .or,, Jhe Fortunes of a Frfee Lance.” ,\The other! cOntribu-! tions, including ! 1 William' l Gullen Bryant hndi American. fPedtry 1 ,” by D. PBiife'. Russell ■ will be supplied jJy' Rbße'rt 1 ‘B‘ucba:-| 'pan,lEro^'ti. Keyl J‘..IP, Si., Bellew, Edmund Yates',, F. (j. Bumnnd, and Re vile; Clarke, i i -• i:»»t- /-m i-,,v ■ .! j J ,’i I J' Jj'iD 1 ]):!* ! ?J, '•> I* ■ Mrl'S.J. Aherhjfjr'some, seven years the publisher of “ The Albion^ t” the organ of the- BTft*Bh _ regWMtr^rtte~F«rite^ _ SimBv^"^Btr !M. 'Sedgwick dibd T^nW^'Kjjcb^rf'.’.'STvbs:. Bom in 1'789, ter' 'firpt book', ,^jL l ,^e A yr. J finglahd Tale,” 1 which ap- ; peered in 1822,,gained her immediately 'reputa tion and success. In 1824 she published: a- second,: tale,“ .Redwood,” in Eng land, and r -within;,,a l; brief, period .into French*: .Italian,* and:,•Swedish-,, jnvlggt ; was published “ Glarence in 1832, “Le m«1885,-* “The Lin wobds'f’ and‘ a) Collection.' of shorter tales, , Jin the next 1 three- ; tears sh'e 1 ifehed-.i|/;henes"of jhbokei which may jdatiy be called r “ people’s Books the “ Poor Rich, Man' and' Rich Poo* 4t<«>,’ 2 - “ Live and Let Live/', “ j|.eans.and : Epds,, or ■ |>cff-, training," and “Love Token, for.,Cinldijen:’’,;,i;n 1841 she: published, on, her.return from Europe,, “Let'ers from Abroad- to Kindred at ' Home:” In 1845 appeared' “ Milton 1 Harvey > and 'Other Tales.” In IBS’! appb'ared fTbm’her 'pen a novel' of, American' society, as graCeful,'jiyeiy> l and good as any thing.^her./younger idays ,-rj?. “,Married:,or Singlei?”; ,In 1858 she,, issued ia “ Life of Joseph Curtis,”iQne of our most honored and benevolent' citizens;'which- had' also, a- wide circulation; t-t it- A, -A , n .th r k ! glisctltofttus. ! THE dSEEfi*. 1 AITEi i’THE^^Tdil^T ! OBE ' .K ~ 30i ’ rdtX.T-WSSP&j KLOiT.A;}IJaU c The.Cßeed* of .Mohamet Ao'Pffiufe ja,,„cease less worship and rigorous self-denial. It, is but justice to the - Orientals do admit how : fully, they carry out the law of their, founder^ I hay e ’ yri.tnessed, in' Elgypt' ’thp retufn of ’|hp, Mecca caravan ;• and , there was something sublime in those wearyp way-worn pilgrims}* who sacrifice comfort,- safety;* money, and often life; that'they may worship at >the-pro phet's they the Ramadan iis observed**. Qur, boatrhen on the Nile became daily-more 1 .at tenuated, ,i|,nd .JfaUj updpr terrible a|>- stinence from food and water, and the ’pipe, which the Koran enioins from sunrise to sun set. As the cannon announces to the fa mished crowds that the sun has set, a cry of joy rises from the thronged streets of Cairo, and the hungry and thirsty multitudes flock to the fountains and the bazaars of food. There is something very touching in the prayers of these,Mftslpnis., ;At the call of , the Muezzin, three.timesia -day; the people j kneel down to :pray-. 111 ! To’ 'a l l l l y outward ap pearance, they arh'.’hb'Sofßed 1 .'in devotion; nor would it bd-j^t).towards; ;them to deny that by their resigniatioiiy'-their temperance, and their truthfulness, they s'ct an example to many whohold a ’pure f faith. ' I think we sre their habits of devotion and self-saCri flce,Teyen while we deem'their creed to be false and their wor ship superstitious. I noticed, day by day, each sailor of our ship retire at dusk to some lonely part of the vessel, and there spend some time in private prayer, each kneeling on his knees, and prostrating himself till his forehead toma'fiedHbe grduhd. R f '<■ \ Mt .bedroom >t-.AlgiersTwas pery C\ose the ‘great mosque/ arid thfe taper'' tower or minaret adjoined my .Window. A swarthy Moor proclain^s,je%qh-pnornfogsunrise, the mvocatjg^^,ftophgt s ; jg was awoke eac^m^mm^y|is y «r°ui voice. melodious voices;,itlifi.Y < * Wfe usually bund men, since the jealousy of the Moor dreads lest the secrets of his harem should be visible from the lofty gallery. It is the blot on the Koran that it sanc tions sensual indulgences, and, by the per missiorinf polygamy, pollutes the domestic charities, and makes impossible the holier affections of home. We must, however, allow to the Mahommedan faith many noble and self-denying virtues; and I confess to the ifnpression that Mahomet is better obeyed by hisfdisciplps than Chfist is by His. : dfie .same may be. said, I ( think, of the Jews. Their adherence to the law of Moses is very remarkable. In a remote part of' Poland I trayejled for some days with They,, certainly .submitted to great privations' for, consciences’ sake,; • The, food of us Gentiles was abhorrent to them, And they refused 1 to' pdrtake of . the meals pro vjimijl. , ! . hours thby chanted the Psafcis of i)avid m a, strange monotone, and tied dittlfe' boxes containing the Bentateutih air! their t foreheads; as “ frontlets’-betweefl 1 y-;. r; yy, yy . Tjheir observance .of ..the Sahbath . was. dfJ | tHetStirictest. -xi As the■suitpet oft the Eridary their day Of rest began, and they preferred* ; iff-, their 1 ; feahjiatb in & 1 intfst 1 filthyyil-, ' lage,inn ,ojf IlqlancLrather than ..profane the: eve of it by accompanying us farther. How sterh* ebretiiottiitl : ifor',fwerthe ‘e’xiibnents ojff a'real' piety,- t,am .not .qualified itppay.it 4«ey told pe, in Solemnn bf. old 'days of thbiMordfathers', 1 and of 'the m&tvbllduls‘Works' Idtm ß^Sea.' 1 TKi^ l ttihdhT ! khbw^, l thaf I •4qye.,oftep,lpngpdithat ,th,qse ,W;ho nainpijjthe namei of .sGhristmbeyed Itheir uholi'er Master ataUpWer-creed as u self-denylnglyy sihd hSjthe |ew and'the Moslem; lyiaHpmeb.'-rrC%aSr P- Wil- Maham. •■-'■'.■'■•i ■ r ..■m ; •• To! 1-^itV !*« «(’>i ■ - inn IMh'Vi , « > u; ;r> -nl.* 'Ks i ■■:’ :i V.iPj-M l|» H’ 1i ? n / ili.lHOi MofiatliLifeiPiUsandPltfßnixßitters;) "The wonderful ofFecit of MofTni’s T.lfo Pills in cases ofmental de jpression of physical weakness, proceeding indigestion,‘CdstWe i newyorljnibds sepWtionW,’ ar&Seiftiffed'by trUlioliWof pora%is*who hftva by them;;’ Thejr ark theAnbst’effective cathartic land pander ever before the pablic, l andihaTe.beeh/intuse everslnM, <1925. i-Tlrey; ire d\eap,safe’ Scld by all; respectable jdealersevpfyyrhere.ii i •; I .i:v\-y ' i mi ; • f ‘i; I J 1? *- i •ji'V:- ' .Ml--, -/-MT “f*if A 'plain 'rtktoinent bf’faicti. i intieritcd Scrofula, abd many of myfolatibnrfiaVe 'died’bf t ft. : In 1839 frightful/ : Tn morß!atid af-^u£jfrtiT«L .iUViD WU hi 111! yiill »r in- - nil ' xians I went to . I po.pyieflt—tried every medicinaand did every thing I could. I had to rest my arm on a ctuhibh;ahdhad?n6t been able to raise it to'my head for over a yeari* ThV'discharge’ froW 'twt> ulcers! wai neaHy a pint a day. Amputation* f was recoinniended; ' primouncedidaiigeroufl.' I xould hot sleep, and iny< sufferings iwerfci intolerable: -iAi friondi brought mean English physiciap whq :applied.a ( salve, -with vrhich| he saitlhe had, accomplished {extraordinary. carps in.the hospitalisin' England, It qqmme*iced,toj:elie:re: I persisted in its uasjitiflnally,’ effected .a.jK£/*cl and 'entire cure. It is now 1848. It ,is five years siDjCeJ of a aud has been good ever since. I procured the repipe,of tbis.yonijlerful.ar*, tide—this bless ng of humanityr-aud hare cailed'it " Pft • = »?.< .vhj • I f".H -'1 Mtlnlxj i r,r. u£JSi O„Hr An, the JB X,O 0 D ~ij ,i *tte necessity of! a .due proportion ofiron in the blood h well, • Mur »1' si \iiM 1< • *•»:; i -< f j OIU .!<• U».J knpyra to al} 4 ineiUcal[ yfhpn itj becomes £r<>m any i{ cause «gu*£veff, the jwhqtesystpm weakes txjfipt being ftraftattatekea, ahda'fe-Plim£of lan'guoß,laasitude and ‘Kail goneness”' perradWthe' syUehii* ifie 'reriiedy'iß’ supply thV blood' thc' necessary ' 1 Pan be 'done' by using r • ..?r. ;'■> Piitiirzr. i ;••<*:■ ;V.«i > >-v the . '■ !-n. O, nif ( n. !' ‘- U - tv’ -l ‘ it*. ■ a protected solution of l protoxide bflrpp,'which is so prepared ihatit,^initiates at audhew life tothe -ya.-i/i ; : ; j; y ,■? ■ To.take'medicine toi cure’dißeasesoccasioned.ibya-defi.cifency of IRQN ; IN,THE JUiUOP-witlwut restoring, it?to the system, ip, like to'in'gtbrepair wneiftiie'fduiidatloU'lß go"nfe. { An emiuent divine Bi\s: *‘l have been using the SmUP ; spirits, elasticity «*f muscle/ , > j * ; P'mplilete containing certificates'ofcurfekando'ecom'mendatfoiiß from:Bonie;6ffth^nio3t*‘minfntlphyaioians,.ciergyineaand-otiiers J ' wUl:hesent^et^ 4 ()] i U: H .» . The genuine has,", ” Moyrn in the gtgw?^. 0. P.iDINSMOSE, Proprietor, K No. 36 Bey St., New York. | Sbld ity all druggists. ■*vk rt-'-TKtvi >or GRACE’S CELEBRATED SALVE* ; , From Af.'®. TocKBRj Depot master at Salisbury, Maes; | “ i'b'ave l ibeen'troiibleci' Tor'years' with a~ltafflinmpr; ouiw&tfUy, . During;»thß paBt]Bummer!it 1 manifested- itself, more,’thai^j.usual ,putwaisly,Jaiirt r I tpetl, ypfls; Salve. All signs of it nave since disappeared, without affecting me mwardiy,4ndft'&tipg, 11Hint■ the eradicating niturS*of the Salv^* *‘&BTB f W. KftirLJsJk' gBtf, 866t8n;' I Proprie^rBi' 1 ' Sold DrifggistBj‘at L 2s‘'ct& a box.'• . Senthy >mail for 35 cts.; - •-i.lTi.-j iiiuuu-A -.l*!i w -! . ‘ivnM ' ; i f : »• So. 38 S. Fifth St., below Arch, Fbila,: | dEMltt® D^W&V^ilS,tfel»Aris,>'Ribbo'nßr-i«-; i aj«a 'in equalto|iowi•»; ;i;tll bsiiiUlfii hi 1 | t&wUi?Hi.*,l v : ) amr/ rfitfoS ■ I-...:- :*Y{. ? it- / !•!/ FREDERICK FEMALE SEMINARY, •FREDERICK, MD., Possessing full Collegiate Power, will commence its TWENTY-FIFTH SCHOLASTIC YEAE, The First Monday in September. For Catalogues, Ac'., address' July 25-lyr Iter. THOMAS CANN, A. M., President ..!i. . ,-THE ■. : ‘Tamilyßoardirig-Sclidofforßoys,” At PottslPw*, PS., will’fti-ppiii'oh *’ "" , ... M r . ■ ji WEDNESDAY, -SEPTEMBER 4,' 1867. Circulars containing full Information will be : furn ished on application, by mail or otherwise, to - ■ "• •• i Rev. M. MEIGSj A.M., Principal. : >. t ■. - -if < : female College. Under Care of the Synod of Geneva. ,I' .•/ , : ,y..S. if .Classical, -arid .Commercial. The Winter Session 1 of Six-Months Mll-cbininence onTues day, Septettper'tttfi 1 /18(57?'"’ 11 ’■ . ■ r ' l For Circulars* actdifess 1 t ” V) .JfIHN. W. ; LOCH, Principal. , School, THIRIEN-TH IfflCP; GREETS. ' ■ . .=.,/= •iC-H '"l’l' -still V * f ! tIM ItfOY Y. - ■ 1 ’ ill'- • ■. • •*!'• - B. KEND ALL, A. M-, . '' V,-« .Principal. : ! : HGUSH MD CLASSICAL MM, . FOR BOnRpiNG #HD QttJfvjjtfWS. FORTIETa STREET AND . BALTIMORE ■-.• .. .. i . .AVENUE, • ■ -•-■ • . WEST’ PHILADELPHIA.;, REV; 1 S. : Hi MeMTJLLIN, • ■■ 6,if ZRISCIVAT.., ; , Pupils Received at any time and. Pitted for Business Life or for College. '' r ; ‘‘ ‘ REpEttEilCEs"! ' * c '. : B.A.Knight,Esq.; Rev., J.W. Moars r D,p.; Rev,, Jonathan Edwards,Rev. .fames ,$1 .*>•■» sb“- Richard H. Bayard; Samuel Sloan, jEaq. ~ WYERS’ BOARDING SCHOOL FOB ,YOUN G;.AND 5 BOYS. : ' AT WEST CHESTER,-PA. ‘ A*Classical f English, Mathematical and School; de sighed to-fit its ptipilE thoruagbiy for > , . The Coi , P' ;o f l^'' l able ; the course pf Instruction BvBienmtic, thori>uglt ancl extensive.' M dern Xan gutigej^GeriQßn^BrAiblr'and'Spfirtmi, tbtfght by hstlYe resident teachers. lustrutneiitßliand yocal Music, Drawingand Painting. The scholastic year, of ten months begins oil Weducsday. the ' PiiSfepiAni'ber iifextf : ! Circdlara can beTobtainea at tbe’officij of tine jiaper, or by appli : cationto’"' '• ! >' va.: \ •-. \\~ :i\>. •; • i ~ -WILLIAM F‘"WTVERS, A. i i ’ ,f v. » 7..,;, m ; EDUCATION,' OF TpUNG LADIES. I The duties offohe Spring (Jarddnlnrititiatq- will be;r?Bpmsd,Dev j TOfonbßj-ob'*• <■-(' : r ‘ j> <2; V ' ' MondUy, September s 9th, next. ■ Ten pupils can be admitted to theprivtleges of & Christian home in the family of ‘ ’ I, '‘ ! ■ .’j "'[ ' ■ RugSr2m . , |!{ ; 608 &ndoll Marshall Stront. FAMILY SCHOOL FOR misbes, " ■ """ ,j.; I Rev. Mij.i and ;Alfß. Hood>sexpgrienoad educators, receive Misses to a'good, home,and: faithful, instruc , tion. Pali. Session begins, Sgptgniber '2d. Circulars j fonyard,ed. ...... .... ' YOUNG' LADIES’ SEMINARY, FOR .BOARDING AND DAY PUPILS, ibs 1221 :iWALNUT jSTREET; PHILADELPHIA. i Th'p Pali Session,.of jt-biß, Institution ,yvill, commence on.the,Third Wednesday (iBtli). of September. ” ' auglo-6t Turnip -SM! Turnip Seed 1 , By MAIL. 75 osi- 2 Per lib.—lo Cts. Per Off. Grown ‘on our Seed Farm from, Selected Stockand Warranted. Sewt for pricejist, gratis. COLLINS, ALDERSQN A CO., SEED,iWAEE HOUSE, » Hil and 1113 Market St.. • .i-titiK :) o l"-r .ft Philadelphia, Pa. STEPHEN O. OOLI.INS. • j VT. CIIAS. ALDKIiHON. •':(! .ttOJBEIIT- DOWNS. T, ■ -:' ;°TTFE GREAT TJNITED .STATES its e, ; ' UI : NbY&O* VeseyStreet, New York. AGENTS WANTED in e?ei-y Ib&ity -to'get np Clubs amongst fam J Lies i forouTt TEAS • and COFFEES. We can save to i families pound on Teas, and 10 cts. to 25 cts. on ! Coireeß. r ' , We‘im'pjfrt atreci, and sell at Cargo prices, thus saving to : consumers tUefivi/or six profits made Ly midiite-mdn. Satisfaction ' warranted ort inoney refunded.. We pay a liberal Commission \ to A6jiNT3, to get up Clubs for ns, and hundreds .of our agents, ; m&l&'a make" a; handsome'and regular weekly income. Address immediately'ii ;'i/l ••jj.-.'n .< . »j The threat United. States, Tea Warehouse, iof fcjaEfir A cor, J ‘No, '3O ;Vesist* York • !PoBT’QyricS'BaS 6T4. ’ * *-’■■■ : ’ aagB-4t BO JOE WANT REAL GOOD FRESH TEAS? If bo, call ai ■ -WILLIAM A’GK'AM’S American Tea ‘Warehouse, 43 South i Second'itT'eSUtffldiV'-Market,-for fresh Grijen and. Black Teas, ol the; latent.* importation ‘consisting of IlyKon Young Hyson, Jmpe rifS-and GunpoSibr itas. Emeet .TaiJan Teas imported 31acl, Tlfi'V-'aiTwSSi froin' 80 cimts upward#. Coffee from 25 to 40 cents?! ReMmbBnWiM.UNGKAM. Tea 43 S, Second:Street PfegfWieVwtil Lcv.ir.'....• t :